The Bible states that God created the Waters, but when did He do this?

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  1. profile image53
    graceinusposted 10 years ago

    The Bible states that God created the Waters, but when did He do this?

    If you notice in the book of Genesis Chapter 1 it does not state the day in which God created the waters within the 6 days of creation. Between verses 2 and 6 it implies that water already existed. However, throughout the bible there are verses that clearly state He did creat it. Why is it not described in the 6 creation days. How is this explained?

  2. JLopera profile image60
    JLoperaposted 10 years ago

    The Bible does not exactly say that God created the waters in the Creation story in Genesis.  The very first thing that is mentioned in the Bible is God's first act of creation:  it says He created heaven and earth on 'the first day'. (Genesis 1:1) 

    However, according to the story, this is just when the waters were created; it is implied that everything was water.  The earth was without form, Genesis 1:1 states, and in the next verse, Genesis 1:2, it is merely stated that "darkness was upon the face of the deep" and that "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters".  So, the waters were part of the heaven and earth that He created.

    Later, in verse 6, God created the firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below.  He called the firmament "Heaven" with a capital H, making his creation a little more definite. This, He did on 'the second day'.

    On 'the third day' He gathered the waters that were under the firmament into one place and caused the land to appear in its own place.  He called the land "Earth" with a capital E.  To the waters that were gathered into one place, He finally gave their name, "Seas", capital S.

    So it appears that the waters were made on the first day as part of 'heaven and earth' and possibly that everything first made was water; and later, God refined and defined His work.

    Whatever your beliefs, it's a fascinating story, worth reading.

    1. danijean99 profile image58
      danijean99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great explanation!

    2. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      JLopera- I thank you for your answer. The way I understand the bible the only thing created the first day (of creation week) was light. The waters already existed. I find this to be an interesting subject. Again Thank you.

  3. celafoe profile image53
    celafoeposted 10 years ago

    It is not clear whether the water was present before "the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth" or if it was created at the very beginning.   Quite apparently this is unimportant or we would have clear details.   
    Since the bible says that ALL things were created by and for Him, we know that He created it at some point.
    The important thing in Genesis is that He Created EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS.
    There was a chaotic mess (containing the needed building materials) and He took that and from it made order and all else that exists, each perfect  in its place and for its purpose.
    There are many theories about the creation of the waters, but none can be proven by facts.   
    Which leads me to understand that we have no need to know more detail.   So I am not concerned about where the water entered the picture, but with what happened during the 7 (6) days of creation that we are given the details of so that we understand how the hand of God created Everything that exists today in , on, and pertaining to the earth and its inhabitants.
    It is like other things that are of no importance that we are not given details of, such as the date of the birth of Christ was not given so we would not celebrate it, but that we would do what He told us and celebrate His death and resurrection instead as that is what was most important about His life.

    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      celafoe- I just find it very interesting that one of the most important things we need to sustain life and we don't know when God created it. It one of those mysteries that God placed in His word. Many thanks Celafoe.

    2. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      yes so true but we can sure see His love in the provision of it

    3. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you both, its a mystery however , it is not of big importance or God would make it known. We all know he created life so it goes without saying. As said it just raises more questions, never question the mysteries of God.

  4. danijean99 profile image58
    danijean99posted 10 years ago

    Yes the Bible explains alot, but there's alot that the Bible does not explain, because we as humans cannot think or equal ourselves to the power of God himself.  Yes we can do all things like him, but to ponder about everything will puzzle our brains.  Only in the afterlife will we truly understand.  Maybe we aren't supposed to know.

    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      danijean99- You are correct, there are many things in the bible that God choses not to explain in detail. But it does leave a lot to wonder about. Many thanks.

    2. danijean99 profile image58
      danijean99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @graceinus Thanks!

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Isa 28:9-11 say god will teach us to put precept upon precept, line upon line and a little from here and there until we will appear to speak in another tongue. I discovered a metamorphosis or rebirth (Rom 1:20) is required of us for god to do it.

  5. RealityTalk profile image59
    RealityTalkposted 10 years ago

    According to the Israelites, god created an Earth within a dome which included the sun, the moon & the stars.  An ocean of water encircled the outside of the dome.  Doors were put in the dome for the angels to operate (hence their wings) to allow the rain to fall on the Earth.

    So, I would guess the Israeli god created the Earth first and immediately thereafter created water.  Just a guess.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      that does not fit with the scriptures so I reject it as  an old wives tale

    2. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      RealityTalk- When the Israelites were taken captive by babylon , they began worshiping some of the gods and beliefs of the people of Babylon. It possible this was at one time a Babylonian belief, but I'm only guessing. Thank you.

  6. irenemaria profile image61
    irenemariaposted 10 years ago

    1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
    Then the interesting story continues:
    And God went on to say: verse 6 “Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters.” 7 Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And it came to be so. 8 And God began to call the expanse Heaven.

    So the water was created very early before plants and animals. Then there was a space between the waters on earth and the the waters above. It seems like there was a huge protective water mass over the atmosphere.
    This is interesting since the story in Genesis 6 and fw tells about an enormous flood covering the earth. That water came from both that expanse and from floods and lakes on earth. All that water is still here! The power was so grand, so the deeps in the oceans pushed up mountains and their tops. It is interesting for ex. that the highest mountain, Mt Everest is close to the deepest deep in the ocean near by.

    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      irenemaria. thank you for your answer. Could you please show me in verse  6 and 7 where it states God created water in these verses. And I find it interesting that it's not stated. Thanks.

  7. profile image0
    Answerpleaserposted 10 years ago

    he did this in the beginning. The exact date will never be factually known because human have never been able to pin point exact dates other than those plainly written on artifacts. This is also because the findings that we use today are just the surface in trying to determine times of events from the past. Some say that you can research the generations of man kind in the bible then add up the generation until the time of Jesus birth then add on time until today, Giving you the age of  Earth and possibly a time frame to say when God made the water.

    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Answerpleaser- I'm not so sure counting the generations of man will do the trick. But I would assume that if God truely want us to know He would have mentioned it. Many thanks for your answer.

    2. profile image0
      Answerpleaserposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well God did make Adam pretty close to the beginning. The decedents can be traced from Adam to Jesus. Jesus's death has a date. Also the bible tells you how long each decedent lived up to the birth of Jesus. The math is there.

  8. Paul K Francis profile image85
    Paul K Francisposted 10 years ago

    God brought goodness into the world and as there were evil connotations related to ' the deep' and pagan god affiliations with ' the sea', the authors of Genesis credited God with creating the expanse - the sky which separated the waters above with the waters below. When God gathered the waters below to expose 'the land' these waters would be named 'the seas.'

    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Paul K Francis- Thanky you for your answer.

    2. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      francis- how foolish.   scripture says GOD CREATED ALL things, that means He created satan.   there was NOTHING THEN GOD created all things.  where did you find that foolish notion? How was there pagan gods with no man or satan  yet to invent them?

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Charlie, combine Exodus 3:14's I AM THAT I AM with Isaiah 7:16's the 2 kings over the abhorred land [death] and 45:7's explaining what god is doing in the presence and see what you get.

  9. Mishal333 profile image59
    Mishal333posted 9 years ago

    Well Genesis 1 doesn't exactly say when the water is created as many here have already pointed out. When Bible's first chapter starts it mentions the water was already there. so may be we have to search for clues in other books and chapters in Bible.

    Most Theologians agree the creation mentioned in Genesis 1 is not the actual creation of the Earth, instead it is the re-creation of the Earth. God doesn't create anything formless and void. He is the master architect and he makes only masterpieces, Job 38:4 says," where were you when I laid the Earth's foundation?.....  (v.7) while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted with joy?" When God created the earth it was beautiful thats why the angels sang with joy seeing his creation. They wont sing with joy seeing a formless and void earth.
    so that means something made the Earth formless and void, something terrible happened.

    Further in Job  38:8 tells when the water was created, " who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb". The time is not mentioned here,but this is how water came to exist. It burst out from the earth.

    The Earth was a beautiful place when God laid its foundation. Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Isaiah. 14:12 explains God created Lucifer one of God's main arch angel and he was in Eden, Gods garden, but he rebelled and god threw him from heaven, Jesus saw him fall like lightning from heaven (Luke.10:18). He fell on Earth along with one third of fallen angels and the once beautiful earth became formless and void.

    Now read Genesis and see god renew the lost earth back to its former glory in 6 days. water was already there when god renewed the earth in Genesis.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      this is another example from the minds of men and can not be proven as fact so of what use is it if we want TRUTH

    2. Mishal333 profile image59
      Mishal333posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Only God can give you truth, only he can answer some questions, but we his children look to "his" scripture for truth.

    3. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      correct we who desire truth look to the scriptures---NOT to men--  but as scripture tells us to we look to scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit;  who will give us all truth   as so many have said, its not important or we would have a clear word

    4. profile image53
      graceinusposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Mishal333- Clearly, it is not know when God created the water on earth. And most likely will remain a mystery for some time. And I must state, I don't personally place any trust in what Theologians think on any subject in the bible. Thks for your ans

    5. Kathy Kelley profile image55
      Kathy Kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's called the Gap theory and I believe it.  There are many scriptures to support it.  Surely you don't think the world is only 6000 years old do you.  That's just being closed minded to all facts, scientific and biblical!

    6. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kelly- Are you suggesting the bible supports this Gap theory you mentioned. If so what bible verses support it. I would be interested to know.

    7. Rich kelley profile image60
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The gap theory is there because man doesn't believe God can make something that man thinks is millions of years old.

    8. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Rich- Until Kathy mentioned Gap theory I had never heard of it. But it would be interesting to know when God created water. Which as you know was not during creation week. At the same time I do not support Gap theory "unless" scripture can prove it.

    9. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ah yes, the gap theory.   another doctrine of men to show that they know more than God.    Food for the pew sitters but not for Christians.     Those that follow man will ALWAYS be led astray as they deserve to be.

    10. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      celafoe- As states above I don't support this Gap theory doctrine or concept. At the same time it still bids the question; " When did God creat water?" I don't believe an answer can truely be found.

    11. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Grace --I agree .  I cant find it in the bible.

  10. MoWaters profile image60
    MoWatersposted 8 years ago

    Water, in my understanding, is the body of God. Water is the physical manifestation of God. This is the only way the many roles water plays throughout the Bible can be explained. In nature and science water is considered special exhibiting miraculous properties. If water is the body of god, we can start to understand why there is no creation point in Genesis.


    1. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      MoWater- there is a creation point in Genesus as described in Chapter 1. But water is never mentioned as created in chapter 1. I rebuke the idea the water IS God because it is not mentioned as such in scripture. But thanks for your answer.

    2. MoWaters profile image60
      MoWatersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Let me clarify, there is no creation point for Water in Genesis. So we agree on that point. There is no reason to rebuke the idea that water is God because thats was not my idea. My idea is simply Water is the physical body of God. Please respond.

    3. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mo,  there is absolutely NO WAY  that the water (that was  separated and moved out of the way  as it was everywhere at creation) could be considered to be God.   I  also rebuke such foolishness.

    4. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      MoWater- In John 1:18 it mentions that " No one has ever seen God. Based on this fact it rules out your concept that water is the physical body of God.  And I would say most if not all people has seen water. Again I rebuke this concept of your's.

    5. MoWaters profile image60
      MoWatersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      charlie, why is there absolutely NO WAY the water could be the BODY of God?
      graceinus, could John 1:18 be an acknowledgment of the grandeur and unmeasurable size of God? No one has seen God in his completion. The Holy Trinity comes to mind.

    6. profile image53
      graceinusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      MoWater- Why are you trying so hard to take John 1:18 out of context. It means EXACTLY what it says. Nothing more and nothing less. Are you trying so hard to fit it into you concept of God that you have to twist scripture to suit you. False doctrine.

    7. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Waters (Rev. 17:15) are people while water represent knowledge's 3 forms, thought [spirit], words and manifestation [ice]. I also agree that the first waters does is the manifestations of god in man, the light were holy and dark were unholy.

    8. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      mo- as you said you are parroting another man's false gospel.  read for yourself . no way is because that cannot be backed up with scripture in context.   and as grace said to you al men have seen water but NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD..

  11. Angele Parris profile image60
    Angele Parrisposted 7 years ago

    In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth. We tend to interpret this as in the beginning God created the sky and earth. The beginning, was not the first creation, or God would not have said let us create man in our image. I believe there is still a heaven, that has not tampered with since the beginning.

    1. profile image57
      KingdomComeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Angele Parris- You have me a bit confused by what your trying to say, I wish you would have explained much further and how it relates to when water was created.
      Have a great day.

  12. Blessed Hill profile image59
    Blessed Hillposted 7 years ago

    This is probably my favourite topic to discuss in the bible. I have done years of study and prayerful digging into the Word of God. I recently wrote a Hub about the topic of creation whether or not it actually took God 6 days to create everything or not. The question you ask I don't think can be answered by knowing scripture but rather by knowing God. Some vague answers just aren't in the bible but they are in God. I would encourage you to read my hub about creation in 7 days. Maybe sometimes we just need a paradigm shift so we can view God and all He has created from a different perspective.

    1. profile image57
      KingdomComeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting comment. I might read your Hub.

  13. joyceme profile image32
    joycemeposted 7 years ago

    I know this post is a couple of years old but I could not resist. Here is my take on the matter. The bible remains silent on somethings, and I think we should keep them like that since those things hardly affect our daily lives.
    What do you think?

    1. profile image57
      KingdomComeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think water effects our daily lives. Water being the one thing we can not live without seems to be one of the greatest mysteries.

  14. The0NatureBoy profile image55
    The0NatureBoyposted 7 years ago

    In Isaiah is a suggestion the earth is to remain forever which would mean the creation is only a metaphor of something. Genesis 1:14 suggests the sun, moon and stars are a "sign" to man and suggesting a cycle without beginning. That means "in the beginning" should be "in beginning" to suggest this is a starting place for a cycle which, once completed, will end up at this point again. 

    From that perspective the earth has always been with some type of transformation taking place which eliminate man's ability to see water, earth, plants and animated beings.  So, if we look at Revelation 20:5 we find everyone who isn't "saved" will reincarnate [for repopulating the new earth] that Rev. 21:4 say will not have b birth/death not anything we call flesh today, i.e., spiritual bodies rather than carnal, and no sun in verse 23 there is no sun. 

    Christians believe in "the rapture" which Matthew 20:1-16 say will happening one at a time so while the "saved" replenishes the earth they are raptured over the remaining 6000 years Peter say is a thousand years. Thus, the first millennium is the "day of rest" reversing Genesis' seventh day. So, since a day has 11 hours of evening [time preceding light] 1 hour of transition to morning [time of light], 11 hours of morning and 1 hour transiting back to evening that would be the "sign" days represents in Gen. 1:14. Thus, the earth always have been {see … les-Cycle} and so has water, earth, the plants and animated beings without any creation.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      sorry but scripture says different.  there IS NO rapture.   
      Rev 20:5  says no such thing as you say.   everything you say here is foolish conjecture and has NO SCRIPTURAL VALIDITY.

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We read it differently. The waters divided by the firmament was an "all at once rapture" of the people from Rev 21 so we can disagree, all is well.

  15. profile image53
    DallasLposted 6 years ago

    I was reading from John Calvin's commentary yesterday and thought it would be a good contribution the the answers/opinions here for those who are searching and find this page.

    In english it does seem that in english we can make no decisive statement about the Watters. In english "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." could be a statement of action, or a summery of what is about to be expounded upon. However Calvin "and other historic commentators such a Wesley agree" that the answer is in the original language (Hebrew?).

    "1. In the beginning. To expound the term "beginning," of Christ, is altogether frivolous. For Moses simply intends to assert that the world was not perfected at its very commencement, in the manner in which it is now seen, but that it was created an empty chaos of heaven and earth. His language therefore may be thus explained. When God in the beginning created the heaven and the earth, the earth was empty and waste. [35] He moreover teaches by the word "created," that what before did not exist was now made; for he has not used the term ytsr, (yatsar,) which signifies to frame or forms but vr', (bara,) which signifies to create. [36] Therefore his meaning is, that the world was made out of nothing. Hence the folly of those is refuted who imagine that unformed matter existed from eternity; and who gather nothing else from the narration of Moses than that the world was furnished with new ornaments, and received a form of which it was before destitute. This indeed was formerly a common fable among heathens, [37] who had received only an obscure report of the creation, and who, according to custom, adulterated the truth of God with strange figments; but for Christian men to labor (as Steuchus does [38] ) in maintaining this gross error is absurd and intolerable. Let this, then be maintained in the first place, [39] that the world is not eternal but was created by God. There is no doubt that Moses gives the name of heaven and earth to that confused mass which he, shortly afterwards, (Genesis 1:2.) denominates waters. The reason of which is, that this matter was to be the seed of the whole world. Besides, this is the generally recognized division of the world. [40]"

    (More in comment)

    1. profile image53
      DallasLposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      "And the earth was without form and void. I shall not be very solicitous about the exposition of these two epithets, tvhv, (tohu,) and vvhv, (bohu.) The Hebrews use them when they designate anything empty and confused, or vain, and nothing worth...

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      The Hebrew denotes IN BEGINNING rather than IN THE BEGINNING suggesting the beginning of a narrative which will return by through many repetitions (Gen 1:14 & Ecc 1:9). It suggests there was never a creation but a continual evolving cycle.

    3. profile image57
      KingdomComeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know what this garbage is you wrote but it make no sense.

    4. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      If that is addressed to me, Kingdom Come, I've a hub "Understanding The Knowledge of Good And Evil" if you read you may see my meaning, i.e, if you are open to alternative concepts, if you are not, don't bother.

    5. profile image57
      KingdomComeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      My comment was directed at DallasL


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