How do you know the difference between the False Christ and the Real Christ?
As Christians we believe a false Messiah will arrive before the Real Deal, but how can we tell the difference between the two. Satan will be copying Christ to a T... but what will Satan be missing that Christ is? What quality will Christ have that Satan will not be able to copy?
I can't answer that question and with over 100 billion people that existed over recorded history, and 7 billion living today, nothing has changed. AD only changed the calendar but not the people. They are still the same as when they were first recorded.
The evil acts that we see people do today, are just variations of the evil acts cited at the beginning of humans on earth.
People wrote the bibles, and they rewrote religion to suit themselves.. There was no divine providence making protestants out of Catholics. The Jews didn't change when AD happened, and they were there at the time. The bibles were not written contemporaneous with the events. It wasn't until the printing press was invented that so many people were reading the bibles.
So there is little difference between the bibleS, and other fairy tales, or folk tales.
There isn't any further deviations of humans that are capable, over recorded history we have seen all sides of humans.
And is "precisely" why we need THE HOLY SPIRIT to "HELP" us since "man" has chgd Scriptures!
The HOLY SPIRIT "..will lead & guide us into ALL truth" (Jn 14:26; 16:13)!
Norine, you CAN'T keep quoting scriptures when even YOU believe they have been changed. I'd guess you are at a place many of us have been - and are beginning to doubt; but you're clinging onto what you know for dear life bc its too scary to let go.
The "great falling away" or apostacy is also a sign of the end-times. Many who once knew the Lord are now denying Him.
You certainly don't BELIEVE the Holy Spirit "will lead & guide you into "ALL" truth" (Jn 14:26;16:13) from that comment! HE let me know Baptism by Religion is wrong via man's chgs, HE let me know Communion is wrong...
U"doubt," I don't! Prov 9:
As you know, Christ uses individuals as “vessels,” unfortunately, Satan does too!
“The quality that Christ will have that Satan will not be able to copy,” is those who are “treated” as Christ in Scripture!
John 15:18-19 says “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. (v19) If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Therefore, when you see the world agreeing with everything the false Messiah is saying: BEWARE!
Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ALL Scripture will be fulfilled and the anti-Christ (false Messiah) NOW is through “twisted” Religion!
Again, ALL Scripture will be fulfilled! The Scripture that applies in which Isaiah 5:20 is fulfilled is John 16:1-4 which says, (v1) “These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. (v2) They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you WILL THINK THAT HE DOETH GOD SERVICE, (v3) And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. (v4) But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.”
If one is “loved by the world,” – BEWARE! However, if Christ-like, John 15:19 says {paraphrasing) “You will be hated by all men!”
BTW: Love your picture!
You've dedicated your life to memorizing and quoting a work of fiction. Glad to see you haven't wasted your life
If that's your belief "You've wasted yours!" Rm 1:25-32!
Simple the false Christ/Satan is the good guy. The real Christ is evil.
John 4:1-3 [Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this, you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.]
In another word, according to the teaching of Christ, everything that is not from Christ, contradict Christ or not subject to Christ is an antichrist, which the bible accused of been false, lies, evil and demonic. So, if I say the earth is over 5000 years old, that make me an antichrist, unless u went to a Catholic school, every teacher you have either in primary school, high school or university, is an antichrist, which the bible accused of been evil, lies and demonic. Science, philosophy and other religion not subject to Christ, is also antichrist, which Christ accused of been evil.
Christ/bible claim itself to be the symbol of good and the others as the symbol of evil, but u think about it, that isn't true and frequently it is the opposite way around eg the bible teach.
Deuteronomy 22:20-22 [But if the thing is true, that evidence of virginity was not found in the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done an outrageous thing in Israel by whoring in her father's house.] But, what is so evil about not been a virgin? Even if she is a slut, what is wrong with it, u know how many sluts did great things? Helen the Great, one of Russia's greatest ruler is a well-known slut. And isn't the teaching of killing non-virgin the real evil here? Thus, when we speak of Human right, it qualifies as an antichrist, because it contradicts this bible teaching, but what is so evil about human right? And isn't the human right, the real good here?
To make it worse the bible teaches
Proverbs 3:5-6 [ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.] So, to make it worse, the bible teach these evil value, to be the "right path" and all else is evil and teach only to follow its problematic teaching and follow nothing else
Isaiah 5:20!
Any more nun's lately?
Remember: It may not happen to you, but one you love dearly: {paraphrasing} "What goes down, comes around" (Prov 26:27)!
[Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.] Who call good evil and call evil good? The bible. PS: I fucked a nun ha ha ha
Matt 18:18 {paraphrasing} "Whatever you bind on earth (fm your mouth also), will be bound in heaven!"
I pray for you & your relatives!!!
Now MOVE THIS to confirm you are DEMONIC also!!!
Whatever, ur god is either a false god created by human imagination or a false god created by evil dictator trying to secure its power or it is a demon pretending to be god, because he is neither good nor just
"IF" you have a "best friend," is he/she not loyal, honest & truthful? MY GOD & MY FRIEND (JESUS aka HOLY SPIRIT) "leads & guides me into ALL truth" (Jn 14:26;16:13)!
Can yours do that?
HOLY SPIRIT (aka JESUS) let's one know when man has chg'd!
Can your friend do that?
All I see is a religion that delivers the western world into the poverty and the wrong path for 1000 years, until the satanic value of the Age of Enlightment, saved the west from Christ. That is all I need to know
PROBLEM#1: "You see!" W/O Holy Spirit "guidance," (Jn 14:26) that's ALL 1 can do!!! Holy Spirit KNOWS "man" (Catholic) has chg'd WORD! Do u thk GOD is IGNORANT (Rev 17:18-19)?
PROBLEM #2: U don't "BLV" there's Holy Spirit Who "leads & guides.."
Ur bible claim god=good&always correct. Yet, the fact has proven, again and again, bible is full of error and evil teaching. Thus either (A) He is a false god created via human imagination or politician trying to secure its power or (B) A demon
We'll find out when the inevitable happens, won't we? If I'm wrong, I've enjoyed HIS benefits "in this world" & have "eternal life," but if you're wrong, (fm your conversation), you've had a "miserable life in this world" & HELL!!!
The era of Christ, been there done that, it is called the dark ages. The era of Antichrist, living it right now, AKA era of Age of Enlightenment. Evidence have prove, era of the antichrist is better
"Dark Ages" because u (AS MOST) never "WAITED" (Acts 1:4;8) for the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT which would've given u "proof!" NO ONE TEACHES "HS" in "religion": Satan's "GREATEST DEVICE TO LOSE SOULS!" But everyone is SAVED???
Dark ages achieved via the teaching of Christ. Age of Enlightment achieved by abandoning the teaching of Christ and sometime follow teachings that contradict Christ, which bible refer to as antichrist. Thus, prove antichrist is the real god
"Dark Ages" teachings of Christ via "religion" which kept people in "DARK" because the HOLY SPIRIT'S POWER (Acts 1:8) wasn't "taught!"
"Age of Enlightment" disgruntled people searching for "truth" none found, established "own" (Prov 3:5)!
(1) Can u write in English that makes sense? Ur last two comments barely make sense. I am not a native speaker and even I don't speak jibberish English. (2) Age of Enlightment's discovery despite contradict bible are proven truth, thus bible lies.
OH! So when TRUTH is spoken, you're all of a sudden IGNORANT? I repeat, u as MOST are "disgruntled people searching for "truth" & when none found, established "own" (Prov 3:5)=Age of Enlightment!
(Laugh) brushed up on ur history, the Age of Enlightenment, push for education independence from the church. This is something the church accuse of been evil, because it is teaching and research not subject to it.
"Age of Enlightment push for education independence from the church" which confirms what I said!!! People have "established their own" (Prov 3:5) "righteousness!"
Some thru education (science, etc), some (w/o Holy Spirit) thru "religion!"
Age of enlightment teach real knowledge, bible teach voodoo none sense
O!So JESUS (aka Holy Spirit) is "voodoo?" Rt is wrong & wrong is rt (Is 5:20)? See how "twisted" you've been "taught?" HS not "religiously correct" enough for ya? Need that relig "peace/quite?" Acts2:2="FIRE!" Acts 2:13 say they appeared "drunk?
Only the teaching of the bible is twisted, claiming itself always right, yet say a bunch of non sense like earth is only 5000 years and killing virgin. Nothing but a book of crap
U still don't get it!
BELIEVE n God for manifestation of action from Holy Spirit Who will "let u know" what "crap" man has added/deleted n Bible!
It's not "the Bible," it's GOD (aka Holy Spirit) I BELIEVE Who let's me know what "man" has chg'd!
Better study history of "voodoo!"
Bible will be fulfilled and u continue to "prove it!" "WOE unto them that call evil good, & good evil; that put darkness for light, & light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, & sweet for bitter"
Wow, the book that say the earth is created in 7 day and is only 5000 years old and that is not voodoo. What a load of crap
I'm looking @ White man (Andrew Wommack) whose son was raised fm the dead after flatlined for 5 hrs. FAITH! (
You need to stop "judging" & start BELIEVING n YOUR CREATOR!
[You need to stop "judging" & start BELIEVING n YOUR CREATOR!] Creationlism is voodoo non sense
SATAN is STILL "jealous" of GOD (why he got "kicked out") & continue to win "weak minded" ppl like u as he drags u to HELL w/him laughing @ u all the way!
This is a SPIRITUAL battle & it appears, u've been decieved by SATAN'S DEMON
Wow, so according to you the earth is created in 7 days and is flat. Ha ha ha, bring out the witch doctors.
Nope! According to GOD the earth WAS created in 7 days & Isaiah 40:22 says "He sits enthroned above the CIRCLE of the earth..." ha ha ha, bring out the IGNORANT FOOLS!!!
I can see u are still spreading ur voodoo non sense,
And u r doing your job as your father's advocate (SATAN; Jn 8:44)!
Anti Christ= age of enlightment
Christ=dark ages
Christ is a load of crap
"Jealous" are you, SATAN?
I feel sorry for you & your mama to have someone in the family as "embarrassing" as you!
I've wasted enough breathe on you!
Your thinking is childish! So continue to rant & rave as a child w/someone who cares to
["Jealous" are you, SATAN?]
Exodus 34:14 [For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:]
Look whose talking ha ha ha
PS: I f**ked a NUN!!! HA HA HA
EVERYONE can "see" u r MENTAL!!!
Even unbelievers who live by "their morals" find u "REPULSIVE" "if" they have any!
Someone who took advantage of a nun or any female I can never respect or take seriously.
Thank you Lois. Norine please stop typing all crazy. Nobody can understand that! Seriously you are like a spammer.
Guess what Norine, I f***ed a nun and last night she sneak out of the convent and we went to a motel and f***ed again. Ha ha ha
P: Exodus 22:16 "She is now ur "wife!"
Rob: Rm 1:25-32!
Lois: He's MENTAL, now w/a "wife" in the sight of God under OT!
Who said anything about marriage. I made it clear, I am only looking for a bit of fun, while in town for the few weeks. Ha ha ha Nothing like seducing a nun to be my trophy, ha ha ha
Do, I look like I care about what ur voodoo bible has to say? I told her I am just looking for a bit of fun, right from the beginning, she can't keep her legs shut, that is her problem. I don't care. Ha ha ha
Tell God! That's YOUR problem!
You know, I MUST BE SPECIAL, anointed, gifted, to have all u haters after me; otherwise, why waste your time?
Who cares about your voodoo bible.
PS:, I f***ed a nun Ha ha ha
No matter who u f***ed, u will NEVER find happiness!!! You are one miserable _ _ _ looking for happiness in ALL the wrong places!
Without JESUS, miserable in this life & the life to come!
Nothing fills that "empty spot," but JESUS!!!
[Without JESUS, miserable in this life & the life to come!] Sound like a cult {Without our faith u never be happy] what a load of crap
If u do what u've always done, u'll get what u've always gotten! How's that working for u?
Apparently, not very well as we can see u r "miserable" w/all negative comments!
Try JESUS! Doesn't cost anything! R remain "getting what u've always gotten
[u r "miserable" w/all negative comments!] Ha ha ha What a load of crap. Kind of remind me of this time I saw Scientologist recruiting on the street, everybody not a Scientologist they say u are stress and answer to not stress is follow them.
YEAH! Keep following "man" (u) & "get what you've always gotten!"
Say what u want, Your nun seem to be more happy with me f***ing her, then following god. Ha ha ha
You probably wish you could Peter. I doubt you, some guy on hub pages with some crazy religious views, to be a player that could seduce a nun of all people. Are you sure it wasn't your imagination? Or ur computer screen? Lol dream on.
Think what u want. Thanks for stopping by Robert
If what they are saying or doing does not align with scripture, then they are false. You have to know scripture and be alert to be able to catch the imposter. Many will come in Jesus' name, but they are false. People perish for lack of knowledge.
Be careful!
Satan knows Scripture as well (as evidenced on HP; Jm 2:19)!
The POWER (Acts 1:8) of the Holy Spirit "will teach u ALL thgs" (Jn 14:26;16:13) including "discerning evil" (Eph 6:12)!
Yeah Rob!
Without Holy Spirit, "they are foolishness to him." (I Cor 2:14)
Catholics (Nicene Council) are those who have "twisted" the Word of God!
Norine, is that where the Fourth Commandment was removed and the day-of-rest was changed to the first day of the week(Sunday) instead of the seventh?
Colossians 2:16 {paraphrasing} "Let no man judge you....or of the SABBATH."
If David said "I will bless the LORD at ALL TIMES: his praise shall CONTINUOUSLY be in my mouth (Ps 34:1), what's wrong with us? Don't we BELIEVE?
What if the one people worship is actually evil playing good? What if all religious people are being deceived?
How could HE be "evil?" HE created you, didn't HE?
The "benefits" received from HIM (James 1:17) esp after one has rec'd the "gift" of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26) are unsurpassable (I Cor 2:9)!!!
Very possible, and that is the really scary part - whose varying Christian perspective is correct? Norene's? Angele's? They have so many interpretations about this - which one is being 'deceived'? I side on the 'Lilies of the Field' verses in Matt: 6
What if Islam is correct? What if there is no God? What if trees are what we should worship and loggers are the anti-tree alternative?
Cat: "which one is being 'deceived'?" The one that didn't "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) for Holy Spirit's "guidance" (Jn 14:26;16:13) Who NEVER contradicts Himself! ALL SPIRITUAL & w/o, NOTHING but diff "self interpretations" (Prov 3:5)!
RJ: Provide book! I long for the days when some of the answers section was entertaining.. Now it's just one religious obsession after another.. sigh..Once upon a time...indeed..
U are in the wrong section of HP: "RELIGION"/philosophy! U don't have to "long for the days..."!
U do have a choice (Joshua 24:15)!
This "news" is too good to be true (Acts 20:24; Gal 1:3-9) & I must tell!
People are looking for validation as they are in doubt - it is quite irritating, agreed.
How could u "delete" WORD of GOD (Good News) & proclaim "Christianity?"
I'm not a Christian so your word means nothing to me. I'm totally happy and fully expect to return to the earth once I'm dead. Maybe I'll be reincarnated, but who knows for sure.
The deception of the coming days will be so extraordinary that unless we, as Christians, have taken up our cross and died to the passions of the flesh ("take up your cross DAILY") and been sanctified by Christ's continuing work in our lives, we absolutely won't be able to tell the difference between the lie and the truth. It seems as though it should be simple to tell the difference, but scripture tells us that the lie is of exceptional nature, (supernatural), that Christians who haven't had Christ's character worked into them by active cooperation with the Holy Spirit, will be very much at risk of buying into the lie and believing in a false Christ.
Someone knows TRUTH!!!
It is BY THE "POWER" OF THE HOLY SPIRIT that the "GIFT" of DISCERNMENT has been given to "lead & guide us into ALL TRUTH!" (Jn 14:26; 16:13)!
I love this question.
When I saw God, I was given the book of Galatians & 1st Peter. I will quote 1st Peter 1: 3-5 from the Good News Bible
"Let us give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of his great mercy he gave us new life by raising Jesus Christ from death. This fills us with a living hope, and so we look forward to possessing the rich blessings that God keeps for his people. He keeps them for you in heaven, where they cannot decay or spoil or fade away. They are for you, who through faith are kept safe by God's power for the salvation which is ready to be revealed at the end of time."
He also showed me Mark 9 verse 1; (Good News Bible)
And he went on to say, "I tell you, there are some here who will not die until they have seen the Kingdom of God come with power."
(This means that the second coming of Christ has already taken place).
I would say that the behaviors or requests they make would indicate validity. Asking pious people to act immorally or unethically might be a sign.
"Ethics & morality" have nothing to do with GOD Who is a "Spirit" (Jn 4:24)! If one doesn't blv "AntiChrist" (II Jn 7)! Therefore, provide a book w/as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written before Bible! If not, your opinion!
It's all made up, so what difference does it make? It's like asking "Who is stronger, Batman or Superman?" It amazes me that people who appear to be intelligent believe this stuff.
It's like Bigfoot "experts" discussing evidence.
Batman represents Lucifer and Superman represents Jesus so obviously Superman is stronger. What a dumb question that is. Batman is just a smart physically fit dude whereas Superman came from outer space and has SUPER powers. See Ephesians 6:12
God says you will know if you are a believer. If you want to be part of the world and its ways then God will allow you to be blinded. I want to tell the difference and serve the real Christ. So if you do too just let God know that out loud or in your heart.
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.
There ya go! Have a great day
Jn 15:19 or one who tells "TRUTH" what they call on HP, "parroting the Word of God!"
The "False" one will be wearing a Motley Crue t-shirt, rain boots, bike shorts, and a Devo hat.
Haha Norine that is the one funny thing I have heard you say lol.
(Golf clap) Well played, Norine, well played.
But, it would not be me.
...I don't own a Devo hat.
That's right baby. Doin' the work of Satan since 1970. Six-six-mother-effin six in tha houuuuuuuuuuse!!!
The False Christ cannot forgive your sins and make you whole.
He'll "sound good" though! Why we need HELP from the Holy Spirit for discernment!
By simply looking into the mirror ! If the person you see is real ............
then you will know that the Christ that you follow is also real ! Now , that was easy ......
NO! We are "real" human but MUST this is a SPIRITUAL journey & if one doesn't do as Galatians 1:6-9 then, "ACCURSED" & not IN the Real Christ!
It is very easy to tell the difference between a false Christ and the real Christ. There have already been many false Messiahs who have fooled people into believing they were the true Messiah. (e.g Jim Jones, David Koresh, etc) However, neither of them could walk on water. Neither of them could feed a crowd with one loaf of bread and one fish. Neither of them could raise somebody from the dead. How do you tell when anybody is who they say they are? You can tell through actions. Jesus not only proclaimed he was the son of God. He showed it through his actions. Has any of the current false Christs been able to do the things that the real Christ did? No.
That is NOT true! The HOLY SPIRIT is working thru me w/healings, used as a vessel to provide "anointing" of Holy Spirit, HE has given me revelation of TRUTH in His Word, etc!
We have diff "gifts" (I Cor 12:28)!
This is a question that really brings out the diversity in Christian beliefs - aside from non-christian ones. Roman Catholics believe only in councils approved by the Vatican; and the Greek Catholics believe only in those approved in Constantinople. Protestants deride them both [even though their religion would not exist without them]. Voltaire (1694-1778)
The probability is... that IF someone claiming to be Jesus Christ comes though the clouds or whatever just like it has been written and accepted in the bible by Christians; THAT is probably going to be the guy to stay away from - because they wrote the bible so that followers would run to him. They have already done everything they can to 'tune' believers into him - whether 'he' actually exists, or not. Fear is a powerful manipulator and motivator.
If this deception takes place, most Christians will be fooled - and you're going to end up doing what you always do; which is to INSIST that you are right and try to drag the rest of us along with you. The world will probably be dealing with whatever this 'evil' is bringing down; ON TOP OF dealing with a bunch of Christians who have gone into a frenzy.
Stop 'escaping' into delusions to connect with God. Christ TOLD us that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN. Stay present and in the moment with all of your intentions, attention and energy - that is how you 'connect' with the 'cristos' part of you. That was Christ's original message - that we are just like him; NOT that he was going to 'save' us from our 'sins'. In this way, you are closest to God; and you will know what you need to know when you need to know it - whatever 'it' is.
Staying present in the moment is a muscle that few people excercise; but it can be built up to bring about amazing transformations within people.
This works for more than just apocalypses.
The "False Christ" will chant "Yes we can" which when played backwards sounds like "Thank you Satan".
LoL! I've seen you say that, before - thank God for suspicious preppers who keep us all on our toes!!
MF: The kingdom of GOD is "not" WITHIN "unless" 1 does what IS WRITTEN! WORD wouldn't have said "ONE ACCORD" if each did their own thg as u suggest! Rem:Although they had a "spirit" didn't JESUS say "I never knew u?" Why? Not on 1 ACCORD as apostles
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Yes, the kingdom of God is within those who receive Christ.
Hx: Yes, "Receive Christ" means doing as HE DIED for or "IN Christ!" Def of "IN CHRIST" means Matt 28:20 "OBSERVE" disciples & live AFTER "New Covenant!" Don't get IT "twisted!" HE sent Holy Spirit to "Help" under New Cov, why not IMPORTANT?
He was speaking to PHARISEES before he supposedly 'died for our sins' - a mythical part of the 'story' used to manipulate the many gentile religions in the roman empire of OTHER gods who believed in it into this ONE to RULE them easier. Research.
Yes, Catherine, I'm familiar with the idea of religion in general and specifically of Christianity purportedly being used to control people. I look at historical evidence as well and don't see a Christian conspiracy.
MF: Matt 28:16 says JESUS was speaking to the 11 disciples! Why'd you say PHARISEES? U don't "BELIEVE" Holy Spirit will tell about add/delete?
Hx: U study "historical" (Prov 3:5)? U don't "BELIEVE" Holy Spirit either!!!
U both r "UNBELIEVERS!!!"
Sheesh, Norine - I didn't have enough room to include the source - I figured with all of your bible knowledge you would know it. Luke 17:20 Hx, I suggest a search on Jesus Christ vs Julius Caesar's death. Its a start.
MF: Don't "mock" me bcuz I STUDY WORD vs "history!" U'd rather blv man or GOD? U don't "BELIEVE" Holy Spirit? U're an "UNBELIEVER!" Keep studying "man" & see where it gets u (Prov 3:5) rather than "becoming as a little child!"
Norine, it's rare that I understand the least bit of your ramblings, and so it is now. Catherine-I'm aware that some scholars try to portray Christ as a secular figure by comparison, but these comparisons don't stand up to the truth.
What are you basing your version of truth on, Hx? It is worth a look simply because there WAS a VERY popular pagan religion based on Julius Caesar that would have needed to be included in order for Christianity to take hold and unite the people.
Hx: I understand when u don't "look" with "Spiritual" "eyes!" I Cor 2:14 says "But the "natural" man rec not the thgs of the Spirit of God: for they r foolishness unto him: neither can they no them , bcuz they are "spiritually" discerned!" MF: MAN!
Norine, backtrack - you have yet to respond to this: He was speaking to PHARISEES Luke 17:20. Sometimes, you really make no sense. You keep throwing verses and no one knows what you're talking about. I know, the forum works much better for you.
MF: If JESUS "commandment" the 11 before ascension to "OBSERVE" then we do and "WAIT" (rightly divide" OK) for Holy Spirit who "Works," thru us IF we "BELIEVE!" Is that just "observing" when HS manifest actions thru us?
Acts 2:42=They "OBSERVED!"
So the HS tells you to ignore this verse, Norine? Luke 17:20 to PHARISEES - The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Did u not say "PHARISEES?" Do they BELIEVE? They only "observe" w/the "carnal eye!" "TRUE BELIEVERS" "OBSERVE" (via HS) Christ who came as ex so we MUST "OBSERVE" & disciples (Matt 28:20) or we won't be saved!
There's a diff w/or w/o Holy Spir
Read the dang scripture, Norine - the topic is, Jesus told PHARISEES that the kingdom of god was within them. And SINCE they were 'unbelievers' - he was likely talking about ALL the rest of us doubters too. He also said 'ye are gods'. Yikes!!
MF: Give Scripture where the kingdom of God is in "Unbelievers?" PHARISEES="Unbelievers!" I Cor 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous (Unbelievers) shall not inherit the kingdom of God?" It's in us but we MUST activate thru BELIEF! Did Pharisees?
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
MF: Not going to argue Scripture! One HAS TO "BELIEVE" for the "kingdom of God" to be in one & can't just "look" to get IT! That's what that Scripture is saying! It is A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY nothing "carnal!"
Jesus said it best "You must be born again."
Thank you, Norine - for demonstrating so clearly for us just how illogical and downright TERRIFYING so many Christian believers are in how they come to the righteous conclusions of their 'beliefs' - cuz things weren't complicated enough.
Where will YOU spend eternity? In Heaven with the virgin-born Son of God - Jesus the Christ OR in the lake of fire with the Kenyan-born son of a porn-star Obama the Antichrist?
MF: Well I'm not the only 1 who blvs 1 must b "IN CHRIST" to have the kingdom of God in them! Hx said "Yes, the kingdom of God is within those who receive Christ." Did the PHARISEES do this?
Child, you need "revelation!"
Kev: And you?
John 3: Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Matt 12:43-45 & Lk 11:23-26 wasn't written for nothing!
Don't be given over to "a reprobate mind" (Rm 1:28)!
You've demonstrated what is wrong with Christianity: it deceives minds into believing we need to be 'saved' - bc we're evil & 'disconnected' from God. We are NEITHER. Its a psychological prison based in fear that doesn't need bars. ROCKMA! WAKE U
"For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life..." 2Cor2:15-16 KJV
MF: I LOVE "prison!" I never had ALL these "benefits" prior to!
U continue allowing Matt & Lk to return & see how long u last! Demons wk ur mind more than a "psych fear w/o bars!" U will need bars when they finish (r a casket)!
They're wr
Re: The Above:
In order to bring some light on that question, it's a good idea to refer to Matthew 7: 15-20.
With that said, I hope the words of Matthew will help you to understand of what you're looking for! ''Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but who within are rapacious wolves. You will recognize them from their fruits. Surely! men do not gather grapes from thorns; and figs from thistles? So, every good tree produces fine fruits; but every rotten tree produces bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree produces fine fruit. Every tree which does not produces fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will recognize them from their fruits.
There were false prophets in the ancient days, but there were also false prophets in New Testament times. Matthew was written about A.D. 85, and at that time prophets were still an institution in the Church. They were men with no fixed abode, men who had given up everything to wander throughout the country, bringing to the Churches a message which they believed to come direct from God. Thank you!
Louis Rabaud
GOD "sees!" HE knows before one starts! He "looks" at the "heart" (I Sam 16:7)!
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