They have a right to give an argument, freely.
Yes they do. We all have a right to give our opinion and beliefs! You are absolutely correct!!!! That is what is so awesome! We have a choice! And we can talk freely about our choices! We shouldn't bash each other though. We should debate in a friendly way. And not call each other names!
Ok, you are friend and I respect you and your thoughts which means I will give honest arguments; as that is the language of humans.
Hi libby,
I agree with your post.
I like your post. Very useful information about Athiest.
Thanks for great sharing.
Some hubbers are misled, who will agree?
What concern is it of yours?
You are not even capable of correctly spelling the word "atheist," - your opinion can only have been expressed in order to cause conflict. Attacking other people for not believing the nonsense you believe can only result in a fight.
Why do you want to start a fight?
She thinks it will get her sky fairy brownie points.
By the way, she lives by the bible, she says. Have fun, I am going to bed.
takes two to start a fight... lets go down the list.. the poster, statement fair enough, typo yep.. 5 posts later no fight... then we come to your post mark.
your opinion can only have been expressed in order to cause conflict.
Attacking other people for not believing the NONSENSE you believe can only RESULT IN A FIGHT.
Why do you want to start a fight?
Are you actually able to explain why atheists are misled with your own words and not have to refer to quoting scripture?
It's because she lives by the Bible.
Except obviously she doesn't. Like all Christians, she picks and chooses, interprets and ignores, and comes up with a pile of incoherent mush.
Anybody that actually tried to live by the Bible would be in jail or dead very quickly.
Atheist? pls! What the heli is an atheist? Atheism doesn't exist! There are no atheists!
Hahaha yesss... Prove to me that anything exists! Philosophers unite!
why are you laughing...didnt your god teach you to give another atheist can keep can't violate your is against teaching and religion...
as far as debate is concerned...when cagsil is asking for verse ...give him..why are you objecting on that?
I believe they, as the Bible states, look for a sign and the bible says a sign will NOT be given!
"For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
- Romans 10:13
How You Can Know God's Love
"There is a God in Heaven who loves you as you are and not as you should be."
Yes... you are right... there is a God. You know that must be true. The heart of
the human being longs for God, and logic demands divine existence.
While everyone believes God is... most sense separation from God. We
know God must be holy and good. We see ourselves as unholy and not good.
We conclude that God is angry with us and we cannot know Him.
Good News! This Testament of God's love is His Word to tell us that He loves
us as we are. That love will save us from our sin and make us what we should
be as God's children.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
We hear Jesus say, "God so loved the world." God's love has no limitations.
He loves "so". More than we can imagine. He loves everyone - not just
some ones.
Romans 5:8 tells us that God loved us so that "when we were in our sin
Christ Jesus came to die for us."
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
This verse tells us that all people have sinned. We have fallen short of
God's intended purpose for us. God made us to know Him.... to receive His
love and to love him in return.
For love to be love... for God to be God... and for humans to be humans....
God gave us a choice. We can choose to love ourselves and turn to our
selfish pursuits. That is sin. In our sin we cannot know God and His love.
The result of sin is that we are lost... separated from God.
Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord."
Wages are just payment... due reward... what one has coming because of
labor. The just payment for our sin is death.
Death here means spiritual insensitivity. When we are still in our sin, we
have no life with God. We are alive physically but dead spiritually. If we
continue in that condition, we will be separated from God for all eternity.
The wages of sin is death. but God's free gift is eternal life. While wages
are earned, a gift is offered... no strings attached. God says He will give us
eternal life - life with Him - in the place of sin's payment of death.
How can God remain true to His holiness and forgive unholy sinners?
Because Jesus, His Son, has paid the price for sin by His death on the cross.
Second Corinthians 5:21 says, "He who knew no sin became sin for us, that
we may be made the righteousness of God through Him."
Jesus arose from the grave to conquer sin and death for all who receive Him
as God's free gift.
How can you receive God's free gift of love and life?
Romans 10:9-10
"that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a
person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he
confesses, resulting in salvation."
A person receives God's free gift of love and life by placing faith in Jesus
Christ. To believe is simply to take God at His word. With our heart
(whole believing) we believe that Jesus is God's Son who died for our sin
on the cross and arose from the grave to live in us as Savior and Lord.
To believe in Jesus will result in confessing that faith with one's mouth.
Do you acknowledge that your are a sinner?
Do you believe by faith that Jesus, God's Son, died for your sin on the cross?
Will you now confess Him as your Savior and Lord?
Romans 10:13
"for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
This verse says that any person who will call upon the name of Jesus,
the Lord, shall be saved.
To call means simply to ask in prayer. The verse does not require one to
know more... do better... clean up one's life... or in any way try to add to
what Jesus has done for us.
Will you now call upon Jesus to save you from your sin so that you
can know God's love and forgiveness?
Pray like this: "Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I am sorry. I need
a Savior. I know I cannot save myself. I believe by faith that Jesus, your
Son, died on the cross to be my Savior. I believe He arose from the grave
to live as my Lord. I turn from my sin. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to forgive my
sin and come into my heart. I trust you as my Savior and receive you as
my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me."
When anyone calls on the Lord in this manner, that one is saved according
to God's Word. If you pray a prayer of repentance and faith, you are saved.
You have God's word on it.
If you have prayed this prayer to receive Christ as your Lord and Savoir, why
not record your decision to follow Jesus as follows. Often times, a good place
to write this would be inside the cover of your bible:
Believing by faith that God loves me and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die
for my sin and arise from the grave to live in me, I, _______, do this day,
________, repent of my sin and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord
and Savior. According to the promise of God in Romans 10:13, I have
called upon His name and have His word for the assurance of my salvation.
Once you have written this down, confess by mouth to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings. Tell us about it and let us rejoice with you. Let it be known that you have been made a new person. Rely on Him and let Him guide you to new life. Eternal Life.
What a joke!
Do a little research and you'll find you are completely DEAD wrong in believing in any scripture of the bible.
So please...
Edit: Oh, on a side note: the correct spelling of "Athiests" is actually "E" before "I".
ok Casgil. So where do you base your facts from? Your own theory? That is crazy in it's own right!
No, I base what I know and have learned from doing actual research and study of religious history and ancient world history.
It might help if you did a little independent research of your own.
ACtually I have! I have researched and done my own studies! Apparently you have missed quite a bit of research!
Metaphoric parables....not the real way to understand the bible, especially if you're quoting directly from it.
Translation is required, not interpretation. But, good luck with your study....which I can only gather is incomplete.
Actually there is proof way outside of the Bible's realm. In history, throughout we find documentation of Jesus existence. We find many evidence that supports the Bible in many areas! Maybe you should go back, step away from the bible and look at other forms of proof! Because apparently you have done no research outside of reading the bible!
Lets see your proof again? I'm still waiting!
You're correct, you'll find quite a bit of evidence that supports the historic timeline of the bible. Just not the wording of the scripture. Duh!
Please present such proofs; I believe Jesus existed only on the basis of Quran, the Word Revealed by the Creator-God Allah YHWH and also of Bible as Quran has mentioned it.
The reason jesus uses metaphors is because the jewish nation had rejected christ 3xs and to save them from further condemnation he stopped speaking directly to them.
So even the use of parables is confirmed. I find much of your jargon to be unverified and unwieldy and it is my strong assertion that you are leading yourself under very strong delusion, a pit that you will not be able to cllimb out of.
Ok Casgil. Show me your studies and research that proves the bible is false and God does not exist???? Where's the proof? In your talk only? that is not proof? So, show me real data! I will wait while you go get it!
You must be on a brain freeze woman. What difference would it make? You're obvious frozen in your belief.
I have no belief on the subject. Ponder that?
So you want us to defend our religion to you and you will not prove what you say. That's a pretty good deal for you. Not only is it unfair it does not have even playing rules. We as christians do not lie, your story can change to whatever whim you desire. We trust in the word of god, you trust only your own word.
Logically why should we even speak to each other lol
good night.
Bible is neither authored by the Creator-God Allah YHWH nor authored by Jesus .
Wheres the proof that God does exist? The bible is scant evidence, things attributed to a higher power, such as lightening, crop failure and the like have now been explained.
Religion keeps poking at the holes in science, but science keeps filling those holes. Religion keeps asking for evidence that a god does not exist, yet when the question is reversed, they shout that religion does not require proof.
Science can prove or disapprove only things falling in the physical realm; they cannot and must not go beyond that as that becomes unscientific.
Purpose of life; science cannot and must not try to explain, similarly the morals and spriritual reasons could only be explained under the guidance of a Revealed Book sent by the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
Those who insist expalining everything through science are like a blind person insisting that he won't accept there is a Sun unless he sees Sun physically by his eyes .
How an Atheist would show the blindman the Sun and the Sky? Please
The physical realm is the only realm there is. Nothing is outside of science.
Science is a collection of "fields" of study which are able to cover mainly "physical" aspects in explanations of how the world works...
The physical is not all there is, nor is science the only acceptable source for explanations.
Science is very LIMITED by being made up of fields which can only deal with or support things with physical evidence.
Innumerable things, items, events, concepts, etc., exist outside of science.
And science exists within this Universe;only one department of life with somany outside it.
Your imagination as are your beliefs are located in your mind, science is studying that, too.
How does the Quran or Islam show a blindman the Sun and the Sky?
Notice how you have no argument there, whatsoever?
Regardless of how it is spelled I still think they are very misled
So, in other words, you have did no real research or have no data to support your rantings! You said you have done research! But you are unwilling to provide your research or anything! So you would rather say that I am right and you are wrong rather than disprove me!
I didn't spend 15 years researching religion and 10 years living it, for you to spit out garbage. And, it's obvious you're on brain freeze.
Yes, I have.
The disprove is on you my dear. You're the one who claims of imaginary figure. Not me.
If you actually understood Jesus' work, then you would believe a damn thing the bible says and would know it was written to control the masses.
As for presenting evidence to you in a public forum, you're not too bright, if you think for a second I'd think you would believe what I typed into the computer. You're funny!
LOL! So research that you've found can't be typed into a computer?? LOL!! Cute!
If the Bible was written to control the masses, then why in Rome was the Christians persecuted. It seems to me the masses persecuted the few who believed! LOL. That is a crazy thought to believe that!
So, in other words, there is no evidence!
It doesnt matter! You believe what you want! It's your right and choice as a human being! Just as it is my right to believe what I want!
Did you know...if you actually do the research, you would find out that Abraham wasn't even conscious enough to know he was alive?
No human consciousness. He couldn't tell he himself was even alive. How is that for research outside the bible?
Wow, no conscious, yet he made many decisions! I thought you couldn't have children if you weren't conscious?
He also was "conscious" enough to almost sacrifice his own son to God, when God sent an angel to stop him. So, no conscious huh?
He lived, but unaware of his own life. It been recorded, analyzed and documented through science. Go look, if you like.
On another note, just curious- have you actually tried to live your life- within Doctrine of the Bible?
If not, try it sometime....see where it leads you?
I've done it...which led me to doing more research about religious scripture.
Having awareness and being conscious are two different things. More research for you.
Okay. I haven't read this study. Point me in the direction of where this study is? Because of all accounts Abraham is not listed outside of the bible at all! So where did they base their studies from? Their imagination? Because I have read the bible many, many times and there is no listing of Abraham not having a conscious! So where may I ask is anything about Abraham outside of the bible? there is no documentation of his existance outside of the bible!
Here is the biggest clue for you....what is the one thing that the bible doesn't tell you about?
Consciousness. It doesn't want you to recognize your own ability to be completely aware of the power you posses within yourself to control your own life.
Science, a mixture of all the fields, including hand-writing analysis has been performed on old scripture. The actions of the people, many of them, were that of conscious living people, but they were not aware on the human consciousness level we are today.
The bible and every other religious book...focus on strict compliance, subtracting out conscious free thought. It directs your thoughts for you, so as to control your actions.
However, consciousness at today's level....isn't what it used to be.
There is no documentation for any of the other crud in the bible either.
One of those self congratulatory books that explains that it is the truth while you read it.
sssshhh your phobia is showing again.. do a google search on noahs ark.
You must run a special "religious google"
My google tells me it is a crock!
Ya wanna tell us all about how Noah did all that and why he did it?
I know how long a cubit is, and that boat wouldn't even hold all the bird droppings!
Noah had no humans to round up, the sky fairy wiped out his bad work.
What a load of nonsense that story is!
Correct me if I am wrong but Abraham was the grandfather of Jacob who later became known as Isreal which became the great nation we know today and is God's chosen people. I cant see God giving such a miraculous gift to a man who is not contious
Then, why would you believe a god even exists?
Science has proven that long ago, human beings were controlled by the right-side of their brains, everything based on images.
Even the oracles, god-kings of ancient history were the same. That is why they became rulers. Apparently they has super powers and could talk to god, but in today's world, we translate images, over to the left side of the brain to maintain reasons for our actions, via free conscious thought.
So that explains why you are talking this way. You only have half a brain! Ok. I will talk to somebody else now. Thanks. Sorry to bother you. I didn't know you were handicapped.
What a childish and petty reply that was.
Sure and you don't call people names either! How childish is that? But of course, you are one sided aren't you Earnest? Its funny when someone in your belief says something, but when a God believer says something it is childish. Very double standard!
I reckon that's why I understood it, dude why am I chilling here when you know I understand nothing :
now both of you please post in my thread or everyone will think I'm lame
it was one of those "back atcha" replies.. whazza matta didnt like it.. insane huh.
so you are twisting the facts again. the bi-cameral brain has a node between the two sides. biologists say that this node was way larger way back when, leaving room for the right and left side of the brain to communicate freely, hence images but also a need for rules, hence no individual concept apart from the tribe but more of a herding instinct, hence one side talked and the other side listened and HENCE gods dispensation of signs and wonders and audible speaking to his people. This was the only way god could communicate to humankind, IF this speculation is true. I read the book years ago and there is a lack of concrete proof, again like most scientists, it is a theory or a probability. Today now that the node is much smaller, again if this theory is true, god is able to impress his voice upon our conscious mind whereas before he could not because of over activitiy.
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, wherein he made the case that a bicameral mentality, that is to say a mental state in which there are two distinct sections of consciousness, was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind as recently as 3000 years ago. (this does not account for abraham)
Wow! Your knowledge of the brain is just as impressive as your biblical stuff!
Stop it! Please, no really where did you drag your conclusions from again?
Was it Fox News?
hmmmm. do i back up my information or not.. lets see what reason do i have.. (looks at previous posts.. and goes to other forums even)
nope i see no attempt at all on your part to back up anything you say.
There's enough information in that post you can dig it up yourself.
I'll give ya a hint, its a book.. lol i do love books .. have you heard of them ?
You would need to go back over a year to see the scientific proof showing how ridiculous your beliefs are.
Many have provided links to the various data, only to be answered like you do. "But god sez" so I am right.
Only problem is you do not have a god, you have what remains of an error ridden self contradictory left over from the ramblings of superstitious old goat herders.
Not exactly proof is it?
Hi Cag's, Hi Earnest, so confused again, these damn threads, I have been watching them for 25 hours, and nothing
Should have known Earnest would have to throw in his penny's worth and that is exactly what it's worth... a penny!
There is all kinds of evidence that shows a lot of existence of people in the bible! Can you read? Because I can and I've seen quite a bit!
Just your rantings mean nothing to me!
With all kinds of evidence to display, I wonder why you haven't found one iota of it in 2,000 years?
I like real things. Show me.
theres that 2000 yrs thing again.. how old are you actually?
History did not start when I was born. I am not that old. What a stupid statement!
Were you there when your fairy made the world?
Thank you so much for seeing the truth! Finally someone who is rational and see's the bible as truth!
Hey Libby, she wasn't agreeing with you. If that's what you were thinking by your statement.
LOL! I know this cagsil. It was a joke! But with you having half a brain I understand why you think I would really believe that!
i laughed.. thought it was funny and probably pretty accurate to. If your brain can be frozen surely his can be gone
what a joke the heathen are, can't debate, can't take their own stuff back at them, they are like open running wounds waiting for a medical attention but the only doctor in the house is God and they are waiting for an intern
Heathens now eh?
Never thought I would hear that word again!
there is evidence all around us to prove God's existence. Some people just live their life with blinders over their eyes and they cant see the real Truth.
The ones who don't know the truth are the ones "BLINDED" by faith in religious scripture.
Now, that's the truth!
superstition is blind faith.
God is so much more than that.
Our faith is not blind
ya don't have to believe i am just telling you
telling you
remember i am not supposed to lie, god is watching
and this isnt a lie.
Our faith is not blind.
If it didn't work for you
you can't blame god
you can't blame me
You have been asked numerous times to prove your so called "truth" yet you have failed at any attempt. All I see are words.
I am explaining, like I was asked to. What part did you miss?
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Apparently, you have no inclination to realize truth, even if it bit you in the A$$!
What were you expecting if not words?
A visit from the sky fairy?
One day you will stand before God (whom you say doesnt exist) and it will be all the proof you need but It will be too late
No, one day we will all get dropped into a box and make worm food.
You could always claim that your worms will grow bigger if you like though!
Christian worms will be bigger! blessed food is best!
everything is bigger, brighter, better with God than without
you are good examples of that.
let me show you irony
You wouldn't know irony if it fell on you!
You appear to be very self confident, yet barely literate. Not a great combination!
Now where have I seen these traits before?
From religious zealots, that's it!
Oh ... but what if... what if you are wrong??? What if all that you think is wrong and God does exist? Then what?
The truth for me is, I struggle with this entire concept, but from what I have heard from believers, that if there is a God, then nothing would change for those who didn't believe because everyone in equal, just how I think, almost like it wouldn't make a difference, if that makes any sense :
No offense, but from the bible it says those who do not believe or accept Jesus will go to hell. Hell is a lake of fire where people are tormented and cannot get relief.
sorry, just thought you should know that is what the bible says!
It isn't the same. According to the Bible it's not.
So, see, there is a big difference!
No offense to you. I just thought you should know what the bible says about it.
And, you're taking it literal.
Hell is a metaphor for being buried in the ground.
hell is a catholic tweak word supplanting sheol which means grave.
good grief
anyone can see that
thought you did some actual research on this and you missed the whole catholic tweak aspect.
sorry but i can't trust your research now.
OK cool, had no idea, honestly. But looks like I best be packing light clothing!
Then, I will let my actions speak for themselves, in that case. I have no regret in my life and have never harmed anyone.
Therefore, IF there is a god, in the off chance, as you claim. Then there isn't a damn thing He?It?She? would do except welcome me.
That would be nice to believe Cagsil. But according to the bible if you do not confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, then he will be ashamed of you as you are of him and he will deny you to his father and you will go into a lake of fire.
If we do not accept him and are ashamed of him now, then he will be ashamed of us on judgement day.
So we either believe or we don't. There's no in-between!
We can't go to heaven just by "being good".
Yes, for a god he is a petty little s*it! Learn the lines or die a horrible death.
Nice god!
Mud is smarter than that!
Then use your brain....what kind of god would that really be?
Pretty damn arrogant and selfish? Yet, humans are not allowed to be?
Come on... please
It amuses me that believers conjure up such a petty and obviously human god, demanding worship, strict obedience and of course, fatherly forgiveness. It is so transparently obvious that it is all an invention of humans and not very enlightened humans at that.
Oooh, nooo, we will burn in hell! Strict father figure with the belt, of course. Thrown out of Eden for disobedience, the jealousy tantrums, the smiting, all that is so obviously human you can only laugh at it.
And the Satan character! How funny is that? At war with the father figure, of course.
All so silly, a tale barely suitable for a bright child and yet swallowed whole by unthinking adults.
"demanding worship.." this is people at a hockey game, the final shot makes the game winning score and y'all just sit there, go humph and depart. Your joy is unfulfilled. God doesn't demand anything of us, of course like a parent he chastises his children in hopes they will do the right thing which is often far above the human understanding of right thing. But god suggests we worship, and praise to express our joy in him, worship is really just being very very thankful for heaven which we cannot earn.
"It is so transparently obvious that it is all an invention of humans and not very enlightened humans at that". 40 authors, 66 books, 12 different countries, over 4,000 yrs and the book reads as one unit. no contradictions, a scripture for every instance of life, prophecies that have come true and some bold claims for future prophecy. Brilliant instruction! This is so obviously a book inspired of God and not an invention of humans.
"Oooh, nooo, we will burn in hell". This is a catholic belief and not entirely scriptural. God is a loving god yes but also he is not afraid to pass sentance on those who have denied him, not because denial is so bad, but its the not knowing and lack of familiarity and in many cases the absolute rudeness concerning his person, intent and loving interest in his creations.
"Thrown out of Eden for disobedience". There is a larger scope of information out about this nowadays. The disobedience was a way of lifestyle they preferred. Their disobedience was to allow sins into gods garden or gods society. No society can survive with sin in it. Look around at the world. Sin has created a mess. God knew this would happen and he tired to keep it out but in order to do that he would have to become a dictator, constantly surveying his people and slapping hands constantly and barking orders of obedience to a people who prefer disobedience. Makes sense to me.
"And the Satan character! How funny is that?" Ahh yes, that old fellow. catholic doctrine again. Once more you are outdated, there is new information on this too. As fewer people are choosing to be catholic these days the truth about this religion is coming to the common forefront. It is so easy for people to attribute evil to an evil entity rather than a good entity that unless we understand the origins and hows of the satan doctrine, after 2000yrs it has become quite ingrained into the christian belief, but i see that too is getting a proper bashing and satan is being shown for the false belief he is. Christianity has always been from revelation of knowledge to revelation in knowledge just like science.
"All so silly, a tale barely suitable for a bright child and yet swallowed whole by unthinking adults". Its quite christlike the way we christians allow you to call us unthinking adults.. its kinda like me having a trivial chit chat with an upright monkey.
Your points do not even enter into christianity 101 on the ground floor. You have the same perceptions as the other upright monkies and you are all without understanding, blind leaders of the blind, tripping and fumbling around in the dark, looking for light but not having faith to find the light switch.
Your silly little flouting fairy hasn't even got basic human skills let alone being omni-anything.
A nasty vicious lying pile of whatsaname is wot it is!
I pointed out your megalomania in having your big daddy do the abusing and threatening for you, but you miraculously missed it of course!
same miracle that made you miss everything from 2000 yrs ago until now
Show me one PROVEN prayer answered, one miracle that has not been explained easily, one proof from the history books, the fables, the religious tomes. Just one.
and the megalomania in telling one and all how your fairy is gonna deal with them??
Salvation by niceness.. lol.. not scriptural lol
ya can't earn nor can ya work your way into the favor of God.
but you will figure that out eventually.
Do people actually believe there is a guy in the sky!? I thought it was like Santa clause etc... Just to make sure people have something to follow in life.
yes, but be glad the dude in the sky doesn't eat cookies
Now, that is that is hitting the nail directly on the head.
Kimberley you are acting weird on the forums again!
I like that!
hon I am not acting
You are! So unlike you
That's why your so
I admit to being a bit grumpy. I have the flu. God gave it to me.
flu, sorry : but that's because you don't believe your healthy, see!
finally some truth comes out. Sickness is not of god. Jesus ever have a cold, john the baptist not a sick day his whole life, eating locusts and honey, (blessed food is best i always say) Did any of the apostles ever complain about a cold or aching feet.
when the children of israel travelled the desert:
Deuteronomy 8:4 Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.
Deuteronomy 29:5 And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.
Nehemiah 9:21 Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.
enjoy your flu.
who is he gonna ask? the god of luck? chance or something that doesn't exist or has no power. His internal self cannot help him as it allowed him to get sick. Maybe buddha? karma? a sky fairy?
burned bridges don't get crossed
libby I sont wont to give up on these but just as God hsrdened the heart of Pharaoh i think the same has happened here
Ok Cagsil tell me where do you think that the ability to love comes from
Your heart. Where else?
What you think your heart doesn't give you your feelings of love?
Come on, use your brain.
I love everyone too Cagsil. I really do. And I mean no harm when I post. I am just stating my beliefs as you are yours. So hopefully we can do this without being cruel and mean to each other.
I was just kidding about the "half brain". It was just a joke.
I am a big jokester! So please dont take anything personal.
That's my point. I am not stating beliefs.
Knowing something is different than forming a belief about something. some research.
I don't have to take anything personal. You have to be more careful, because if something someone else sees that you say, deems it a personal attack, they will report you. Then you'll get banned.
I understand that! Point well taken. Like last night, when I as peronally attacked and called names! so I know how it feels! I should have reported it, but I didnt! Because I dont' like for anyone to get in trouble!
I think most people are good and try to be good! I don't think "most" people are on here to bash others! If they are, then that isnt a very good person.
To defend what you believe or "know" as you state is on thing, but to bash someone because of what they believe makes you a bad person. It's the belief, not the person!
And for your info: I "know" my truth. To me, that is enough. To you, yours is enough.
We all have our choice!
Except you keep doing the megalomania thing where you threaten other people in the third person, explaining why they are going to rot in hell while you live forever, because you understand god.
That is insane behaviour you know!
It may be to some! Insane to some and life to others! To me and many others, not being in God would be deemed as insane! We all have our opinions!
I threaten noone. I didnt write the bible! I was just saying what is says. Go back and read. It says The bible says....
I mean no harm Earnest!
I am a peaceful person!
I didn't write the bible?
So you want me to believe that you are a peaceful person.
If I quote to you from a book explaining that you are crap under my feet who will die a horrible death along with your loving family while I live forever in paradise you would accept me saying to you.
"I am only quoting from a book"
Yes, but its not just a "book". Most people believe this book to be real and truth! And in that book it gives you a choice! I did not write it, and I did not give anyone the choice! I simply quoted from the book!
As am I.
You do not follow the book. So I guess you go to hell?
and your point? You ask us to live by the book and you yourself do not. You ask us to answer your questions honestly and of course we try, but you have not the same rules as we. You may ask us not to have sex with your wife and we will agree, or to lust after your daughters/sons and we will agree, or to steal your silverware and again we comply but you have not the same rules. You could do any one of those things at any given time.
I guess i have proven we live by the book and you do not. Where we go is of no concern TOO ME. i am fine and all is well and good and thank god i have no desire to put people down who are trying to live far above my upright monkey statutes.
insanity is actually to do the same things over and over in precisely the same way while expecting a different outcome to occur.
see how you fit the pattern
Your choice? Isn't a choice. You're told to use blind faith and that is not how the human brain works. The Human consciousness requires complete understanding, knowledge and wisdom, for personal growth.
I agree Cagsil. The human consciousness according to Psychology does require understanding in complete form. We do not like to believe things we can't see, touch or hear. It is tough for people to grasp. I understand your reasoning and it makes sense. However, I do chose to believe. I go against psychology and complete understanding for most. Because that is my choice.
It is a choice. Haven't you used our option and decided not to believe? That is a choice you have made. So you do have a choice. As do I.
I made a choice to investigate it until I had the answers required for understanding completely. I learned the knowledge and wisdom I needed to understand life.
And, at the end of the road, no god required.
That's good for you Cagsil. Life is a beautiful thing. Love is graet too. We all need understanding in life!
Everyone seeks wisdom. And many never find it.
I too have researched and found understanding and my own wisdom.
To each their own.
I agree to disagree!
This is interesting!
One of the dangers of having a lot of money is that with whatever
problems occur and thus being solved with the writing of a cheque,
the rich may never see their need of god. This is also the problem
of Mr Dickson, who is not rich but not poor either. He is quite
satisfied with his nature and thinks, why drag god into it? He is
not one of those wretched creatures who get tripped up easily with
pornography, alcohol, drugs or bad temperment. People may say what
a nice person, and to that Mr Dickson heartily agrees. Often times
these people can not be brought to discover their need for Christ
until, their natural goodness lets them down and self-satisfaction
is dissembled. Richness, in this sense makes entrance to the
kingdom of god difficult indeed.
no god required, but that does not unmake god.
good luck with this theory.
If anyone did see they would know.
If someone says that they have seen ,and tells someone, That person would have to have faith if they choose to believe the other person.
Not many people have seen a 20 lb Bass yet most everyone have faith that one exists cause they choose to.
I have absolutely no belief, whatsoever in a god, yet I can still love, and be in love with others.
So please....
i doubt this. You are completely consumed by proving god doesn't exist. This is the action of a desperate man one who constantly thinks about this issue and wishes he could come to terms with it. Yet you will say you are at terms with it and yet your behavior tells that you are wrong. You are not at terms with it and it eats you up so much you need to crucify it over and over and over again just to make sure it is dead, but no sooner have you patted the last bit of dirt over the grave you hear word of it being alive somewhere else and your frustration or curse begins all over again.
trust me if you were truly over IT you wouldn't even be at the forums.
This side of you does not allow you to function at the phileo level of love outside of people you do not know. Gods agape love is totally beyond your ability to utilize at best you can only like people because you loathe so many other things.
And you're not too bright about life. So what is your point?
. so whats your point, if you are going to refute me, may i suggest more than 12 words. A little leaven leavens the whole lump my harsh friend you cannot serve hatred with a loving spoon. If you are ever nice, it is because the situation around you promotes the niceness, but the niceness you project is just a facade because when the situation turns to something less than what you like you also turn with it. Your niceness comes from your environment while i remember peter and paul singing praise to god while in jail. Can you do that? when you life is on the line and you can't run away. If the christians are chit chatting can you ignore it? no you can't and this less than tolerable situation brings out the hatred in your character. You are driven like a kite in the many breezes and winds. UP and down you go.. hello little child, goddam christians! i want to kill them all! LOL.
This is what evolution has gotten you and why god doesn't want this type of person to dwell in his society.
I think i am quite bright thankyou, and i think you are quite dark.
While you, on the other hand love all of us.
You just need to have your pretend fairy threaten all the "ignorant" ones who reckon it's the biggest pile of horse poo since Randwick.
i dont threaten you at all.. its not me that says you're going to hell. You know exactly what you are doing all i have to do is fold my arms, so please don't pretend to speak for me like you do all humanity for the last 2000 yrs..
i feel a laugh coming on.
Show me proof of a single event to support your claims that has occurred since you mad lot started crowing about it then!
Not a sign.
Millions of events daily. Not one sigle sign. Billions of prayers from the faithful and starving. Not a morsel of food provided.
Churches have records of your miracles with just one small problem.
They are all proven frauds or unproven fairytales.
Not one spec of evidence in all this time.
Nothing to support the oft retold story from a few old goat herders either. Did I say NOTHING AT ALL?
Having you invisible sky fairy make threats on your behalf is "good" then I gather.
People with no guts to take responsibility for self always like to have something to threaten others with.
chk thk, chk thk, chk thk, chk thk, chk thk, this is the sound of a record that is broken, playing over and over and over again and the owner of the record is expecting a different result eventually... chk thk, chk thk... peels a banana
You didn't back any of your assumptions up. You listed no facts again. and i fell asleep of boredom.
Its better than yelling at the sky what you consider a threat is another persons sound warning and what is one persons sound warning is either gratefully accepted or ignored, surely your precious psychology told you this?
if a warning then trouble must be around the corner.. he who heeds the warning avoids the trouble. Anyone watching the outcome would have to say, if the boat sank, a fool was driving.
Psychology is not precious to me, truth is and I go to some lengths to find it.
I never heard any truth from you though, just words repeated adnauseum from a bronze aged book and a lot of " Yoos guys are gonna burn rhetoric.
Do you yell at the sky? As I have said. No fairy up there so you can calm down again. deep breaths....
With religionists trouble has been around the corner ever since you dumped out of reality and decided to make your own.
How many times has the world been gonna end/jesus coming back/god intervening/new beginnings not happened according to you?
@earnest...people have always been like that..they would always want some grand daddy to save takes too much to confront and take charge...god would exist till humans are there...and once humans are gone..who knows another species would come up with their own version of christ or krishna or horus...
The megalomania gets up my nose! I really can't see how they can miss that in their own writing every time.
If you dont believe in God then the heart is nothing more than a muscle working to keep you alive. Yet keeping you alive is another gift from God. The love you share for others is a gift also whether you choose to believe it or not. God gave us the ability to love. He loved us so much that He sent his only son to die for us so that we could be free from the grip that satan has on non believers such as yourself. but i assume that if you dont believe in God that you dont believe in satan either
Nice try, but try again. You're conjecture has no basis because I know how I feel. I feel my consciousness running throughout my body like a freight-train running on railroad tracks. No god required!
Now, you're referring back to your bible teachings and spouting out garbage you do not even understand, because the scripture is metaphoric religious language.
You continue to spew out the same stuff you've been taught, instead of using any knowledge and wisdom of life.
I'm done with you. See, I was wouldn't listen to simple reasoning and explanation.
Hey Libby,
I asked you earlier....have you lived your life in doctrine of the bible you praise so much?
Yes I have. I live by the bible. However, I am not perfect and never claim to be. I make mistakes just as everybody else does. We are human!
You live by the Bible? All of it? Or only the parts you pick and choose?
That was going to be my next question, depending on the answer I received from my first one.
the world is not made up of two camps, christian and non-christian and to ask this is illogical.
1) christians grow they mature, they learn and they become solid. The nice person is asked to be tweaked just as the foul person is, both start at the same line and proceed forward. One is a single mom with a child the other is single man with no child. As each proceeds forward, one begins to gain ground, the other one is hindered. Yet both progress, grow and mature.
But at the very outset of their beginings you have demanded perfection.
and this is not logical nor is it fair, not even god asks for that.
2) the unsaved upright monkey does not even live by his own credos as his morality changes with the situation to suit the situation, thereby breaching and recreating his own rules and morality each day, depending on mood, need and cunning. Therefore your question is not of equal value to what a christian does, this is like comparing the proverbial apples and oranges.
I am in no way a religious fanatic. LOL. I never claim to be. I believe God is real. I believe the Bible is God's word written by men inspired of God.
I do not pack a bible around and tell everybody they are wrong! LOL. That would be crazy and insane!
I just have a real belief in God! And, yes I have studied the bible many times and read it numerous times. I believe it has a lot of wisdom in it!
I try to live by Bible. But God knows we are all human and have err. If we didnt make mistakes, we wouldn't be human!
That is not living in doctrine, but nice try. I'll leave you be now. Enjoy.
And seriously I have did much research outside of the bible on topics related to the bible and many other issues. My study in college was science.
I do not believe for a minute that you live by the Bible.
Do you live by the dietary laws of the Bible? Do you kill witches?
I do not live by the old test. laws. When Jesus came Pcunix those laws were no longer used. They stopped sacrificing animals too. Just because the old test. did these things doesn't mean people after Jesus did. The bible is clear on that!
I dont' live by the old law at all! I dont kill witches... but even people back then who were not religous killed witches... and even people who weren't religious back then stoned their wife if she was unfaithful. It was a way of life back then!
That is not only biblical... it's history! In certain parts of the country today they stone people! and they are not even christian!
To take just the bible and say it's bad because they stoned people or killed witches makes the bible bad... maybe you should read history and other parts of the world who aren't christian at all. This is history not only bible! All people in those days followed those laws! If you dont want to take my word for it... research it. It's history... not just the Bible.
The old laws were done away with when Jesus came! he brought with him new laws. He said to follow the ten commandments and he even added one more commandment. That was what Jesus said. The old laws meant nothing to Jesus! So why would I follow them?
He specifically said he did not come to take away the old law. He was very definite about that.
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17)
absolutely! He fulfilled them! Then he even preached himself on the sabbath day! He said to follow the commandments! He fullfilled the law! Thank you!
Wrong. You only read the first part and ignored the next sentence.
All the old law remains in force.
Will you help kill children who curse their parents?
And the law was fulfilled! He fullfilled them! that is exactly what I was saying! If he fulfilled it, then it is done!
"For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin (i.e. a sin offering, see N.I.V.), condemned sin in the flesh" (Rom. 8:3). Thus "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us" (Gal. 3:13)
Living by Jesus:
If you do something wrong with your eye or hand, cut/pluck it off (Matthew 5:29-30, in a sexual context).
Marrying a divorced woman is adultery. (Matthew 5:32)
Don't plan for the future. (Matthew 6:34)
Don't save money. (Matthew 6:19-20)
Don't become wealthy. (Mark 10:21-25)
Sell everything and give it to the poor. (Luke 12:33)
Don't work to obtain food. (John 6:27)
Don't have sexual urges. (Matthew 5:28)
Make people want to persecute you. (Matthew 5:11)
If someone steals from you, don't try to get it back. (Luke 6:30)
If someone hits you, invite them to do it again. (Matthew 5:39)
If you lose a lawsuit, give more than the judgment. (Matthew 5:40)
If someone forces you to walk a mile, walk two miles. (Matthew 5:41)
If anyone asks you for anything, give it to them without question. (Matthew 5:42)
Give me all your money -Jesus said you should.
You skipped my posted questions as to what you would do if the situation was reversed. Didn't you like the question?
Jesus says that children who curse their parents should be killed.
Do you have any children or have you killed any yet?
That is not what Jesus said! That is not the bible! that is nonsense!
Because I believe in God you think I would harm my childiren? LOL! Nonsense! I wonder about you though! You are reading some crazy "evil bible site" that apparently does not quote real bible scriptures! Read the ones I posted from the real Bible not some "".
Jesus loved children! He said to suffer them NOT! He never said to kill a child!
What you fail to realize is simplicity being under simplicity yourself. You debate small things as though they were big things a sign of under developed mentality. You are folowing earnests line of thinking.
The law was given as a set of rules. We have rules today. Lets use speeding for example, you speed you get a ticket, fair enough because nobody is put to death. You kill someone, you get jail. In our society there is not a harsh standard which enables success. Our society is flawed, spending millions if not billions keeping repeat offenders alive. WAY back when this OT was in operation, 4000bc to 33ad or ce (seems another proof of christs After Death experience will soon be forgotten to a Common Era marker) Society was not so priviledge to live in peace. See what i meant earlier about christianity 101, see how far back i have to go to explain a simple something to you... anyway.. God put harsh laws into place to ensure success as for some of the journey all they had were tents and a desert, certainly no jails. NO JAILS just TENTS and a DESERT, can u imagine that! How was god going to say, he who gathers wood on a holy sabbath shall be jailed 30 days! or whatever, they were not even growing their own food in the desert, so how was a fine to be impuned?.. so god said... the trespasser shall be put to death.. now do you have the numbers of how many children disobeyed their parents and were killed? Do you think this was a common practice?.. do you think kids were thinking, "well i don't feel like living anymore so mom you and dad are like morons dude!".. see how silly your statements are. So in answer to your question about kids being killed, killed from the old testament, applied to the new testament has a metaphorical meaning to it, which is this. Kids who disobey their parents will end up (spiritually) dead. Of course we do not kill them with a knife but they do not benefit from our learning, expertise or wisdom, hence a part of them dies.
I'm just going to end it here and suggest before you want to play with the big boys your educate yourself more in the truths of bibledom.
That is not what Jesus said. Go read
"For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin (i.e. a sin offering, see N.I.V.), condemned sin in the flesh" (Rom. 8:3). Thus "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us" (Gal. 3:13)
that the New Covenant in Christ replaced the Old Covenant of Moses' law (Heb. 8:13). By his death, Christ blotted out "the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us (by our inability to fully keep the law), and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross...Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink (offerings), or in respect of a religious festival, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the reality is Christ" (Col. 2:14-17 A.V. with N.I.V.). This is quite clear - because of Christ's death on the cross, the Law was taken "out of the way" so that we should resist any pressure put on us to keep parts of it, e.g. the feasts and the sabbath. Like the rest of the Law, the purpose of these things was to point forward to Christ.
"A man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ...that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be man is justified by the (Christ) all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses" (Gal. 2:16; 3:11; Acts 13:39).
Very hard to live by the bible.
All that smiting burns up time, and the raping and pillaging is time consuming as well.
Show me where gods people raped!!
in this you are wrong too.
God never condoned rape, he said take the spoils and he even said not to take the spoils but god never ever said have fun rapin!
The rest you have heard before but you continue to pump the same old stuff out.. for what 2 yrs now?
you do not even care what you say now you are so consumed with hatred it has conquered you, you can't even take a day off or skip a new post. the devil has you completely you are his slave, doing his work.
congrats on a life well controlled
You are getting hysterical now, calm down, keep taking the tablets.
So let me see. You reckon da debil is in me and made me disagree with you and other religionists do you?
Not my problem then is it?
Da debil gone made me dunnit!
Same excuse works for all.
How did you interpret that i reckon the debil made you do it? Now i see how you misread the whole bible.
i don't believe the devil made you do it, i believe you made you do it. As you do too, everything the whole ball is your doing. In fact saying the debil made you do it will not hold any water at all.
we have talked so much and i have read your replies you are without excuse and i even get to treat you that way.
you are still wrong about the rape. A blantant example of what most of what you say amounts to.
Just trying to understand whodunnit!
What was it I done again? Oh yeh!
I laughed in your face at your ridiculous fairytale.
Just because you dont believe in God doesnt mean that He doesnt exist
Oh, do you hate your parents?
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters- yes, even his own life- he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)"
But do not curse them, because then they have to kill you.
Wow! You take everything literal dont you? Do you not read the scriptures around it? Even in a book you cant make sense of one sentence without reading the things before and after it!
This is why one must "rightly divide the bible".
Jesus here shows some of the reasons why people may reject discipleship in His kingdom. To be a disciple one must pay a severe cost. Sacrifice and hardship are required. So Jesus urges people to consider the cost before becoming disciples. Many, after becoming disciples, will find that they are unwilling to continue, so they will be rejected. One should realize from the outset what he is getting into.
Does this mean we must literally hate our own parents, wife, children, etc.? Notice that Jesus says we must even hate our own lives. Clearly this is not absolute or literal. We are told to love others as we love ourselves, and no one hates his own flesh (see again Matt. 22:36-40; Eph. 5:29).
Many other Scriptures command us to love everyone (Matt. 22:36-40). Surely that includes our family. Ephesians 5:22-25 commands men to love their wives, and Titus 2:4 commands wives to love their husbands and children. Clearly, then, Luke 14:26 does not literally mean to hate our family members.
I believe many people translate the bible to mean what they want... as you are doing! Jesus clearly taught love! He was merely saying to be disciple of his you must give your all.
You are taking on scripture and twisting it! Give the rest that Jesus says about love??? Hmmm..
Have you sold everything you own and given it to the poor? Jesus wants you to do that.
I am not a disciple! I wasnt Luke or John or Mathew or the rest of them who ask what they needed to do to become one!
He wants us to give what we can! To feed the hungry! To help those we can! To not turn our backs on anyone!
Read the rest... he teaches love and compassion! Not hatred and cruelty!
He teaches both.
You are a typical pick and choose Christian, ignoring all the contradictions and hate.
You live a lie of your own making.
No you are typical Chrisian hater taking parts of scriptures and twisting them to mean something totally different than they actually do! You are getting crap from an evil bible dot com site and thinking it's real!
The bible itself states to study and show they self approved. If you read on you will see the meaning of those verses! But you stop at the one because you just want something to post that is against chrisianity!
i tire of you pcunix.
Your jaunts are deplorable. There are rules to bible interpretation: … 14ae43524e i suggest you follow that link to educate yourself how to interpret scripture before you bore us with anymore of your ridiculous ideas.
Yes lets all learn from hanging out.
Tell us the one about how the brain works again!
do you think you can absorb it a second time
I dunno! Can you do it again so I can find out?
i can cut and paste but i don't think you are worth the effort
scroll back fatty
So now I am putting on weight!
Too much!!!!!
Do you want to paint a hitler moustache on as well?
Just for a laugh (and ONLY in good humour) I put one on you!
Nope nufing like you... hope you feel better soon!
Do you have a job?
You are not supposed to work to obtain food. (John 6:27)
Again. LOL! You are reading it for face value when in this scripture it clearly says the following: It needs no explanations! LOL.. you left out over half of the verse!
"Labour not for the meat which perisheth , but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed"
That's a far cry from "you are not supposed to work to obtain food. It it saying to not worry about meat that perisheth but to worry more about your soul! LOL!! Did you take reading in school?
Ahh, interpretation again.
You read what you want to read. I read that as do not work. It is not the only place that advises that. Give no thought for the morrow...
You do not follow the bible. You "interpret" and ignore.
So you read what you want to? and accuse others of doing that???
Those who do not work shall not eat!!! have you ever read that?
Oh you only read the parts you want!!
Seems that is what everyone does.
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" (1 Timothy 2:11-12, NIV).
Why are you going against the Word of God?
Good one Mark!
First, that meant in a church setting! Is this Church? I dont think it is!
And the bible said if no man is fit then a woman can... such as Ruth in the bible!
I see - so you are interpreting this to not apply to you. How convenient. It is quite clear - women are not to preach. The End.
Except when they interpret "assemblies," to be exclusively inside churches.
You guys are so funny. Most of you have never read your book.
Because if you had - you would not be here fighting with people who not believe the rubbish you pretend to believe and do not follow.
Actually I have read it many, many times!
Apparently you cant read! You are in a Christian site arguing with Christians! Isn't there an athiest section on this site? I think I seen one!
Why come into the Christian area to argue your belief? Does that make you feel better? To put down christians and tell them they dont' know the Bible when they apparently read and study it!
No, you are funny! If you have read it, then why are you in the "christians" area and not in the area that best suits your beliefs? Unles you enjoy arguing or are trying to find something more than what you have now????
I'm not in your area... you are in mine! LOL
again you are back with your insights from upright monkey 101 class.
There are rules to interpretation of the bible do a google search and learn a bit about this before you jump in proclaiming to be all wisdom and knowledge on this topic which you clearly know less than you think you know. Plus and here's the kicker.. God himself reveals scripture. Now as i said before each christian is growing toward maturity in christ and along the way god gives to each interpretations of his word according to the amount of growth that christian has attained. Even jesus said .. many things ought i to tell you but you cannot bear it yet. So god, in complete charge of all his childrens growth maintains them equally in every stage. But i digress you need milk and not meat. So when we pick and choose we pick and choose way better than you
and she is right that scripture is referring to churches but an upright monkey would not know that.
You are Sadly misled if you think that is the meaning of the scripture. He was simply stating that what good is all the money in the world if we lose our own soul. That is what is wrong with todays society. Everything has to be about money. the love of money is the root of all evil
Those who wrote Christianity, inserted Jesus only after he was executed, so as to not lose his follower base.
The OT does not have him in it and the NT was not based on Jesus' metaphoric parable teachings- it was based on Paul and other people's interpretation of Jesus' teachings and what they understood it to mean.
Thus, everything in the NT is out of context. It's not translated properly, it is interpreted incorrectly.
End of story.
Actually the OT told of Jesus' coming! It was foretold!
I agree, the NT was written by Paul and others... but they were all inspired by God to write them!
I believe it is all fact!
I beg to disagree about the old testament not having Jesus in it. eventhough His name waasnt mentioned the promise of Him coming begins in the book of genesis with adam and eve
I am going to bed. If Cags wants to stay and toy with you longer, that is his business.
What is that on your head? A thinking cap?
Just playing!
No harm... but I think you seriously are taking the parts you want and making them into something they are not! But that is your business!
Jesus taught love and kindness. But you are taking things to mean something else!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize what the verse meant on not to put thought into what yhou would eat..b ut to worry more about yoru soul!!!
Alot of it is common sense!
Mark I am not trying to start a fight. I just want to spread what I know to be a Loving God who Cares for the believer as well as the nonbeliever
He converted to being a Christian, after claiming to have seen him, even though Jesus was already dead.
He was a devout Jew, possibly a Pharisee, who participated in the persecution of Christians. On the road to Damascus, claimed to have a "divine experience". After that, he was a servant of the Lord and spent his life spreading Christianity to the world, especially to the Gentiles, and founding churches throughout the Mediterranean. Paul wrote letters to churches of the region. Those Pauline Letters make up over a third of the NEW Testament.
Those letters were either written in response to questions asked him by those new churches dealing with real-life, everyday problems that Paul needed to address....or were written from Paul's own hands-on observance of problems while bringing Christianity to both Gentiles and Jews. So Paul's letters really were real- down to earth, right down to workings of everyday life.
Whereas Jesus presented the idea system, Paul disseminated the operating system, per se.
Paul NEVER met Jesus. Jesus died before Paul converted.
When you stop to think about that for a moment, you realize(as Paul did himself) what shaky grounds much of Christianity is was founded on, right from the start.
I already knew this. However, one thing I disagree on. Paul, was for sure a murderer of Christians... so it must have taken one real experience that converted him! It must have been something against alll logic to make him stop and change his ways! He was a known killer!
paul never said chrisitanity was shaky. He said they were persecuted! He wrote about many things but never told that christianity was shaky or unfounded!
I believe Paul truly believed in what he was doing! And i believe paul must have really seen someting that was changed his life! It was a spiritual awakening to him! To change a murderer of Christians to a christian is sometihng else!
I agree with you libby. dont let the sexist remarks from these guys discourage you from carrying out God's work.
As a Christian I stand firm on my belief in God. He is my all in all and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will convince me otherwise
Perhaps if you stand firm in your beliefs and that of your bible, you will cease participating in the forums and spend the rest of your life in prayer and devotion to the God who is demanding just that from you. Leave the atheists to their business and allow them free choice just as 'God' has given free choice to you.
If your path in life is to use your voice, make sure it is not the vipers tongue of your Satan that has you looking outside of your own messy home, and prefers to have those change around you in order for you to seek comfort.
If your problem in life is that atheists are an affront to your beliefs, know that it is only by you changing that your problems will cease. It is not your business to tell another what to do unless they invite you into their life, otherwise free choice is a load of tripe, but of course it is written in your good book, so heed the words 'free choice' and apply it to your understanding of what that means.
Jewels doesn't do rot. She actually knows some stuff!
Perhaps if you stand firm in your beliefs and that of your bible, you will cease participating in the forums and spend the rest of your life in prayer and devotion to the God who is demanding just that from you.
(God does not demand this from us. This is legalism and fleshy religion. God desires constant communication but not in this fashion. Too much prayer is wrong as it becomes a multitude of words and eventually sincerety goes out the window.)
Leave the atheists to their business and allow them free choice just as 'God' has given free choice to you.
(In society a person kills someone and there is a penalty, but you say it was their free choice to commit the crime and no punishment should be impuned. Rubbish. If atheists want to come into a clearly christian thread then they deserve to get pummelled because they trespass upon us we did not trespass upon them. Too bad for them.)
If your path in life is to use your voice, make sure it is not the vipers tongue of your Satan that has you looking outside of your own messy home, and
(Here you hold all christians up to the same level and do not allow them the same freedom to "discuss" as is directed at them. We are allowed to speak truth, in fact it is insisted upon.. If so and so is being a jerk we may tell them they are being a jerk but we are not allowed to add the word off to that.
Hubpages itself holds back much of what we can say because of this interpretation of the rule about "personal attacks". Whereas we don't have a deity of theirs to call sky fairies or other poor remarks we have to be careful not to direct our attacks at the jerk posting the post. My home is not messy, wrong number 4 i am so glad you don't do rot )
prefers to have those change around you in order for you to seek comfort.
(hmmm what a lot of rot this is. We seek comfort talking amongst ourselves and like yourself are put off when people crash in through the door unanounced and tell us we are a problem. Sorry if that bothers us. In all the threads any christian wants to discuss the wolves come in to party, demean, call god names and we hold our godly position and let most of it slide by. Indeed the atheists time would be better spent trying to comfort themselves in other areas.)
If your problem in life is that atheists are an affront to your beliefs, know that it is only by you changing that your problems will cease.
(My problem in life is people making assumptions about what if any problem in life i have. I am sorry but your problem in life is... did you like that? If the atheists change then our world becomes peaceful again, does that surprise you? I bet it does.)
It is not your business to tell another what to do unless they invite you into their life,
(Seems to me i was answering a question that got hijacked and rudeness abounded and some name calling and perhaps some disturbing remarks were made about my father and we 'suck it up well thankyou very much. But you had to stop by and make a point for christian wisdom in that your trip here was very much wasted and your attempts to seem all wise and deeply knowing a joke which i laughed at heartily and you make a nice point as to why atheists should just go away because i am spending much to much time dissing your ill formed and unintelligent post. In that, have a great day!)
otherwise free choice is a load of tripe, but of course it is written in your good book,
(you don't even understand free choice. The only reason this is free choice is because it is internet. If some of these atheists said what they say in real life to a christian they might get a smite. Remember in our good book smiting is okay. But because the internet emboldens and hubpages says that we christians cannot say what we truthfully want to say, they embark on yet another facade of their deluded mentalism, thinking they are being brave.)
so heed the words 'free choice' and apply it to your understanding of what that means.
(so heed the words 'free choice' and pass by next time you feel free in your choice to speak more rot... i am sorry earnest what was that you said.... )
"you would not be here fighting with people who not believe the rubbish you pretend to believe and do not follow"
Here I agree with you Mark, we should simply ignore you MOST of the time, but you DO make some good points and we do need to have clear opposition, as the body grows when challenged.
I see. And where does it tell you to argue and fight against people who do not believe as you do?
Obviously you live by a different set of rules. I imagine a sliding set of rules that adapt to each situation as needed. So this makes the playing ground unfair but your accusations are also unfair. You argue against us and then ask us where we get off arguing against you. This is hypocritical and illogical. There are many scenarios in the bible from jesus making a whip and chasing out moneylenders to saying to us, love our enemies, when clearly there are many enemies in here. But you see no rules are fair. God asks the man who has a good wife and is healthy not to commit adultery as equally as he asks the man who has been single for a while. You have no such rules. Most of you upright monkies will do what you seem correct, it is we who have the standards to uphold. So to further that, a man who has not sexed in 3 yrs is compared to a new convert is compared to a third person who has not sexed in 15yrs. All have different ages and temperments. God is working on each one but due to different reasons they are not all at the same level of christianity, each having a measure of faith, desire or want in the ways of the spirit. Yet you all stand around and say, look the devil offers his the whole world, he better not take it.. yet you would jump at it.
No matter how much you rail at us, we will always uphold a higher set of standards than you do. We try to agape love each person when indeed you make it hard to do, yet love does not stand mute and wave goodbye as the other walks off a cliff, love warns, disciplines, reproves, and occasionally yells at, so be prepared for all of this as we truly do have a love for you but you must see all sides of us for that to be proven.
Hey Hangingout, you wouldn't have the first clue about me or my ability to love.
Soooo you keep thinking that.
What did you think I wasn't around to response?
You think I loathe so many things? You're too funny!
Do come at me with more than your pathetic bible versus too.
Because it's all conjecture at best. I know it, and you haven't yet realized it.
denial is some large percentage of the problem lol
acceptance is some large percentage of the cure
keep going in this circle you go in but dont expect a different result, it just doesn't happen.
Hanging out, it is very clear you've not been doing religion for very long. Your lack of perception of those who have heart is clearly lacking and has been lacking since you made your mark on the forums. I would weep for your ignorance but it would be wasted tears.
For you to pass religion school you have to do as Jesus did. Getting nailed to the cross is up to you, but don't let me stop you. Make sure you learn to hold yourself in a state of virtue and strength. Make sure you also stop honoring the false god that is your lower ego, it is misleading you into a false sense of righteousness. If you can read back over your posts on the forums it will give you some clarity as to where you are failing Christianity.
again you try lol
Hanging out, it is very clear you've not been doing religion for very long. Your lack of perception of those who have heart
(where is the heart? this has all the appearances of being a blanket statement and not a very wise one. You do not elaborate on heart, a good heart, a bad heart or just a beating heart. A heart for christianity or a heart for atheism.. i know the answer, do you?)
is clearly lacking and has been lacking since you made your mark on the forums. I would weep for your ignorance but it would be wasted tears.
( this is part of your ability to debate? hmm lets see how these empty words work: I would weep for your ignorance but it would be wasted tears. Hmmm didn't do a thing for me. I hope it helped you because i want you to get better and have health and be saved.)
For you to pass religion school you have to do as Jesus did. Getting nailed to the cross is up to you, but don't let me stop you.
(how silly this remark is.. take a deep breath and try to calm down you showed you don't know what your talking about earlier and you have repeated your blunder, i know this must be shocking, but your retaliation out of anger just digs a deeper pit.
But i will answer this question because i am hanging out peaceful christian. The cross was jesus trip, only he could fulfill that, it behooves my spiritual walk nothing to be nailed to a cross and indeed i would not get bonus points for doing so. silliness)
Make sure you learn to hold yourself in a state of virtue and strength.
(God bless you)
Make sure you also stop honoring the false god that is your lower ego, it is misleading you into a false sense of righteousness.
(im just gonna laugh at this. I suppose your belief has given you a higher ego. Jesus does not want our egos, egos get in the way of knowing god i am sure if you introspect yourself you will see how even your ego might be getting in the way of god.)
If you can read back over your posts on the forums it will give you some clarity as to where you are failing Christianity.
(thanks for dropping by )
This wasn't trying, I found it very easy to say what I wanted to say.
I'm positive also that Jesus doesn't want to listen to the little ego. But you still have one and perhaps you need to be aware of it because this is where you are failing at religious school.
Do a bit more reading, use a library. The ego is the soul, it is that which requires transformation so you can be saved. You don't get saved just by saying I'm saved. You actually have to DO something. Like clean up the grossness which is your little ego. Another example of a fallen little ego is continually projecting your lack onto people who don't have lack, ie only an unsaved person needs to tell someone else they need to be saved.
An example of a fallen ego - was when Jesus was on the cross and questioned his own faith "God, why have you forsaken me?" Had he held firm in his belief he would not have suffered as he did. I used this example so you would understand the lower rungs of the ego. I'm not dissing on the guy who got nailed. He was afterall human and I can only imagine what a terrible experience that must be for anyone. There is a higher level of the ego. You cannot walk the earth without an ego. It's akin to saying you have absolutely no personality and the inability to function. How you function however, is what needs attention. So if you tend to your personality first and not worry about everyone elses? Just a thought!
I have no problems with the use of the word heart. Clearly you don't understand it or you would not need to ask the questions you did in relation to it. I won't use it again in case you become confused.
Thanks for dropping back, you have shown that my words were correct.
we need to understand this by shedding tags like christians,muslims,hindus,atheist and understand that human brain convinced does think others who fail to see their line of thoughts are misled..for atheist christians are misled , for christians atheist and muslims are mis led and so on...
as an atheist (though I am "spiritual") I find this post stupid, offensive.. and well. Ignorant.
Why exactly are atheists misled? Are you mysteriously the one who is being led in the proper direction? Who says there are any directions for which any of us to be led?
I think you should consider thinking before posting comments like this, if you ARE capable of individual thought.
THIS IS THE WORD ACCORDING TO DRUID DUDE! No one is misled. All roads lead to Rome (Ask Peter) Each according to their understanding. The secret to A/O is that all the sheep end up where they are supposed to be. The sad thing is that our inalienable rights are attributed to the creator. No creator, no inalienable rights. What some protest, and it is obvious here, is that words like "nonsense" attack others sense of debate courteousy. In a world where most of the people on earth have some kind of belief system that a minority, or even a majority, consider nonsense, is only reson to continue discourse, but ridiculing someone's beleifs has the opposite effect, and tend to make the arguments of those resorting to such tactics less effective than those same arguments might have been had no ridicule occurred. The forums will continue, but some just won't engage.
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