The human life span changes in the Bible - Why?

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  1. ALL4JESUS profile image73
    ALL4JESUSposted 11 years ago

    The human life span changes in the Bible - Why?

    The human life span changes in the Bible from almost 1,000 years (Noah died at the age of 950 or 350 years after the flood) to 120 years for Moses. Is this fact or fiction? And if true why does our human life span change so dramatically?

  2. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    One of the sugestions was that all the long ages was to do with using the lunar month as a year.  I once read that someone once worked these very long life spans using the lunar method and they worked out as reasonable lifespans in solar years.

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not really. Clever, but Lunar to Solar conversion makes some of those early patriarchs die before they reach their teens! See my answer. We need to go in the opposite direction. Science is the key. Humanity is far older than 6000 years!

  3. PlanksandNails profile image81
    PlanksandNailsposted 11 years ago

    There is strong evidence that it is from the decline of the electromagnetic field around the earth as an effect from the Fall of Man and increased by the effects of the Great Flood. For example, the atmospheric conditions and oxygen content would have had greater support for longevity of life pre-Flood.

    Google Dr. Carl Baugh who has a patent on a chamber that can create pre-Flood conditions which has produced interesting results.

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We need not follow the literal Genesis calendar of events. Ussher's 2348 BC for the Flood is wrong. Too many people lived shortly after this date that Ussher didn't know about.

  4. Porshadoxus profile image60
    Porshadoxusposted 11 years ago

    MickS- using the Lunar month as a year is untenable. This results in people having children before reaching puberty.

    ShrMC- the Biblical reference to 1000 years being as a day to God is poetic hyperbole, used to show that God is not bound by our sense of time. You are correct that no one lived to 1000 years, but Methuselah made it to 969 years.

    Planks and Nails is on the right track. Forensic evidence exists showing that the earth's oxygen pressure was much higher before about 4400 years ago, which is the time of the flood in the days of Noah. Planks also refers to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which allows rapid healing of injury and rejuvenation of cells. Since the earth was under these conditions prior to the flood of Noah, lives could easily have extended to over 900 years.
    Another factor to consider is genetic breakdown. As more mutations enter the gene pool, life spans reduce, although this factor is far more gradual than the catastrophe of the flood of Noah.

    1. MickS profile image60
      MickSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I never suggested that lunar months as years was the answer, only that some one once used that system to work out, that when converted to solar years made more sense.

    2. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ussher's date for the Flood is 2348 BC, but that's impossible. There were too many people on Earth at that time. Egypt's 6th dynasty started 3 years later. Sargon the Great conquered Sumer 13 years later.

  5. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 11 years ago

    it's a story. it isn't based on fact but like many things in the bible, it's made to look like something amazing happened to attract believers.

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And you base your statement on what? Did you interview the writers? While I concede your "idea" is plausible, it's not the only possibility.

      The incredible ages may have been that of eponymous tribes, not their founders

  6. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    I spent 50 years wondering about the seemingly outrageous longevity of the early patriarchs. But then I approached this and other problems as an investigator, tracking clues in the Bible.

    Short answer: No, the life spans of individual humans didn't change. Those were the spans of tribes.

    I found far more than answers to my questions.

    The ages given appear to be code for much longer ages! Longer?!

    Science tells us that humanity is about 200,000 years old at a minimum. Thirty years ago, their estimate was 50,000 years old. Scientists continue to discover more bones that push back the age of Homo sapiens.

    Literal Genesis gives us humanity's age at about 6000 years! That's far too short. So, either Genesis is false, or the years need to be multiplied by some factor. And there's precedent in the Pentateuch for such multiplication.

    Genesis 5:2 gives us our first clue. Here, it talks about Adam as a group, both male and female. Adam is the earliest tribe of humanity. And Adam lived to 930 years of age (perhaps longer when multiplied by some factor).

    I detail the research in a series of hubs on Genesis.

    Not only does this new timeline explain the seemingly outrageous longevity of the early patriarchs, but it gives us far more:

    * A biblical timeline compatible with those of science.

    * The Kabbalah's "Tree of Life" matrix embedded in Genesis.

    * The identity of the culprit behind the need for Noah's Flood.

    * The real reason for Noah's Flood -- the special type of "wickedness" which raised God's ire, but which was "cured" by the Flood.

    * The solution for why God gave such protection to a liar and murderer (Cain).

    I'm also writing a book on this and much more -- "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood." … wisdom.php

    Every bad thing Man has done in the last several thousand years has not justified the Flood. So, what did?


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