Have you ever seen a ghost? What did it look like? How did you react?

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  1. ImKarn23 profile image73
    ImKarn23posted 12 years ago

    Have you ever seen a ghost? What did it look like? How did you react?

  2. louiseelcross profile image91
    louiseelcrossposted 12 years ago

    I have been seeing ghost for most of my life. first time when I was very young, I have written about the experience in 'The ghost'. The worse experience was ghost of an old hag who cackled in my face, turned all my lights out, left sensation of cobwebs all over my face, jumped on my back and generally terrified me. she always came at 4 am and bang her stick til I woke up. I used to feel too scared to move.

  3. J Burgraff profile image71
    J Burgraffposted 12 years ago

    I have felt a ghost.  One night several years ago I was working on my unit at the hospital near shift change and I did a round which lead me close to a room where a patient was lingering on the edge.  I felt a cold breeze which made me shiver.  A coldness that I had never detected before.  I gave me the willies.  Without telling anyone, a nurse who was just coming on shift came up to me in an agitated state and said, "Have you been in the rear hall?  Did you feel that?".  I said I had and that albeit I had never believed in ghosts before, I defininately had felt a presence.  The patient did not die that night, but I still think that I "felt" a ghost that night.

  4. Nick B profile image77
    Nick Bposted 12 years ago

    I've seen several ghosts, and rather than retell it here, here's a hub I wrote on it and other cases http://nick-b.hubpages.com/hub/The-Para … -Fiction-3

  5. KellyPittman profile image78
    KellyPittmanposted 12 years ago

    I haven't, but when my daughter was two years old I really believed that she saw something.  My husband worked nights and we had a newborn son.  One night while up with the baby, my 2 year old daughter wakes and comes into the living room.  She points into the kitchen and asked me, 'who's that lady?"  She just kept pointing into the empty kitchen telling me, "Mommy that old lady is sad". 

    A month later she did the same thing but this time she said there was a little boy in her room who was crying.  She would say, "mommy make that boy stop crying".  I thought she meant the baby who at the time was actually not crying.  She kept on and on and was so frustrated with me and the invisible 'boy'. 

    Needless to say, this skeptic believer as I like to refer myself, packed up diaper bags and headed over to grandma's to spend the night. 

    She talked about the little boy for a long time.  One day I saw "Sylvia Brown" on the Montel Williams show.  I told my daughter to tell the crying boy, "Just go to God, Its going to be okay, Go to God and you'll be okay".  A week later we were in Walmart and I heard my daughter say to no one - "It's okay little boy, Go to God - don't cry" 

    She never spoke of it again.  I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

  6. ImKarn23 profile image73
    ImKarn23posted 12 years ago

    @KellyPittman: Goosebumps? I had them from the beginning of your comment to the very last word...brrrrrrr...

  7. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 12 years ago

    I can't remember how I reacted at the time; however, the really weird thing is, it walked through the wall but didn't fall through the floor, how is that?

  8. crazyhorsesghost profile image73
    crazyhorsesghostposted 12 years ago

    If you want to you can find a link to my ghost story, " The Night The Ghost Got In " on my profile page. You can also go to the link for my Mom telling the story of the ghost she encountered as a small child.

    I have seen ghosts and other paranormal activity all my life. I really believe there are some people who can see ghosts and other paranormal activity and some people who can't.

    I know for a fact that ghosts do exist. I saw one yesterday as I do when I visit one location almost every time I visit there.

  9. EclecticFusion profile image69
    EclecticFusionposted 12 years ago

    I was a work one night, I worked overnight in a retail store, and I saw a dark figure move across a main aisle. I wasn't the only one that saw it. We worked in a group so that the motion detectors could be turned on in other areas. Where the figure was, the detectors went off. The cops were called and they searched the store for about 30 minutes and found nothing. We were all sent home because the supervisor felt it wasn't safe for us to be there. I think he was just scared! I knew when I saw the figure it wasn't just a person in the store. This was an all black mass and it kind of floated. I had quite a few things happen in that store while I was there. I was touched on my chest one night after I kept hearing my name being called over and over for about an hour. I wasn't too scared, but the girl that was working with me wouldn't work more than five feet away from me for the rest of the night! Also, my mother has visited me as a white ball of light a couple of times. I love those visits! It lets me know that everything is going to be okay!

    1. K V Akhil Kumar profile image55
      K V Akhil Kumarposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      how did u feel that there was sumthing  moving around? it grabbed ur attention or casually looking around u saw it???

  10. profile image53
    oamyposted 12 years ago

    I have had different experiences but the strangest was when I did NOT react. It was the middle of the day, I was in my new apartment with friends over helping me settle and had music on. I heard a knock at the door. My apartment door opens into a garage not the outdoors. Anyway I opened the door and saw a black figure that you could not see through but had no features. It crouched down and seemed to hide its face with its hands while I stood there staring at it. So I just shut the door and carried on. I didn't tell anyone about it that day or for weeks. This is why looking back I think it's strange that I didn't really react.

    Later I had returned home in the evening and at this point I was outside, entering my apartment building. I lingered at the mailbox and heard what sounded like someone running in the street, knocking over metal trash bins and it was coming my way. I turned and saw a similar all black figure come rushing at me. This time I screamed and slammed the door shut. I even saw it's shadow through the window. Unlike before, I was super freaked out and called my boyfriend as he had just dropped me off and I asked him if he saw anything running in the street. So here I was reacting as if it was of this world that anyone could see. My bf hadn't seen anything and did not believe me. So I kept it to myself for a long time. I saw something a third time in the garage, sitting in a car and staring at me (looked human this time) so I thought I was going crazy. I asked my brother about it and he said if I were crazy I wouldn't be questioning my sanity.

    So your question interests me because I think people must see or experience things but it may not register with them so they don't react and eventually forget about it. The more it happens the more aware one becomes. Then you have to ask yourself, what is the purpose of it?

  11. Heather1956 profile image60
    Heather1956posted 12 years ago

    No, but I scared myself once in dim lighting looking into a mirror!

  12. AhalitaMoonfire profile image60
    AhalitaMoonfireposted 11 years ago

    When I was 15 I could swore up and down, that I seen my father’s ghost. I still believe I have during a traumatic night that I had with my mom’s boyfriend. I wont get into it, but after his drunken foolishness, I saw my dad’s ghost clear as day in a reflection of one of my mom’s glass shelves and even though it scared the crap out of me. I saw what looked like him signaling me to get out of the house and away from the drunken man, for the brief moments that I saw the ghost. I did as I was told and I gone to my mom, and told her what happened. However now that I recall this, I don’t think I was met to leave the house and tell my mom what happened, but leave the state and return to my dad’s side of the family for a while.

    1. K V Akhil Kumar profile image55
      K V Akhil Kumarposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      how did u get it its a ghost? or was it u were imagining so that ur father was watching this???

  13. Royce S profile image60
    Royce Sposted 9 years ago

    Yes I have it changed my life forever.  I saw what I think was a demon. It was holloween night and I was all alone at the skatepark. More in my profile. Thanks.

  14. profile image57
    Ma Frposted 8 years ago

    I have no idea if people would belive me but i have seen alot of ghosts in my life. The first time i saw a ghost was when i was very little about 5 years old. We went to our summer house and there is a room where nobody mostly goes or sleeps. Well i walked in the room and looked at right where there was a bed. Guess what? There were legs! Now i have seen ghosts and i have learned that i get information about then right away. So I KNEW it was my granny (who was dead).i blink and it's gone. I saw it ton more times and soon became afraid of the room. Last year my sister told me that my granny died in THAT bed. Also the same granny had heard voices of her dead brothers. I belive that everyone thought she was crazy but i belive her because i have the same things smile.
    The other thing was scarier. For some reason i was sleeping on the couch. (I was about 7 years old). I would be half asleep and then i hear screaming and alot of voices. ALOT. I coudn't make out what they were saing but it was like i was in a party and everyone around me was yelling. It was terrifing. At that moment i don't know why my mother came and slept with me, I thought it would calm me down but.... IT got worse. The voices continod and i remember putting my hands to my ears. And then i heard a voice that yelled: " Be quiet! She is sleeping!" It sounded like my mother. I still have no idea what happened. I am pretty sure i wasn't asleep either because i remember my mother asking if im alright.

    I have also seen my friend's sister who died when being a baby. We were plaing and then i looked at the door what was open ( we were home aloune) and there was a girl. I only saw her figure ( they disappear in a blink ) so i just knew it was her dead sister and that she was 18 so i asked my friend how old would her sister be right now. And she anwsered 18.. Yea. I could felt that the ghost was good though smile

    Those are MY main ghost stories but in the same house ( i talked about in my first story). My dad was just there and our cat also. So my dad is petting the cat and suddnly the cat goes all furry and hissing. There are footsteps and my dad goes to check. He soon comes back and the cat has calmed down. Few minutes later the same thing happens. but the footsteps were from the attic. It was INPOSSIBLE to get there. There was no stairs what so ever!! Anyways there was nothing once again....

    Thank You For Reading This Long Thing <3!!

    1. ImKarn23 profile image73
      ImKarn23posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I believe you.


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