What is "sin"?

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  1. Khawaja Iqbal profile image75
    Khawaja Iqbalposted 8 years ago

    What is "sin"?


  2. Giovanni Fabbrini profile image43
    Giovanni Fabbriniposted 8 years ago

    Basically a contradiction in act or thought against supernatural will and natural order. Especially lack of humbleness prevent from overcome it.

  3. William Avitt profile image61
    William Avittposted 8 years ago

    From dictionary.com


    transgression of divine law:
    the sin of Adam.
    any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
    any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; great fault or offense:
    It's a sin to waste time.

  4. James Power profile image60
    James Powerposted 8 years ago

    I understand there's a definition for the word sin, however i see sins as actions that go against your own moral fibre.

    You can have two people do the same  action but it could be viewed as a sin by one person but not the other.

  5. Happy Moment profile image69
    Happy Momentposted 8 years ago

    i can simply define sin as an act of rebellion against the set laws

  6. inspiritinone profile image54
    inspiritinoneposted 8 years ago

    Sin is any work of man that is not covered by the blood of Christ. Men are born in sin. Making every man a sinner. There is nothing a man can do to justify himself before God. He must be born again into a new family by dieing to self and living life for God in Christ.

    Now..What I have stated is a fact based on scripture, History, Church foundation truth, even common sense, if you think about it.

    You can't keep trying to better yourself with the same stuff you were born from. Man was born from the Earth, lived and was raised in this world system and believe that from this.. they can merit Heaven? That is just how a man thinks. That's not how a son of God, thinks.
    Then Heaven speaks and it is written down, even in blood, about how to be born anew, into the family of God...And most men don't believe... or they reshape the Faith into their own image, with a base of what they were raised in.....(A worldly religion,)

    Men define sin because that is what they are.
    God is love like man is sin. You got to be born again. And if you are... Live to make your choice true in everything you do....

    1. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Christ taught blood sacrifice was wrong and needless.  Blood sacrifice is Jewish not Christian.  Sacrifice has Never removed sin.  Forgiveness removes sin as He demonstrated time and again.  It is better not to condemn in the first place.

    2. CosetteClareese profile image61
      CosetteClareeseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why did Christ sacrifice himself on the cross then? Also why was Cains non blood sacrifice unacceptable to God? Why was Abels blood sacrifice accepted? To pay for sins before the flood a sacrifice must have been made. Cain and Abel were not Jewish.

    3. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Please adopt a higher vision of God, one who does not want or need sacrifice.  God is good, not evil.  It is Man who projects evil by condemnation, not God.  Jesus had a Near Death Experience (NDE) to prove an afterlife exists.  See IANDS website.

    4. CosetteClareese profile image61
      CosetteClareeseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I looked at the website, and I am a little skeptical about some of the stories. But please do not get me wrong I believe that God is a God of love. We love cause He first loved us! He is the author of love. He did before it was cool.

    5. taiwokareem profile image61
      taiwokareemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sin is a transgression of the law. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus and that is dying on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins

    6. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If you follow what the Rabbis say you are Jewish, not Christian.  Study Jesus.  Adopt a higher vision of God. God does not condemn, MAN Projects his sin. Mirror.
      Search the IANDS site with "vertical."  Their keyword for more verified stories of NDEs.

    7. Rich kelley profile image59
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Man is not born a sinner despite man's doctrine. James tells us why we sin. Temptation not being born that way. Jesus a man was not born a sinner, we need to drop the excuse, repent and sin no more, be holy as He is holy. God defines sin not man.

    8. profile image53
      frumpletonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, they did away with the blood sacrifices.  Remember Able?  He sacrificed lambs and Cain sacrificed vegetables.  Worshiping the golden calf was wrong, too.  Also, old gods from former times.  No one is above sinning

  7. Jay C OBrien profile image64
    Jay C OBrienposted 8 years ago

    "Sin" is the creation of a negative emotion (anger, jealousy, hate, etc.) within your own mind caused by the condemnation or judgment of another.  Condemnation causes sin (stress) in the mind.  So do not condemn.  If you do condemn to the point of creating negative emotions, learn to forgive.  Sin is in the mind before any action.

    1. inspiritinone profile image54
      inspiritinoneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      God told us what sin is.....Its not up to personal interpitation. Why cant we deal with what God said about it? Man has to redefine sin because he brought it into the earth ream and cant deal with the guilt.

    2. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How do you know what God said?  Sacrifice does not and has never removed sin.  Forgiveness removes sin.

  8. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 8 years ago

    Sin is that which binds us. Sin is an obstacle or impediment standing in the way of Truth or Light. Sin is a transgression of the Law, a pushing towards the darkness and away from Light.

    Sin is rather like adversity, and a friend of the devotee of Love, as it is through impediments or obstacles, that he/she learns the necessary lessons in order to make progress.

    God is  ... just Is, and sin is part of the process for helping the Soul to remove the veil of its Isolation, to find its way HOME.

    Sin is a positive phenomenon and an essential tool to remove darkness and awaken the Light.

    1. Rich kelley profile image59
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If there is sin there is no light. you cannot sin and claim to be in the light. It is not towards or away, the light is either there or it is not. Darkness is no light, light is no darkness, it is one or the other.

    2. manatita44 profile image72
      manatita44posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Light is Omnipresent, Rich, and darkness is a lesser form of Light. There is only Love/Light/Spirit/Consciousness. It is Separation or boxes that  create Struggle. Even adversity is a form of disguised Light. ALL is within God/Spirit.

  9. CosetteClareese profile image61
    CosetteClareeseposted 8 years ago

    Sin is disobedience to Gods law. Sin is an action that is wrong committed against God alone. Sin does not vary from person to person. It is definite. The reason it is definite is because Gods law is definite. You can not sin without there being a God. It is illogical to think that sin varies to person to person.The reason being is peoples opinions on what is right or wrong is so diverse you could not come to a conclusion if that action is really wrong or right. Say like person 1 says, "Truth is varied from person to person". Person 2 says, "Truth is not varied person to person. It is wrong or right". Person 1 says "You are wrong truth is varied". Are they not contradicting themselves saying someone else is wrong?

    1. inspiritinone profile image54
      inspiritinoneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Some one created the Universe. According to the Bible....He is God. God said in Hebrews 1 that His Words holds ALL THINGS together. So Gods law decides whats sin, no matter what men decide to believe. And thats the problem with men. AND THEIR SIN.

    2. profile image53
      frumpletonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I was brought up with the King James version of the bible.  Now, I have learned that there are more bibles out there.  Who knows what to believe anymore?  You know sin when you feel bad about what you did.

    3. Khawaja Iqbal profile image75
      Khawaja Iqbalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Nawwas b. Sam'an al-Ansari reported:
      I asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) about virtue and vice. He said: Virtue is a kind disposition and vice is what rankles in your heart and that you disapprove that people should come to know of it. #Sahih Muslim2553a

    4. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Frump: I wish ALL knew that the HOLY SPIRIT (aka JESUS) is the ONLY WAY we can "discern" TRUTH for there are "a lot of diff "interpretations" of Bible out there!  JESUS asked us to "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) for the HELP Promised (Jn 14:26;16:13) so NO Q!

  10. Hrishabh Singh profile image57
    Hrishabh Singhposted 8 years ago

    Sin is the breaking of God's law. If God says, "Do not lie" and you lie, then you have broken His law and sinned. When you sin, you offend God because it is His law that you have broken. Also, the reason God says to not lie, not cheat, etc., is that these laws reflect the moral purity of His nature.  Therefore, the Law is a reflection of the character of God. It is wrong to lie because God cannot lie.  It is wrong to steal because God cannot steal, etc. The moral law is not arbitrary. It is based on God's holiness.

    The law, then, is a standard of moral purity. The Old Testament contains the Law of God. It is a perfect standard because it is God's standard. When we fail to keep the law, we sin. When we sin, we offend God. This offense against God results in a judgment. Laws are laws because they have penalties. There is no law without a penalty. Therefore, breaking God's law brings judgment which is separation from God. "But your sins have made a separation between you and your God," (Isaiah 59:2). And, "the wages of sin is death . . . ," (Rom. 6:23). So, to sin, to break God's law, results in judgment. The judgment is known as damnation which is the righteous judgment of God upon the sinner. If God did not judge the sinner, then He is not upholding His holiness, and He would be allowing sinners to go unpunished.

    Of course, Jesus came to take our place and die for our sins (1 Pet. 2:24). This means that Jesus bore our sins in His body on the cross and paid for them. He took the judgment upon Himself. This further means that anyone who trusts in what Jesus did on the cross will have his sins removed. He will be saved from God's future judgment.

    So, replying to the question--"What is sin?"--is best answered by saying that it is breaking God's law. All people have sinned. Therefore, all people are under God's judgment--except for those who've trusted in God's provision to escape that judgment.

  11. Khawaja Iqbal profile image75
    Khawaja Iqbalposted 8 years ago

    Nawwas bin Sam'an al-Ansari reported:
    I asked Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about virtue and vice. He said: Virtue is a kind disposition and vice is what rankles in your heart and that you disapprove that people should come to know of it.
    Reference : Sahih Muslim 2553 a.....

    1. Rich kelley profile image59
      Rich kelleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your heart unless renewed will define what the flesh wants. God established right and wrong not man.

  12. Ruth Angel profile image71
    Ruth Angelposted 8 years ago

    The "act of sin" is really a concept of morality based on religious dictations. Committing sin generally means that you're in the act of doing something immoral. But every individual has a different concept or morals, especially when observing cultural diversity.

  13. profile image0
    Commonsensethinkposted 8 years ago

    Sin is a strictly religious concept that has no place in the secular world. I would politely suggest that it is irrelevant as no god or gods can be proved to exist.

    In the secular world we have instead "crime". "Crime" is defined by the civil laws of a country, which in a democracy are decided by the elected representatives of the people and to which all people (regardless of any belief system or lack thereof) are subject.

    The advantage in dealing with "crime" rather than "sin" is that the penalties can be applied and can be seen to be applied in this life. The penalties for sin would only be applied in a nebulous location (which cannot be proved to exist) at some time in the future, but that pragmatically means "never"!

    1. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This definition works for both the religious & atheist:

      "Sin" is the creation of a negative emotion (anger, jealousy, hate, etc.) within your own mind caused by the condemnation or judgment of another. Condemnation causes sin (stress) in the min

    2. profile image53
      frumpletonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think the bible was meant to scare us into being good.  But, I do believe in God, but not heaven or hell.  It's obvious SOMETHING created us and the universe.  We humans aren't smart enough to do that.

  14. passionatelearnr profile image86
    passionatelearnrposted 8 years ago

    anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.conscience tells what to do and what not to do.even criminals who do not feel empathy,know(while committing a crime) that they  are doing wrong

    1. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, see comments above.  It is also called "condemnation."  Sin is in the mind before any action.

    2. inspiritinone profile image54
      inspiritinoneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Conscience is not too pure.either. If the wrong type of thought gets in the mind, even suicide or murder, if needed could seem right for some. Remember Charles Mason and the Pastor who murdered his whole church with poison cool-ade

    3. Jay C OBrien profile image64
      Jay C OBrienposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Inspiritinone is right, we must set high ideals.  Our Ideal/God should be non-violent.  Any story depicting the God/Ideal as violent is blasphemy. Follow what Jesus taught, not the OT.

  15. profile image52
    Norine Williamsposted 7 years ago

    Under the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10; 10:16), IF we BELIEVE, the Holy Spirit (aka GOD) now "puts his laws in our hearts and minds;" and there is no such thing as "SIN!"   

    I Tim 1:9 says “Knowing this, that the LAW is not made for a "righteous man," but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners…”  Are you in this category?   

    The LAW "WAS" our schoolmaster to bring us UNTO (not into) Christ, that we might be justified by FAITH. But after FAITH is come, WE ARE NO LONGER under a “schoolmaster” (Galatians 3:23-24) or NO LAW - NO SIN; IF one BELIEVES (Heb 3:19)! 

    Under the NEW COVENANT “And their sin and iniquities I will remember no more” (Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:12; 10:17)! UNBELIEF (Hebrews 3:7-19) is the only thing that will cause us "not to enter" under the NEW COVENANT (Gal 1:6-9)!

    Why do you think the Psalmist David said in Psalms 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us?"

    There are NO MORE LAWS TO OBEY which MOST believe if violated causes sin!  IF we are "IN CHRIST," HE now "puts HIS laws in our hearts and minds" under the New Covenant but "ONLY" IF we BELIEVE (Hebrews 3:19)!


    "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24:14)!



    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Khawaja: How can you believe in a god that (Surah-Al-ikhlas (112) #3"He begetteth not?"  "Begetteth" means createth!  Allah (GOD) "created" NOTHING?

  16. stas karimov profile image61
    stas karimovposted 7 years ago

    Do something for а person that this person wants from you. If you have done for а person what this person does not want - it is a sin. It is a cosmic law. Even if you do not believe in God the cosmic laws always function.
    It`s interesting. If a person voluntarily(!) cheat us it means a person does not consider it as a sin. We can cheat this person - this is not a sin for us. If a soldier wants to kill our family then we can kill the soldier. Thus the cosmic laws protect us from evil! God wants justice for all!

    1. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Revenge is mine saith the LORD" (Rm12:19) not mine nor yours BUT GOD! 
      Under New Covenant - there is "NO SIN" but UNBELIEF!

    2. stas karimov profile image61
      stas karimovposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If you want to live on the planet Earth without any problems - please do not wait until you will be deceived by sinners killed or raped! If we serve God we have the right on protection right now! To serve God IS to create the Kingdom of God on Earth.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "If a soldier wants to kill our family then we can kill the soldier."  Not in USA! We have "Justice System!"  Do you know of this?


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