Is it Good to be Over committed to serving God?
Is it possible for it to be a wrong thing to do, by being too serious with God's work and being less serious with other things? Even if serving God with all our might and strength is always the right thing to do, could we possibly do it in a wrong and unacceptable way? We all know that "too much of everything is not good"(reading too much, working too much, sleeping too much, etc.)
What about "too much of serving God"?
I do not think it is possible to be "over-committed" to God, I do think it is possible to be too focused on certain elements of serving God. For example it is possible to read your Bible or pray too much if it means you are not getting out and serving your neighbor or preaching the Gospel. You can also spend too much time doing church work if it cause you to neglect your vocations (i.e if you have a family you need to be taking care of as well or a job).
The truth is that everything we do as Christians can be service to God, when we take care of our families we bring Glory to him by illustrating the way God treats as sons and daughters. When we work at our jobs we can glorify him by serving those we work as though we were serving God himself.
Will we get this wrong sometimes? Yes. We are still sinners, even while we are saints. Will we mess up? Yes.
But that is why Jesus was perfect, he was able to take our imperfection with him to the cross and now we are given his perfection. Not, because of anything we have done, but because what he has done for us.
Christ didn't take our imperfections and give us His or you wouldn't be claiming to still be a sinner. Christ death paid the debt for sin's we repent of. No repentance no forgiveness. You can't buy the forgiveness but you must do the repentance.
Rich: I Pet 2:24-25 "... SHOULD live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed." Healed fm sin "IF Christ dwell in us" making us righteous by "FAITH!" Rm 5:20-21! Jn 19:30! Receive IT (Grace)! U don't "do," HOLY SPIRIT "does" IT ALL!
did you read what she said or are you just commenting because you can click on the box?
Rich: YES! "he was able to take our imperfection with him to the cross and now we are given his perfection. Not, because of anything we have done, but because what he has done for us."
I AGREE: I Pet 2:24! U? "we're "given his perf..but rec??????
I think I get d hook of wat Kris is trying to say. As Christians, we're not just living to edify ourselves or do things to our benefit alone. You can't say you are serving God and neglect your family. Things mst be balanced but nt equal.
Yes! Our time is to be balanced between all the work God has given us. Even taking care of our families is the work of the Lord for who was it that gave them to us? Even a job is the work of the Lord, because this also he gave to us.
No we are not given perfection we are given forgiveness, you still have to repent something you must do, first words out of Jesus mouth when He started His service to us. If he took them to the cross why are they still here?
Rich: We can't? Heb 6:1-3 "move on into perfection" If born again, HS convicts=no sin if "lead & guided." Jesus said "B ye perfect as I am perfect" n Matt 5:48. Would u ask your child to do s/t knowing he couldn't, pick up car?
II Cor 3:18=GROWI
Simultaneously saint and sinner. In God's eyes now, when he looks at us, he sees only his Son and his Righteousness/Perfection, but we are still prone to sin, still being a fallen human living in a fallen world.
Kris: YES! "We are changing from glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18) as GOD did/does as by that ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6)! Read every "jot & tittle" of Cor NOTICE:"even as by the Spirit of the Lord." The SAME WAY GOD "changes from Glory to Glory so do we!
1Jn 3:6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.
Rich: Then we ALL "do not know Him" for we are "GROWING!" Just as I "assumed" u called me "hireling"=sin! I asked forgiveness. HE "saw!" That's Grace & Mercy! "Willful sin" is not of HIM! I sinned "ignorantly" but still sin! We're GROWING!
1Jn 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.
This is why we daily repent and "put off the old self. Also 1Jn 1:8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
Rich:Did u not "hear?" "Ignorantly sinning" (as in my case) is diff fm "willfully sinning!" Disciples "sinned!" Peter (denied Jesus 3x's, but forgiven Jn 21:15-17),Paul (ignorantly killed Christians)! Of course, "sin is not of GOD!" But GRACE!Amen!
The bible said in Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and..." Of course, whosoever is born of God does not sin, but as Norine said, indirectly, "we fall and we repent," which makes us renewed. No one is perfect, eph 2:8 "ye are only saved by Grace"
Amen! "Not of works (ourselves or doings), lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:9)! But by the power of the Holy Spirit! Ex: Can we keep New Year's Resolutions=NO! Flesh is weak!We need HELP (Holy Spirit)! It's a GIFT! Accept! Exercise FAITH 2 MAX!
1Jn 3:7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous.
It is not imputed to us, you do it or you don't have it. don't confuse this with forgiveness of sins, that is grace.
When Holy Spirit enters1don't u thk it makes1 "practice righteousness" yet we (flesh) cont to fall. But Grace! Amen. Goes back to what I orig said "We are righteous by "FAITH!" (Rm 3:22) We have "hope" within (I Pet 3:15) but GOD final judge.
In accepting Jesus as our Savior, we take on God's own righteousness. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness" Rom.10:10. As believers, we are righteous through Jesus.
1Cor.1:30,2Cor.5:21,Phil 3:9 are some other verses
Ad: Amen! Please continue to tell ALL "HE"S DONE IT ALL" we must accept WORD! We are righteous by "faith!" (Rm 3:22) "Hoping" (Heb 8:24; 11:1)! Religion has "taught" "DO good, GET good!" Against WORD! Unbelievers "DO GOOD!"
Dear Norine this scripture uses LORD, (Jehovah) Lord means Jesus.
Again you must ref other bibles and Hebrew and Greek meanings .please consider these facts.
NWT: (v8) In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. (v12)In answer Jesus said to him: “It is said, ‘You must not put Jehovah* your God to the TEST.’”
Kris: One can NEVER "read the Bible or pray too much" for that's how we GROW n/HIM & form relationship w/HIM. How can 1 believe if not read? How can 1 communicate w/Him but w/prayer? Once 1 acquires "understanding" from Holy Spirit, then "teac
One must understand what they are reading and to who they are praying or all is in vain. Not all understanding is from the Holy Spirit. The deceiver is called what he is for a reason. Personal understanding is not a license to teach.
Rich: U don't BELIEVE Scripture! Rm 8:1 says "There is, therefore, NO CONDEMNATION to them who r IN CHRIST JESUS..." A LIE? We're "righteous by "FAITH!" Rm 3:23 is the MOST MISCONSTRUED verse in Bible which states "HAVE" v "do" v25"faith""past"!
Norine: I meant only if we read the Bible and pray to the point of neglecting our other duties, such as serving our neighbors and preaching the Gospel.
It is your understanding of the word that I consider lacking not the word. Things like Jesus is God, Jesus is the Holy Spirit, tell me you don't understand the word you randomly reference. This upsets you, you should stop caring what I say so much.
I AGREE! Col 3:17! GOD FIRST, FAMILY NEXT, then other(s) in right perspective! But ALL is to be done "IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS," glorifying HIM!
Lawal how many Sons ? King James Version
Re 5:11And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;
K&T: "Clear" we're not to worship "angels" (Michael, the Archangel as Jesus) Phil 2:9-10 (Col 2:18-19; Rev 22:9)! ONE LORD, ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6). K u will "remember" our conv when u "Stand before the judgment seat of Christ." I'm sorry!
Dear Norine Notice even in KingJV. he says us!
Not me.
King James Version
Joh 17:21That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Notice US!
K&T: Jn 10:30=ONE!
READ ON (Jn 17:22)! And the "GLORY" (I told u ALL ONE SPIRIT but diff GLORIES)...that they may be one, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE!" Did you hear that Scribe/Pharisee "EVEN AS WE ARE ONE?"
U can't win against Holy Spirit!
NOPE! It is NOT "...a wrong thing to do, by being too serious with God's work and being less serious with other things!" For those who are "IN CHRIST," (and not just attending services), Psalms 34:1 says, "I will bless the LORD at "ALL" times (We breathe "at "ALL" times," don't we?); his praise shall CONTINUOUSLY be in my mouth." David (a man after God's own heart; Acts 13:22) said this! Should we do less?
"...being less serious with other things" is what Scripture requires of us. This should have been understood when you "initially" came "unto Christ" as "schoolmaster" taught (Galatians 3:24-25)! One of The Ten Commandments states in Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other god before me."
"God" in the sense of the word, does not only mean other "pagan" or "religious" gods, but "things" such as (man's favorite) money, or anything mentioned in I John 2:16 which states "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the "pride of life," is NOT of the Father, but is of the world."
If one eliminates ALL stated in I John 2:16, that would leave us "serving Him "daily," (Too much?) and giving "GLORY" to the One who has created us 24/7!
How do we accomplish this? "..."TRUE WORSHIPERS" SHALL WORSHIP THE FATHER IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH..." (John 4:23-24)!
Galatians 5:16 says, "This I say then, "WALK IN THE SPIRIT" (Daily), and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." (6:8) "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
Thanks Williams. That was a very insightful thought coupled with scriptural backups. I really appreciate your comment.
LA: You're welcome Lawal! ALL I have is WORD which is TRUTH for any and all questions on HP! TRUTH=LOVE!
Take care & "Study" (II Tim 2:15) to increase relationship w/GOD!
Define what you think God's work is, the work you are doing too much. That is a very broad term that many on the broad path tread claiming they came in via the narrow gate yet are doing nothing but the works of man. So the question begs what work are you talking about? You could with all your might and strength be serving some Hirelings idea of what needs to be done. Remember Christ didn't speak well of hirelings.
I will say that yes you can do things for the wrong reason, motive does matter, for even the devil appears as an angel of light. Your question sounds like you have the answer you are looking for but just want someone else to say the same thing.
Rich: "God's work"=ALL (or should be)! Col 3:17 says "...WHATEVER you do in" word or DEED," do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thks to God & the Father (not 2:1 SPIRIT) by him."
"Hirelings" get PAID, do I?
Judging v STUDY (Acts 17:11)
Should be and is are two different things. The young man asking the question more than likely is getting information from hirelings as most "go to church". Most labor based on what "Church" says. No one called you a hireling.
Rich: "ALL" DEEDS & WORDS "are" done in the name of the Lord Jesus if one is a Disciple of Christ! "Should be" applies to who are not!
I AGREE that churches have hirelings & most labor based on what "church" says."
Sorry I "assumed!" Forgiv
Assuming I called you a hireling is not a sin, much like anger is not sin, or they would not have said in your anger do not sin. I just don't like ignoring the repentance we have been called to. Yes He will help but we can't continue in the flesh.
Rich: Yes it is! "Judging" one's words is what I did yet asked forgiveness in which Grace covers! Anger is sin if u don't "get it straight" BEFORE "sun goes down" (Eph 4:26)! What "ignoring the repentance we have been called to?" I AGREE w/last!
Eph4:26 does not say it is a sin to let the sun go down on your anger.
Psa 4:4 Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah Paul didn't invent the saying.
Ep 4:26 really means don't "stay angry" (sun go down=death) w/ppl & die w/anger n heart! If u hate Paul, u hate JESUS! Acts 9:15 "a vessel" Holly Spirit (Jesus) filled Paul & talked THRU him. As He did the prophets, thgs, whatever He desire=
Lawal if you notice the name Michael is still used in the old and New Testament , because it is Jesus heavenly name as the Archangel or highest prince. I would love to email you more details running out of room and complaints for using g others space
K&T: Michael didn't DIE for ANYONE! Why do u worship? (Still under Old Covenant=Old Testament=LAW?) ALREADY FULFILLED? Why go back (Gal 3:10)? CURSED bcuz u can't keep ALL! (Jm 2:10)
Kiss and Tales.
You know most times in life, people know the answers to the questions they ask, they are just asking to see if people are having a misconception about their belief.
Jesus is Lord and Michael is just an angel like other angels.
Law: K&T is a prime example of man's "teachings" rather than allowing Holy Spirit "lead & guide" (Jn 14:26;16:13)! Satan's RELIGION Tool ("wiles of the devil;" (2 Cor 2:11) has deceived ALL who do not "Study" GOD'S WORD! She believes NWT "b
Lawal Jesus known as Lord with the Archangel voice.
An Archangel is the highest ranking Angel . Google the definition. Dear Norine I use King James bible, you seem to think that is the only bible available for truth, KJV. Has deleted valuble inform
K&T: A "copied" version (NWT) seems to have "eliminated" pertinent information as well but HS will "reveal!" Even ur "bible" says ONE SPIRIT! Not father & son but GLORIES: Father & Son, not 2 Spirits but ONE SPIRIT! GOD can have "the vo
LAWAL I appreciate your use and understanding of the Hebrew term used for marriage, Dear Norine is limited , she can not use other references of the original Hebrew terns to prove what she says , she only believes in KJV , truth deleted in parts.
K&T: How can one be "limited" when Holy Spirit "leads & guides" & EXCEEDS any language? In ALL, GOD IS ONE SPIRIT with TOO NUMEROUS GLORIES ("I AM" or JEHOVAH)! Say that's a LIE!
WORD says so in MANY Scriptures!
Dear Norine the bible reads KJV
Mt 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.
This is the same expression , the two are individuals but they
Have the same concerns or interest in each other and support.
You twist the scriptures .
K&T: Eph 5:32 Marriage=MYSTERY=*As Christ(Holy) is to the Church(Holy)=ONE SPIRIT!
Marriage=1 flesh +1 flesh= *ONE flesh! MYSTERY!
Girl, I didn't "ASK" for this job, HOLY SPIRIT "lead!" He continues to tell me to tell YOU:
Philippians 1:15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.
Our actions towards serving God is all that matters. Some people are so seriously committed to serving God, but they are only doing it because of their personal needs, while some are doing little in their possible best, in the right service to God.
From what we've all said so far, over commitment to God is not a sin neither is it a wrong thing to do, but being overcommitted to God in order to satisfy ones selfish needs and desires, is a sin.
Philippians 1:9-10 says "... that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight (10) so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ."
As Christians, we always start well in our service to God, but we tend to fall due to temptations and lust, Phil 1:9 says "that love may abound," and who is Love? God is love. That is, if God abounds in our lives, we will be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless. The only way we can make God abound in our lives is by studying God's word.
Joshua 1:8 says "Do not let this Book of Law (The Bible) depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Being "prosperous" and "successful" according to this passage is not just to be financially stable, but to make heaven at the end of our race in life, which I believe is our major goal as Christians (apart from saving lost souls).
We are created for God's service(just as it's written in the picture I uploaded above), but when we begin to work in the service of men (and ourselves), then that is a Sin. God bless us all!
Rich: R we not to b "on one accord?" How many spirits? Do u thk ONE accord is more? If we're to b "on one accord" why is Father & Son (2) diff accords? GOD manifests Himself in NUMEROUS "GLORIES!" U do, father, son, bro,etc,God=1SPIRIT;Rich=1 ma
Good comments, sounds like you understand.
You are way off topic. You don't understand "one accord" or "glories"
Your stalking comments are getting old.
Rich: "stalking comments?" Why? U shouldn't care what I say if "off topic" but u no GOD is working u & u CAN'T REST! One Accord=ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6;I Cor 1:13)! GLORIES=II Corinthians 3:18!
Lawal God created Angelic Sons notice, King James Version
Job 38:7When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
King James Version
Job 1:6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves .
K&T: We're also "sons of God" (IF IN CHRIST), but not THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (JESUS) (Jn 3:16) who GOD came in the GLORY of (I Tim 3;16)! Did the angels "manifest themselves" & come in the GLORY of ONE JESUS CHRIST who DIED for us? Get real!
Dear Norine we are not spirit angels, and we are not standing ministering to God in a spirit body as written in scriptures shared., Angelic sons are in heaven
We are on earth how real is that to you.
K&T: Rm 8:8-9 says "So, then, they that r in the FLESH CANNOT "please God!" But ye ARE NOT in the flesh but in the Spirit, IF SO BE THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU. Now if any man HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT of Christ, HE IS NONE OF HIS!" Where r
The problem with belief in the trinity 1,the word does not exist, 2, Father is greater then the Son, which he says so at John 14:28,
3.King James says
Mt 22:44The LORD(Jehovah)said unto my Lord(Jesus), Sit thou on my right hand,
Trinity invalid
K&T:How does He mean "Greater"HE SAID "I & my Father are ONE" (Jn 10:30)? Why appear contradiction? Bcuz Jesus came to "sinful" world; therefore,The Portion of SAME SPIRIT not subj to world="Greater!" ONLY Holy Spirit can "reveal!"Rt hand=ri
I think it is about priorities.
1) Our personal time and relationship with God
2) Time with our family
3) Work, and working for God in serving others
Spending time alone with God is the most important thing and long periods of time can be spend doiing that.That is when we get restored again, reassuranced, loved ,guided, being filled up to be able to look after our families. We can then go to work, serve others, work for God in ministry and grow, but only when we spent time alone with God
If you know God through and through then anything you do should by consequence be service to god.
If not, then your service to god should be only of getting there yourself.
How can we teach and preach what we don't know except through passages in a book that we take as literal truth by matter of decision rather than conclusion?
No one will ever "know God through & through" (I Cor 2:16).
Holy Spirit (who "leads & guides" (Jn 14:26;16:13) reveals TRUTH in HIS WORD!
God is love , he demonstrated by giving us his most valued Angelic son, know as Michael the Archangel.
He did not give us his last, or middle son as a price to buy us continued life after this world is finished,
He gave us a substitute father replacing Adam , so we could one day really stand in paradise on earth.
No value could be higher then Jesus as Michael.
Joh 15:13 No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends.
Jesus love for us is evident that he faced death, a d torture for us.
Here we are living and breathing everyday could we also just say thank you , could we also say you are my friend too .each individual can make a reply of gratitude. Because The Father Jehovah and Jesus loves us from the heart.
K&T: If 1's beliefs goes against Scripture -YOU DIE!
"No value could be higher then Jesus as Michael." What? Rev 22:8-9: {paraphrasing} "DON'T serve angels!" Col 2:18 says so also!
K&T: It's time u re-think ur belief!
Thanks "Kiss and Tales."
Firstly, I don't understand how this relates to the question above.
Secondly, can you tell me where it is stated in the bible that Michael is the son of God?
Thirdly, who is God's middle and last son?(Paragraph 2)
Dear Norine you should know by now that Jesus is the Archangel Micheal,
Joh 17:5now glorify me in turn, Father, alongside yourself with the glory that I did have alongside you before the world was.
Simple he existed before the world was.
Lawal thank you for the question, really the Angels are Angelic sons , also they can be referred to as prince.
Da 12:1“During that time Miʹcha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people.
Jude 9But when Miʹcha·el
U LIE! I don't KNOW! Don't let that "RELIGION" deceive u! NWT worst than KJV! Holy Spirit should have shown u by now??? Eph 4:46 ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE SPIRIT & Michael did not die for me; therefore, I DO NOT worship (Col 2:18;Rev 2:8-9)!
Gen 3:26 For through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus.
Jesus is the only son of God, because he is the first born and he is the "son" in the trinity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I hope God gives you Understanding.
Law: Speaking to me? Sorry! No "Trinity" in Bible! Eph 4:4-6 says ONE SPIRIT & until 1 "worships (Studies Scripture) n Spirit & n Truth," they'll NEVER "see!" Email me @ for MANY Scriptures which confirms!
Lawal this scripture proves who Michael is notice it is in the New Testament.King James Version
1Th 4:16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: this is clear.
THE GREAT "I AM" can have "the voice" of ANY ONE OR THING! Why do u "limit GOD?"
Still worshiping angels after Scripture says "DON'T?" (Col 2:18; Rev 22:9)!
Shows ur "belief" is WRONG! You r in BONDAGE to ur RELIGION!
K&T: IT IS WRITTEN "You should NOT worship angels!" (Rev 22:9; Col 2:18) )Why do you go AGAINST SCRIPTURE? Michael is not JESUS! "Voice of" Archangel="angel's voice" not Michael the archangel but JESUS! He can have "voice of" ANY ONE OR THIN
Dear Norine where did I say worship an angel? Show where I said this please, you will not find it , but you worship Jesus !
That is why you are confused,
Jesus never said he was God the Father even rejecting satan
Mt 4:10Then Jesus said to him: “
K&T: U did until 1954 when "man" told u "idolatry!" Jn 14:28 has been misinterpreted by JW's! "Greater than Him" buz that SAME SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6) was never "subjected to sin"r in the world! HE does"fill heaven & earth"(Jer 23:24)! I Tim 3:16!
Norine: Do you really understand that scripture(Eph 4:4-6)? Yes! ONE SPIRIT (Duet 6:4, Is 44:8). Note that the Hebrew word for one is "echad" which means "composite unity." It is also used in Gen 2:24 where the husband and wife become "one flesh."
Law: YES-1 SPIRIT! "Raw" Ex: GOD=smoke cloud (SPIRIT) =EVERYWHERE= Manifests=ANYWHERE (we can see) OR ANYTIME IN ANY FORM (man, bush, donkey) AND/OR SIMULTANEOUSLY!
In all who blv, right?
Food for thought , how can God sit next to himself ? Mat 22:44
2, why is the Father's will mentally different from the son's
Joh 5:30 I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative.
Could not be the same person if he is limited as spoken.
Re:Matt 22:44 David "in the Spirit," called him Lord (sm=Portion subj to sin/world) saying the LORD (CAPS=Portion never subj to sin) yet ONE SPIRIT!Acts 2:36 "..both Lord (GOD) & Christ (Jesus) "crucified!" Re:Jn5:46 ".for he (Moses) wrote of me?
Because Jesus became least important to himself that he faced death willing for you and me. He saved your life and mines. The thing is could we love him as much ?
K&T: NOPE! "The thg is" why don't u give "CREDIT" where "CREDIT IS DUE" since He DIED "for u & me?" NOW YOU KNOW WHY I WORSHIP "JESUS" NOT MICHAEL!
Dear Norine you are worshipping Jesus when he never said to., he told satan that it was the Father we are to worship.
Lu 4:8 , Also satan knew he was an Angelic son because he quoted this fact.
Lu 4:10 for it is written, ‘He will give his angels .
K&T: (v8) "Thou shalt worship the Lord, thy God, & him shalt thou serve." Wasn't Jesus being "tested" by Satan? Read v12: "It is said, Thou shalt not put (WHO?) the Lord, thy God, to the "test." JESUS IS GOD!
If we are doing it in our own will, without God telling us to, then yes. I was that person once. I went to church every time doors were open, taught Sunday School, kept church nursery, volunteered & visited shut-ins. All terrific things. But it was like dung because it was works instead of coming from a place & understanding grace. And I was taken to the end of myself where grace was the only thing that saved me from myself & my own righteousness. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are clothed in God's own righteousness. Nothing we do will ever make us more or less righteous...not believing our righteousness is solely dependant on God will impede His work in our lives, though. So yes. If you are leaning on your own strength & understanding, any & everything you do is worthless- He will show us & promises to keep working on us until Jesus comes back so just hold fast to faith in Him. If you are following God, He will give you what you need to do what He has called you to do
Thanks Admelton.
I think what you simply mean is that, when someone serves God in his own personal interest, he does a wrong thing, but when one serves God according to his word and will, he does the right thing.
Law: I blv what Ad is saying is "WE" don't "DO," but Holy Spirit "DOES!" Rm 3:22! RELIGION has taught "DO," Bible says HOLY SPIRIT DOES "chgs us fm glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18)! We can't do it ALONE! We tire, weak, (flesh). HS WORKS, we BLV&FAI
STUDY "Righteous by Faith!" No more "works" lest any man should boast" Eph 2:9! Prophesied Habakkuk 2:2-4! "BY FAITH" So easy, but NO ONE tells Believers TRUTH!
Dear Norine why do you ignore other scriptures as this
Mt 19:6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh.
The bible uses one two support the same thought not same body.
You are blaming the bible .but you translate in error.
K&T: Why do compare "Spiritual" thgs to "carnal" thgs? When flesh marries, they become 1 FLESH! When GOD created us, He was & remains ONE SPIRIT(Eph 4:4-6)!Why do u listen to "twisted" interpretations by RELIGION!GOD HATES RELIGION including
I think you should always move to you natural expression. If it brings you joy and happiness it's the right thing for you.
Your natural exprsn?
I think that simply means following the lust of the flesh, as far as it brings you joy n happiness.
You have to be guided by the holy spirit, not even by your own spirit.
Romans 8:8-9
Re: "The Trinity!" Where is that in Scripture? God the Father, God the Son & God the HS=3? "Persons v SPIRIT?
Of course, "the Trinity" is never mentioned. The single clearest declaration of the existence of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit i.e, to use the traditional theological term, as a Trinity -- is found in 1 John 5
Note: 1 John 5:7..Jesus is the word
Law: Have u studied origination of that Scripture? Catholics added! W/O mention of Jesus, I questioned! Where's JESUS in that Scripture? FOOLS=forgot JESUS? Add on to justify baptism re: Matt 28:19 for Satan knows must have "witness" Scripture!
1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Note, "these three are one."
Who is "the word" in these scripture ?
Just answer that simple question. @Norine
Law: Word=GOD! (Jn 1:1). I agree THEY (?) are ONE SPIRIT (Eph 4:4-6)! Did u research? When/Who originated? Why? Just answer that! @ Law!
I'm speaking as a person who spent most of his life as an atheist who is now what I consider a devout Christian. Actually, I hated Christians and looked for any opportunity to bash them and point out how silly I thought the Bible was. I went from that to a devout Christian in a matter of seconds. Since then, I can't get enough of Him. I'm not going to quote a bunch of scripture. What I want to do share what my life is like now and propose to you that it is that way because of my commitment to serving God. I definitely see a direct connection between how much time and effort I spend in pursuit of Christ and how good my life is. I spend about 15 hours a week in church related activities between the church band and a Bible study I lead. Most of the people in my life are Christians, and I like it that way, I feel they enrich my life and help me stay close to Christ. I have this really cool Bible study software that makes Bible study fun, as a result, I spend a lot of time studying scripture. All this helps me keep Christ at the front of my mind at ll times.
All this stuff adds up. The end result is that my regular ol” average life is amazing. I feel like I'm constantly walking around with my Ephesians Armour on and Satan can't touch me. Again, a direct result of my commitment to Christ. It still gives me goose bumps knowing how He has transformed my life and continues to enrich it and all I have to do is praise Him and stay heavily committed to Him.
If you LOVE ME, "Feed my Sheep!" (Jn 21:15-17)! TELL your testimony=GREAT! But Jn 21:15-17! TRUTH is "quoting a lot of Scripture" for GOD doesn't LIE (Num 23:19)!
" a devout Christian in a matter of seconds." The POWER of GOD! What a testimony! "Quote Scriptures" for GOD'S WORD is the ONLY TRUTH! (Num 23:19)
Dear Norine then your belief should explain this scripture even as, KJV put it in error.
King James Version
Lu 20:42And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand.
Two LORD, Lord, uses two dif
K&T: If u KNEW "ONE SPIRIT" has MANY GLORIES (not persons for ALL r ONE SPIRIT), u could understand! If u continue to look @ ONE SPIRIT as father & son u will NEVER "see!" (Jer 23:24)! A LIE? U blv "Trinity?" Sounds like it! AND NO "HAND"=S
God is meant to be the water in our life, which dilutes the acid of our problems and worldly matters. When, to calm the acidity, you put too much water in the dish, it ruins. You have got to manage, balance these things. It is good to put a little time aside for God but you can't ignore the world you are in for the world you don't even know about. So, I strongly don't recommend becoming too serious or too over-committed to Serving God
WOW! Against Scripture! Col 3:17! "ALL?" Ps 34:1 "ALL?" Have u read for there are MANY MORE!
Jan Dior: Well I know that is your own personal opinion.
But do you want to take the things of the world more serious and more important than God's work?
Don't you think that is a wrong thing to do?
Very interesting that you feel that way, but that is how you feel, my personal experience would cause me to think different, example love for our Children, family mates, could we just say a little time is needed. No, a baby needs alot of time too.
K&T: NOTHING more important than GOD (JESUS)! GOD FIRST, FAMILY NEXT, then NEIGHBORS! (See Liz's comments!)
JW's left my house RUNNING today! Excuse: Had to meet "quota!" NO TIME for GOD?
Mathew 6:33 (KJV)Bt seek ye first the kingdom of God, nd his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (AMP)But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being...
Law: "Religion" doesn't teach "GRACE!" "After the Cross" or "After the Day of Pentecost!" Made ALL blv Paul taught "another gospel" (Gal 3) not realizing the PWR (HS) of Jesus operating thru Paul (Acts 9:15) to continue His Mission!
Norine: I don't get your point. What does "religion doesn't teach Grace" has to do with "Math 6:33." You are beginning to digress, I think.
Law: I don't ALWAYS address direct comment but must expound on prev thought in diff area due to space! Sorry! Matt 6:33 AGREED! But Trinity (man-made doctrine) defies WORD & u blv! (Used up rm now w/o WORD'S explanation!)Disgression appears=no ag
Jan as example you could not really tell an employer I can not spend time on the Job it would cause un employment, could you say to much time given to an enfant would be wrong,what about a marriage all these relationships need time
God created time.
Law: Re:Matt 6:33=STUDY! It seems u "work" as Religion teaches! Holy Spirit NOW "works" under New Covenant! Jm 2:17-26 "Works w/o faith is dead" means "mental work" "BELIEVING" & having "FAITH" in our "HOPE" for tomorrow!
Dear Norine if satan knew that Jesus was a son of God and quoted that.
Lu 4:11and, ‘They will carry you on their hands, so that you may not strike your foot against a stone.’”
The point is at no time Jesus ever claim to be God the Father.
K&T: "The point is at no time Jesus ever claim to be God the Father."
THE NWT forgot to delete John 10:30 which says "I and my father are one?" So u continue to LIE!
Girl, sometimes I wonder where my responses come fm. Satan's been defeated! Tr
GOD makes you to do something for the needed persons. when he sends you on the earth he believe that you will do his work, you will serve the poor, you will love the nature. you should say thanks to god for every opportunity he gives you to serve the needed creatures. If you do so you work for him. To serve people is the best way to serve GOD. In India it is said by swami Vivekananda that " NAR SEVA NARAYAN SEVA" It means that serving helpless needy human being is like to serving GOD.
Welcome to Hubpages Lalu.
Thanks for your contribution.
Sorry Lawal: No space below:
K&T: Don't get me started on "Marriage!:" Eph 5:32 MYSTERY: "As Christ is to the Church" BOTH HOLY! Do we do this?
Well, will you 'over commit' to your mom or dad? We all have our Dharma or calling. It may be wrong for the man of celibacy to be attracted and influenced by the desires of the senses, but it may be the right thing for the Soul lost in desire to do. Desire pushes us, and in its necessity, teaches us many things. God's hour strikes at different times for different people.
When the baby is young, it needs milk, and diapers; it needs to cry, sleep more. Nevertheless in manhood, all these things go.
The voice of Grace teaches us through prayer, so that we learn to know our own station. Doing the duty of another, however noble, will bring us constant harm. One must find the way, as it were, by listening to the voice of Conscience, a Messenger of the Divine.
The way of loving God is the way of Love. Can love be too much? I know very little of the small 'love' where we bargain, seek to control, be inferior or superior. I know a little about this sweet ecstatic feeling in the spiritual Heart, that urges us to serve, to cry for Something Higher; to bleed for Its cause.
The little 'i' can sometimes utilise the mind in a negative way. We feel, out of self-love, that we must always offer, help ...but who can help whom? Only God can help. We need to go the Source, be nurtured and cared for, like the baby, before we can truly serve. Service from a position of weakness, is the wrong approach.
We cannot 'overlove' but the Ego and wrong-understanding, can most certainly get in the way of selfless service.
Hmmm... That was a strong point of view and very insightful.
Thank you Sir!
Man: AGREED!"Only God can help.We need 2go2 the Source.." I Cor 3:6 tells us "..God gives the increase."It's our job to STUDY Acts 17:11 "to see if these thg r so." 1 CANNOT "teach" UNLESS GOD tells 1 DENIES SELF (I Jn 2:16) no matter consequences!
I don't think you can ever be 'too committed' but there are times when your commitment can be in the wrong way!
To me Jesus was the friend of 'tax collectors and sinners' (the lowest of the low and then some in Jewish society) he was even called a drunkard on more that one occasion (by the religious establishment) but no one doubts he was 100% committed!
Following Jesus will take you to the places where the people are and give you a message that the religious might not like but it's God's message to a hurting world, that we need a lot more commitment to!
Having said that there will be times when you'll be so tired and frsutrated that you'll need the break just to be able to keep going, that's not waivering in commitment, it's simply being wise with what God has given you!
If you're listening to Jesus' voice he'll never put you through more than you can handle! He'll always be there to direct you and even tell you when to take a break (he did it with the disciples, he took them aside for a break when they needed it!) so to me the answer is no, you can never be too committed to Jesus, but you can be not listening when he tells you to take a break!
Jesus doesn't want those who'll burn out for him, he wants those who'll burn on for him and set the next generation alight with his glory!
Hope that helps!
Law: Did the disciples "burn out?" Yes, everyone "needs a break," but doesn't "burn out," IF CHRIST DWELLS IN YOU!" Otherwise, Scripture would not have said "Let your light so shine before men..."
"..can be in wrong way." (Prov 14:12; Is 5:20!)
I'm agreeing with you! The disciples didn't burn out because Jesus showed them when and how to take the break!
Christians in ministry do 'burn out' because they don't listen when the Spirit tells them to take the breaks, thats what I mean
Law: ALL need "rest." (I just woke up fm "nap.) But "burn out?" No! Time alone w/GOD, I agree, but NEVER "burn out" For He doesn't "begin a work in you that He doesn't finish." (Phil 1:6)! One can "hear" HS & does obey "IF CHRIST DWELLS IN YO
Yes Norine you should not put Jehovah your God to the test, he did not say you should not put me to the test,
His claim was that God Jehovah would send Angels to rescue His Son from even a stone, read again,
This was putting the Father to the test
K&T: Who was being "tested?" JESUS! And is why He said "Thou shalt not put the Lord, thy God, to the "test!"
Yes, Angels protected Jesus as they do us!
If Jesus Michael (angel) don't u know we r going to judge Him? (I Cor 6:3)
1. God
2. Family
3. Work/Education
4. Ministry
5. Self
Thanks John.
But why is "one's self" the least important ?
Just think about the others first before thyself. Making sure they had enough on their platters. And God said to sacrifice ourselves, for the benefit of his kingdom. Not sacrifice on the means of suicide, but carrying our own cross.
Lawal Jesus gave up his human life so you can continue to live in future .what Adam and Eve lost has been purchased for their children. Jesus paid our ticket into the future under his administration
Ps 37:11But the meek shall inherit the earth;
John: You are right! Self last!
Matt 20:28 & Mk 10:45 "For even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve..." Teaching by example!
Dear Norine no one else has Jehovah's name .it still stands , but Jesus name is common that there were others called by the name Jesus . Greek and Hebrew
Make his name unique by terms as God's son Jesus.
Jesus name means Jehovah is salvation.
K&T: "It is highly unlikely that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of YHWH. Further, it is far more important to know God through faith in Jesus Christ, than it is to know the correct pronunciation of His name in Hebrew." Got
Is 9:6 t
Lawal, let me say I thought I was about God's work at one point in my life, but, now I am not so sure. "Knowing God" is difficult for me... been seeking for 7 decades now and don't know for certain as some. Hence, I try as best as I can to put myself in the shoes of all others and treat them as I would be treated...fairly and with respect, no matter the circumstance, in all things. Just that is hard enough for me. If I do that enough times for it to become my second nature, that may be enough for me, perhaps, for you. Let us try.
JK:RELIGION has "taught" ALL to "Quench the Holy Spirit" against I Thes 5:19 & w/o,1 tends to become "Agnostic!" They see reaction fm receipt as "mystic & demonic" (Acts 2:13) but w/o can't b "lead & guided" into ALL Truth"(Jn14:26) &
JK: The only place for certain you can find God is in his Word (spoken or read) and in the Lord's Supper (communion). When feelings go away or experiences are not to be had, his Word remains unchanging.
Kris: How can 1 "find God" in the "communion?" His Word is ALIVE (Heb 4:12) (re:"feelings go away or exp are not to be had?")
How, then, can "feelings go away?"
All, I have uttered a few prayers, read a few words, reflected on Jesus' life and teachings, sung some praises...all are helpful, but never enough for me. Good works seem to fill my heart more....but that is just me. We are all different.
Indeed we are. I hope it is some comfort to hear that if you read his Word and believe in Jesus, you know him. In good works we see our faith carried out, so I can see how God seems more real in those times. I hope I am not misunderstanding.Blessings
ALL: MY GOD! MY GOD! We live under "NC!" (where) "WORKS ARE DEAD!" (Jm 2:10)! One "works" when loving neighbor not for Salvation! (Jm2:14-26) WORD is not "diff!"
READ: Heb 9:15;2Cor3:6;Rm7:6;Gal4;ALL of ROMANS;NOTE: EPHESIANS 2:8-9!
Kris: U "misun
Law: Yes, JESUS is ONLY ONE of GOD's GLORIES (I Tim 3:16) as the "ONLY BEGOTTEN SON" and not an angel or another PERSON (a deviation fm TRINITY n which they (JW) say they don't blv)which is a LIE for GOD is ONE "SPIRIT" & NOT A PERSON!
Dear Norine before Jesus came , what was his name? What was God's name. If Jesus was God,
Joh 17:5 So now, Father,glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.
Before Jesus came , who and what was he called?
K&T: Why do u not KNOW? U quoted Jn 17:5="GLORY!" GOD'S ONE SPIRIT (aka "GLORIES") included ALL including JESUS fm the beginning! Whether GOD ("I AM") or JEHOVAH (was, is & is to come=SAME) is WHAT HE IS but JESUS is WHO HE IS (Phil 2:9-11="
Norine glory is not his name, but God’s name in Hebrew is Jehovah, Psalms 83:18
Ex 3:15 “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered .
I didn't say "GLORY" was His Name! I said HE functions in diff GLORIES of which JESUS was but ONE (SAME SPIRIT)! U don't blv JEHOVAH (aka GOD) can do that? If not, U don't know GOD! JEHOVAH or GOD is "WHAT" HE IS NOT "WHO" HE IS! GOD=SPIRIT=GLORIES
Of course, it is possible to be over committed to god and if your interpritation of the religion is flaw, it would be even worse. Take a look at ISIS!!!! Don't think it won't happen with Christianity, it will happen and it have happened already, AKA Crusader, a perfect example of Christian version of ISIS and Taliban
A Christian version of ISIS? How come I'm just hearing that ?
Are you saying ISIS'(as Muslims) over commitment is the product of their actions? And tell me more about this "Crusader" you mentioned above.
I would say that's over-commitment to a false idea of God.
Lawal: Google the Crusades. To much info for 250 characters haha
Is this a "scare tactic?" Remember, you could be one of the innocent bystanders perishing with us!
Philippians 1:21 says "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Christians should remember that!
Pete: What will you have to "gain?"
Philippians 1:21 says "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Christians should remember that!
An example of what a Christian version of Taliban and ISIS would say
Pete: At least we have HOPE for tomorrow while you perish w/o "gain!"
A lot of people are celebrating Thanksgiving today, but only few are expressing gratitude to God.
Some take this day as a business opportunity, while some see it as a day to just have fun and eat.
U do know thank giving isn't a religion holiday, right?
And in my opinion, it make more sense to worship Benjiment Franklin and Abraham Lincoln as god of America
Law: Thank you! Same to you! Give Praise (Thanks) to Him (daily)!
Pete: At least this country has not "totally" morally declined (yet) & still gives Thanks to the Creator!
What's 1 day of the year & U get day off!
Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltness is upon them." Christian value is not that moral
Pete: Wish u knew the Bible! Old Covenant laws have been fulfilled! Yet, still applies For they shall be put to "eternal death" (Hell) which is the judgment for 1's immorality!
You have no right to kill somebody, just because they have sinned in your religion. End of story.
Pete: Who do you think "I" am? I don't have a heaven or hell to put 1 in! I AM NOT GOD! U have "free will" to do as u please, but I'm only telling ALL what "GOD said!" Now that's the "END OF STORY!"
You have asked three very good questions. I would like to share with you some things that I have come to realize when it comes to God.
The first question is, "Is it possible for it to be a wrong thing to do, by being too serious with God's work and being less serious with other things? I think that one should be very serious about God's work first above all things. Priorities play a big role in this question. The first thing to understand is that there is the world, which we live in; but there is also the Kingdom of God, which we strive to enter into. In the Kingdom of God, there are different laws and principles than those that are in the world. Scripture tells us to not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed (by the renewing of our minds) to the Kingdom of God. He should reign supreme in your life and if He does, then you will do everything for God...regardless if it is serving in the church or washing your clothes. Do everything as unto the Lord.
Question # 2, "Can we possibly do it in a wrong and unacceptable way? Absolutely. If you read Matthew chapter 24, Jesus is talking about those who have cast out demons and laid hands on the sick and ministered in His name - yet Jesus tells them, "Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you." Everyone doesn't love God. Some don't even know God. They know a form of godliness and a form of religious, yet denying the power of God. God accepts everyone that comes to Him in faith through the new blood covenant with Jesus Christ through the death on the cross....if you try to enter into the Kingdom of God any other way, you will be denied.
Question # 3, "Is there such a thing of too much serving God?" Again, no way. God knows each of our hearts. He will not force His will on you. He draws men unto Him by true and genuine love for us as children. We are heirs with Christ in all of the things that God has to offer. I was watching Oprah and she had a guest who said, "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey as Christ." We don't belong here on earth, the Bible says that we are just passing through, here for a moment and gone the next...a mere mist of vapor and then were gone. We will return to be with the Lord in Heaven and live as it was meant to be in the Garden of Eden. Free and without need of anything, to live in the land of milk and honey. Live as free men and be a slave to God!
Hmmm, Thanks Natasha, it seems you are the first person to notice the three sub-questions. You really have a savvy idea about the questions. I also liked your act of response towards the second question, using a scriptural back-up
Once again, Thanks!
Nat:"God accepts everyone that comes to Him in faith through the new blood covenant..."No "blood" covenant!Jer 31:33;Heb8:10;10:16; Jn 14:26;16:13;Acts 9:15; He began "putting".New Covenant=SPIRITUAL! Matt 24=Not "After the Cross" so Gal 1:6-9!
Norine, I think she was trying to refer to Hebrews 9:22b (and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.)
The old blood Covenant requires the sacrificing of animals for forgiveness, but now, Jesus' blood cleanse our sins and forgives.
Law: Yes, He "shed His blood" for the remission of our sins but always remember Jeremiah & Hebrews when referring to the New Covenant=ALL SPIRITUAL!
I believe that as Christians we are put here on this earth as soldiers for God's Kingdom the Kingdom of the Light. We walk in God's spirit every day. The fruits of God's spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control against such there is no law. Walking in the fruits of God's spirit every waking hour of the day is a total commitment that can not go away if you are a believer. Not possible to be over committed to walking in God (Father in Heaven's) spirit.
Yes! These are the fruit of the Spirit IF CHRIST DWELLS in "BELIEVERS!" Unbelievers GOD has no tolerance! Doesn't love, have joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control with such! Matt 21:12-13; II Cor 11:6!
"we are put here on this earth as soldiers for God's Kingdom the Kingdom of the Light." Sound like something an alQuida would say. No wonder the FBI are worry, a Christian version of Taliban might emerge.
Pete: U wish?
Lev 19:17 "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart; thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not allow sin upon him." Then why would we "kill" if we should "not allow sin upon him?"
Only Satan would have u believe that!
Nothing is bad if it keeps u satisfied and happy.If u really want to serve god ,be kind and gentle to the poor and suffering ones.I think god has blessed us with a life to help others and ultimately to find our destiny.And always the over committed people are the ones who succeed in any field.Believe in urself.Success will be yours.
Ob: "Nothing is bad if it keeps u satisfied and happy." Scripture does not say this! "Satisfied & happy" to man is satisfaction of the "flesh!" (Rm 8:8)
Read I Jn 2:16! There's man's "satisfaction!"
Men who race after flesh are never satisfied.They run for more flesh.A man who is leading a good family life is happy and satisfied.I am not christian. I don't know about the biblical verses.If you feel the comment inappropriate please reject it.
Thanks Observer4, I understand that not being a christian will not make you have a clear understanding of what Norine is trying to say, but she is saying the truth as far as Christianity is concerned..
Once again, Thanks for your contribution.
Ob: Did not mean to "personally" offend just telling ALL what GOD says in Bible! He desires "No one is lost" (Jn 6:39) and "His hand is still stretched out" (Is 9:12;17)! Please "Seek Him" (Matthew 6:33)!
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