What happened to the concept of evil? What used to be defined as evil is now called being either a sociopath or psychopath? Why are some people hesitant to state that actions are evil?
Evil is only the opposite of good and some things called good by some is called evil by others. That would make evil to only be the opposite of what someone else prefer. Therefore nothing has happened to it, it is only being used like all opposites are often used, i.e., to represent what the individual speaker is not desirous of.
You seem to be saying that "evil is in the eye of the beholder." To a certain extent, I think that is true, but some things are so "blackhearted" that they can't be described as anything but evil.
MizB, to the blackhearted person doing it and all wanting it done it will be good makes it only in the eye of the beholders. There is no way around in the eye of the beholders to any judgment pretty/ugly, right/wrong or any other combination of judgment opposites.
The problem is evil isn't as easily defined anymore. Heck from a liberals point of view, ,everything a conservative says or does is evil. While the conservative can think the same way about the liberals. The problem is the USA is too divided, which is partially why we have so many problems.
Taking that beyond, what is good and what is bad. Left or right is two wings of the same bird. A Ying a yang. A tree would not fight with its own braches.
Evil has to be one of the most difficult words to define.
Evil is difficult to define, it could be many things extremely negative. By getting rid of very negative people make me happy less suffering.
Evil, in a general sense, is the opposite or absence of good by most. Yet there is Ying/Yang... closer Evil can denote profound immorality, or greater absence of ethics or love, or truth and absence of reason.
Typically not without some basis in the understanding of the human condition, where strife and suffering could be the true roots of evil.
My personal observations of the greed disease. Is greed the top disease or evil in the world? Is their corrosion causing poverty and pollution hand in hand for most suffering and death?
I'm not sure that using the terms "psychopath" or "sociopath" diminishes the human concept of evil. I think we all agree that a psychopath is evil, since that person truly has no regard for human life, or life of any kind, and most of us regard that as evil. In past centuries, religious people regarded evil as actions from bad occult. In fact most of them regarded anything as coming from the occult as evil, thus forgetting the true definition of "occult," and that Jesus was the most famous practitioner of occult.
Herbalists, harmless hedge witches, and some innocent healers such as midwives somehow earned the title of evil, which was coming from societies' superstition. At least today these practitioners are not placed into the same category as psychopaths and sociopaths. And most people would not consider them evil.
I don't believe it is correct that people have forgotten to define evil, and that they are replacing that word with "sociopath" or "psychopath". I think they've just added new subcategories to the term. "Evil" is not a clinical term, so the fact that a psychiatrist would call a person a psychopath or sociopath, in my opinion, does not soften the term. It just defines the category. I doubt that a clinical person would deny the existence of evil even if he/she does not place it as occult possession.
Still it is in the eye of the beholder and nothing more.
Which one is the root of evil?
Judging is the root of evil, Castlepaloma, the love of money causes us to judge most things evil and according to Isaiah 45:7s I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do {presently} all these things indicates evil is caused by our judging God's actions through us since Luke 17:20-21 reads The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Elijah, you are correct that some evil is in the eye of the beholder, but I think we can agree that some things are just black-hearted and evil. If we do not see certain actions as evil, are we not turning a blind eye when we should be getting involved with doing away with them? Like human trafficking, for instance, or torture of humans and animals?
What happened to the concept of evil? People all over the world are learning about it in droves - and what 'good' and 'evil' are really all about.
That is the main reason for wanting to put labels on people, instead - which isn't that much better, at all. When you label people, its much harder for them to move beyond that label.
Isaiah 45:7s I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
You can't form light unless you also create darkness. God/the Universe is made of light (and so are we: in his image), there IS NO SOURCE for darkness - only the absence of light. Darkness or evil can only exist within places God has created for it to be able to exist - like our universe and this planet we call earth.
Our human souls NEED 'evil' as much as 'good' (and all the variations in between) because they give us a choice - otherwise, what choices would there be? Only good ones? Who is going to define those for us?
We are made of the same energy as God or the Universe (emotions = energy in motion). Its the choice and the feelings/emotions those choices create that causes the expansion of our soul in this life. It is the only reason why we are here: to cause the universe to expand by adding to 'all that is'.
Our physical existence in duality is what does that - and it is the only way 'expansion' of the universe can happen. Again, because we are energy beings. (There are other worlds where this happens - but, this is the only 'way' it happens.)
Which means, God (or whatever you want to call it) is VERY AWARE of this world and the people on it. It KNOWS that nothing that happens here is 'real' - like we temporarily perceive it to be.
And to God... 'evil' would be as much in the white liar as in the murderer. There is no difference. This is where human judgement comes in. We judge 'which is the worst sin'.
In fact, the liar can feel more guilty about their lesser 'sin' than a murder. It is US who judges. God doesn't care. All he/she cares about is the expansion the situation caused your soul.
Also, since God is made of light or pure positive energy - he can't see the dark, or what we call evil. All he can experience is the good out of everything - and everything DOES have good in it, even if we can't see it. Absolutely everything.
Evil only exists here. Its only 'real' here. Its just a tool.
The more of your attention/energy you give to it, the bigger it becomes (here). Its the same way with 'good' things - but 'bad' things and emotions surrounding them are what we humans tend to dwell on. We don't have to. The world would slowly begin to change for the 'better' if people would IMPROVE the way they think/feel across the globe.
Black is the absence of light and darkness is a minimum of light. Black can exist alone as can light but darkness has to have a glimmer of light to exist. God is darkness, the intermingling of back and light that the Garden in Eden metaphor caused the offsprings of Genesis 1's man to become shat tadpoles are to frogs and caterpillars to butterflies, an incomplete specie (https://hubpages.com/religion-philosoph … Born-Again). For tadpoles to become frogs they have to go through a new birth as does caterpillars to become butterflies.
You will notice both completed morphosinos can still do what they were before but secondary to their transformed existence and is what Born Again does to human. We become man who can live homogenous with the environment rather than depending on the things human have made. Thus, man is another word for god while humans are caterpillars to God and emotional while man understand cause, effects and consequences are emotionless. Therefore when you quoted Isaiah 45:7 what that is saying is since God is everything it is able to manifest as everything within itself like man are able to manifest as everything earth is made of and, as we continue to migrate through existence, we will be able to manifests as everything within it and existence itself.
Thank you for once again distorting my very good explanations. You're really good at it; and once again - you're WRONG. (Then again, it does give me an opportunity to clarify things more.
Black or 'pure evil' can only exist alone BECAUSE god created a place for it to be able to exist. In 'heaven' beyond this universe where god exists - there is ONLY LIGHT. God is not darkness - he simply created a way and a place for it to exist.
WE are created in the image of God. We are capable of doing everything he 'could' do here IF he could exist in this physical plane like we can - which, he can't. Its impossible because he's JUST LIGHT.
If God came to planet earth, the entire world would be bombarded with light and we would all go blind (at the very least).
God has no human perceptions, no human ideals about cultures, religions, governments, etc - all he can do is FEEL what we are feeling (emotions = energy in motion), which is why our hearts are completely exposed to God.
We cannot hide from him - partially because we ARE each an aspect of him in this existence. He exists through us - in the personality of me, you and everyone else, even people we consider to be evil or psychotic or whatever.
God exists without favor in every political party, system and idea - through us. Its why we can't make wrong choices, because we have REASONS for making those choices. They are not 'sins', but part of our ever-expanding personal identity. If there is any 'purpose' to this life, it is that: to develop our eternal 'personality' just as any child develops beyond the parent. (How 'bad' can your kids be? LoL!)
We are born, we eventually die - but not the energy/soul/conscious part of us. That part is eternal and continues on and on and on - as God does. There is no heaven or hell for us to 'go to' after we pass on. We simply exist where god does until its time to return for another life 'expansion' here.
There is NOTHING we are obligated to accomplish here; and there are absolutely NO philosophies nor religions that need to be followed. Life here is a freeform exercise in choices, clarification, desires and manifestations - all things that we create, most of the time 'by default' without our realizing it.
We're moving beyond that, now - to realizing that we are creators, just like father god.
Again, update your beliefs. You have obviously done a bunch of research in the past. Apparently, you thought you were done.
Evil does exist as a word and alone, thus, you erred there. I erred also because Black is the opposite of clear but we usually say white which is another mistake.
Every entity is god just like your blood and everything your body is made of is you. Yet your blood, skin, bones and other things can be preserved outside of you and later put into someone else and it will still function the same. (https://hubpages.com/religion-philosoph … hy-part-14) Therefore everything has a mind independent of that of god although god's is in them also but doesn't manifest itself except to ensure the entity performs the purpose it is destined to.
What each entity does integrates itself with god's until that entity's god-mind evolves into a man at which time all memories of those incarnations are brought to into the man's mind (John 14:26) so a man is able to transform into any of the previous entities.
So there, again we are saying much of the same things using different terms. The difference between you and I is I ingest and digest what you say but you chose to taste what I say and spit it out.
"Evil does exist as a word and alone, thus, you erred there."
How did I err? I said it can only exist within places/boundaries god has created for it to exist - alone, or not. You insist that god is evil. He's not for all the reasons I just said above.
God originally ALLOWED evil by creating a way for it to exist (OUTSIDE of his light/presence) - but, it can't touch him. Nor can it touch US in our natural state of being when we are not existing in these bodies. We can only see 'good' in our natural habitat - just as god does. Its why we come here, JUST SO we can experience 'the dark' and grow from it. (Read above again.)
No, we are not saying 'much of the same things'. Why you keep saying that is beyond me - can you not read, reason and see the difference? Weird. Just cuz you SAY 'it is the same' does NOT make it so.
"I ingest and digest what you say but you chose to taste what I say and spit it out"
Yes, there is a reason for that - I'll say it again: Update your beliefs. You have obviously done a bunch of research in the past. Apparently, you thought you were done.
I did not say god is evil, I showed you the scriptures where god do evil and good. The reason? god established all judgmental adjectives on the knowledge of good and evil tree but no actions did god give that name. Yes, god made the acts but but didn't judge them, he call them by their nomenclatures, human judge them rather than using their nomenclatures.
So yes, we saying the same thing when you digest what the scriptures say god did.
The reason you fail to digest what I say is because you are judging it and don't have ears to hear so you spit it out.
You have that one thing right - now. Earlier you specifically said that God is darkness - which implies that he is evil (And, I am pretty sure you have said in earlier post that god IS evil). What you are saying and I am saying are two entirely different things.
AGAIN: Update your beliefs. You have obviously done a bunch of research in the past. Apparently, you thought you were done.
How can God be in everything and everything in God is God is not both good and evil? Jesus said he was in the father and the father in him and after the Psalmist said "heaven is God's throne" Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven in within" us so explain that please. https://hubpages.com/religion-philosoph … hy-part-14 is how I explain it.
Happy to explain again: Isaiah 45:7s I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. (Notice that God says he 'forms', 'creates' and 'makes' - he doesn't say he IS these things.)
You can't form light unless you also create darkness. God/the Universe is made of light (and so are we: in his image), there IS NO SOURCE for darkness - only the absence of light. Darkness or evil can only exist within boundaries God has created for it to be able to exist - like our universe and this planet we call earth.
We don't walk into a room and 'turn off the dark' or 'turn on the dark' when we leave. The dark would not even exist if it were not for the light - and it didn't exist until God gave his light 'form' that created space and a way for darkness to exist.
It is the same with us: he created these bodies so that they can experience AND participate 'in darkness' or 'evil' (or not, we have choices for good reasons) - but, that doesn't mean that is what we are, nor is it what we are made of. These bodies are just earth suits. Our original 'being' does not 'naturally' live here; and is made of energy.
Why would God do that - create a way for us to experience variations of evil?
Because our existence in duality is what creates the expansion of the universe. Literally. We are, in fact, INCAPABLE of 'sinning' when we are in our original, energetic form - just like God is not capable of sinning (or even seeing sin) in his pure, positive energetic form.
Its all part of being made in his image; and then being 'separated' from him 'in the dark' for awhile. (We are never completely separated from our source - impossible. But, we can sure put a kink in the hose. And we have, ha!)
Do some quantum physics homework. There is not one cell in our bodies nor anywhere on this planet that is actually solid. Our eyes and ears, etc., are translating vibrations - nothing 'physical' actually exists. Every proton in our body spins at the speed of light. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Who says science isn't fun?
Here is another question for you... What are humanity's favorite pastimes all around the world? Reading, movies/tv, writing, playing games, simulations, creating as many different kinds of art that we can think of.
Its because that's what we are: creators with severe amnesia. And its pretty dern cool that we figured out a way to be able to create such a realistic environment for us to 'get into character' and exist within these 'life stories' like we do - just for the fun of it, the expansion of it.
Yes, life IS supposed to be fun. We are creators. We can make it whatever we want it to be. I keep telling you all, LoL!
Walk on water!
Move that mountain!
MizB, because there will always be someone favoring what you call black-hearted and evil therefore I can not have a clearers conscious and say that isn't white-hearted and good, only the joining point called middle path & straight way with a narrow gate will ever be agreed on and that will be by a very small minority.
Evil has religious connotations so we hesitate to use the term.
Has the word Satan, hell or evil been removed from the Bible yet?
In many ways, the lines between good and evil is blurred. Often actions that one considers evil another does not consider to be evil.
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