With the "liberal" movement in the U.S., should Christians feel persecuted or oppressed?
Many of the decisions coming from the Supreme Court seem contrary to Christian beliefs.
Many of the laws being passed in Washington, D.C. seem to be an affront specifically to Christians.
If you're a Christian, do you feel that you're being singled out and persecuted by the LGBT movements, the Abortionists, the ACLU for taking down the Ten Commandments from every single public building and the Atheists who attack Christian dogma at every turn?
Or is it that America is evolving into country that no longer needs any moral guidance from the bible?
I wouldn't consider preventing Christians from persecuting or oppressing other groups to be the same thing as persecuting or oppressing Christians themselves.
Religious groups (not only Christians) have long tried to force their morals and ideals on other people. Christians have every right to not approve of abortions. However, that disapproval should be limited to whether or not they themselves have an abortion. The same is true for the other areas you mentioned.
While I think that some of the morals the Bible talks about are good, others (slave ownership, for example) are not. I don't feel that the Bible is the sole source of moral guidance.
I've always thought that the 11th Commandment should have been: "If it's not hurting anyone, mind your own business."
Your 11th Commandment is interesting.
Why should the government get involved in marriage?
In abortion?
In the Confederate flag controversy?
In passing out contraceptives?
Don't see any Christians holding a gun, saying "Go to church".
No one is making Christians take contraceptives, have abortions, or marry someone of the same sex. The confederate flag controversy deals with "government property". You can still fly one in (your yard) if you want.
DASH: If "Christians" r "taking contraceptives, having abortions or marrying one of the same sex, r they "Christians?" This is a word which the world just throws around bcuz they go to church! Govt & religion "APPEASES" all "MEN," causing LOST!
Taking down biblical references from public/state/federal property or allowing people to live their lives without unfair discrimination laws is in no way a persecution of Christians especially in a country that espouses separation of church and state.
On the other hand if churches were being shut down and bibles were being burned by the military that would be persecution.
In America everyone has a right to pray to whatever God they believe in , assemble in place of worship, and tithe. However those who do not believe in God or religion should not be forced to abide by any religious doctrine.
If for example a Christian does not believe in same sex marriage then most likely they will not marry someone of their same sex. It's not mandatory!
Just because it's legal to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol doesn't mean (your life) has to change! No woman is being forced to have an abortion.
It's non believers who have had to fight for their rights and choices in life which was being dictated by the believers!
Historically believers have been the ones trying to have everyone live according to (their) beliefs. Unless one considers anti-discrimination and equality laws, along with separation of church and state to be persecution then I would say the 80% of U.S. citizens that consider themselves to be Christians are in no danger of having their bibles stripped from their hands.
Yes, this is "a man's world!" That's what makes it "unrighteous!" Trying to "appease" ALL! This country was "founded" on the Bible & has strayed so far away there's no turning back! It's up to Christians to STAND on the Word of God!
Christians have been persecuted since Roman times. It's nothing new. It's not going to stop. Look at what has happened to Christians in the middle East? Coptic Christians and the Iraqi Christians just to name a few. Christians were killed for opposing the Nazis before World War II. Christians will do what they always do when facing persecution. Pray and ask for guidance. A true Christian will not give up what they believe no matter what. Christians will put these situations in the hands of God.
Thanks for your answer, Readmikenow,
Seems right in line with what they should be doing.
I appreciate you taking the time to answer the question.
This country tries to "appease" every "man" which has caused it to evolve into a country that "no longer needs any moral guidance from the Bible!" In order to please "man" (the flesh), this country coincides with what "man" wants - "Unrighteousness!"
No, I don't feel "singled out" for I have not forgotten whose "kingdom" this world's is - Satan's! However, it's only temporary for he has already been defeated! Yet he continues to be on his job which is "To kill, steal and destroy!" (John 10:10)
As long as "Believers" continue to do as Jesus says in Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God," we will be fine!
I Corinthians 16:13 tells us to "Watch, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong!"
Scripture tells us this: "If you are NOT suffering for Christ, you must not be "in Christ," for Scripture says in Matthew 10:22 and John 15:18 {paraphrasing} "If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first" and "You will be hated by all men because of me..." If this is not happening, take a second look at your belief(s)!
Such as is said.
Thanks for taking the time to answer the question.
Peace be with you.
Not follow the rule of your religion = persecuting you? (1) A person have the right to religion freedom, providing they don't effect other's freedom, hurt others, endanger society or conduct treason. Thus (2) a person have the right not to have the religion law or religion view of another force upon them against their will and (3) no person have the right to force their own religion law or religion view upon another against their will.
Not following the rule of your religion = persecuting you? Don't make me laugh. The only person that is trying to conduct persecution upon others is people like, you who violate human right by forcing your own religion law and view upon others against their will.
What are you doing now? Now that you have no power to force your own religion law and religion view upon others, so you are now trying to force your own religion law and religion view upon others, by conducting treason? Start by spreading a rumor, that the state are going to start persecuting against Christian, to create a state of fear amount Christian, so you can build a Christian rebel army, to revolt against the government and then force your own religion law and religion view upon others against their will, if you succeed. People like you are traitors and the Christian version of ISIS and Taliban. You should be shot!!!
Not too surprising, it is not the first time people try force your religion law and view upon others against their will. In the dark and Middle Ages, you persecuted against pagan religion and even Christians whom are not Catholics. Then you conduct the Crusades to try force your own religion law and religion view, upon the Middle Eastern world. Referring to it as a Holy war between Christian and Muslim, despite, it is really a war between the Catholic church and the Moorse Empire of the Middle East, no different from the Taliban that refer to the war between Taliban and US, as the war between Christians and Muslims. You people were literally, the Christian version of ISIS and Taliban. After Napolian, liberated Europe from the rule of the church by conqeruing the Vatican, you keep trying to force your religion view and law upon others, via government lobby, in Ireland till the 1980s, you throw women into Catholic prison, for not obeying the law of your religion. Now in the 21st century, lobbying government have 0 effect too, so now you plan to start another revolt, to over throw the government, so you can force your religion law and religion view upon others? People like you are traitors/ Christian version of ISIS and Taliban. PEOPLE LIKE YOU SHOULD BE DRAG OUT ONTO THE STREET AND SHOT AT THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD!!!
Pete: What happened to "Freedom of Speech" as you are exercising? "PEOPLE LIKE YOU SHOULD BE DRAG OUT ONTO THE STREET AND SHOT AT THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD!!!" Should this be done to you because of your "opinion?"
By your argument, we should also allow KKK to rally people to kill blacks or let the Taliban put ads on US TV for recruitment. Catholic Church, cross the line, the second they try force people to follow their religion law/view
Pete: They do (secretly)! No one has made them "disband" their organization! They are entitled to "their opinion" or "Freedom of Speech" as well! No one "MAKES" anyone listen or agree but ALL have "Freedom of Speech" as we do!
GRT Country huh?
When they start lobbying government under the name of "it is a sin" they have cross the line, by trying to force their own religion view/law upon others against their will. Minus the suicide bombers, this is no better, then the Taliban
Yupper, peter565,
No fear from people like yourself who are so "humane". So in touch with the realities of life.
Hitler and Stalin would be proud of your response to the question. Great insight into the minds of amerikans.
No true god, would endorse forcing religion view or law upon another, Your Jesus would not have approve behavior like Inquisition or crusade, done in his name and will only punish you, for all the evil you done, in his name.
Pete: I was taught that this country was "founded on" the Bible! It's that we've moved so far away, look @ it now! Continue doing so - More to come!
The country is founded by free men, Christian value have an influence because it is the majority. But no person have the right to force their religion law or view upon another against their will. So, if people want to move away from bible, so be it
Pete: U r rt - "no person have the right to force their religion law or view upon another against their will," and no one does but ALL have "freedom of speech" so if u choose not to listen do so. Move farther away fm bible - More consequences!
1You don't want to be a sinner in relationship to the Christian faith, is your choice, other who don't mind, you have 0 right to interfere with their freedom. 2Spread rumor saying not following the bible= persecuting Christian soon, is treason
Pete: We only do what we "believe" which is what the bible tells us!
If our "Freedom of Speech" bothers you for u don't agree (do as I do) don't listen! You think I'd spend hours listening to something that doesn't interest me? Nope!
Freedom of speech don't include threaten the state, saying "not following the church's law=Christian persecution coming" can have seriously rally Christian rebel against government consequence, it can threaten the state.
Freedom of speech which has contradicted the Word of God, making “same-sex marriage” a law limits the Word “be fruitful & multiply” & has serious affect on reproduction but who cares? As long as laws do not affect 1’s lifestyle it’s
People like you are no better then Taliban "Taliban: a group of religion extremists, that form a militia, to use force/terrorism to force others to follow their religion law/view"
Pete: Why are you so angry? The question addressed "Christians!" What type of responses did you expect?
I am sick of you extremists going around crying "it is a sin", forcing your religion/law view upon others, now been ignored, some of you are increasingly moving to Taliban style, to get what you want
Pete: We "believe" the Word of God! There are things in Scripture that each of us don't like, but It's there & nothing we can do about it & we "believe" the Holy Spirit can "renew our minds!"
What do we want?
Believe what you want, but stop trying to force your religion law/view upon others. With your statement of "it is a sin", YOU have to right to force others to follow you.
Pete: I NEVER asked anyone to "follow me!" "Christians" are told to repeat what is in the Word of God & to have faith & believe in His Word! Repeating Scripture does sometimes say "It is a sin" but only part of His Word! There's "good news"
U extremists, in 70s Europe, throw unwed mothers into Catholic prison cause it's a sin in ur religion. Argument against gay marriage&artificial insemination "it is a sin", now spread rumor of "Christian persecution coming" cause gov won't obey u
Pete: "Choices" create "consequences!" Bad=Bad/Good=Good! Fortunately the Bible tells 1 what to do to avoid BAD! Just trying to prevent BAD before & tell re: GOOD! Govt appeases ppl! Doesn't care if 1 reaps BAD consequences! We ALL suffer!
A person have the right to do whatever he want, providing he don't effect other's freedom, hurt others, endanger society, threaten the state. Law should be create to protect such freedom, people from harm, social order and state. End of discussion
Pete: What one does affects me! Ex: My kids see 2 men "kissing" in public! I've got explaining! Cars/Industry=pollution! It goes on & on! Consequences that we ALL must pay for ea other's "free will!"
"Two men kissing" you tell your kids, some people choice life style we don't approve of, but as a society we respect other's freedom, so we should tolerate it, as long as they don't effect our freedom, hurt us or hurt our country.
Pete: Still "effects" my freedom (The Word of God) & will have to "suffer consequences" for their "free will!" How can we "reproduce?" What happens? Repro ends?
Thieves: Their choice? Murders: Their choice? Liars: Their choice? Conseq eff ALL
The exact same type of shit, you expect Taliban to say, only they go Muslim, you go Christian, apart from that, exact same shit
Pete: Whether you define Word of God as "shit" is your opinion which you are entitled to as I am to mine! Whether 1 is a believer or not, BAD choices=BAD consequences; GOOD choices=GOOD consequences! Rm 1:21-32!
1st time you say something right. You can believe what religion view you want, but it is not your place, to force it upon others. Otherwise, you are no better then Taliban
Pete: Nope! Can't "force" on anyone but BAD "choices" = BAD consequences!
Yet, Catholic church still haven't apologies for kidnapping women in Europe, for been unwed mother or premarital sex and throw them in Catholic prison in Ireland for life, in 70s, cause they felt it's a sin in their religion. Shame on Catholic church
Pete: Again, BAD choices=BAD consequences! Even if Catholics didn't throw them in prison; they would've still suffered for it is against the Word of God! ANYTHING against the Word of God=BAD choice=BAD consequences even for "unbelievers!" Why suffer
Either way, the Catholic church have no right to kidnap these women and throw them into Catholic church's private prisons in Ireland.
Pete: God Sees ALL! Bad Choices=Bad Consequences even for the Catholic Church!
Either way, my comment remain same "Either way, the Catholic church have no right to kidnap these women and throw them into Catholic church's private prisons in Ireland."
Pete: The Catholic "Church," Federal Government, or anyone/thing else is ABOVE the WORD OF GOD!
"Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord!" (Deut 32:35;Rm 12:19)
You see why we ALL suffer from "free will" of others?
(1) Not all men a Christians and it not your place to force them to follow your religion law/view. (2) No true god, will encourage one to violate another's such right, unless he is a false god. (3) What you just say, can be consider as treason
Pete: Problem: We ("believers") do what Bible tells us which is to "Teach" ALL..." (Matt 28:20), "unbelievers" too! Not "forcing" only "teaching!" You can excuse yourself at anytime & maintain your "opinion" ("free will")!
You say you only teach, not force, but history prove you force a lot, even create sentence to those who violate your religion law, including stoning, burning alive, to kidnapping and throwing them into Catholic prison in Ireland during 70s
Pete: Pls don't associate me with "religion!"
It is a NEW DAY! Christ came & changed ALL! We NOW live under GRACE! There's no "stoning" only "burning" @ judgment as u'd punish ur kid if disobedient for MANY chances given to "GET IT RIGHT!"
Then why is u people's rally cry against many issue including gay marriage is "it is a sin" and when gov refuse to listen to u, u people start spreading rumor "the great Christian persecution is coming"?
Pete: What do expect us to do when we (Believers) believe what the Word of God says? Read Romans 1:21-32 & you will find out why we say "it is a sin!" If stated in HIS Word, that's what we "believe!" There r things in His Word we "don't like" e
When you try force state law, to obey ur religion law it is call, forcing ur own religion law/view upon others. And when u start using "it is a sin" as rally cry, it is forcing ur religion law/view upon others through such method, its inappropriate
Pete: I have right to my "beliefs" as you do! Do you see me "crying" becuz the world has made "same-sex marriage" a law? Nope! I only tell ALL it's against my belief as you are entitled to state your belief! Rembr: BAD choices=BAD consequences!
That make you one of the good ones, but there are many religion extremists that is not like that, not only amount Muslims, but amount Christians too. They do what they can to force their religion law/view upon other, even if it mean been terrorists.
Pete: Thank you dear heart! I only "Love my neighbor as myself" believer or not! But unfortunately I tell ALL I love, THE TRUTH (Bible), which even I don't "like to hear" sometimes! But ALL in or hypocrite!
Jn 6:37 "..I'll NEVER turn u away..."
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