I'm curious how Xians would react/change/view

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  1. profile image55
    stoneyyposted 14 years ago

    I'm doing my best to come up with a neutral way of phrasing a question.

    The question is; How would you be affected if God indicated there would be no Eternal Life?  Neither Heaven nor Hell and such would apply to all who are alive at the point of the policy change.  Your thoughts please.

    1. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Viva Humanity! smile

      1. profile image55
        stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Sandra.  smile

    2. profile image48
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      First of all the Creator-God Allah YHWH exists; so there is no need of any such hypothectial conjecture.

      The love of the poor and the needy humankind is inbuilt in the human beings very naturally by the Creator-God Allah YHWH; even if there is no concept of hell and heaven or fear or love; at the most both the Atheists and Theists would be at par in their moral attitude, I think the Theists would fair better as they are trained and educated for that.

      It is a mere hypothetical conjectur; can when assume a business without the concept of profit and loss being run meaningfully?

      The world had already tried it under the Atheists in the form of Communism, it utterly failed.

      1. Antecessor profile image68
        Antecessorposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Actually China is Communist, Atheist and rising to the worlds next hyperpower, very successfull.


        1. profile image48
          paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Mao killed so many human beings; he was not religious for sure. Was he not an Atheist?

          China only became a business success when they adopted private entrepreneurship of profit and loss and it happened after Mao.

          1. Antecessor profile image68
            Antecessorposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Regardless China is still atheist.

            Or are you saying that capitalism is automatically christian.

            I dont remember you saying anything about capitalism.

            You said that atheist states cannot succeed, and I pointed out China which is atheist state, and you say yes its succeeding but thats because its capitalist.

            What has capitalist got to do with anything?

            It is still atheist and successful.

            You have been caught out here paasurrey, now either admit it or wear the title of troll, your choice.

  2. profile image56
    exorterposted 14 years ago

    I would still try and be the best person I could be. lend a hand when I can expecting nothing in return. try to treat others the way I would like to be treated, etc.

    1. profile image55
      stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the reply, Exorter.  smile

  3. dutchman1951 profile image60
    dutchman1951posted 14 years ago

    I would give folks the space and respect. Kindness would be what mattered. Compassion thats sincer, help when I could, answer when asked to step up. Try.

    1. profile image55
      stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the reply, dutchman.  smile

  4. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

    I think that just about everyone would keep acting exactly the way that they are already doing.

       Good and bad.

       BUT ? ? ?   after a while ..  a generation or two ?  ?  ?

      Being greedy and self serving  would  become more common and extreme.

      The strongest and richest would influence the laws of the land even more than they do already.

      Actually that is a scary thought.
    How society as a whole would become, after a few generations.

       But who knows?

       There would be more people following bad behaviour.

  5. hanging out profile image61
    hanging outposted 14 years ago

    There is only good in the world because of the God of the bible. Mans laws are based upon Gods laws. God knows that only a sinless society will be successful.
    The bible has kept society ongoing from adam to 1999, a very long time.
    We see mankind turning from the God of the bible and we see the earths condition is getting worse.
    God holds all things together, by his word working in our lives, by his power and the combination of those two things.

    Look at countries that have no belief in the God of the bible. There is so much murder and corruption.
    china and africa might be two countries to look at.

    It did not take Cain long to murder abel after they were put out of the garden and by the time of the flood, mans ways were evil continually because their heart was wicked.
    Genesis 6:5   And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  (notice the scripture is genesis 6 genesis 1 is the beginning of the book.

    1. Beelzedad profile image58
      Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How do you explain the USA that boasts some of the highest murder rates in the world and one of the largest groups of Christians?

  6. Antecessor profile image68
    Antecessorposted 14 years ago

    Wink, I get the point of this thread now.

    Get all the Religious to say the only reason they supposedly behave themselves is because they want a reward or want to avoid punisment from god.

    Really Jerami, I thought better of you, are you telling me if you didnt believe in god that you would wantonly murder people for their sneakers?

    Their are plenty of atheists around today who dont believe in heaven and hell, so there is no need to ask this question, we know the answer. Atheists dont wander around killing and maiming, there are actually more religiuos people in jail than religious people in the general population, and way more than atheists.

    As hitler said

    "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."

  7. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

    Good morning  Antecessor  .,-- YAWN

       No.  I wouldn't behave any differently "IF" God said that there wasn't an afterlife of any sort.
        But from  the prospective of the general public ???
        That would alter their behaveior.

       I also believe that there are many people that profess to be Atheist that actually are not "quite" as sure ! There is that tiny posability ??

       I'm no expert;   I think that if the concept of heaven and hell didn't exist??  the concept of Good and "BAD"  would undergo tremendous change!

      After a few generations ...  anything that we were big enough to get away with would be considered to be OK.

       goodness would be considered to be weakness;  Kinda like it is today only MUCH  MORE

       Humans tend to think that other people would behave the way that we would under similar conditions.
      That is just NOT  true.

      That first cup of coffee doesn't seem to have woke me up!
      Time for another.

    1. Antecessor profile image68
      Antecessorposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes atheists, including me, say there is a possibility that god exists. BUT not a probability that god exists, big difference.

      I also believe that it is POSSIBLE that I have an invisible fairy inside my pocket that controls my thoughts, but not in the probability of this circumstance.

      Anything is possible.

      Only certain things are probable enough to be true.

      I do not believe in god, nor rewards and punishments beyond death.

      Yet I do try to be good towards others, because I recognise what a tragedy it would be if I messed up the only life some other person would ever have. Or messed up the only life I would ever have with no way to ever rectify, or be forgiven of my badness.

      If I believed in eternal rewards and the like, then killing my children while they are young would be good for them, it would garantee their reward, and remove any risk of their sinning as adults and being rejected by god.

      Killing a person who is just going to wake up seconds later in a euphoric paradise just isnt as bad as killing someone irrevocably and forever!

      Especially since you can just drop to your knees and be forgiven in less time it takes your murder victims soul to get to heaven.

      I suppose the ease of forgiveness makes sense when compares with the relative mildness of the crime of murder, viewed from the christian reward for the dead perspective. Just make sure your murder victim says his prayers first.

      Hey thats the origin of "say you prayers punk".

      Making sure your murder vic gets to heaven.

      No for us, there is no forgiveness, and very little redemption, we must be extra careful, even more careful than christians not to hurt others.

      So if anything atheism produce greater humanitarian'ism than just "working for the reward" "with your eyes on the prize". Wouldnt you agree, no I expect you dont!

  8. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

    a few things came to mind while reading your post.

    You said ...  So if anything atheism produce greater humanitarian'ism than just "working for the reward" "with your eyes on the prize". Wouldnt you agree, no I expect you dont!

      Actually I couldn't agree with ya more. 
      If you are "Only" being good for the "Prize" 

      The real prize is in the journey;  not the destination.

    1. Antecessor profile image68
      Antecessorposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I do believe the whole purpose of the above thread is to discuss what would happen if this prize was removed.

      WHY are you good (if you are) Jerami?

      Is it for the reward?
      Is it fear of punishment?
      Is it because you believe god has the right as your creator to set what you can do?

      Or are you good for the same reason all of us are, we're programed to get along with each other for evolutionary reasons, until the civilised veneer breaks and the savage emerges and we find you on a desert island drinking the ju ju juice from your shipmates eyeballs?

      What do you think?

  9. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

    Antecessor  wrote ....I do believe the whole purpose of the above thread is to discuss what would happen if this prize was removed.
    - - -
       I tried to answer that question in the post above.

    WHY are you good (if you are) Jerami?

    Is it for the reward?
    Is it fear of punishment?
    - - - - - -

      Concerning to whatever degree of Good that I may or not be ?
    I would think has more to do with  my own human nature. 

    Kinda like why do some puppies insist upon sitting in our laps licking our face just cause they like doing it.

      And some don't.  The people that we are today has more to do with how we were treated by our environment and where our frame of mind was before those things happened to us.

       Is it because you believe god has the right as your creator to set what you can do?

    Or are you good for the same reason all of us are, we're programed to get along with each other for evolutionary reasons,

    - - - -

       I'd have to agree with the above statement  ..
    A grizzly bear is a grizzly bear regardless of how much it would like to be a teddy bear.  And regardless of how much we want it to be.

       ...     until the civilised veneer breaks and the savage emerges and we find you on a desert island drinking the ju ju juice from your shipmates eyeballs?

    What do you think?
    - - - -

        I would hope that it would be my eyes that someone else were drinking ju ju juice from.
        But we never know what we will actually do when put in someone else's predicament.

    - - - - =========== +++++++++++++++++ ?????????????????????

       That is why we should never say that  "I would never do THAT thing that we see someone else doing"

        Life has a way of making us eat our own words.

    1. Antecessor profile image68
      Antecessorposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. chubatemjen profile image59
        chubatemjenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Allow me to pose the question this way-what if  there was No World without human inhabitants ??


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