Have you ever seen a ghost, heard one, etc?

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  1. DTR0005 profile image60
    DTR0005posted 13 years ago

    Have you ever seen a ghost, heard one, etc?

  2. Alya rose profile image61
    Alya roseposted 13 years ago

    I thought I did one time,scared me to death.I was in my room and heard a little girl whispering"hello"maybe it was just me though.....

  3. DTR0005 profile image60
    DTR0005posted 13 years ago

    I have never seen one, but I did have my feet tickled by what was explained to me to be the "ghost of an old lady." Every male who spent the night at this house experienced the same thing. What is the most amazing to me is no one warned me of this - I found out after the fact.

  4. profile image0
    Travis_S_Musicposted 13 years ago

    When I was 7, my father killed himself. Some months after, one night going to bed, there was a man standing at the foot of my bed, with a hat on and holding a suitcase, waving at me. In the house I live in now, I believe there is one here. With a few photos/videos for physical evidence, along with strange sounds heard every night, and things moving on their own. Call me crazy, but I do believe it! tongue

  5. profile image54
    todd65barrposted 13 years ago

    If you can count an evil spirit in, then yes. Friends of ours had this 'thing' walking with a cane (as it sounds) on their wooden floor at night. They got used to it and I was about 13 at the time. They gave him a name which is difficult for me to translate to English so lets just call him John, but anyway...he was just part of the furniture. Then John started getting active: Opening drawers and taps and later he started throwing things around. Also had the constant running of rats in the roof. My dad, being an elder in our church, went there and pleaded the blood of Christ over their house. That same night John came to our house and in my room. There was a big steel file cabinet full of papers and folders that stood in the corner of my room where my parents kept their files. I didn't know what it was and I couldn't make anything out visibly, but I could here the walk and the eery feel. The next moment the file cabinet flew from the one corner to the next and the shelf above my bed came down. What can you do...scream, cry, run? Have you ever been so scared that your voice is gone? You want to close your eyes but you can't? That was me, I thought this is goodbye. But John left shortly to another part of the house - Long story short: We got the whole congregation at our house and they got rid of John.
    That was my first an last, but won't soon forget that day.

  6. etower036 profile image60
    etower036posted 13 years ago

    Many many times, I see them all the time either on the street, or at work. I will say that I am not psychic, but a bit sensitive to the paranormal, and open minded.

    At work, there was one time that I was sitting eating breakfast, there were only a couple people in the building and could account for them. But I looked up and saw a man standing besides me looking at me through a window which looks out to a lobby. There was no way that he could get there other then maybe the staircase which leads down to the lower common area of the building. Add to the fact the lights were out in the lobby, and the stairs as well were dark.
    When I saw the man, he smiled and then he backed away and vanished.
    Another time at work, I was down in this meeting room playing a piano. There was again just a few people up stairs, but no one there in the room. I hit the wrong note, (which happens often enough cause I play be ear, can't read a note to save my life.) I heard behind me, "C sharp"  so I played it again, and this time played it with the C sharp note, and that was exactly the note I needed. then I heard, "good job." and a cold feeling rushed over me.
    I have written about a ghost child named Jacob which lives here in our home, so yes, yes indeed I have seen spirits ghosts, and things that go bump in the night.


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