What's the reason for having homosexual Preachers?
A Preacher supposed to be concerned about eternal life of his congregation. . . right
I delve into this question with great reservations. I simply do not want to know what people do in a bedroom. Heck my wife and I do not even talk about outside of our bedroom. But if a man loves a man I just cannot tell him he should not. It goes against my instinct but not against my intellect. I follow God with my heart. But I also follow God with my intellect. The Episcopal Church in America suffered a huge split over the issue. Too bad for them.
A preacher man leads a group. How can he lead a group when his sexual tension is leading him to cast doubt on dogma. I do not see it as much as can a homosexual lead as as a consternation as to why they would want to.
No one can argue against the text against homosexualism. Yet no man can argue against the texts of total love and acceptance. I find no reason for homosexual preachers but I find no reason against.
Scripture not once deals directly about it. Oh sure you can extrapolate but Jesus never once says "homosexuality is bad" He could have but he did not. Paul talks of sexual immorality but never once specifically condemns homosexuality. Too easy for them to condemn it yet they did not.
I think it is a strange thing indeed to establish a current of discussion as to what goes on in a bedroom. But I could be wrong on that. Perhaps I should want to know how other's "do it". Maybe that is of importance, but I cannot imagine why.
Paul does condemn homosexuality (1 Cor. 6:9-11). If someone persists willfully and remorselessly in homosexuality, they ought to be excommunicated. It may seem harsh, but if you don't believe Paul, how can you believe Jesus?
Sorry but I generally read Kings James version. And for some reason I checked the Latin Vulgate translation also. And for some reason those specifically do not mention homosexuality. More modern versions do mention it.
nor abusers of themselves with mankind, (KJV)
Jesus didn't say specifically something is taboo so it's OK to do it, despite His father having already said it is to not be done? Not sure that's how it works.
Interesting point. They certainly had a name for it back then -- why didn't they use it?
Below are some KJV scriptures
1corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-28, 1Timothy 1:10, 1Corinthians 7:2, 1Timothy 1:10-11, Mark 10:6-9, Jude 1:7, Romans 1`:27 All KJV in the New Testament that address the homosexual issue, without the word "homosexual".
Why should it matter?
Priests "supposedly" don't have sex at all.
Most preachers do not talk about their love life and the congregation is not interested in hearing about it anyway.
People choose their church/denomination for a variety of reasons.
I know people (women & men) who would not join churches headed by women. It's also been said that Sunday morning church services are the most segregated hour in the nation.
Most people go to churches headed by a minster of their own race. People also choose churches based upon choirs, the congregation, and overall focus areas of the weekly sermons given.
when the blind lead the blind they both fall into the ditch.
Some folks believe all religion is about the blind leading the blind! Generally speaking it comes down to one's (personal) relationship with God.
I have been around over half a century and walked the streets of many a city. I have never once seen a blind man in a ditch. Blind men are not stupid they are just without sight. Kind of a rude ignorant comment.
Matthew 15:14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."
Matthew's account of what Jesus said, ya that's rude and ignorant.
If that is one of those "sins" a person can't overlook then they don't have to attend that preacher's church.
However know this; all preachers sin!
Ecclesiastes 7:20
"For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not."
1Jn 3:7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.
If you are righteous you are not a sinner. Ecc7:20 has become an excuse to not repent. No repentance no forgiveness.
We can take scripture and judge. Or we can take scripture and uplift. We can find scripture to hate and we can find scripture to love. There is enough scripture for everyone. I choose to follow the scriptures about even loving your enemy.
I'm not sure how much Godly loving you would be doing if you are an active sinner. The man made stuff that is an excuse to not repent and accept sinners as though nothing is wrong well it is not love at all.
Neither is judging. Discernment does not mean deciding against another. Discernment is what is good for the discerner not others. That is judging. Are you without sin? Hmm - but their sin is worse than yours. Don't accept yourself. Then what?
If something in scripture has already be stated as wrong, it doesn't require discernment or judging, the case is closed, it is to make people aware that it is there. Ignore it if you like, it's not judging and requires no discernment.
If it is not judging another on the sins they commit -- just what is it? You don't get to dance and quote scripture on this one. You are making a judgment on their worthiness. End of story. Own it. Don't say the bible makes the judgment you do.
If you have a problem with what is written, deal with it and stop the blame game. I am not your out for wanting to live in sin or rationalize it as ok in the name of love. Your aversion to obedience is noted, but it is your problem not mine.
Nope - it is your problem when you judge another. Some might as well be blue haired church ladies sitting in a pew snickering at others. Condemnation by those who attend church is as hypocritical when done by those who do not. Are you without sin?
What would you like me to say? Shall I tickle your ears? Shall I answer your assumptions? Are you going to continue to ignore scriptures you don't like?
Only if you continue to ignore that last and greatest of all the commandments. Jesus and Paul did not stutter. Love is the greatest and most important commandment. Yet you claim to judge and love. You claim judgement is required of love.
There was a question asked, I answered it using the scriptures you claim to read. The love scripture doesn't supersede and nullify the obedience scriptures. You don't love your way out of sin, you repent, stop doing it and proceed.
As adult baptism includes repentance so does love. Judging is not made holy by a self righteous repentence. Too each their own with God. You cannot ignore Christ's commandment by quoting to the contrary. All must set right with love thy neighbor.
Because you say something is judging doesn't make it so. Again your love quote doesn't trump all the others you chose to ignore.
Rev 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.
Well Rich we disagree. You think before and after trump the word of Christ. Cool and you can run yourself ragged justifying anything opposed to love and more power to you.. When you surrender to Christ's commandment let us know.
Do you think you don't have to repent because of the love Christ spoke of? Rev 3:19 is Christ speaking. I'm not trumping anything all must be considered together. I don't love you if I say you shouldn't kill, commit adultery, lie etc.?
Hey I think we should repent constantly. As we should pray constantly. "I am sorry and I will do better, please help me to" When we talk about me personally, I chose to view it that we are far better off repenting and stopping any sin. But for other?
To me the others are those that ask, like this question, or someone at work etc. If they don't ask I'm not mounting a box in the park and point my finger just to attract a crowd. He said if you love Me do what I say, love is part of it.
I am called to point. Point at myself and ask if I am trying my best to be the child that I was meant to be. Certainly only requested or insisted sermons here.
I'm with you trying is the operative word, I have help and when I don't ignore it I do a lot better. It is a journey, a path draws us to Him. The closer to Him the better we can do the Love commandment.
Well Rich, the feeling here is that you stretch me and stir me up. Faith is made stronger and for that I thank you. I need help and I am glad to ask for it.
There is no specific reason although you can get all kinds of rationalization out there. Todays preachers are not a New Testament item anyway but something that has been invented along the way. You know, a job that pays, known as a hireling in the scriptures. Just as the clergy laity was created by man along the way for power and control.
Those that are suppose to be disciples of Christ are servants, and there is no head servant in charge. With that said there is not suppose to be any active sin in the body of Christ. Repent is the operative word. If you want to remain active in sin or remove a sin from the sin list then leave the body and stop trying to change the rules so you can "Claim" to be something you are not.
Today what goes on in the church buildings is not related at all to the New Testament believers. Things have changed and mutated so much that what is now there cannot be traced back to Christ at all. They don't care either, they have convinced themselves that what they are doing is correct. If you don't buy into the system stand by for "how dare you" or I always like this one "by what authority do you".
One of the gifts given to the body of Christ is the gift of teaching, that gift is not given to sinners but to people that are full of the Holy Spirit. So if you have someone up on stage in ANY active sin they would not be doing anything by the power of the Holy Spirit. The imagination of their minds will justify anything.
I see it as a way to show the world what man will do despite the warnings and mercy of God.
You speak with authority. You have never been to my church. Who the hell are you to say what happens in my church. What audacity to claim you know each church. At least you could claim that some churches follow your condemnation.
1corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:26-28, 1Timothy 1:10, 1Corinthians 7:2, 1Timothy 1:10-11, Mark 10:6-9, Jude 1:7, Romans 1`:27 All KJV in the New Testament that address the homosexual issue, without the word "homosexual".
Homosexual practice is pure adultery. The Holy Scriptures forbid even an extra heterosexual act outside matrimony, homosexuality is a far cry. The seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14). Those who practiced homosexuality were destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:24). In fact the word Sodomy has been coined after the place, Sodom.
A person who disobeyes one of the Lord's commandments can never be a preacher at all.
Your BQ. Yes I fully agree with you about a preacher's conduct towards his congregation. I.e., eternal life as per Christ's everlasting covenant. Perhaps you would care sparing viewing the attached 4 minute video.
Actually adultery is breaking one's vows or promise to be faithful to their mate. It's possible for gays and lesbians to be monogamous. Everyone sins!
Ecclesiastes 7:20
"For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not."
If you are in active sin you will not have the Holy Spirit leading you at all, so what could you offer the body of Christ, nothing until you repent. Hanging on Ecc 7:20 is not an excuse to not repent and turn away from the sin/sins.
I wonder what the thorn was in Peter's side. Whatever it was it did not just go away. I wonder what sins I have prodding into myself and being a thorn. I think that I do not love my Lord with all my heart and soul and mind. I will try harder.
I believe the thorn in the flesh was Paul's problem, but I'm don't believe the thorn was sin. Something bugging him like a blasphemer following him around making light of the scripture he had been teaching. Anyone's guess, he doesn't say.
Rich Kelley, You're right Ecclesiastes 7:20 is not an excuse. Nevertheless my point is everyone sins.
Some lie, steal, adultery, fornicate/sex before marriage...etc.
Ecc 7:20 & Romans 3:10 acknowledges man can't escape sin.
Man "grades" sins.
Yes man does grade and rate sins.(a shame, we will learn better if we try) Paul is quoting Ecc 7:20 in his romans chapter 3 the whole chapter should be read. Christ a man was sinless. Many others in scripture were righteous.
In the modern world of today, religion has evolved just like any other social construct. The problem seems to be that the Bible is outdated, and needs to be updated. Because progress has made it to where in order to keep in step with the present, large portions of the Bible have to be outright ignored or re-interpreted into absurdity. So if homosexuals are forbidden to be preachers, then so are women, as the Bible clearly states:
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
1 Tim. 2:12-14
It is not that homosexuals can't be preachers, it is that active still practicing homosexuals can't be preachers or part of the body. Same with liars, adulterers, etc. Plus there is no singular "pastors" in scripture, it is always plural. (shepherds)
Norine, 1 Cor 14:33 doesn't change anything. So it is u who is out of context. And since I am a man, according to the bible, I am automatically right, because women shouldn't be trying to figure out this complicated men folk stuff.
I guess it depends on whether the congregation believes in archaic definitions of homosexuality, or whether they belong to more progressive and Biblically literate traditions. There are plenty of gay preachers in both types of churches, it's just that the ones who are free to be themselves are able to lead their congregations to grow closer to God. The others end up on the news for their hypocritical ways.
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