Isaiah 56- 10 His watchmen [are] blind: they are all ignorant, they [are] all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
11 Yea, [they are] greedy dogs [which] can never have enough, and they [are] shepherds [that] cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
12 Come ye, [say they], I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, [and] much more abundant.
He thinks they're sinners in need of salvation.
That chapter of Isaiah is telling the Jews that His salvation will also be offered to the Gentiles, and is a call for them and the Gentiles to be saved.
God loves all of us
and He is sad and hurt for those that don't belive
He 'll give them many chances
But at death-thier final chance it's over
and if they don't belive after all the chances
they throw THEMSELVES into hell.......they couldn't stand the sight of him
And serve his justice
btw those who belive in the existence of Hell, ever read Hell and How to Avoid Hell ( I dare u read it It's a little scary
So, we're just a bunch of dumb, ignorant dogs according to your god? It's little wonder why we don't want anything to do with him.
Yep! "Folks is dumb where I comes frum" should be our theme song.
"What do God think about people that done believe in him?"
Not surprising you dun believe in religion.
Not suprised you only graced the thread to judge and put down the poster. What is your point?
Read the thread title and then the contents again, but this time pretend you are the target of this filth.
Isaiah 56- 10 His watchmen [are] blind: they are all ignorant, they [are] all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
11 Yea, [they are] greedy dogs [which] can never have enough, and they [are] shepherds [that] cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
12 Come ye, [say they], I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, [and] much more abundant.
So naturally you support this hate filled crap from "the good book"
Once you see an opportunity to assist some loony to covertly abuse people with crud like this from your bible you get all gooey inside don't you?
This is just more disgusting abuse of "other than self" from religious fanatics who are on the "right side" of any psychotic hate from the nasty fairy in the bronze age tome.
For someone who claims to be against hate, it sure is hard to discern. All your posts in christian forums are slams, put downs and assaults.
All I see is you prowling the christianity forums looking for a christian to kick. That is hateful. Own it, wear it or change it.
As far as what I am supporting, I am in favor of all having a right to post their thoughts on religion without being the target of rude and juvenile attacks like what you did.
Maturity. Tolerance. Hateful. Get educated on what those words mean and perhaps you could manage civil responses.
Says she .... while making yet another baseless attack on free speech, and covertly making personal attacks and abusing every poster that doesn't share her opinion!!!!
Entertaining to see this sort of one eyed view, but after a while, it is just boring and stupid.
Earnest - keep up the good work in constantly opposing the total b@//sh/t spouted by these narrow minded, unintelligent, vicious and bitter people who mouth off about love (and other things they do not understand) but practice hate and deceipt.
It stands out like dogs balls to anyone who is not indoctrinated.
"My god says you and your family are useless garbage and will rot in hell, and I'm not responsible for tellin you that cos daddy said it so there!!"
About as stupid as it can get for humans. Hate filled and psychotic.
That made me laugh right out loud - too, too funny! I think God done think what any other parent in their right mind would thing - why the hell done I bust my balls putting all this wonderful stuff here for my children just so they could fight over the toys and destroy everything they can get their grimy little mitts on. And if them kids don't get it them some dumb ass will back into it after I've spent hours fixing it up. I think God must be feeling a great deal of compassion for Eeyore right about now - why bother.
And then to further add insult to injury the suckers just won't grow up and take any responsibility for themselves or each other whatsoever and their need to be right dictates their actions in spite of the many avenues I have used to teach them to the contrary. All that has lead to is them fighting over which teachings are the correct teachings. Like none of them has ever reworded anything to get a concept across to someone who is being particularly thick.
I think God be thinking he/she is pretty much done counting to three!
You don't get it and likely never will.
And don't kid yourself that my point has anything to do with what I have for faith. I have been trying fervently to get civility for whatever view. Duh.
You are right. I don't get where your opinion gets to denigrate good people.
Do you honestly believe that everyone who has christian beliefs are bad people? You denigrate good people perpetually on this forum!
So where do YOU get off that your opinion gets to denigrate good people? Blind I tell.
I have many religious friends and family actually including a big group from hubpages as followers.
No, I only denigrate stupid vicious remarks made by smarmy slippery dishonest people whenever I see them, not just here ya know.
The op states that the "watchmen" are greedy and selfish dogs etc... these come versus come from the Bible, Christians generally fancy themselves as "watchmen" or "witnesses". Someone posted them, someone who is not Christian agreed with them. Someone who believes in them and calls themselves a Christian get angry and feel 'denigrated' for a none Christian agreeing, why?
It's a simple question but I don't want, "Because the Bible says so" to be the answer.
Hi Sandra,
I have not weighed in on the specific subject matter, and I won't. The point I am stuck on is how a few certain individuals are running the christian forums stalking anything posted by an admitted christian. The lack of civility or common courtesy has no room for respectable dialogue. Most threads are frought with and finished up by those who are open about believing christians are second class citizens. And I don't understand why it has to be that way. I read all kinds of threads and I don't feel the need to jump in and denigrate the participants just because I think differently. Is civility that elusive?
I feel for you, I really do because I remember your first post and I know what it must seem like.
The problems on the Religious forum has grown over the last couple years. I have actually been here almost three years and it wasn't like this before however, some pretty 'hardcore' Christians 'hijacked' what used to be a pretty civil place, at least it seemed so but some of those so called Christians started saying things that were so far wrong in the name of Christianity, that it was inevitable that you would have felt "attacked" from day one.
The threads go back a long time and if you wanted to take a look at the progression, then you would understand that not even Earnest is the way you think he is.
Perhaps it is possible that you are 'trying' to restore goodness in the religion but have you been watching the news and been open to seeing what 'they' are actually doing in the name of religion?
If you feel offended and unable to get a 'good' word in, it because there is soooooo much bs going these days that it would seem more plausible, even to some degree factual that the god called God, isn't very nice at all.
He might sound nice, might make you all warm and fuzzy too but apart from what you feel when you are alone, in the 'real' world their actions are personified as something more akin to Satan than a loving god.
Also, the other problem I have observed over and over again is that Christians using Biblical versus feel like they are being "personally attacked" yet, it's not people like Earnest who are actually "attacking".
It's the belief itself. You believe that god is part of you and the Bible is his word, thus you take it personally when someone, even other Christians disagree with what you took from it.
I personally don't have a problem with you, I think you are nice but then again I haven't been trolling around you to see if you have said anything I would think is just plain wrong and mean.
But if you haven't noticed what is 'really' going on in the world today, then I don't know what to say that you wouldn't take as a personal attack.
I do appreciate your input. I only know what the forums have been like since I joined here less than a year ago. Whether it was a few "christians" or nonbelievers who damaged it, do we just accept that it is now a hostile spot on the forums? If those individuals are mostly out of here, why does it have to continue as if they are still here?
I see Earnest (anyone here for that matter) as they are today, how they participate on the forums. Who he was and who he is becoming is his deal - I am just trying to have civil conversations with who hubbers are today
The news is appalling - what is done in the name of religion escapes me quite often. I am convinced, however, that people will be depraved against people for whatever reason they can find - religion is not always the root of it although it often is. People don't need God to be depraved.
My faith is not a fragile thing, and what I believe is not a fanatical thing. My faith does not require me to turn rabid if someone disagrees with me. I have not advocated or participated in any crimes or assaults against anyone of any faith or no faith. My faith is my path and I am most tolerant of others having to follow their path, too.
I do not seek out others just like me to limit myself, I see people as individuals. On hubpages I have hoped to engage in conversations but most often the dialogue denigrates and I am certian that who I am as a christian is not to blame. There are a few nonbelievers here who I have great respect for, and great dialogue with.
My whole point with Earnest is that he is doing what he claims he is against. He cannot see christians as people at all - and he claims to be tired of people who judge non chistians. He says he is tired of the christians trying to convert him, but he is demanding a person abandond their faith before he considers them people. He has become what he says he loathes. He is usually one of the first participants on a christian forum thread - and he is beyond rude and has no civil conversation to add most of the time. Look at the evidence, it is no lie.
My hope is that we can see each other as individuals again, treat each other as equal beings with civility. How else can we have productive dialogue? Thanks
"Watchman" in the original context referred to the prophets and priests of ancient Israel. Generally accepted Christo-centric hermeneutics will project this into the professional clergy.
Meaning specifically: A standard Christian interpretation of the scripture quoted by the OP means that the passage refers to professional clergy who abuse their positions of trust. It has nothing to do with people who SAY they don't believe in God.
This scripture is saying that God hates it when those who CLAIM to believe in God and act like they don't, especially if they charge money for it.
SO ... your short interpretation is quite correct, Sandy.
I could say what you are saying is hate words, but, why!!!! your are just giving your opinion. If what I am quoting seem hateful, then I am sorry, all I am giving is information. look at some of the comments to me, I done think they are hateful, I think it's just people giving their opinion.
Your sentences are so grammatically incorrect that I can't understand what you are actually asking.
Is this your question?
"What does God think about people who don't believe in him?"
Mr AP. Please dont take offense to this question but why are you so full of hate towards any religion. Not just Christianity
I dont know how I have misled you but I have no hate for no one. THats the difference between you and me. You say you hate no one yet I havent seen anything from you except one bash after another
Having an opinion other than goddunnit is not hateful, it's called "being sane" and "learning about reality, fantasy and indoctrination, then having the intestinal fortitude to do the hard yards of looking at yourself and asking.
Was I indoctrinated?
Is there a more logical way to look at life than having to modify or interpret all the hate in your bronze aged tome into "love"?
How could you imagine an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent "god" as someone who needs to be worshipped on threat of death?
This "god" of yours was supposed to have (according to what you base your beliefs on, the bible) destroyed, murdered or wiped out all but 8 humans at one time with his "love"
You promote a psychotic belief that spreads hate and fear amongst the great many ignorant of the world, and apparently know so little of self you can't get past having a sky daddy.
Civility can be very hard to find when you are telling others crud that is meant to show you as better than others, and your constant abuse via the sky fairy.
You are the one creating the fights here with holier than thou pronouncements of "truth" from your psychotic blaming invisible non existent entity.
And then you have the gall to say you are being abused.
Laughable if it wasn't so bloomin obvious!
Good grief...Can you show me one instance where I say I am better than someone else? Can you show me one thread where I have created a fight with "holier than though pronouncements of truth from my psychotic blaming invisible nonexistent entity"? Can you show me where I say you abuse me?
What a crock Earnest, all this to avoid a civil conversation? Really??? If that is what you got out of my attempts at civil discussion with you - there is nothing I can learn from you other than hate and mental health issues.
Yes I do know something of mental illness. I started a thread about it.
Nice of you to snidely imply that I am mentally ill because I have read and studied the tome you base your beliefs on and decided it was a pile of psychotic damaging garbage though.
I don't feel that would qualify me as insane.
god if real would be actually very appreciative of people who dont believe in him is good not to believe and make use of brain to makes things possible than make god do the work for oneself...if I am god , I would be proud of people rejecting me but taking their problems head on and solving it..
which bible are you refering to? Since there are 365 different versions of the christian bible alone - It gets extremly confusing in these forums - then you have the jewish and the corran and the muslim and wow ... the list goes on and on and on ... so who's to say your bible is the correct bible? is your Isaiah that your reading the correct Isaiah ?
If people done believed in god? What, you mean if they're done believing? Do god what? Or what does god do? I done thought I do gooder.
So incredibly funny that - this "unknowable, impossible to look at, so complex we cannot grasp it, god," has so many people who know what he is thinking.
Pity they can never agree on it.
Time to go to the source again and post more of god's luv.
"I will sweep away everything in all your land," says the LORD. "I will sweep away both people and animals alike. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will die. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, along with the rest of humanity," says the LORD. "I will crush Judah and Jerusalem with my fist and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship. I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests, so that even the memory of them will disappear. For they go up to their roofs and bow to the sun, moon, and stars. They claim to follow the LORD, but then they worship Molech, too. So now I will destroy them! And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the LORD's guidance or seek my blessings." (Zephaniah 1:2-6 NLT)
Bloody hell!
The loony fairy lost it again!
I can reeeeeeeally see the luv in that!
What do father think about children that done belive in him?
Think, The whole world, As a family of "God",
Hope,"U" will get the true answers,Within "U".
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