Is there such a thing as "real evil"?

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  1. RKHenry profile image63
    RKHenryposted 13 years ago

    Is there such a thing as "real evil"?

    Real evil.  What makes you so sure?  Describe it to us.

  2. Vinaya Ghimire profile image79
    Vinaya Ghimireposted 13 years ago

    Yes. Here are few examples: Gaddafi, Saddam. Laden...
    If this question is about Satan, then I believe, if you believe in God, you must also believe in dark forces.

  3. Jonas Renfold profile image61
    Jonas Renfoldposted 13 years ago

    There certainly is. I am a paranormal investigator and I can tell you that there is such a thing as evil. I am not sure how they fit into religion because I would call myself agnostic (don't know what to believe) but they are real.

    From time to time paranormal investigators will come across a demonic haunting. They are very rare and should be dealt with by a qualified demonologist. However, they are markedly different from human spirits in the atmosphere that they create, the smells that are present when they manifest and the strength behind them (they can move large objects such as refrigerators and human spirits usually only have enough strength to move small objects)

    Beyond that, the world is full of actual evil people. Although I hate Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, I don't know if I would classify them as evil, because they are acting under a religion and intense belief in a religion can cause you to do some crazy things (look at the crusades). However, there are many people in the world that gleefully hurt as many people as they can, although many are in prison, and those people have truly dark hearts without the ability to feel compassion or caring about other people.

  4. lone77star profile image71
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    Of course there is real evil. I could give you a list of people who exercised such evil or give you numerous examples of various kinds of evil, but they all boil down to one simple source: ego (selfishness).

    Ego is self-importance but on a broad scale and in every subject area imaginable. Every dichotomy can act as the stomping ground of ego. The suicide perpetrator is full of ego, but so is the tyrant. The little old lady who goes to church, but wouldn't be caught dead talking to a prostitute or an ex-con, she is displaying her evil.

    Anyone who follows this ego -- this entitlement to be right -- is following the "master of this world," and ignoring the true master of all. Ego is the darkness. Spiritual awakening is the light.

  5. Shaisty-Chase-Tea profile image62
    Shaisty-Chase-Teaposted 13 years ago

    yes, "real evil" is relavent in all of us, and it's not even so far away as the insane clown posse... it's called anger, and if frickin hates me...

    i don't like to play the anger game, i wrote a few poems about it... one is in my hub called Poetic Nobility... To anger I repsond honest to my feelings...

    "Dad, listen to me, i'm explaining my reason for leaving the door open" To which he says to ridicule me. "Your and Idiot, you know that, right" to which i best replied  by merely not being affected and said "I was thinking about a poem"


    "Mom, stop yelling"  to which she sreams "You don't f#*$)# care how I feel" to which i respond... "If i didn't care, i wouldn't tell you why I took the phone charger" to which she mocks "yeah, ok, go on and kiss my azz" To which I verbally smack back "That's all I f$%#%^ do is kiss your azz"

  6. whoisbid profile image61
    whoisbidposted 13 years ago

    If you ever met "real evil" then you probably would not know if was evil because the worst kind of evil is intelligent and able to fool everyone into believing it is good.

  7. Menjia_Rose profile image62
    Menjia_Roseposted 13 years ago

    A prime example of "Real Evil", when we as being can bring ourselves to kill in the name of "War". When a man walks into his work place only to open fire on every employee killing five and wounding ten. When a slave owner decides to lynch a slave for trying to escape, the slave wanted only to be free which the slave owner considered it to be a punishable crime. Hilter wanted to rid the earth of all Jews. Prescott, George H.W, and George W. Bush's all three generations murdered their business partners making monuments as trophies. Any being that is able to take a life for whatever reason is REAL EVIL. How can one take a life without questioning the "Why", Why is death the only resolution, Why is peace being pushed in the communities while our country is constantly killing in other countries, and Why is killing okay when defending our country when it's not okay to protect yourself in a drug deal gone bad? These are the Faces Of Real Evil


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