What makes your religious belief unique?

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  1. wayseeker profile image87
    wayseekerposted 12 years ago

    What makes your religious belief unique?

  2. amanthkr01 profile image68
    amanthkr01posted 12 years ago

    Religion for me is the belief which provides me the peace of soul. I dont believe in Hinduism, Christianity or any other religion. Biggest religion for me is humanity. Going into the Church or Temple is not a religious belief for me, instead serving a needy human is the real religious deed in my opinion.
    God for me is the soul present inside me and other humans.

  3. medicinefuture profile image56
    medicinefutureposted 12 years ago

    what imparts uniqueness to religious beliefs are the religious symbols and ceremonies associated with that religion.Every religion is unique in but  itself.These symbols and ceremonies are not true religion.True religion is realization of self and the service of humanity.

  4. kwade tweeling profile image73
    kwade tweelingposted 12 years ago

    I don't know that I can call my beliefs unique. I don't follow any organization, cult, coven, or doctrine of any kind. I do not take stock in any organized religion. I feel that letting others tell you what to believe is one of our biggest problems in the world today. I believe every religion has value. Lastly, I believe every religion is correct; from it's own point of view.

  5. profile image0
    mcals71posted 12 years ago

    I have looked at most of the major religions of the world, and in fact I'm very fond of the Hindu holy man called Sri Ramakrishna, and I find the Advaita Vedantas absolutely mind blowing. I've also read some books on Zen Buddhism with very keen interest. Having said all that, I find that my religious beliefs in Christianity have been strengthened by the fact that no other religion has a Savior who loved me so much that he willingly gave His life so that when I die I can be with His Father and my Father. Why wouldn't everyone appreciate that is a mystery to me.

  6. Marturion profile image61
    Marturionposted 12 years ago

    My beliefs are not unique at all -- and I'm okay with that.  I believe what I believe in the hopes that my beliefs are true.  Being the only one to think so makes it far less likely. (and yes, I know: logically, 1,000,000 people believing that a chair is a door does not make it a door.  On the flip side, the empirical observations of 1,000,000 people that a chair provides the form and function of a chair does, in fact, make it a chair.)

    That was an intensely wordy answer, and I apologize for any head-explosions that result from it.

  7. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Because I have produced my own beliefs. It is mostly Christian, however, I have added a few side commentaries based off of scientific findings. If Christian's simply ignore scientific findings, there are flaws and problems with their theory. So by morphing the two to combine together, there is less room for flaw and a higher probablility for possibility.

  8. NiaLee profile image59
    NiaLeeposted 12 years ago

    I don't think that I am Unique because I have met people who have similar beliefs...I believe in Love and Peace, I believe in principles to sustain decent way of life, healthy relationships and order... I just don't believe that going to a place of worship is necessary. Sometimes, church competitions replace worldly competition, sometimes and more. I really have a very rich, healthy spiritual life, learn everyday and grow every day, I just don't believe that being part of a group is necessary to validate my "goodness". They often come to me with that same repeated speech with God and Jesus Christ that I do know and it sounds like everybody got formatted and repeats the same things without thinking because thinking as been put in a box. It is scary how it sounds the same other and other and rarely a personal touch or line is there.  I understand that Great need for Love and realize that to love ourselves they tell us we need to love somebody else that will return the love and make us his way... that sounds great for some and scary for others.
    I love meditating with others in an open way, but as soon as I meet some people they tell me what I have to do to be good with God and I just don't believe in that and can't stand the way some act like all knowing when your religious or spiritual knowledge and experience may be so much more, they just assume that because they are part of a group, church or organization, they have something to teach you to make you a better being!
    Condescending or ignorant, good will or show off, I just don't want to bother with that...
    I am Peace and Love, I grow and practice my good deeds and am very content in my free spirituality.

  9. kess profile image60
    kessposted 12 years ago

    Truth...it a strange thing you have you must have all cause it turns into a lie

  10. wayseeker profile image87
    wayseekerposted 12 years ago

    I am a follower of Jesus Christ.  What makes my religion unique is not unique to me, but to all those who believe that he is who he said he was and that he can do what he says he can do.  Christianity is the only religion in which the center of all things--before time even began--rests within a loving relationship:  that between The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.  Christianity is the only religion in which God so loved his creation that he was willing to become a part of it, through his son Jesus, and sacrifice him for our sake.  In my faith, the abiding power that holds throughout time and space is love.


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