Do you think Christianity is a rip off of other religions?

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  1. lovetherain profile image83
    lovetherainposted 10 years ago

    Do you think Christianity is a rip off of other religions?

  2. penman51 profile image60
    penman51posted 10 years ago

    I believe the reverse is true; that other religions are an off-shoot or "substitute" for Christianity.

    1. Snøwman profile image55
      Snøwmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. Adam and Eve were Christian, which makes Christianity the original religion.

    2. profile image51
      Norine Williamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sno: The word "Christian" is found for the first time in Acts 11:26. Please notice how they were baptizing when called "Christian!" Are there any "Christians" today? Do you know any that have been baptized in Jesus' Name?

  3. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 10 years ago

    All religions borrow from each other. They work by belief and imagination.

  4. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 10 years ago

    All our thoughts, prose and poems are heavily influenced by thoughts travelling through the ether, intuition and modern media or handed down. So to with Religion.

    Still, the New testament took mostly from A God-Soul called Jesus, The Christ, and the old Testament has a compilation of many prophets and certain aspects of Judaism. As in all Faiths, there are also many myths, allegories, metaphors and parables, etc.

    Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were nearly 10, 500 years ago, and Hinduism has its own story. Many western scholars and Theologians have borrowed from their thoughts.

    No problem here, it seems a necessary aspect of Spirituality to repeat itself. We forget so often who we really are!

  5. M. T. Dremer profile image82
    M. T. Dremerposted 10 years ago

    I don't think 'rip off' is the right phrase, but yes Christianity borrows heavily from other religions. The Christmas celebration was originally a pagan holiday before the church assimilated it, the story of the great flood was in the epic of Gilgamesh before the bible and even the idea of a god giving his only son to humanity wasn't a new concept when Christianity began. Whatever religion was in power had to steal from its predecessors in order to establish its dominance and absorb their followers. I think the fact that we have these ancient stories at all is more important than who owns them or how accurate they are.

  6. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    God made man and man made religion.
    I believe most religions have similar themes. The first being (theirs) is the one and only "true" religion. The second is (laws and a way to live life) are bestowed upon the people. The third is some form of (afterlife) is offered as a "reward" for following the tenants of the said religion. They all speak of heroes and villains to teach lessons.

  7. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 10 years ago

    True Religion is spiritual. Ego corrupts.

    Ego infiltrates everything, including religion and makes it physical (not spiritual). Ego does not like Love, but will hunger for Lust.

    God is Love. Love brings us together. That is the purpose of True Religion (spirituality).

    Christ did not rip off anything. He merely brought Truth, as did Gautama Siddhartha and Lao Tzu. To those who live in the spiritual world, Truth is self evident. Ego blinds most of us to that Truth.

    Kabbalists wrote the Bible. I suspect that even Jesus knew of the Kabbalah. Their Tree of Life matrix is embedded in Genesis and the first 5 books were written in Kabbalistic language of branches. Only recently has Authentic Kabbalah been released to the public. This blows away the New Age junk of those who were guessing what Kabbalah might be about.


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