Something is going on globally--I can feel it--do you feel it?--serious responde

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  1. Missing Link profile image68
    Missing Linkposted 11 years ago

    Something is going on globally--I can feel it--do you feel it?--serious respondents only PLEASE!

    I might be wrong but for awhile now I have had the feeling that something very strange is going on globally.  I think it is a combination of things.  I am 44 years old and have never felt like this before I don't think.  Well I risk being mocked and that is ok cause I feel it is worth it cause I want to see if others feel the same way.

  2. suzzycue profile image86
    suzzycueposted 11 years ago

    Yes I feel it . It is a great feeling of love . It is because people are becoming calmer and peaceful. So they are content with themselves. We are going back to the hippy days LOVE, love, love. What feeling do you have?

    1. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, my feelings are the polar opposite.   I do agree we are waking up more to what is going on but I feel we are too late in doing so or perhaps unable to stop it regardless.  I sure hope you are right and that I'm just a bit wacky smile

  3. Nancy B. profile image71
    Nancy B.posted 11 years ago

    Yes, something is in the air. We're in one of the pendulum swings and people are realizing that con men, charlatans and thieves are in control of the government and their lives.

    Yes, we did it to ourselves, thinking that the people that we elected were looking out for our best interests. And 99% of the people on this planet are just like us, trying to get along, form relationships and making the best of it. But that 1% left over can screw it up for everyone else.

    Whether in government or in a private sector corporation they can hurt other people. They do it out of fear. Fear of not being in control, of not having enough, and any other fear that you can name. They are so afraid that they will destroy the world's economy trying to control it and not care about the pain they cause other people so long as they have enough.

    We are at a crossroads as the majority wake up and realize that the 1% needs to be removed from positions of power where they can harm everyone else. 

    If we fail, we're looking at a future similar to the Alien movie universe where the corporations rule and people are looking out for themselves.

    If we can accomplish this, throwing the rascals out, then we can move forward to a Star Trek inspired culture where knowledge, personal accomplishment and culture will flourish. Money is still used but it's not the end all and be all of the game.

    1. suzzycue profile image86
      suzzycueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are talking about a Civil War happening, Is that what you feel. I know it will come to that eventually. People can't live on nothing while the very rich take it all.

    2. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My feelings include what you speak of.  I fear things related to deep underground military bases--some of it a good idea & necessary and some of it very, very bad.  Perhaps we can stop what is coming.  Hope I'm just plain wrong.

    3. midwestdad profile image60
      midwestdadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't feel it's strictly a class struggle, rich vs. poor, it's deeper than that it's about right and wrong. Right now more than ever it's almost accepted that we should hand out to those who ask. And we don't require drug test's for it!

  4. msperfecthealth profile image70
    msperfecthealthposted 11 years ago

    Hi Missing Link.  I agree that there is something going on.  I believe there is a shift that is leading us to our own power.  Not power as in, I'm going to take advantage of someone else, but power as in the knowledge of who you are and your ability to create what you want to see in your world. You know that you are so much more than what you are currently acting as and being in line with the energy of pure love will help you to own your full potential.  I may be completely off from what you are feeling, but I know that I am feeling the calling to realize my full potential and to allow others to come into their's.

    1. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My feelings include dread, anxiety, a sense something big and bad is going to happen.  Where I do agree with you is that we are awakening more per the ease and interconnectedness of communication.  Maybe we can stop what I dread.  Hope u r right!

  5. CR Rookwood profile image68
    CR Rookwoodposted 11 years ago

    I've been having recurring dreams about this for about six months now. The dreams depict a struggle between an alien presence (these are dreams, remember--I'm not saying we've been invaded or anything) and humanity.

    When the aliens get ahold of people they turn them into servants and change them genetically in any way they wish, and the people they do this to are so brainwashed they accept it. As a result, the world gets weirder and more complex by the moment, but that's what they like.

    I think the dreams warn of the struggle between corporate agendas and human ones. I think we are smack dab in the middle of this struggle right now. Do we want to be human? Or do we want to be products? I think it could go either way, but my vote is for 'human'.

    Interesting question. Thank you.

    1. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You and Nancy B. are more in line with some of my fears.  The other respondents I agree with but fear we are too late.  What I fear perhaps may not in fact be so bad but will at the least cause great excitement and anxiety.  Hope I am so so wrong!

    2. CR Rookwood profile image68
      CR Rookwoodposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What are your fears Missing Link? Have you written about them at HP? I'd be very interested if you have a link. Thanks again.

  6. m peavy profile image60
    m peavyposted 11 years ago

    HI Missing Link,
    I am 44 as well and a few years ago I opened my eyes to the changes going on in our world and stopped just living my life in my own happy box. There are definitely things going on right now that are changing our global consciousness. Just look at the "Prepper's", I am not saying they are right, but, they believe something is happening that is going to change the way we live today as well. I look at it biblical myself, some say Aliens, Some say New World Order even some say the Illuminati. Who knows, they may all be right. They could all tie into each other. If you look at it biblical, I do not believe we are in the End Times now, but I think we are preparing for it.

    Previously I read of Aliens taking mind control over the leaders and influential people in our world. I do not put merit into this, and if they were being influenced otherworldly I think it would be from Fallen Angels attempting to move us closer to  the tribulation.

    Hope my feed back helps.

    1. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We are pretty much on the same page.   I see the Prepper's as prudent-what's wrong with having emergency plans?  Yes my fears are tied in to New World Order, the Bible, perhaps beings from elsewhere and more.  Thanks!

  7. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago

    Interesting question to say the least.

    First of all I dont believe in Aliens at all. However yes something is on the way and I am so glad I am not the only one to feel the big change about to hit the world.

    Wow,  to me its stronger and stronger. I almost have a feeling I know what it is.
    However it is going to be big but then die down. It may be something that God has planned to release an evil schemer. Who knows.

    I feel it in my bones, my dreams (seeing as I have visions and dreams about almost everything and anything that is going to happen, The Holy Spirit gives them to me) My dreams are getting stronger and stronger and I could also sense something in the air.

    I am glad you asked this, because when this happens I think we will all know exactly that this is the big change. It will hit us and we will feel that it has come if you know what I mean. We may not know now but like anything we sense it when it is here .


    1. m peavy profile image60
      m peavyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      hope you read my response.. I think we are on the same page.

    2. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The intuition part of me is ringing off the hook like never before.  We are feeling the same thing but via different manifestations.  I keep trying to deny it.  I'm freaked out somewhat and basically just hope I'm wrong and foolish.  Thanks!

  8. djashburnal profile image61
    djashburnalposted 11 years ago

    We are...

    If you look at the past couple hundred years you'll notice 2 patterns. The first one is eras of war.
    ~1800: revolutions begin to violently replace monarchies in Europe and colonies. This is shown with the US, Mexico, and France
    ~1850: civil war, new strategies and weapons
    ~1900: American Imperialism, WWI, beginning of modern warfare and weaponry
    ~1950: WWII, start of cold war
    ~2000: Global war on terrorism

    The second is cultural change
    ~1800: Western Democracy over Monarchy
    ~1860: End of slavery (US)
    ~1920: Women's voting (US)
    ~1960: Civil Rights (US)
    ~2000: ????

    The third is transportation:
    1830: steam engines
    1860: First internal combustion engines
    1880: First cars
    1900: Flight, first massed produced cars
    1920: Federal Highway act (US)
    1950: First jet engines
    1960: manned space travel
    1980: Reusable manned spaceshuttles
    2000: ????

    So you can kind of see every 50 or so years, there's a major conflict that shapes the world. About every 60 years we have a cultural revolution that enhances freedom (at least for the US). and every 20-30 years we have a major advancement in transportation (granted we don't use space travel for business trips).

    Granted, after looking at the Arab spring, the protests all around the world, the unsatisfactory quality of governments around the world, the global war on terrorism might not be the conflict that defines our generation. Even the US is making the same mistakes that drove the Revolutions at the end of the 18th century and the communist revolutions of early 20th century. Debt, poverty, wage inequality, restrictions on freedoms, increased taxes, and even alienating the military by cutting pay and benefits. We might be on the edge of a 21st century string of revolutions that start with Tunisia.

    1. Missing Link profile image68
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this


      It's cool the way you break down some trends here---definitely food for thought--thanks much!


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