What does Isaiah 45:7 mean?

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  1. dashingscorpio profile image73
    dashingscorpioposted 7 years ago

    What does Isaiah 45:7 mean?

    If God (creates evil) is the Devil simply his servant following orders? Although I'm far from being a "bible thumper" this passage comes off as disturbing or in contrast to what is taught in most Sunday schools. Apparently nothing is ever black and white. Are we pawns in a game we can't win? If God really is {the creator of evil} who are people supposed to turn to for help? hmmm


  2. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
    bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years ago

    I never read this passage, but it sort of sums up my opinion.
    1. There is no darkness without light.
    2. You put your left foot in and wiggle it about, then you take your left foot out, and put your right foot in and wiggle it about, and that is how you do the hokie pokie, or peace then evil, repeat steps
    3. My real name is Chaos.
    Anyway, thought this might give it a start. I don't like unanswered questions.
    del if u wish

    1. bradmasterOCcal profile image52
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It also means you have to update your library card to a library that has current books. smile

  3. profile image0
    atsikelasposted 7 years ago

    The whole religion and god thing is a really interesting and at the same time an extremely subjective matter and that's why I, personally, can not simply abide by christianity or any religion, really. My view and a lot of people's view on the biblie is that it shoud not be translated literally but figuratively. If this specific quote was to be interpreted as literal, then God is not as good and kind as people really think and, as most christians have not actually read the bible(!), they would be flabbergasted. On the other hand, it may actually mean that by creating the light and making peace, god unavoidably created darkness and evil at the same time, as in that the "bad" concepts are simply the absence of the "good" ones. Consequently, any attempt to answer a religious question will lead to another question and another and another. In example, if darkness is indeed the absence of light, couldn't God just bring everything to the light? It's so theoretical and philosophical that it ends up giving you a headache.

  4. AF Mind profile image54
    AF Mindposted 7 years ago

    Please see my article, "What You Should Know About the Devil". It covers this same verse, among other things.

  5. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
    wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years ago

    God doesn't create evil, this is apparent when taken in context about the nature of God throughout the scripture and in the person of Jesus Christ. God is good all the time and only has good things to give.

    On it's face this verse seems to contradict the broad base of Scripture concerning God's nature, so we need to reconcile it with the rest of the Bible. Greek words often have multiple meanings and translations can sometimes be misleading if the verse stands alone without taking in account what the main body of what scripture says.

    My take on this verse is that God can use evil for His own purposes even though He doesn't create evil.


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