Which one of these is the most important for success - Hardwork, Talent or Luck?

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  1. rikabothra profile image59
    rikabothraposted 13 years ago

    Which one of these is the most important for success - Hardwork, Talent or Luck?

    It is easy to say all of them, but if you were to choose one, what would it be?

  2. Lord De Cross profile image69
    Lord De Crossposted 13 years ago

    I would say hard work. Even if you have talent, you will need your best to make it happen. Like Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Edison and even Walt Disney.

  3. Hyphenbird profile image81
    Hyphenbirdposted 13 years ago

    Hard work. Talent is worthless unless tapped and made to be usefulness and luck is just that. Billions of lottery tickets are sold each week. Only one or two are winners.

  4. renegadetory profile image59
    renegadetoryposted 13 years ago

    Yep, hard work.  Gotta know where you want to go and how to get there in order to reach your goals.  Nobody else is going to get you there, you need to do the work to make it!

  5. Zubair Ahmed profile image74
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    I think it's Luck.  Millions of people work hard not all can make it a success - Hard work only pay's off for those who are lucky, everyone else continues to work hard in the hope that one day it will pay off.

    Talent on the other hand - allows one to excel at what he/she does making their ability to gains success a little easier.

    E.g.  A man invests in a business work damn hard 24x7x365, even then he fails.  Next time around he does the same hard work in another business venture but this time he is successful - the difference he learnt from his mistakes and was lucky to be successful.

  6. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    Paul 'Bear' Bryant of football coaching fame said "Luck is Preparation Meeting Opportunity." So, if I had to chose just one it would be "Luck."

  7. Nspeel profile image64
    Nspeelposted 13 years ago

    Hardwork because of the fact that you can improve a talent with hardwork and luck should not even belong here. You are never successful for getting lucky you are simply lucky. To be successful takes work many different kinds of work.

  8. Monisajda profile image59
    Monisajdaposted 13 years ago

    Attitude, in my opinion. Even if you work hard but don't believe in what you are doing or in yourself nothing is going to happen.

  9. pankajkumared profile image61
    pankajkumaredposted 13 years ago

    from my point of view, success is alll about having  hard work as well as luck....i had experienced it many a times....

  10. Gyldenboy profile image64
    Gyldenboyposted 13 years ago

    Hard work is great, but nothing without talent. Talent without hard work, is a person with little to no work with talent.

    Luck, is an accumulation of many things, and doesn't exist as a stand alone element in the world. Luck is made, but it's rare that people see all the little things that comprise luck.

    Ultimately, I would have to choose hard work and talent. I couldn't pick one over the other. As, success simply doesn't exist without both. Success is an end result of taking action, being persistent, and playing to your strengths. To choose just one, is like removing a piece of a math formula hoping to get the same result - it doesn't work.

    And luck, well exists regardless of my choices. For worse or better.

  11. Ashantina profile image59
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago


  12. dan-1 profile image65
    dan-1posted 13 years ago

    Of the three choices they are all equally important but the one thing that determines success is the ability to plan, prepare, execute and stay commited to your plan. I guess you could sum it up by calling it time management. If you have the ability to manage your time properly you don't need to work hard, you don't really need talent and you can make your own luck by putting yourself in the right place at the right time.
    I guess Good time management could be considered  a talent so if I had to choose I would say Talent.

  13. Agnes Penn profile image60
    Agnes Pennposted 13 years ago

    Hard work.  Even if you do not succeed in others' eyes you know you gave it your all.  Talent may not be discovered till later in life.  In my opinion luck doesn't exist.  Providence does; whereby God has everything under control. 
    A great thought about success was given by Mother Teresa in ANYWAY.  Part of which says, "...If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies: Succeed anyway... You see, in the final analysis, it was between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway."
    So hard work can first benefit your relationship with God and then those who witness it.

  14. vox vocis profile image83
    vox vocisposted 13 years ago

    Luck, of course. You can be a dum-dum and lazy as pig, but if you're lucky you'll succeed. On the other hand, if you're hardworking and talented, but don't have any luck - well, then you're screwed.

    Basically, what I want to say is - for success, all you need is luck.

    What would I choose? Luck...everything is easier when you're lucky!

    If you're lucky, your healthy, talented, smart, rich, loved...you name it...

  15. edhan profile image33
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Faith in yourself.

    I do believe everything can be done and be successful as long as we have faith in what we are doing.

    Of course you need to work for it.

  16. profile image0
    Marie-AnneLeClercposted 13 years ago

    Luck stands out for me, you could be gifted yet have little success...

  17. bigeddie06385 profile image61
    bigeddie06385posted 13 years ago

    I work say hardwork. The only place you'll find success before work is in the dictionary.

  18. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    I'm going with none of the above. Because after all, they say it's WHO you know, not WHAT you know.

    No amount of luck, talent, or hard work is going to help if the owners idiot NEPHEW is next in line.


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