Do you believe in second chances?

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  1. Aceblogs profile image60
    Aceblogsposted 13 years ago

    Yes , i do believe.

    The answer is coming in respect of my job , same company which had chosen me for the same field in different location , i had dropped the opportunity as the place was not of my kinds , they again called me out of no where 2 months later asking me to join at my home place. I was never expecting the call as i was very blunt in denying the job during the interview when i had come to know that job was being offered at some other place than my home location

  2. jfay2011 profile image61
    jfay2011posted 13 years ago

    yes,  people are often willing to give you a second chance sometimes.  Also I believe i second chances to find love again after divorce.

  3. mamarou profile image40
    mamarouposted 13 years ago

    I've known 3 serial killers in my life...and many other that are beyond evil.  These people will tell you that they have had many chances, but have made the choices they've made and it makes no difference, and that the only way to stop them is to lock them up and kill them. 

    But, by the same token, I've known many that have simply made a mistake and have learned from that mistake and have been able to move on.  Each case is truly different and truly unique to each person.  One cannot determine if one deserves a second chance, any more than one can stop a serial killer.

  4. kknde profile image73
    kkndeposted 13 years ago

    Yes, and everyone should get second chance....maybe not the third:), but second for sure

  5. profile image48
    lucymcbeesposted 13 years ago

    My answer is absolutely yes! Why not? It may appears to be very nice long-lasting relationship.

  6. shop online fast profile image60
    shop online fastposted 13 years ago

    i don't believe in second chances.
    at some point in our lives we will be asking someone for a second chance.  there is no one on planet earth who has always gotten everything right the 1st time around. think about it.  all the millionaires and celebrities will tell you that many doors were shut on them, but they never stopped trying.  but it doesn't matter how hard you try.  even if you get it right, you're bound to mess up again. someone has to give you a chance. 
    i don't believe in second chances. 
    i believe in a brand new start. when we accept an old lover back in your lives, that person has to be a changed individual, starting over a fresh. second channces mean that you're accepting the same stuff that was once rejected.  to give someone a chance, you most preceive that the person has changed, or is correcting their old ways and faults. 
    i believe in a brand new start.  a 1st chance all over again: and may again, and again

  7. Peanutritious profile image62
    Peanutritiousposted 13 years ago

    In most cases, yes I do.  We all make mistakes and if we learn from them then hopefully we will not do it again.  If someone cheated on me though, I would not give them a second chance.  Infidelity is unforgiveable in my eyes.

  8. OldSkoolFool profile image58
    OldSkoolFoolposted 13 years ago

    I believe in second chances. I have made enough mistakes in my life to want second chances. So, I try to remind myself, hey you messed up just like this person did. Would you want forgiveness? But yes people do tend to repeat offenses, so how many times are we willing to forgive the same event?

  9. profile image56
    bcalahposted 13 years ago


  10. Dear Nicole Reed profile image61
    Dear Nicole Reedposted 13 years ago

    if the person who screwed up seems like he/she's making a real effort to be better yes. maybe even a 3rd chance. but after that, ur walking on thin thin ice.

  11. profile image0
    stessilyposted 13 years ago

    If in answering this question, we applied it to ourselves, I think the answer would be "Yes." It's in applying the question to others that, for so many people, a range of emotions surface and the answer becomes conditional.


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