Hi fellow Hubbers! I've been hubbing here at HubPages since year 2010 and I just can't believe that I haven't earn anything from my published articles since then, not a single cent! There's obviously something wrong. Any ideas? Please help! Thanks.
Me too ,me too.Thanks for your boldness ViralWhisper.If you check out my page you would see I am a year older than you but not earned anything either.I signed up for the affiliates,took care of my content the first few months then bolted out due to resources scarcity.May be you and I can relate(no major difference between us since my earnings almost always register disappointing,paltry figures of$ 0.5 in a whole month)and share insights to improving our hubs.Feel free to follow me if you'd like to.I love HubPages too much to give up easily.
Viral Whisperer, I just read your Hub on Pets and their care. You just listed a bunch of web sites but not much info on your part. Also, I'd find some good photos to use on the Hub. You need a nice opening photo instead of your profile castle (?) photo. Find a nice video on You Tube. Take your camera and take photos of pets. Lots you could do.
Read Hubs by successful Hubbers and learn from them (like relache) here in this Forum. Go to the Learning Center and spend time reading. Good Luck.
How do you know that the 'successful Hubbers (like relache)' really earn the amount of money that Hub Pages advertises? How do you know that they earn $3800 per month?
Good God! They Hub Pages has now even pulled down the graphs from the "Success Stories" page. http://hubpages.com/success/
You're preaching to the disillusioned. Good luck with that!
Be aware, I am giving you only hints. No one can help you unless you take things seriously. There is no money here. Follow the links -
"How to earn money on HubPages?"
"Quitting a website"
"ATTENTION: HubPages Success Stories Graphs are GONE"
Maybe another interesting thing. Deliberate Negligence!
http://atotsm.hubpages.com/question/197 … an-example
First of all, did you ever sign up for the affiliate programs? Because if you didn't that would explain a lot.
Secondly, you barely have made any Hubs. It takes content to earn.
Thirdly, at least half of your Hubs consist of just a couple of badly-formatted paragraphs. Quality content and diverse media is what attracts an audience.
You should read the below link from the Learning Center.
http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/Elem … tellar-Hub
Actually, you should read everything in the Learning Center.
Interesting observations.
"Secondly, you barely have made any Hubs. It takes content to earn."
- Well, they have certainly made hubs. The total is fifteen. Is that equal to 'barely have made any Hubs'? Why don't Hub Pages clearly point out the number of hubs required to make money? Why don't they advertise that reality before people get signed up here?
"Thirdly, at least half of your Hubs consist of just a couple of badly-formatted paragraphs."
-Too rash a judgement. Anyway, who are you too judge the quality of another's writing? What is the criteria of the process? Tell us, so we can learn from you, veteran. You can make us rich, literally. Otherwise stop dropping such immature judgments to disappoint and dishearten people who are seeking help.
Just frankly say that there is no money on Hub Pages and that it takes years to make $100 through this program. Speaking the truth is still free.
It takes me about 50 days. Your mileage may vary.
Possible. But how much time did it take to reach that mileage? It's acceleration, not velocity. To get $100 through Hub Pages literally takes a year, more maybe. Given that the person who got that sun devoted 12 hrs a day tweaking their hubs and so on and so on.
I have a full time job and work on hubs about 30 minutes a day. You can see how many hubs I have and how long I have been here.
You can whine all you like but I am happy with the investment/income ratio I am getting. I don't assume it would please everyone, and you can't assume it would suit no-one.
It is what it is. The rules are clear from the outset. If you want easier money and know where to get it, you know where the door is.
If you are happy getting $50 after a year, then more power to you. I believe all that you say, sweetie. You can never lie.
The door? Well, your profile picture suggests that venue, more than anything else around here. Get a wash. It smells after a trip.
The fact that you have over 1000 views and haven't earned anything at all suggests to me you may not have set up the ad program on your account.
Either that, or you have earned a small amount and just haven't received it yet- you need to earn $50 to reach payout.
That's where you need to look. ^
Your hubs are WAY too short. There needs to be a lot more information in them. Elaborate more and give the reader a reason to stay on the page.
Make 100% sure that you are enrolled into all of the programs. AdSense, Amazon, Ebay and the HubPages Ad Program. That's where the money comes from.
Add pictures, videos and polls to each hub. Read the information in the Learning Center, others have already posted the link for you.
Good Luck!
What everyone is saying I agree with. Make sure you're set up, that could be the simple fix.
Second, you need longer length hubs and more of them. It takes time to really let your content grow but if you continue to add it will come with time. Just make sure like relache said, read up on the articles in the "Learning Center". Hope it works out for you!
@ ViralWhisper / lupandiomo
While you can find people who make $1000+ a month, you will never hear how long they've been making that amount, how many years they've been here publishing hubs, how many hubs they have, and most importantly of all, how many man hours went into creating those hubs.
I'm not talking about just writing them, I'm talking about researching keywords, checking for similar hubs and trying to make your own hubs different, editing, going back and adding amazon products, looking for amazon/ebay products, looking for or taking photos, promoting the hubs through backlinking, going to answer comments, going through all your hubs and interlinking the ones on similar topics, sprucing up idled hubs, and on and on and on.
If you think about the amount of time you have to spend on each hub vs what they've earned you, I'd bet the figure would be below min wage. HP with their idiotic idling program no longer offers passive income. It's time to build your own websites people. It's not hard. All those viagra-cialis-prozac scammers in India can do it, why can't you?
Cool, already made your point. God Bless and go make some money for yourself. Yes, it requires effort, but people are still in HupPages for a reason, so let them be... It's with them, not with you.
Money money money. It always has to have something to do with money. Peace
Well, the person who created this thread was actually complaining that he didn't get 'a single cent' after the whole two years that he has been here on this site. Those who join this site do sign up looking for money, and Hub Pages advertises itself after that image. It's rev-share site, not a online literary magazine.
The whole concept of this site is making money, unless you are a person looking for 24*7 religious discussions that go on in a mad pursuit of both proving God, and then disproving it. I don't know which category you fit in.
That person has made a mistake in setting up their account. Probably not entering their adsense ID (or not having one).
Despite believing in God I don't participate on 24*7 discussions. I don't to prove anything so, and for God isn't religion, but faith. Not everyone get's that. He's just my friend, my father and that's it. I don't need to discuss it to people see that i so believe in God. Thank you.
Write, have access to new information. at first i wanted money also. But know i want to have fun and whatever income that i may receive it's welcome. Hubpages is fun, making question, creating new threads, just writing, put effort on something and others appreciate it it's fun and welcome and friendly.
Some people have nothing better than such poor hobby glued to a computer screen.
yes, because computers are not fake, OK? prefer to be on computer that deal with negative persons, that let myself go with bad news, than do nothing at home, than deal with fake people. Yes, prefer computer... Look, let's just stop here, ok? I got it , you need to have the reason. So i give you the reason: Yes, you're right, etc. Bye everyone and have a good week.
Packing up too quickly? Oops! You have a job, OMG!
OMG, are you 'hearing' yourself? [u]Packing up too quickly? Oops! You have a job, OMG![/b]
Delete your account then, why you came here for?. Do you even have friends? Why you're provocative? Just write a hub, do anything but stop this. You're just 3 days here and look what happening! Ok, i'll just do like the others, ignore ignore ignore. Back at you, alone.
so then I'm slightly curious as to why you are here. You seem jaded already over the whole process and don't seem too interested yourself in putting in the effort required (and YES, there is A LOT of effort required) to make a monthly income.
Many hubbers (myself included) come here for other reasons than making money but I'm not going to lie, the claims that I could write and maybe earn something at the same time was exciting. Throwing upa a few hubs and just seeing where they go might make you a few bucks (if you're lucky) but, as you stated before, earning a consistent monthly salary takes far more effort. It has to become a full time job as any of the veterans will tell you. You can learn from people here, and not just about how to make money. Veterans can help you with your other issues as well- what to write about, how to get on in the community here, etc.
Of course a website isn't going to list how hard it is to do whatever its touting on its front page, then no one would join! lol But just because one person makes money one way doesn't mean that will be the norm for everyone. You just have to ask in a nice way and you might be surprised how many helpful answers you will get.
And, yeah, when you come on a forum and ask why your hubs aren't doing what you wanted them to, fellow writers are going to check them out and tell you their opinion on why they aren't working. That's the point of asking for help. Its been shown that poor grammar, badly formatted sentences and paragraphs and too much text with no breaks don't preform as well so if your hub has that and you ask for help, those things will be pointed out.
That goes under a personal attack. Thanks for helping me identifying the trolls that attack decent people on this site. If you like a sweet girl, you can just say hello. No need to flirt in this way. Immature. Oops!
We should be ignoring and reporting to get rid of it, not feeding it.
i'm trying to be friendly but only receive stones!!!
I know. Some are like that and it will continue until we stop feeding it. Report it, don't feed it.
Thanks, done it already. Have a nice day.
Thanks viral whisper for asking this question even I have not earned a single cent but i know the reason is may be My hub is too short as our fellow hubbers are giving suggestion I checked your profile your hubs are too short as mine and content seems incomplete, some of the hubs do not content paragraph lines are not complete what I have noticed.
I made a hubscore of 78 in six days! And I have a bigger page on my own. I am just checking this site and my native language is not English. But what I want to say is can we doubt Hubpages? Or can we not doubt them? Don't give me the argument that I am free to leave? Because we are still humans and not right is not right. And I have this question -> <link snipped - no promotional links> for you..
@ViralWhisper - the advice you've gotten here (from Relache, etc.) is spot on. I read a few of your hubs, and I'd suggest reworking the content as well as the formatting. Some of the content reads like a list of things you could find elsewhere (the list of websites in one hub, and the Halloween tips in another). One hub has odd paragraph breaks in the middle of sentences, which makes it painful to try to read.
As mentioned by others, read the Information in the learning center. Also, read hubs by experienced writers on the site - check out all the Hubs of the Day to see what makes them rise above other hubs. Readers want to see visually appealing hubs as well as original and informative content.
I haven't read any of your Hubs or the responses, but that doesn't have any bearing on what a going to say.
You need to generate traffic first and foremost. It doesn't hurt to have quality material, but most people are not coming to Hubs because of word of mouth. It's not like pass-around readership of a magazine. It's not like word of mouth is going to help you a lot. Readers may never return, but if a million people come to your Hubs, you will get paid. So you need to generate traffic to get paid for the ads.
It has to do with exposure. NO. ONE: search engines. Work on your key words and especially your titles.
You also need back links, Twitter, FaceBook and links from other forums.
The majority of your visitors will be coming from HubPages. Therefore, you will need to visit other Hubs. Talk to people and generate interest in YOU. They will click on your name and come by your Hubs. If the titles are intriguing and the content is interesting, they will return. Most of all, you need to be consistent in creating Hubs. The more Hubs the more visitors.
Its like the saying goes, you get out of it what you put in it. VIralwhisper you have created like 6 hubs in 2 years and expect to get paid for it? I joined 2 months ago and just started putting stuff on here last week and i already have 6 hubs. I'm not that good at writing but i know that you have to put insightful topics and paragraphs in your writing. I'm almost reaching the 1000 views in a week. I use lots of keywords, i pick topics that i know a lot about, and then i also spend time commenting on others works and forums which is where you will start to get more followers. I wouldn't care if i never made any money on here, i like the community and how a lot of writers will help you out especially when I'm new to writing. Get on here write hubs that you know a lot about and that are interesting topics. And as for love virus i have no clue why she is even on this site for? How can you put something down when you haven't tried it yourself. Let me guess you posted a few things they did really bad because you put no thought into it and then you removed them off here and are mad about not making any money. What are we 5 again? Did hubpages tell you that you will make $1000 dollars a month? I dont think so, theres a possibility to make that money, but if you sit around and do nothing for 2 years and expect to make any money youre crazy. What company do you work for that you can sit there and do nothing at all and expect to get paid? If you are having problems with something, more than likely you can look in the mirror and see whats causing them.
<link snipped - no promotional links>
Here's one of mine for you to look at. Like i said before I'm not great at writing at all. I have lots to learn and grammar mistakes to fix but i have a lot of views for this page. I shared it on my facebook, and thanks to a few mildly famous people i know, they shared it on their facebook and lots of people wanted to read it to from her facebook.
I haven't read your hubs yet, however successful blogging takes consistency, which is very important along with interesting content. I imagine you are signed up for all the monetized programs, which have their own guidelines (however not too difficult). Im not new to blogging, and I blog on several platforms (not monetized) but to provide content for my followers, & connect with them further.
I think hub pages is an excellent place to hone your skills, so don't be discouraged! Please look at hubbers that rate 100, and see what they recommend on their hubs, and how they do it. When I signed up at Hub, I committed to 3 blogs hubs per week, I look forward to it. I hope that helps you, & enjoy your hubbing experience! I'm sure you have great hubs to share with all of us!!
by sampurna shrestha 11 years ago
Hey hubbers out there.. I am new to hubpages and i am not sure if I can really make money here. Like i have seen some success stories in hubpages but that seems to be long time ago. I am a student and i have little extra time. I would like to utilize my time writing hubs here only if I can really...
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by StormsHalted 12 years ago
Recently came to know of HP's policy of taking 40% of our impressions.......means or probably implies that for every $100 you earn HP might earn $40 or even more.........do you think its justified I mean they host our articles and do albeit some SEO for it but for that are you prepared to pay that...
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by Mikel G Roberts 15 years ago
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