Can you say, " I love you " too much?

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  1. innerspin profile image91
    innerspinposted 11 years ago

    Can you say, " I love you " too much?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    It really depends on the individual that is being told it I suppose. Some people never tire of hearing those words while others start to feel their mate is "clingy" or "smothering" them. There is another group that feels the more they hear those words the less meaning or impact they have. As I stated it's up to the individual.

    1. innerspin profile image91
      innerspinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A friend says "I love you" every family phone call, even if it's several calls a day. Sounds kind of routine. You're right about it being an individual thing, I guess.

    2. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My wife and I say it at the end of each call we have with one another. For us it is in case something tragic should happen and one of us died. Our last words to each other are, "I love you." Too often people regret not saying it prior to a death.

    3. Anselome profile image68
      Anselomeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't agree more. My fiance and I normally say I love you just before bed, or before one of us leaves for more than a couple hours. I hear my friend say it to his girlfriend all the time and I feel as though it's out of habit, hollow.

  3. PaoloJpm profile image80
    PaoloJpmposted 11 years ago

    I bet I love you has so much meaning, it can be I love you for a friend, I love you for your mother or I love you to a lover. So, I may conclude I say that three words often. I just love the world. smile

    1. innerspin profile image91
      innerspinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awww! Thanks for answering.

  4. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    If you mean it, you probably cannot say it too much, because you will know when you are starting to annoy the person you love.

  5. Mabalani profile image76
    Mabalaniposted 11 years ago

    This is an interesting question; one which is both easy and difficult to answer.

    If you're feeling love for the person you saying it to, and you say it without necessarily expecting a reciprocation to your statement, then maybe its fine to say it a lot.
    I hope I don't need to mention that saying 'I love you' to a person when you don't mean it is both cruel and mean.

    Some people and cultures prefer to demonstrate affection through the kindly things they do for their beloved much more than saying the words. To such persons saying 'I love you' too often can be a little annoying and betray a certain insecurity of the person saying it.

    Perhaps we should all start the day but looking at our reflections upon awaken, and tell that image looking back at you 'I LOVE YOU' and say it with a warm affectionate smile.

    Thank you for asking an interesting question

    1. innerspin profile image91
      innerspinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer, thanks.

  6. lifetips123 profile image58
    lifetips123posted 11 years ago

    Yes.  I believe there is nothing wrong in expressing our intensity of love towards our loved ones because, in life, we don't know what is going to happen in the next moment.  So anything can happen in the very next second. 

    It will be great if you take a feeling in your mind that next moment you are going to die and should make your loved one know before you die that you loved that person more than anything in your life and that will be the most beautiful and everlasting last words if you die the next day.

    Also, if she dies the next day, these words will be the greatest words as you wont be feel sad too much as you had expressed your love fully to her.

  7. taburkett profile image58
    taburkettposted 11 years ago

    not if you truly mean it.
    no one ever knows for sure when they will never be able to say it again to those they truly love.
    therefore, saying it often means that you will not miss that last chance to present it to the other party.

  8. Adam Negrich profile image60
    Adam Negrichposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I believe you can. If you do it too much, whoever you say it to whether it be your partner, or family member, etc. it will lose it's meaning. If somebody becomes accustomed to a certain thing all the time, how will they ever appreciate it, or know it's true value? I only say it when needed. For example when my girlfriend does something really sweet for me, or when she's hurt or says 'I love you" right to me. Just when the time feels right...don't over do it.

  9. Mike Marks profile image55
    Mike Marksposted 11 years ago

    Well I say it all the time to her, and sometimes I say it when she’s not even around, I’ll think of her and I’ll smile and I’ll say “luv ya Lori”… and it’s not always heavy when I say it to her, sometimes I’ll say it when I hand her a sandwich I made for her, or I’ll say it when I switch the tv on the right channel for the show I know she always likes to watch at that hour, and I don’t expect to always hear “love you” back, I expect her to smile and feel warm, even if I don’t see her lips smile, when she hears me say it, and I like to hear “thanx, I was so hungry” or see her sit up in bed hoping I’ll sit down beside her and watch her show with her.  I like to say “I love you” in the morning when I come downstairs and see her in front of her computer with her coffee and I’ll kiss her on the top of her head then spin around to get my coffee.  Maybe by saying it so much it doesn’t have that big uplifting stroke that using it more sparingly might deliver, but I think it maintains a constant comfortable secure knowing that she’s loved.  Besides, the words go thru my brain so often it would be uncomfortable not to say it outloud often.

    1. Mabalani profile image76
      Mabalaniposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is just so romantic, particularly the bit about you saying it  even when she's not there.  More power to you Sir; May your love for each other stay forever young.

    2. innerspin profile image91
      innerspinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, that's so lovely! Thanks for sharing your love story.

  10. georgialgal1984 profile image87
    georgialgal1984posted 11 years ago

    Never...... smile I would rather someone say that I loved them too much, than not enough.

  11. DDE profile image44
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    I mean it and i don't say it very ,much but sometimes you got to let your partner know   or make them feel good in hearing 'I love  you'

  12. profile image0
    dashingmeposted 11 years ago

    For me, Yes as along as you mean it to the person whom you love most. But it will only matter if the person being told don't  care. For them they will feel to much!..

    1. tempestt10 profile image50
      tempestt10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's only annoying when you know it's not genuine.

    2. profile image0
      dashingmeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, tempestt10 youre right! Sometimes that hurts you also, when they say it with out meaning it.

  13. Solaras profile image81
    Solarasposted 11 years ago

    Yes, especially if the speaker expects to hear it back every time and begins to pout about it when they feel they didn't get enough meaning in the response.  It's best said when the timing is right and it is meaningful, and you don't expect or demand to hear "I Iove you too."

  14. Anselome profile image68
    Anselomeposted 11 years ago

    I believe that if you mean it and you want it's meaning to stay consistent, that it shouldn't be said too often. If you say it at the end of every conversation, it becomes more out of habit with no more meaning behind it than "would you like fries with that?" (No offense to fast food employees, I used to work at McDonald's and I know that this can become so repetitive it just becomes hollow habit after a while).

  15. Crissylite profile image76
    Crissyliteposted 11 years ago

    I don't think so. But it can get redundant when actions don't back it up.

  16. profile image56
    PoojaMehta0911posted 11 years ago

    Yes, y not??? If you really mean it and as far as the opposite person is not annoyed you can go ahead.

    Its just not that you says these words only to your lover but it can be to any one you love like your mom, dad , your best friend.

    I tell it to my mom daily and also like to see a smile on her face when i say that.

    1. lifetips123 profile image58
      lifetips123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree to you Pooja

  17. Richard Vagel profile image59
    Richard Vagelposted 11 years ago

    I think you can't say it enough. The important thing is that you really mean it when you say it.

    1. WalterPoon profile image69
      WalterPoonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't worry too much because the first few months will not give you much revenue, anyway. But I can understand how everyone feels, when waiting anxiously for the approval, just like an expectant father or mother.

  18. avneet sidhu profile image58
    avneet sidhuposted 11 years ago

    Hmmm... I think if I really love someone deep from my heart, there is no need to say I love you for so many times a day. But, it doesn't mean that we should not speak these magical words. It is very important to show our concern and love. If your loved one expects you to say these words so many times a day, there is nothing wrong about it. After all, It's all about LOVE?

  19. xmags profile image81
    xmagsposted 11 years ago

    I think you both can and can't say it too much. You can't because, well, the thing is that when you really love the person, there is this tendency to get a bit obsessed with letting them know of how you feel. As long as you mean it every single time you say it, you don't wait for it to be reciprocated, and you do everything to back up your claim, then I guess you're doing the right thing.

    However, you can say it too much in the sense that it loses its meaning as already mentioned in the comments above. It becomes some sort of routine for both you and the recipient of the endearment. Both of you get desensitized by the constant 'i loves yous' and what nots. And then, if there's also this tendency for you to want to hear it back, so much so that the mere act of the other person not reciprocating or not saying the words back is enough to hurt you. This might lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.

    Personally though, I really can't help myself from saying it to my loved ones because I believe that I should always let them know how much they mean to me because I'll never know what'll happen in the future. I just like to treasure the memories and for them to treasure the feeling as well. smile

    1. lifetips123 profile image58
      lifetips123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nice idea xmags

  20. Grace-Wolf-30 profile image60
    Grace-Wolf-30posted 11 years ago

    My husband said it to me a week last Saturday for the first time in five years! We don't say it because we don't need to. We know we love each other because of the way we treat each other, and when he said it to me (admittedly he'd had too much to drink!) I know he really meant it. If you say 'I love you' all the time, it loses it's meaning.

  21. debbyp1964 profile image60
    debbyp1964posted 11 years ago

    Definitely,  saying those three little words is just that; words. Showing it is the best way to say it.  "Actions speak louder than words" is an incredibly true statement. especially in the world of love.

  22. Mitch Alan profile image80
    Mitch Alanposted 11 years ago

    If you truly mean it when you say it and, more importantly, you live it in actions, then I'd say you can never say it too much. If it is nothing more than words and is delivered with the same mind and heart as "good morning", then it can be said too often, as it is an empty platitude.

    1. innerspin profile image91
      innerspinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Mitch Alan, I like the " live it in actions" along with the words.

    2. WalterPoon profile image69
      WalterPoonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Mitch Alan, you are humorous! I like it when you say: "If it is... delivered with the same mind and heart as "good morning"...

  23. WalterPoon profile image69
    WalterPoonposted 11 years ago

    The golden rule is that everything should be done in moderation. Loving a person does not mean that you have to say "I love you" all the time. Saying it is just one of the many forms of expression of love and in many cases, I would say that action speaks louder than words... and I don't mean making love alone.

    1. WalterPoon profile image69
      WalterPoonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      On second thoughts, I would say that when poverty knocks at the door and love flies out through the window, one cannot say " I love you " too much.

  24. profile image0
    KenDeanAgudoposted 11 years ago

    yes, i have already said that but never give all, always put reservations

  25. jravity1 profile image60
    jravity1posted 11 years ago

    Yes....if you repeatedly say it over and over and over again in a row many times, I promise you whoever you are saying it to will get annoyed. Like this, I love you, I love you , I love you, I love you, I love you. Do you understand? I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.

  26. profile image0
    athurionposted 11 years ago

    Saying "I love you" too much is better than saying negative words.

    1. WalterPoon profile image69
      WalterPoonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't you think there may be a loose screw up there if a person keeps on saying "I love you"?

    2. profile image0
      athurionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's possible.  LOL


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