What do you believe or how would you best explain your overall belief system?

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  1. Wondering SLO profile image59
    Wondering SLOposted 9 years ago

    What do you believe or how would you best explain your overall belief system?

  2. Sharp Points profile image84
    Sharp Pointsposted 9 years ago

    I would consider myself "agnostic" which to my understanding means "I have no freaking clue." There are so many countless explanations and theories as to why we are here or how we were brought about that it is mind boggling to even begin thinking about it.

    My overall belief system is that I am not sure what happens after I die, but there is a good chance that I just die and that's that - so I better live as much as I can before that happens!

    1. Wondering SLO profile image59
      Wondering SLOposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing!

  3. profile image0
    Pennyforyourthotsposted 9 years ago

    I believe in an ever-present and all-knowing God who created everything in this universe for a purpose and who gave humanity free will to have a choice to believe in whatever they want. I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and that his life is an example of how to live my own - to love others as I love myself, to put others first, to respect all and disrespect none, to stand up for what I believe in. That's it in a nutshell.

    1. Wondering SLO profile image59
      Wondering SLOposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think Christianity is very important and I am always sad to see the attacts that happen especially in our schools as of late. It is the main foundation for our country and the reason people came to america. Thank you for being solid in your beleifs

  4. jlpark profile image79
    jlparkposted 9 years ago

    I'm an Agnostic Atheist - that being, I don't know if there are higher beings or not, but I don't believe in them either way.

    I believe in being respectful of all people, however not being a door mat either - so if disrespect is paid to me or mine, it will not be ignored. I also respect all religions - I do not need to believe in the God/s they worship to respect them for their positive influence in people's lives. But this does not mean that I believe that religion and religious belief should outweigh the rights of others - I have no issue with religion, until it tries to control the lives of those not in the religion (it controls the lives of those within it to some extent, though this is consentual)

    I have morals, and strive to follow these at all times. I do not believe in 'retribution' for 'slights' against anything - eg like the threat of 'Hell' for not meeting a 'Higher Beings' standards. Good without God.

    I believe there may be a spiritual plane, but not necessarily that of the Christian or Islamic idea. I believe that some people (children) etc may have 'been here before'.

    I'm a bit eclectic really...

    1. Wondering SLO profile image59
      Wondering SLOposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! I also believe respecting others and having morals are important to us living our lives, I was wondering if you could give a quick explanation on what you mean by agnostic atheist, as I have never run into them being put together before?

    2. jlpark profile image79
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact. (Thanks Wikipedia)

  5. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 9 years ago

    I believe in living without spending my entire life worried about how I got here.I will lead a good life, raise my children, be good to my husband, and eventually die. That is enough for me. I believe in being happy and trying to make those around me happy. With that said the correct label for me at this point in my life is "Jewish atheist agnostic".

    1. Wondering SLO profile image59
      Wondering SLOposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am assuming you are Jewish only do to heritage and not belief? thank you for answering!

    2. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, by birth only though out of all the religions they make more since than most to me.

    3. Wondering SLO profile image59
      Wondering SLOposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It is interesting also to see the history of the Jewish nation specifically from the torah into the christian break off. But you should be proud of your heritage your part of a huge nation that has been through a lot yet still survived throughout.

  6. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 9 years ago

    My belief system is an active "machine" that seeks Truth and changes toward that end.

    Holding onto beliefs is counterproductive. It stands as an impediment in the path toward Truth. So, all mortal "belief" is temporary.


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