Jump to Last Post 51-77 of 77 discussions (324 posts)
  1. goldenpath profile image67
    goldenpathposted 14 years ago

    I, humbly, thank all who offered words of encouragement this day.  We are a group of people who can claim commonality in the fact that we love to express ourselves through the written word.  I, myself, do not speak well so I concentrate on writing in such a way that is hopefully clear and understandable.  I am grateful for the encouragement of others through this means. 

    In several of my posts my intent was to share something meaningful that has happened in my day, week or life - something I consider sacred and deep.  I do this in hopes of touching those out there who are also deep thinkers and express their thoughts through words and have a love and passion for it.  Never have they been for the intent of personal gain or favor.  I have tried to reach across the aisles of treachery but to no avail my intentions were not adequately made manifest to those who needed it.  I have recently been charged of having a "martyr" attitude yet I have been unwillingly been made the martyr.

    I cannot stress enough my thoughts on individual freedom of choice and beliefs.  I strongly advocate an individual's right to believe whatever they believe.  Very strongly.  However, given this human right I believe we have a responsibility in upholding it.  It is our responsibility to strive toward tolerance.  Without it we become as the gangs in the streets who take lives in fits of fury.  We become as the parents who abuse their children because they cannot control their own anger and express understanding of the child.  We become as the vultures who circle their prey for hours until the time of consumption.  We owe much to science, I totally agree, but please strive to raise our common awareness of tolerance and understanding to a level relative to the wonderful advancements which we are now using.

    I have taken the time to read many of the works published by many even here on this thread.  They are wonderful!  Wonderful enough that I cannot hope to even compare.  That's where I place myself in my every moment of life.  It's not depression by any means.  It is just a part of me to place the best parts of people above and beyond myself.  The integrity, character and safety of the guy next to me is more important to cherish than my own. That's me.  That's who I am.  If I see anguish in a child or even an elderly person I cannot help but go to them in effort to lift their spirits - even when I don't even know them.  We are all human and there should be no distinction in charity between who you know and who you don't.  That's the only doctrines I desire to express in these forums.  Not my doctrines regarding children or even our eternal purpose.  For those deeper doctrines one can contact me through other means.

    That's all for now - thanks again.

    1. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      There is no way to be safe with religion. They are killing people all over the world as we speak there will be more than 30 religious wars going on, including heinous crimes against women and children for some god's sake!

      What I get is that religionists can no longer see reality. I know this first hand, but I still allowed myself the "sin" of reading on psychology and other sources of information, not encouraged by religion. I soon found out why! lol

    2. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 14 years ago

      Well how should one react when an individual makes claims with absolutely no basis in fact?  I'm sure he means well and helps many people, but this doesn't mean he has a firm grip on reality as far as science and history are concerned.

      Should we just say "Oh well, he's harmless, let him claim his ancient civilizations existed, what's the harm?"  Do you care if children are taught "alternate" history instead of what we know happened?  Do you think he thought this up on his own? 

      So you guys tell me, I am serious!

      1. profile image0
        sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Golden is like most of our members caring, kind and sincere people who would help anyone. They would never intentionally offend anyone. It's a different mind set and way of life, So much of our time is spent helping others and praising Heavenly Father. We are firm believers in disaster prepardness and even have canning opperations for warehousing food for emergencies. We don't have paid clergy we are all volunteers and we all help with our meetings and Sunday school. We are all called to talk on a subject and to lead a prayer in our congregation. We never discuss politics or who you should we vote for, we vote our conscience, it's private and personal. We all do missionary work and home teach. The best way to discribe it is we try and lead by example. We all holler for honest politicians but when one ran he was attacked for his religion. The members of our church are good people and if you knew them you would love

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I am not questioning the goodness of the people, I am questioning how they are being educated as far as true history is concerned.  I would do the same with anyone, no matter their cult or lack thereof.

          I'm sorry, but I do not know any other way of asking questions.  He got upset because of the questions he could not answer.

          1. profile image0
            sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Well I'm not real bright but if you have a guestion I can try and help or I know where I can find

            1. earnestshub profile image71
              earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Knowing where to find out is very smart. Henry Ford's key to success! lol

            2. Randy Godwin profile image59
              Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Do you believe GP's version of history and if you do, were you taught this as a child?

              1. profile image0
                sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and I believe we have a living prophet President Monson. I believe we follow the true church of Jesus and I believe that man established the other Christian churches and they broke from the church Jesus set up while he was on earth. I believe the book of Mormon to be another testament of Christ. I also believe there are some things I just don't understand or have the capacity to understand.

                I am a convert and I have invested a lot of time and effort to learn everything I can. The thing I love the most about this church is the sincerity of the members. The more I learned The more amazed I became. The fact that money is not a factor and that the members prepare the message demonstrates there is no agenda, what they say is what they believe. They are everyday Christians, they are not Sunday Christians.

                It's amazing all the activities the church sponsors and how strong the families are and the church is all about family. Most of the young men achive Eagle Scout before they finish high school and go on a two year mission before they get serious about college. On that mission they can only call home on Mothers day and Christmas. How many teenagers do you know who are that dedicated and disaplined? After I became a member I found out that countries highest security teams have a high percentage of members and they're selected for these position because of their integrity, honesty and dedication. If you were to pick a friend wouldn't those qualities mean alot to you?

                Does that help? I hope so if you have more questions please ask!smile

                1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                  Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks for answering, Sneak.  I have no doubt you are answering as best you can.  No, there are no more questions.  I already know the answers.

    3. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      Have you noticed that religion leads to the psychological position of "Devil in the corner?"
      In psychology it is believed that the trinity is the best explanation of how to deal with this little problem! smile

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        This does make it easy if one can convince oneself this is the case.  I suppose I am too curious about life.  If there's anything after death I'll be curious about that too!

    4. WriteAngled profile image81
      WriteAngledposted 14 years ago

      Just want to say sneako that you've annoyed the hell out of me on other religious threads, but I'm really impressed with your postings on this one. Kudos, sir! smile

    5. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      This is great!  The weather outside was not "quite" as cold and bitter.  Just a few more weeks till Spring! smile

    6. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      Hey Sneak, I'm not sure about you but I've been deeply moved at the final battle of the Jaredites.  It's amazing to me the psychology of the civilization leading up to and carrying throughout the war.  Even to the extinction of most every last man, woman and child.  I've noticed striking similarites in our society today especially in everyday "conversations" that are executed.  To think that so many were slaughtered because of the degraded state of society and exhibiting the choking veils of pride is quite humbling - millions dead!

      Again, it was shown with the ancients of a different civilization in which resulted in uncounted numbers of dead being piled into the river Sidon.  All because of choice and choosing to place theirselves above the other both in logic and strength.

      Any thoughts on your studies?

    7. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      Of course, Sneak, the same can easily be said of Lehi's family.  The elder brothers fostered an amazingly thick wall of pride which allowed them to be cut off, bitter, angry and eventually sought revenge and blood.  It is a refreshing to learn of how Nephi stood strong in his faith and hope even in spite of all the persecution endured from his elder brothers.  He stood strong and was favored. 

      So much is to be learned from these records.

    8. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      Time and time again the peaceful and tolerant were scoffed and scorned.  Even in light of this scoffing and scorning the haughty still became bitter and jealous and degraded to the seeking of the blood of their enemies.

      Another miracle I admire is when the Savior came and ministered to these ancient inhabitants after His crucifixion.  I'm amazed that there remained continual peace for a few hundred years.  In fact it states that all were one and there were no manner of "-ites" among the civilization. 

      It's amazing the returning lessons of humanity.  When the walls of pride are down there is tolerance, understanding and peace.  When the walls of pride grow and get thick there fosters jealousy, bitterness, hatred, intolerance and eventual physical retribution. 

      Interesting, culminating to this point in history how despite our "marvel" of science we still fall into this same patterned cycle of civilization.  Even now the walls of pride have grown thick and intolerant even to the point of bloodshed.  Unless the change comes from personal character choice to change we will fall into the same demise.

    9. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      It is a marvel at the crowning decision of Lehi in Jerusalem.  He chose to follow the promptings and to remove his family from that place.  In so doing he evaded being carried, forcefully, away be the Babylonians.  Had he not made this epic decision the entire landscape of the South and North American continents would have been completely unfamiliar in civilization, technology, charity, commerce, industry, etc.  In fact, his decision had global applications.  Though his seed eventually fell into apostasy hundreds of years after Christ the tones of that civilization remained and affected the lives of most every human being on the face of the Earth.

    10. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      In fact, once more, a manifest of miracle is travel.  Neither the Jaredites or even the parties of Lehi had any history of ship building.  In fact they plead with the Lord to make manifest to them how to even make the tools to make the ship.  They acknowledged their ignorance in this skill.  The knowledge was made known to them and they were able to construct ships adequate enough to carry them across the seas.

      Without this initial petition to the Lord other individuals would not have been present to construct ships to populate the islands of the seas, ie Hagoth.  Through their demonstration of humility and ignorance and their petitions to the Lord they were carried forward in knowledge and prosperity resulting in the birth of nations and great works of building, technology, agriculture, navigation and other essential fields.

    11. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      The haughty and "puffed up" have always marveled in their own strength and intelligence.  From the Bible the Tower of Babel was constructed and the people marveled at it's height and it's accompanying ability to "reach" heaven.  We read of similar account in the Book of Mormon in the construction of Rameumpton, the great tower to reach heaven, where the people prided themselves in climbing and reciting repititious prayers for their own gain.

      We see from these accounts the affects of pride in any society.  It causes the marvel in one's own strength and leads them to their eventual downfall.  Those that remain humble will be exalted in prosperity and expansion though in the short term they will endure massive persection.

    12. profile image0
      SirDentposted 14 years ago

      GoldenPath, I know that you know in your heart that no matter what you say or how you say it, many will be offended at it. It is just how people are. Some only like to fight, while others will only fight against Christians. Don't stop spreading the gospel of Christ. Let the seeds fall where they will. Sime will grow while others perish, but at least you will have planted some.

      1. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Greetings and thank you, SirDent!  It can be burdensome to place oneself in a position to accept such attacks without provocation.  This is why a grounded and firm testimony is so essential in these days.  Without it you have nothing.  Without it you are naked and are left with only pride as your shield.  It is this testimony that I am content in defending my faith even to the shedding of my blood by others which has happened before.  It is this testimony that allows personal growth and expanded knowledge relative to my being ready for it.

        Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

        1. profile image0
          SirDentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Jesus was attacked many times. I can't remember how many times they tried to kill Him. One thing for certain, He could not die before it was His time.

    13. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      We also see numerous examples of varying degrees of leadership.  King Benjamin strenuously labored with his own hands so that the people might not be laden with taxation.  A true leader, indeed, to choose to make himself common among the people that their burdens may be light.

      King Limhi and his people were in bondage from the Lamanites and burdened with heavy tax.  The people rejoiced at the prospect of being delivered by others that they stated they would rather serve as their liberators slaves than to remain in bondage and taxation with the Lamanites.  Of course their servitude to their liberators never took place.  They were made free.  Again, it shows the work of pride among leadership to lead them to place people on lower social orders of servitude and burdensome taxation.  It leads them to tyrrany and secret combinations with hidden agendas.

      We learn of Riplakish, who heavily taxed the people.  With those funds he built up, for himself, great palaces and spacious buildings.  Also, in prison, he consigned those who not only refused to pay the high taxes but also those who were unable to pay the high taxes.  Again, tyrrany from pride.  It blackens the heart.

    14. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years ago

      Nobody's going to die in a forum...
      Well, maybe laughing lol

      1. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Love you to.  Keep listening as you might learn something.  Also, keep laughing as it is good for you.  It seems you do a lot of that.  Keep it up.  The tamperings of the host in here will not trump my personal conviction of understanding and tolerance.

        You mentioned we cannot be friends.  It is regretable.  However, that was your choice and your words - never mine.  You seem like a very likeable person.  It would have been a pleasure to know you better.

        Have a great day or evening where you are. smile

        1. tantrum profile image61
          tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          LOL.!What a sense of humour !
          I like that.
          But I think you know, just like me, we can't be friends. Anyway, what's wrong with that ?
          We could never agree on anything. And I don't see that as bad. It's a fact. So live with it !
          I will come back and argue with you some other time, I'm sure ! big_smile

      2. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        True, no one will die.  However, these posts illustrate the dangers of pride and what it does to the heart and the condescension of others it tempts the minds of those susceptible to prideful mindsets to inflict.  Pride has been demonstrated on this thread in mass form due to fear and hatred toward my words.  Because I love and respect all who have participated in this manner I illustrate, via posts, the many examples of what pride can do to people and the damage it causes one to inflict upon those around them.  Will it be listened to?  Probably not.  However, I am held accountable to try reaching these hearts.  I wholly expect the waves of tempests to continue against me and that is fine.  It is how adverse temptations work in people.  As long as I try I am justified in His sight.  Now, the choice is in the hearts and mind of those who have participated in such manner.  Not to choose if there is a God, but rather to choose a path of tolerance and understanding over the current path of condescension of others.

        Again, thank you for the exchange.

        1. tantrum profile image61
          tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          But the tempest is gone! And like after a tsunami, the only things left are the debris.
          We will move to another shore.
          I advice you to do the same.

          1. goldenpath profile image67
            goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Not really.  See, the tempest is coming back to the thread as we speak.  I would love to take your advice and move to another shore.  Any shore would be better than Iowa right now.  It's cold and snowy year.  I could use a little sun on the beach right now.

            Thanks for the advice though! smile

    15. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      We learn of a remarkable group of young men who, originally, sought to destroy the Church and faith of the people.  Eventually they were vigorously humbled.  Because of vengeance of the Lord?  No.  Because the Lord had a special work for them to do.  The patience of the Lord is amazing to me.  Even though they sought destruction due to their own ignorance and stubborness the Lord was patient with them.  When the time was right they were humbled and corrected their ways.  After their correction they grounded themselves into a foundation of testimony through personal study, prayer and application.

      These young men were called to serve in enemy territory as ministering servants of the Lord.  For fourteen years they labored among them.  They suffered prison, torture, servitude and all manner of persecution.  Yet, their testimony and the successful teaching and seeing the few change their ways always gave them hope and strength.  Due to their immense testimony their countenance struck curiosity into the hearts of even ignorant kings.  Great stories are borne of kings correcting their ways.

    16. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      Still needing information from hubbers are we? Or is it all good now, and you can just keep on preaching. smile

      1. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Good to see your smiling face again.  How the heck are ya, anyhow? smile How's life in that beautiful country?  We could sure use some of that sunny warm weather up here in Iowa.

        It's always good to hear from you. smile

        1. earnestshub profile image71
          earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          It is nice and warm, but so dangerous here at this time. More bad fires are still expected, and we have just lost many people in the last one. In other parts of the country people are drowning in floods. This is a beautiful country, but dry and harsh too.
          I love it here. smile

          1. earnestshub profile image71
            earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            We just imported/leased a huge fire fighting aircraft from America to add to an already large fleet of firefighting aircraft. I hope it saves lives. We often send firefighters to America too. smile

            1. goldenpath profile image67
              goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Holy crap!  It must be a major problem to dispatch such a fleet.  Wow, that weighs heavy on the heart.

              1. earnestshub profile image71
                earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                The volunteer fire fighters are a very large and old experienced lot. The professionals even better. Have to be!

                The people of Australia are very broad in origin, but within a year or two, they join the infectious culture of lay-back. Even when working in a high pressure IT department I felt relaxed! We seem to work pretty fast but do not take on a lot of stress, it goes against the grain, and employers who don't get that only get a half assed effort from their employees! I like that, they soon learn to look after their people respectfully!
                The other great thing about oz is that I have friends from just about any race or religious background you can name! I spent 40 odd years in my own businesses, and what with employees and customer have a wide and diverse bunch of unlikely friendships. smile Our family alone now has Greek, Chinese (PRC) English, Scottish, and spanish members, myself being from convict stock and caucasian.
                In Australia no matter where you go in the city it is a smorgasbord of languages, colours and cultures, but we all seem to feel the same about the lifestyle.. "She'll be right mate" is still the catch cry, often meaning, nothing is too much trouble, I'll give you a hand. Like I said, I love this country.

                1. goldenpath profile image67
                  goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  That is so cool!  Now I've got to come down and join someone's barbeque for some socializing. smile I think it's great to have a group of people of different backgrounds (I always call it goulash) living and surviving together and still proclaim that they love their country. 

                  Convict descent?  That sounds like there's a story in there or at least a hub. smile

                  1. earnestshub profile image71
                    earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Great great great grandfather was exported forn Dorset for stealing 2 rabbit traps to feed his kids. It was the poor who were sent out here because England decided they did not want them.
                    There is still anti English feeling amongst some of the old families! Me? I am just so grateful to have had my life here.
                    I have travelled a fair bit, even been where you are, but this country has less problems than most. smile

                    1. goldenpath profile image67
                      goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                      That's a very interesting story.  As someone who cherishes family history it is exhilerating to read of such things.  So I take it that there is not an extremely strong English presence in Australia?  Curious how the English didn't want to deal with them so they just shipped them off to a place a thousand miles away.  Looking back on it, many many years later, it was actually a good thing.  As you've pointed out you love your country and am grateful for having grown up and lived there.

                      Coolness to the extreme! smile

                    2. Hokey profile image60
                      Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                      Two Rabbit traps. They sent him to Australia for that?  CRAZY!!

          2. goldenpath profile image67
            goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I really would love to visit it sometime.  My brother has been there several times on business and loves it.  He says the people are awesome. smile  Sorry to hear of the fires and hardship.  I have not watched the news in six years so I am not up to date except what I see in passing on the internet, newspapers or what people say.

    17. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      I thank all for helping me end this day on a good note.  You are all truly great in your own respective ways.  Thanks!

    18. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years ago


    19. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years ago

      A mighty man named Coriantumr had done some very wicked deeds for most of his life.  He was a leader of his people.  He was preached to, yet chose to reject such words.  It wasn't until over two million of his people were slaughtered that he began the humbling process and remembered the words a prophet tried to impress upon his heart.  Sometimes, for the stubborn, it's not until the brink of destruction that one "sees" the true damage of their own acts and words.  Seeing the carnage of his people dead upon the landscape gave him pause and reflection.  Though he felt responsible he took the step to humble himself.  This was not the final battle.

      He sent an epistle to the leader of the enemy who's name was Shiz.  In the epistle was a heartfelt plea to end the conflict that both sides were hungry for.  To end the conflict for the preservation of their race.  This plea from a penitent man went unrealized and the war raged on with greater carnage.  Imagine the landscape wreaking from the bodies of the dead.  It's as if your entire being is being stripped away as you watch your people, lifestyle and history being cut asunder by the sword.

      Pride led to the downfall of this entire race on both sides.  The degradation of pride infiltrated the hearts of every last man, woman and child and led them to their death.  Now, only in death, do they see the true nature of the "virus" of pride they entertained in life.

      Whether we believe such things or not it is inevitable that the blind continuation of pride in these modern times will result in our own destruction.  Not believers, not unbelievers, not male, not female and not for the man in the moon - but for all of us.  I see it as well as taste it.  There are a growing number of people exhibiting tolerance and understanding in their character.  At the same time there are a growing number who's pride is currently being hardened and prevents peace and tolerance to the relief of their soul.  It causes hate and anguish and much lost time in the gall of bitterness. 

      It is possible and more productive to hold a civil conversation about other things rather than religion for those with opposing views.  We can be civil.  Talk to me about your home or where you live.  I'm truly interested!  Talk to me about the interesting sites and geography where you live.  I'm interested!  If religion sticks to your craw then find other means of holding a civil conversation. 

      Life it too short to be clammering for gold and points for ourselves when all we will be is empty handed.  Let us be as Coriantumr, who, at the end of his life, found humility and reached out for peace.  Let us be as Shiz should have been.  Accept a hand of friendship and stop the bloodshed.

      As said before, we have the power, aptitude and intelligence to make corrections in how we view other people - religion aside.  Let us not be as beasts of the field living solely off of animal instinct to feed and kill.  Instead, let us clasp hands in friendship and cooperation as we struggle to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and aid the sick.  This is far more productive and worthwhile.

      Thank you for your time. smile

    20. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      The Australian aboriginals have many tribes, most of them developed traditions in keeping with their own areas. They were all over Australia before white settlement and have been here for around 40,000 years. The earth itself is there spiritual mother, the animal  and all living things are spiritual to these people.
      Mother earth means mother erth to my aboriginal friends, who display much wisdom in their culture which came down told in stories to the children and adults by the elders.
      There is much to know about a people who spoke 500 languages, and lived in every part of this huge Island.

      1. Hokey profile image60
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        very cool. I am going to read up on it.

    21. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      They are a very interesting people. The children in their own bush environment are the happiest kids I have seen. Without any malice. The aboriginal people were without too many problems until we whites arrived and gave them diseases and forced them to do things differently. The worst thing we did was introduce them to alchohol for which they had a low tolerance, not having used it for hundreds of years as we have. It has devastated the health of these beautiful people and destroyed many lives.Life expectancy is a decade less than other Australians. It is a disgrace and I am ashamed of this aspect of my culture. smile
      Once again the government is throwing billions at the problem. It will have little impact. I know these people, they just need their spiritual mother, and we have enough room to accommodate many of those spiritual lands in our economy, but no political will to do so, thus as we have a free vote, it is we Australians who must shoulder any blame. sad

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Almost a mirror image of the treatment received by the Native Americans over here.  Of course the defenders of their treatment claim no one is a Native American. 

        Others claim America was founded on God.  Which God, I don't know, because so far, none of them have taken credit for it.

      2. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'll be the first to claim total ignorance as far as the aboriginese are concerned. sad Are they completely without modernization or are there some who educated and even surf the internet? 

        To package my ignorance my only images of Australia are from the movies "Crocodile Dundee" and sadly enough I doubt they were even filmed there.  Sad, huh?  What are their living dwellings like?  Tents?  Wood or grass shacks?

    22. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      We have several parliamentarians who are aboriginal, and many community leaders and elders as well.
      Housing and other projects have failed despite millions going into it. Many aboriginals here are still hunter gatherers by choice. Whole aboriginal communities are Internet savvy and have facilities to surf.
      Even some of my well educated upper middle class aboriginal friends have been known to quit their job to walk to a chosen place. We call it "Going walkabout"
      I believe these people have been disconnected from their mother earth and it hurts their spirituality.
      I have much time for aboriginals as a people, they have a lot of medical and other information that goes back a very long time, and our scientist are coming up with exciting new discoveries by learning what the aboriginals know about native plants.
      Their knowledge of this land is phenomenal... smile

      1. Susana S profile image92
        Susana Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I have little connection with Australia or aboriginal people, but I love their approach to life, nature and their environment (I have read somse stuff). If I could spend time with Aboriginees I would....maybe at some point in my life I will have that opportunity....hopefully smile

        1. goldenpath profile image67
          goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          How 'bout you and I take a little trip sometime down under?  We need only one plane ticket.  I'm short enough.  Just stuff me in a luggage bag.

          1. earnestshub profile image71
            earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            smile Airfaires are cheap at the moment, just get used to an 18 hour flight!
            I believe the best place to meet the aboriginal people is on their turf, in Northern Queensland on the cape, or in Arnhemland, NT. Without alcohol these people are wonderful. So many have diabetes from alcohol consumption in the cities and towns and even in the outback, but some peoples remain as they always were,and if you can sit under a tree with an elder for a day or two, you will learn and see the depth of the love they feel for the earth.
            Thank you for taking an interest, and allowing me to tell you about this. smile

            1. goldenpath profile image67
              goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Curious the affects of alcohol.  My wife is Native American of the Potawatomi Tribe so I am well versed of the lores of the people and the various affects of the influence of European arrivals.  They, too, are susceptible to alcohol and have extreme diabetes throughout the tribes.  Interesting how this seems to be going on with the aboriginal people.  It's truly sad to see such degeneration of a people, culture and history over outside influences.

              1. earnestshub profile image71
                earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I know very little about the issue, and assume that we have been able to adjust to alcohol (a poison after all) and not being users of alcohol until we arrived perhaps their bodies have not yet adapted to it?
                I would like to know more about the Potawatomi I know too little about the American native people. smile
                I recall Margolis in his great book on drugs described alcohol as a "5th rate depressant" smile

                1. goldenpath profile image67
                  goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  I assume it behaves the same for aboriginals.  Alcohol has taken a bright, confident, culturally rich people as the Native Americans and had driven them to a state of dependence and servitude.  It is true that many reside on reservations and elsewhere.  But our Native American tribes are scrambling, spiritually, for self identity and worth.  They have made their prosperity dependent on the gaming industry.  These days among the tribes it's a matter of who's got the biggest and best casino.  Granted, they are not able to obtain the "prairie life" their ancestors had on the plains and, in consequence, have found the money in gaming to spring them into a people of material and limited pride.

                  I understand their plight.  It has provided them with paved roads, health care and other things to improve their lifestyle.  I really just don't think that gambling is the way to go.

                  Are the aboriginese organized into "tribes" or groups whereby they may receive government assistance or gaming rights?

                  1. profile image0
                    hamstersmessiahposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    postmortem examinations of chronic alcoholics' brains show similar brain damage as extreme heroin addicts' brains.  alcohol is legal and other more benign drugs are illegal.  this makes no sense to me.  i can see how this can impact cultures that were not exposed to distilled spirits in their development as distilled alcohol is every bit as bad as heroin.  not to say it should be illegal.  i am a libertarian.  i'm all for people learning to stop acting like lab rats and letting humanity mature to where drugs are no longer a source of addiction.

                    1. earnestshub profile image71
                      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                      A very sensible and logical idea!
                      How the hell ya gonna sell that here? lol lol lol

                  2. Hokey profile image60
                    Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    How can you speak for all Native Americans and say they are all scrambling spirituality. I hve friends that are Native American and their     ure is alive and well especially their spirituality.

                    1. profile image0
                      hamstersmessiahposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                      i was trying to be kind and also not point out the fact that Native Americans have been cornered into the gaming industry, it was not their choice.  they used to own a piece of ground called North America.  South and Central America too for that fact.  they sure took better care of it than we are doing.

                  3. earnestshub profile image71
                    earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes they do receive sufficient benefits to live OK, it is just that we do not understand their spiritual needs nor encourage their culture as much as we could.They have in many cases lost heart, and money does not fix that. sad

    23. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years ago

      I reckon I would take to the grog if I lost my whole history and had all my culture destroyed too!

      1. Faybe Bay profile image66
        Faybe Bayposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. Faybe Bay profile image66
        Faybe Bayposted 14 years ago

        I deleted my last two posts myself as I misspoke in forum. Am apologising to any who might have read those posts.

      3. profile image0
        lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

        goldenpath, like writepath, I may not agree with what you say, but I have not seen you bee asertive or attack someone.

        Having said that I spend minimal time in religious forums so I could be wrong.  But so far you've been cool by me.

        Thanks for being concerned, if I am interpreting your intentions correctly, sigh.

        I'm confused.

        It's Sunday, I get a brain dead pass all day.

        It was fun to post though


      4. profile image50
        passingthewordposted 13 years ago

        I know this form is inactive but i just want to share with you, The lds church started by putting others down. "every other church is an abomination" only the those In the LDS church that practice polygamy will make it into the Celestial kingdom. and that is just the beginning.


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