Did God tempt us by dangling the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?
Every day billions of people ask God to "Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. And yet, the Bible says Eve WAS tempted by the fruit. We cannot blame the serpent, because in the garden; God put both the snake and the fruit. Also - we are mere mortals - and yet we do not believe the sins of the father and mother should fall on their children and all their children's children. However, God said that the stain of Adam and Eve would follow all of humanity (at least until the time of Jesus). What do you think?
No, I don't think God (tempts) us. According to most believers God (knows) what you are going to do from the moment you were created. You can't "surprise" God. Therefore if God is "all knowing" there would be no point (in my opinion) to "test" man.
If one literary buys into all of the stories within the bible I suspect it's true purpose is to "teach" man (how to live) and understand there are "consequences" for not doing what is right.
Knowing that God knows my whole life from first breath to last breath is a bit depressing. I always wondered what God would do if - at the last split second of his life, Hitler repented.
If Hitler repented, God would have forgiven him. For all I know, he did. As far as God is concerned, sin is collective and cannot be measured, and all sin is equal. Dishonoring your parents is just as evil as killing millions of people.
Billrrrr, Don't be depressed. lol! Your life is still your life to live. Just because God knows what tomorrow has in store for you shouldn't take the fun out of living. Your choices are still your own. God is just not "surprised". :-)
For me, this is comforting. God knows what will happen in my whole life. He knows everything single thing I've done, yet he still loves me wants me to spend my eternal life with him. He prepares my way so that I can endure my trials & temptatio
God would be true to His word, and would forgive him if his heart was sincere and true. Since only God knows the true intent of ones heart....perhaps it is safe to say...truly only God knows for sure. There are no degrees between sin...sin is sin.
It is debatable whether God actually put the serpent in the garden, or if it even was a literal serpent. Nowhere else in Genesis do animals talk, so many suppose the "serpent" was actually a symbol for Satan or a representation of mankind's inner rebellion. The conversation with the "serpent" was likely of a more spiritual, inner turmoil nature than an actual, audible conversation. The reference to the woman's son crushing the serpent's head is believed to be the first prophesy of the Messiah and His victory over sin and death, therefore also not referencing a literal serpent.
Many Christians believe God created everything. I disagree. If God is good as the Bible claims, he may have initially created the universe and all that is in it, but good cannot logically begat evil. Therefore, the evil had to have been created by someone or something else. Much of it was created by Eve when she chose willful disobedience and opened the floodgates of carnal nature. Adam had the opportunity to stop it and did not. He is therefore just as guilty. In allowing evil to enter the world and demonic forces to enter the hearts of mankind, evil became a manmade phenomenon, not a God-made phenomenon.
I agree that it was not a literal serpent. All of the Christian religion is based on parable and metaphor. In other words it is faith based, not fact based.
Sorry but I must disagree with you. John 1:2 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
John 1 (Young's Literal Translation)
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John 1
Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Wor
Light can have no fellowship with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). God creates people who do evil and things used for evil. He does not do evil or cause evil. We do.
no violin, that is a church lie. satan NEVER was an angel. He was a murderer and liar "FROM THE BEGINNING" you have been deceived/ and lucifer is the king of babylon, read the bible it is plain as day, it says that. if you read the whole of it.
If you think Eve was bad do some google searches on Adam's "first wife", Lilith! When you factor in the Kane & Able story one would have to say Adam did not lead a charmed life. Too bad the advice of Proverbs 21:19 came after his lifetime. LOL!
scorpio---that is a lie Eve was Adams ONLY wife and the ONLY created woman all else have been born after her. There is no scripture to support that fable.
Celafore, I can't confirm or deny if there was a Lilith as I was not there. In 405 (Pope Innocent I) "decided" what books would be (included) in the "Holy Bible" Politics played a part in which books were canonized. A lot of books didn't make the cut
Of course. There cannot be free will and trials without temptation.
Agreed. But as I commented to Dashingscorpio, it's somewhat depressing to think that 70 years ago when I was a baby, God knew my whole life until now and beyond. If it's already in His book, is it really free will?
BI LLRRRyes you get to do what you want, he just can see where you will go.
that is something we as humans can not do so many, like you, do not think it possible
He knows the different paths we could take, but we ultimately choose which path.
Imagine a parent whose sixteen-year-old drives his car too fast. The parent knows driving too fast is not safe, but the son will not listen and does as he pleases. The parent is not responsible if the son gets a ticket or has an accident.
Billrrrr, Yes it's still "free will" because you still are making the choices! Just because you know what someone is going to do does not mean you are controlling them. To be honest with you God knows when and how you're going to die as well. :-)
NO-- the bible does NOT say Eve was tempted by the fruit. There was no problem until satan tempted her. . Of course since God created satan to be the accuser etc then in a round about way you can say God was responsible for her temptation.
The bible does tell us to test ALL things to see if they be of God and we are no exception, we must be tested to see if we be of God also.
I think, as you noted, the bottom line is that God was responsible for the temptation and He knew that Eve would fail. He should not 'lead us into temptation."
why not , how else are we to be tested? history shows we need to be tested , you cant trust people at their word.
God created Satan to be an angel, not the accuser. Satan used his free will to rebel against God. That is not the same thing.
satan was created on the sixth day with all other creatures that is how he got in the garden, there was noting and God created--
God never tempt us, He never will. But there are some rules or things on earth that co exist with human. But amidst all the temptation, if we know the word and follow the word obedience all temptations are worthless... my two cents....
The Bible says that God never tempts anyone. Now, does a mother tempt her child by telling him/her not to touch the stovetop or not to stick his/her finger in the socket?...No. God gave instruction. The serpent did more than just tempt Eve, he deceived her. Eve chose to listen to him instead of God.The whole nature of man changed.
I appreciate that God did not make us to be like robots. He made us to have free will. He wants us to reverence Him and obey Him out of love (because we want to). From the beginning, he gave us an option. But He also provided salvation because He loves us. Jesus took on the sins of the whole world. Even though we are not perfect, there is forgiveness. We just need to believe. We can choose to follow the flesh or the spirit; death or life. He wants us to make the right choice. God loves us.
Every parent knows not to put shiny things in front of children. They will always reach for them. Our Father certainly knew that: but he still put the fruit in the garden. All the scriptures and biblical quotes cannot change that fact. Just sayin'
I'll never know it all, but I choose to trust in Him. I feel we were created for so much more than this. This life is like a vapor & what's to come is where life really begins. God allowed tempting; He didn't tempt us. He provided grace. trust &a
crissy-- i agree this is the qualification phase the real life comes after the weed and chaff are thrown in the fire and the Kingdom of God arrives
Forgot to mention... the Bible says that God will not allow us to even be tempted more that we can bear and that He always provides a way of escape when we are tempted.
We cannot shield our children from every temptation, and if we could, how would we ever know if our children really love and respected us as their parents if we never give them the opportunity to make real choices?
No,,, he created man last...he probably forgot he put it there, almighty or not..sometimes you just forget where you put stuff.
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I do not believe that God tempted us....perhaps, tested us....after all everything was provided in that situation...a need for nothing....yet, still more was desired. Perhaps, the lesson that was presented was to look around and take account of what one truly has.... are we grateful and thankful for what we have....is the more, different or something new....really a benefit or distraction?
("We cannot blame the serpent, because in the garden; God put both the snake and the fruit.")
It is obvious who God blamed by whom He acknowledged and to what He cursed. It is not who "we" blame, but who God blames (Genesis 3:14-19).
But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. - Genesis 50:20
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. - Proverbs 16:4
("yet we do not believe the sins of the father and mother should fall on their children and all their children's children.")
Your quote has to do with the context of one the Israelite's breaking God's covenant under the Law, not the fall of man.
The curse on the earth and man is the distinct consequence for eating the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:14-19). The "sins of the father," on the other hand, is about being covenantally unfaithful, and the consequences for breaking the covenant (Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:6-7, Deuteronomy 5:9).
("Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. And yet, the Bible says Eve WAS tempted by the fruit.)
The prayer that you are quoting is a praying petition to God to remove sin and deliver from evil. Those who were under the Law were indebted to it, and the consequences for breaking it allowed Satan (evil) to be loosed upon them. Even though we are not under the Law, when we become slaves to sin, we also open ourselves to Satan being loosed upon us. It is only through grace that we can overcome walking into and giving into temptation. Jesus Christ was an example of being tempted without entering into the temptation; entering into it implies giving way, closing in with, and embracing it. In contrast, Adam and Eve were tempted, gave way, and entered into to the deception of the serpent.
Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. - Psalm 19:13
("God said that the stain of Adam and Eve would follow all of humanity (at least until the time of Jesus")
The curse on all that is on earth will come to an end at the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Adam and Eve gave into the temptation that was accentuated by the serpent.Their desire to eat the fruit reveals that they were created with free-will; they were not automatons.
The imagery of "dangling fruit" is a "tempting" idea, but could it have been merely metaphor for something that had no physical shape or form?
God has no form! Thus the prohibition against graven images. Any such statue would be a lie.
God said Adam and Eve would die on the day they ate of the forbidden fruit, but did they literally, physically die? Of course not! In fact, they were escorted out of the Garden and Adam supposedly lived for 930 years, begetting after the Garden many sons and daughters.
And didn't Jesus tell Nicodemus that we need to be born again of the spirit, not of the flesh? Why? Because the death was not of the flesh, but of spirit.
Could the Garden and the fruit merely have been spiritual or conceptual objects?
If this is true, then what was the fruit? Could it merely have been a willful turning away from God toward the physical? Could it have been placing physical law above spiritual law? Could it be that we could see before the fruit -- see with spiritual eyes, but after the fruit, Darkness, requiring physical eyes? Could that be why God created Homo sapiens?
I have seen without physical eyes in the few brief moments when ego (the willfulness of old -- the poison of the forbidden fruit) had vanished. I long to return to the Father's warm embrace.
I don't know why the Father has chosen me to become one of His messengers, but He has shown me a great deal in the Bible that no one has ever before talked about. Things like, what was God's reason for Noah's Flood? Every answer before now has been woefully inadequate. And that inadequacy has been one of our greatest clues. Noah's Flood was in every way an act of love.
Now, I'm writing a book about it: "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom." Only the Heavenly Father can give one Truth, but this book can help loosen one's grip on the things of this world.
I am a Hindu and we believe in karma.Your whole life is not charted out for you but the aspects that you cannot control like your gender, your birthplace etc. are what best suits you depending on your deeds in your past life if there was one.
Great comment Lone77star. Best of luck with your work.
Ask yourself what would have happened if they never ate the fruit. A life of bone idle indolence, unfruitful and wasted. A&E were created as grown adults, so we are led to believe, but they must have had the minds of children and incapable of taking care of themselves due to having no life experience. So God sets them a test to reveal to them when they are mature enough to take responsibilities for their own actions and develop, mature and take care of themselves. The result, they were cast out of the family nest to make a life for themselves. Hard work breeds good character and maturity. A&E were now free to be creative, develop, spread across the globe, build civilisations, etc. Far from a fall, which incidentally is not mentioned in the bible, perhaps it was just the next stage in human development.
Great comment Disappearinghead. I was trying to make a similar point when I said that every parent knows not to put temptation in front of children. They are going to fail. Perhaps God did it exactly for the reasons you mention.
Without temptation there would be no freedom of choice. Character is tested when there is temptation. God allows people to sin because they were not created to be like robots. If they were, there would be no temptation or free will.
In the eyes of humanity this punishment is hereditary.Why a sin done by Adam and Eve is continuously transferred from generation to generation.The temptation is truly a quality that attracts everybody.This is humane fault.We are the creature of blood and flesh .May be,but I think this is not true.
Not really. God had given us free will and we can decide which one to choose from good and wrong. Also, god had told Adam and Eve what to do and what not to do. They were tempted by their own pride and blew it. Similarly, we, human beings, also are doing the same thing by overthrowing god and deciding wrong deeds. Belief in god will always protect us.
James 1:13-15
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
The Bible answers your question with a "no". Eve was tempted by her own evil desire.
God did not tempt Adam and Eve, Satan tempted them. Did God know they were being tempted by Satan? I'm sure He did. I believe they were being tested to see if they loved God like the Trinity loved each other. God gave Adam and Eve free will. They each had a choice. They could love God and trust Him and do what He told them, "Don't eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," or they could love themselves and listen to Satan's lies and eat from the tree and die. They were together when this happened. Eve chose first and gave it to Adam and he chose second. He could've turned away and said, "I'm not eating that." But he didn't and he disobeyed God too. It's the same thing we face every day now...will I be led by the Spirit of God or by the desires of my flesh? Every choice we make, we answer that question. If God's Spirit lives in us, when we choose to obey God rather than our flesh, His Spirit controls more of us and our fleshly desires are pushed out. We become more like Christ, denying our flesh, taking up our cross daily, and following Him. How much we grow in Christ depends on each choice we make. Jesus said He didn't do anything He didn't see the Father doing...and He is our example. So, we have to learn to submit to the promptings of the Holy Spirit (Christ in us) and ignore the yearnings of our flesh. The more we do this, the easier it gets and the more we become like Christ from the inside out. As the Seed that was planted within us at our new birth grows, our flesh becomes weaker and before we know it, the fruit of the Spirit is dropping off of us, not because we worked at producing it, but because we learned and obeyed what God's Word says. Matt 4:1 says, Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Do you think God sent the devil into the desert to tempt Jesus? I'm sure he did. I think the whole thing was God's plan from beginning to end. God is Sovereign. The great news is, because Jesus died for our bad choices, we just have to ask forgiveness and try better the next time...hopefully the consequences will help us choose right the next time...if not, and we ask Him to forgive us, He'll give us another chance!...and another!!!! Because He loves us and wants us to get it right. For some of us, it'll take 1 bad decision, for some it'll take 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 10, but God covers a multitude of sins, and if we truly gave our lives to Him, He'll keep pursuing us and granting us mercy and grace, and sometimes clunking us on the head so we'll choose right...what a great God we have. For those of us who know Him, and have experienced His long arm of mercy, all we know to do is praise Him for His wonderous works in us. Once you know that your flesh is weak, but choosing right brings fruit in your life, you WANT to choose right.
Not really. When we read the bible, we find the answer to this question. God intended that we exercise restraint which we miserably failed in.
Well like everyone agrees God knows/sees/hears all in every moment of our lives. God has the final say and anything he does is justified. He needs no acceptance from any of us, however we do need acceptance from him.
I do believe he tests us all the time, we do have free will and God allows us to live out our free will knowing how we are going to live it out but however allowing us to do so. We will suffer the consequences whether we believe these consequences come from God or not. I always loved this scripture...
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I agree that all sin will be forgiven however God will not let them go unpunished regardless, per saul.
There is one sin that will never be forgiven and that is blasphemy the Holy Spirit. This is a sin God hates. I do not know who would do that, but evil does.
God always amazes me, like someone said would he be surprised if Hitler repented at the last moment, no, he knows everything, we cant hide.
Its cool that he knows all our thoughts, where we go, who we talk to, what we do and are going to do. I often wonder how reading everyone's thoughts at the same time does not drive him crazy. I know i would have one big headache.
I wrote a quote that simply states
"we are mere creations of Gods plan, hanging in his battlefield preparing for our journey"
With one finger God can shift anything in this world.
So with all that said, I dont think God tempts us but tests us yes.
I think the forbidden fruit story is just a parable. Would any parent leave a box of matchsticks on the floor, if they have a 3-year old kid in the house? Would they tell the kid, "Hey, you are not to touch that box", or will they just make sure that the matchbox is not within reach of the kid?
I agree one hundred per cent. By the way, the supreme being (God) knew that they would eat the apple. Why even put it out there?
When I send my children outside to play, their only rule is that they can't open the gate. We need the gate, it serves an important purpose and one day I will want them to use it, but for now, at their young age, they are not allowed to open it.
If you take the story literally, yes. If Eve was tempted by the fruit, then the fruit must have been tempting. And God, who created the fruit for some reason, would know this.
But I don't take this story literally or see it primarily as a fable about original sin. It's basically a story about growing up. Over time, we all lose our innocence, gain the knowledge of good and evil, and become ashamed of being naked. We can't live all of our lives in a sheltered little garden, and at some point we must go out into the world and support ourselves. It would be nice to live in a state of perpetual innocence where all of our needs are met, but that's just not how it works. Why? God only knows.
Freeway Flyer, based on your interpretation, how does Satan, the fall guy, fits in? Or are you saying there is no Satan?
Interesting viewpoint. I think it's some sort of a story like the parables that Jesus used to tell. He never gives straight answers and often answers a question with a question. That's his style & we have to interpret his teachings.
The snake is a satan-like character in the story. Like the apple, he represents the evil temptations that we all will face when growing up. And we will all fall at times. Apparently, God built evil and temptation into the system.
We tempt ourselves and have free will.
James 1:14
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
From a Catholic perspective, the bible says that everything God made "was good," but everything he made, if used in a way that he did not intend, can be used for evil.
For example, God make the Cocoa plant and when used to make tea it contains medicinal properties and many good uses. This plant it good, just as God made it, but heavily processed in a way that God did not intend, it becomes cocaine.
He also created rational beings, both angels and humans, with free will. Why? God, a rational being with free will, designed us in His image and chose to make us rational beings with free will also. Without it we could not freely choose to love God or neighbor; we would be no different than the animals.
I agree, the snake, was not simply a snake, but either a demon possessing a snake (as we see in the New Testament, when Jesus sent the demons into swine) or a demon presenting itself as a snake (Catholic teaching specifically states the serpent was real, not a metaphor). Either way, God did not instruct the demon to tempt Eve, but He did allow it.
God obviously wants only wants only good for us, and every act that is considered sinful is so because it harms us or others physically, emotionally or spiritually, but we do have a choice and must live with the consequences of that choice.
Evil is not something other than good, that must have been created by someone other than God; evil is the absence of good. Hate is the absence of love, sickness is the absence of health, death, the absence of life, lust the absence of chastity, and so on. Adam and Eve did not create evil in their disobedience; their sins simply separated mankind from God, from the ultimate good.
"Adam and Eve's sin caused them to become aware of good and evil. It was this new knowledge that gave mankind the capacity for sin--because we are all descended from them. Catholic teaching says that one can sin only by committing acts of their own free will that they know to be against God's will.
The Old Testament is full of examples where the parent's sins fell on their children. Like a parent who allows their child to face the natural consequences of their mistakes, God allows the natural and spiritual consequences of sin to take place in our lives. What evils await future generations because of the evils committed by us or our ancestors? God loves us, but He won't force Himself on us. We can choose to separate ourselves from Him, and He will always respect our choice.
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