What is your view about God, after reading these passages?

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  1. profile image53
    peter565posted 8 years ago

    What is your view about God, after reading these passages?

    "And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman." (Chronicles 15:12~13) bible go ISIS style
    "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9) As psycho as Taliban

  2. Oztinato profile image74
    Oztinatoposted 8 years ago

    Are you trying to say God exists but He is like ISIS?? The classic "Blame god Paradox".
    How about this: certain people try to put words into God's mouth for political reasons.
    If we examine the Old Testament anthropologically (as an atheist actually should) we can then see the sociopolitical forces at work.
    What you (and many others) attempt to do is use faulty logic ie "if I was a religious person this is what I should think about god" etc. It's a strange and illogical way to think.
    You're an atheist or agnostic right? Then look scientifically/historically at an ancient document.
    Get it?
    Another example: if Lot slept with his daughters in the Old Testament this certainly does not mean the Bible advocates incest! It is simply being recorded as what happened, as many other events. There is no "commentary" as you seem to think.
    If we read Shakespeare's Macbeth do you assume Shakespeare advocates murder? No.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I believe he's pointing out aspects of Christian doctrine that are just as wrong as ISIS beliefs. No one should be killed because they don't believe in another group's God or way of life. Live and let live is the ultimate freedom of religion.

    2. profile image53
      peter565posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks dashingscorpio smile

    3. Oztinato profile image74
      Oztinatoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So do you accuse Shakespeare of advocating murder? No.
      Do you study scripture as an atheist historian? No.
      Do you "blame God"? Yes.

  3. Levi Legion profile image59
    Levi Legionposted 8 years ago

    The Bible (especially the Old Testament) gives many examples of the heinous actions that the ancient desert god Yahweh commanded. For instance, Yahweh (or, the LORD) commanded innocent children to be killed on multiple occasions, including being torn apart by bears just for acting like kids.

    I could go on and on, but you get the picture. These acts cannot be justified regardless of how many rabid Christian apologists will cry out "Context, context!"

    These examples are just further proof that the Bible was written by various misguided groups and individuals with certain purposes for certain times. To claim supernatural authorship just creates a massive mound of problems and paradoxes for the Christian apologist.

    1. Oztinato profile image74
      Oztinatoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Religion "evolves" like everything else. Remember, evolution? The principle cherished by atheists but thrown out the window solely in regards to religion. Compare the OT with the NT. Any evolution?

    2. Levi Legion profile image59
      Levi Legionposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sure, religions evolve, but Christians cannot rightly claim that the Bible is the standard for OBJECTIVE morality, since Yahweh's killing of children was supposedly right back then. At best, the Bible's morality is whimsical and SUBJECTIVE.

    3. profile image53
      peter565posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Not too many people know the Christian god's name is , Yahweh in the original legions. Most Christians just call him god and Muslim call him Allah. How did you know about it Levi Legion? smile

    4. Levi Legion profile image59
      Levi Legionposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Peter, I was reared as a Baptist and I hold a degree in Biblical Studies.

    5. profile image53
      peter565posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, interesting. I always use to think the only places that teach Christian religion, is within the church's institution and they are taught to be passive, submissive and follow the bible blindly. Did u study in a church institution or an university?

    6. Levi Legion profile image59
      Levi Legionposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It was a small ministry college, not under the direct authority of any particular church congregation. But yes, they ARE taught to be passive, submissive, and follow the Bible (and church leaders) blindly. It's very sad.

    7. Oztinato profile image74
      Oztinatoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Just to clarify: the English word "God " is translated into Hebrew as "yahweh",as Allah in Arabic; as Brahma in Sanskrit etc.

    8. profile image53
      peter565posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      After studying there, how did it effect your view on Christianity and how did you view Christianity before that?

    9. Taopi profile image60
      Taopiposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oztinato, certainly evolution exists within a cultural acceptance of religious doctrine, especially in terms of OT law which originated under a barbaric, antiquated desert society.   The Latin West has long rejected those.

  4. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
    wba108@yahoo.composted 8 years ago

    It does seem as barbaric as ISIS but the underlying assumption is that the God of the bible isn't good and/or is the equivalent to the God of ISIS. Both premises of which I reject.

    In the Old Testament the holiness and severity of God was displayed because the Jews at that time were under the law and the law brings wrath. (Rom 4:15) The purpose of the law was to demonstrate the need a Savior and for grace.

    Jesus revealed the true heart of the father when he humbled himself to become a man and die for us on the cross. God has never changed, (Malachi 3:6) only His methods.

    1. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely WBA 108!  One cannot cherry pick the OT.  You have to understand it:

    2. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
      wba108@yahoo.composted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ya that's right, either its God's word or it isn't, thanks for the support!

  5. Taopi profile image60
    Taopiposted 8 years ago

    I understand what you are getting at, but I think the difference is found in the medievalist interpretation of doctrine, which extremist Islamic states employ and the Latin West no longer does.  Yet, in saying this,  I've no doubt that some pitch-fork carrying Christians would gladly burn witches and other perceived non-believers were there not secular laws preventing it. 

    The Age of Enlightenment was the death knell for the power of Church and State across the Latin West.  The Abrahamic religions are extremely ego driven systems with gods that mirror the essential human foibles, which is testified to in statements like..."I think God thinks this or that (take your pick, it always agrees with the person uttering it)."  The arrogance is mystifying, but the power trip remains the same.

    1. profile image53
      peter565posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have same concern, remember a while ago, this devoted Christian went into an abortion clinic in the US and have a shoot out? It remind me of ISIS and Taliban suicide bombers. Only resolution I can think of is converting people away from Christ.


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