What is the best way to explain the existence of God to an atheist?
I've heard people try to convince atheists that there is a God by quoting the Bible or some other holy book. But quoting from such materials won't work. You have to believe in them before you can accept them as plausible explanation.
Find all the evidence you can. There is so much you can use by just consulting your Bible, going to the library, and of course, Google. Just make sure that all of your evidence is fact and hopefully you'll be able to convince your atheist friend about the Christian way of life.
Cutie--Can you please supply just one fact, but first perhaps, it would be good if you defined, 'fact'.
It is very silly. You can't find God in books and internet. You will get only descriptions and citations and some images. That 's all. Real God can be found in yourself and your feelings.
I admire your enthusiasm about this however, quoting from the Bible will not do any good for someone who does not believe in the Bible.
Christians have their own definition of the word "fact." To them a fact is ANYTHING that remotely COULD signify the existence of god. To them, a flower or the universe is a "fact" of god's existence. Their definition of fact is skewed.
There are great trinkets of wisdom and inspiration in the Bible, even if you're not a Christian. I'm a Christian, and yet I gain knowledge from Ghandi, Confucius, and even the Quran. True peace comes when we respect what each of us has to offer.
Unless they are asking, the best way to explain your God would be not to. If they are asking, then I would determine why they are asking. I question believers a good bit, but it isn't to become a believer, but rather to understand the mind set that is able to believe so easily. Most people who identify as Atheist (not agnostic) are not going to accept anything short of physical proof. Not proof provided by a religious person either. It's kind of like the global warming issue (not denying it's problems). Researchers who believed it was a severe problem manipulated the data and then provided it to the public as fact. So if (for example) a hard core religious person "discovers" this physical proof of a God it is unlikely it will believed until those with no ties to it confirm it. In other words unless a God comes down and speaks, most atheist are never going to understand your beliefs in the existence of a god.
It is very difficult to convince anybody to believe in something which they do not believe. And God is very personal. He is there for them who believe in Him. But atheists do not believe. In convincing them, you can be ridiculed and belittled. Only some miracle can make them believe in Him.
Amen - no pun intended! - to that. It very much depends on the atheist in question - some of them are open to discussion, if not faith, while others are just looking for the easiest way to ridicule you.
Very well put Venkatachari M. As God is personal, finding out what they do believe may help. Many people who self-identify as atheists might accept the possibility of God or just be unwilling to call what they do believe in God.
The question seems to be one based on an insecurity of a position. Would not your actions and the actions of other believers be sufficient to persuade the ,Atheist or the Jew and Muslim. Why do do simply wish to convince an Atheist when there are many more 'other' believers to save? Certainly, the miraculous origins and the history of theistic belief should be enough evidence. Is it a soul that you are trying to save or is it your ego that you are trying to pump up. This kind of thinking reminds me of the teenage boy who tries to get one more girl to sleep with. The used car saleswoman; one more clunker out the door and another mark by her name.
Perhaps, your intentions are good and sincere, but have you ever asked yourself the question, maybe it is I who has it wrong?
I can understand that with the growth of Atheism today, one such as yourself would feel threatened. I do and I am an Atheist and have been for over 55 years. Christianity is under attack, as is Judaism and for all the wrong reasons. Although America is founded upon secular principles, The Bill of Rights, no theistic principles here, Christianity is interwoven into the history, heritage and culture of America in many positive ways and to undo America the tread of Christianity must be removed.
If I were a Christian theist today, I would not try to save the Atheist, rather I would spend my time focusing on saving the Bill of Rights. And, as an Atheist I would join you in that fight, unless, of course, it is your wish to re-attempt to establish a theocracy in the name of King George or, as you are in the Philippines a theocracy there.
Thank you for the response. it's quite interesting. But I asked the question not to save anyone nor to fuel my ego. I just hate it when some believer just quotes from some book and thinks he/she can convert someone over to his/her beliefs.
Donald--If fact is difficult to provide then is it not obvious that theists should not claim gods factual or having truth. The claim requires proof or simply make no claim of fact.
Interesting symbol of the flag, have you ever read what the Star Spangled Banner totally said in the song? As an atheist I am surprised you shroud yourself with religion and then question the people who provide you that freedom to be an atheist.
think--America was founded on secular principles as contained in the Bill of Rights, not theistic principles. Certainly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech cannot be found in the bible.
I just found it quizzical you symbolize a flag versed with "In God is our trust" within the Star Spangled Banner, yet in the next breath disparage those who believe in something, paralleling one to a used car salesman or a teenager. Fascinating.
think--Yes! Understandably confusing. My great loyalty is to the Constitution, not to songs, although I like them and not to a would be theocracy, which without the Constitution there would be.
Thinkocrates, I'm glad we don't live in a Christian theocracy. The only freedom people would have is to follow the Christian religion. The founders of the USA wanted to ensure that NO religion could dominate the government and laws.
The truth of the matter is, the existence of God, or a creator is furthered by existence. For there to be something, there originally had to be nothing, thus a first mover to eventually result thus far. Consider God a geneticist among many things, but the atheist doesn't need to accept the biblical interpretation of a God, whereas he can accept the science that went behind creating the non-believer to make or accept the result of believing in something such as a creator. The argument shouldn't be over creationism or evolution because both are a systematic progression of the same thing, existence. For the aforementioned to happen, something as a creator had to exist in order for us to exist. Thus acknowledgement. We acknowledge a creator as man acknowledges another man. Whether we are the result of a plane of existence such as found in the religion of Michael, sharing and plugging into the ashkashic record of worldly knowledge that results in revolutions of the evolutionary timeline, the truth of the matter is that we exist because we acknowledge one does. To say I don't believe, well you have the right to doubt everything including your own existence, but you are acknowledged to exist, therefore you have to exist. Thus instead of resisting the belief in something, try existing the belief in something.
think--You provide no proof here, not even a theory. You make a statement and call it a truth. If all things need a creator who created the creator. Sophomoric but applicable.
@thinkocrate and cjhunsinger. Interesting exchange of views.
Instead of giving me problems hunsinger, why don't you give solutions. As evident above, the thought requires circular logic. For one to exist, one had to be given existence, and there had to be a force greater than us to cause creation/evolution.
think--I do not give you problems, they are of your making. I simply ask for validation of your claims. The big bang happened. The universe exists. and evolution is a fact and gods are assertions of a belief.
Hunsinger, then why did they happen if there was no first mover?
think--quantum mechanics is now beginning to explain how something can come from nothing or that nothing cannot truly exist. Easy to research. I cannot truly say gods do not exist, but it is unreasonable to think so.
Interesting, I do not, nor claim to know anything concerning quantum mechanics or physics. However, my premonition of a God is not like a Zeus or Apollo, or the essence of a Godlike persona, one because he would not know he is a God.
think--If that is what one needs to feel secure, it is good. But then let us call it a belief or a premonition and not a fact or a truth, as that is where the problems begin. We exist, a fact, let us deal with that.
God + Mother Nature created the world + each one of us, we're "still" in Mother Natures womb growing/learning how to become a human being built out of love not our ego..When we die if we really love life, + have followed the law of nature we're born
I don't think there is any point in holding people accountable to the Bible unless they believe that Jesus is God. So that would be my starting point, speaking about whether Jesus is God or not. If He is, then I must listen to what He says about God, us and the world. A large part of the evidence for Him being God is mentioned in the Bible, such as prophecies of His coming and what He would do and His fulfillment thereof in His incarnation. The various ways that Jesus Himself and what He would do was typified in the Old Testament; Abraham and Isaac with the provided ram, also the Passover lamb and how Jesus exactly represents and repeats that process in His own body with many of the details being exactly the same; killed on the same day, not a bone broken, blameless and without any flaw. However, in order to substantiate most of what I've said you will need to brush up a bit on Bible history and authenticity, there is some good evidence out there.
You can also use the events which occurred after Jesus' death. How the disciples abandoned Him and were in hiding, gone back to their old lives until they saw the risen Jesus. They were then so convinced that Jesus was God that they were willing to sacrifice their livelihoods, their reputations and their lives for preaching that their was forgiveness of sins in His name. They had nothing to gain for speaking about Jesus. They were so brave that by the end of A.D. 100 most of Southern Europe, the Middle East and North East Africa had heard of Jesus. This isn't only recorded in the Bible, but also other historical sources. There's a cool book I read by Lee Strobel: A Case for Christ, which is a pretty good read in this regard.
I think Jesus has a lot going for Him.
Whatever you may do, you can't make the non-believer to believe in your doctrines. So be happy with your beliefs and let other atheists also live happily with their non-beliefs.
Absolutely, each person needs to make up their mind for themselves
I appreciate the info you gave here. But like what you said, the premise is believing in the Book before accepting the info in it.
You mentioned the apostles giving their lives for Jesus. This is not proof of truth. Muslims blow themselves up for their faith...does that make Islam true?
It is difficult to explain God factually. Everything about God is based on faith. You believe he exists even though you can't see him. So, to try to convince someone who doesn't believe he exists and is more intuned to facts than faith will be futile. The bible and the other holy books are less factual and more of fable historical literatures. Thus they are ineffective as a source of provable facts that God exists, just as you observed.
Why bother? What is wrong with each person choosing to live their life on (their) terms? Beliefs are personal. Live and let live!
Too often mankind puts too much effort into challenging each other's differences. We'd make a lot more progress if we focused on the things we agree upon and want for society as a whole.
Most people want to live in safe neighborhoods, have an income that provides for their family, and be able to enjoy their leisure time doing things that they love. This is true of both believers and non-believers.
It is quite right. Why unnecessarily waste time and energy in such discussions and meet the ire of people. If anybody seeks your help, then you can try to guide him. But not go uninvitedly pouncing your beliefs on others. There is much more to do.
dashing--Out of all this you speak to what should be and I would applaud your words.
@Dashingscorpio - I understand your sentiments. But I'm not keen on just focusing on things that people agree upon. It's the differences of opinions and views that help shape our society. Whether good or bad, it helps create our world.
It's definitely a difficult task to explain the existence of something that has no concrete evidence. If he exists, maybe he doesn't want everyone to know?
Well am sorry but the best way of doing it is NOT DOING IT AT ALL. You see when people detest or do not believe there's a God, science and satan works co in hand to deter that person from any reasonable explanation of his existence. Simply because men worship the creation "science" more than their creator God.
When Saul of Tarsus the roman who persecuted christians and hated Jesus you see how God found his way of showing he is the I am that I am ,He made Saul blind and sometimes that is what a takes a sickness a dying bed and suddenly they come to their senses, because deep down in their inner conscience they know death is scary and they do not want to die and then find out there is a God.
You see Saul was then converted to christianity and his name changed to Paul. God broke his stoney heart and tell me who was such a stalwart as Paul . So desperate and loving and doing God's will etc.
I'll tell you this no matter how much scripture or facts or proof you give to them , that old evil canal nature will despise it. Just pray for them to see . the light. I have tried with some here but it seems hopeless.
Thanks for your question
God was a scientist, geneticist, botanist, etc.
Thinkocrates i am not speaking about that because modern scientist cannot put their foot in GOD 's shoe who created the whole earth etc. I am speaking about the scientist that try to explain away God etc by talking about the big bang theory etc.
Really? So accusing atheists of being controlled by Satan and Science is the best you can do? And you spout this while using a computer, and many other items invented by science. This world view is the "problem to the answer"
Getitrite this world is satan's kingdown and all these inventions has its goods and bads . We as christians ought to use it wisely the devil do not give nothing for nothing. Many evils can be accessed from d comp/net more than gud. Satan's tool
Im sorry, but what reasonable explanation can you give for god's existence? Real quick: the bible does not count and you "feeling" him does not count either. For that matter, how do you know Satan exists either?
I suppose you're suggesting there is no saving atheist unless there is divine intervention.
LadyFiddler, what if God was behind the Big Bang, thus resulting in both creationism and preprogrammed for evolution to take effect. Thus he was the first mover of both. God, or a creator. Link, for their to be a positive, a negative then exists.
Think, we are talking about God here. People constantly claim he is beyond all known rules of the universe, so by that logic a negative does not need to exist. Regardless, wouldn't that mean Satan is just as powerful and not a creation of God?
Just watch the signs in the sky! Read what the Bible says about the signs and ask yourself, "How could "man" have known about things to come over 2000 years ago? Same thing with the wars spoken of in Scripture! Explain!
Norine Williams.. they will ask us as Christians to give them concrete evidence as far as God existing. But, when asked to give evidence that he does not exist they somehow stop answering?
I suggest pop-up books and lots of "goo-goo" baby talk. It won't work any better than anything else, but at least you will look as ridiculous as they think you are.
Unless they are asking you, do not bother trying to convince them of anything. If they are asking you, the only thing that will convince them is physical proof of the existence of god, not "I can feel him" or "Look around at nature!". I can go look at a skyscraper. Alot of people made that skyscraper, so why should I say that only one person should get the credit? I can go look at nature, I have absolutely no idea who made nature, why they did, how they did, or how many beings conspired to make nature, so again why would I assume that only one being should be given all the credit?
If you can't show an atheist anything, you will never convince them. Religion seems to be the complete and total rejection of facts and probably reality as a whole, for a good majority of people anyway, not all of them.
Link 10103, it is not correct to say that religion is the total rejection of facts. It is through religious and spiritual beliefs that science emerged. Man has become curious to know about facts, only through his religious lessons and curiosity.
I suppose you're not one of those who are willing to convert others. but this is not about converting people. I can feel the futility of convincing and atheist about the existence of god.
No. I do not like such things. I am of the opinion that everybody has his own right to follow his beliefs.
Ven that doesn't make any sense (unless you have proof?). If a believer has total acceptance that God made everything, why would they search for facts?
Venk, you are incorrect about science. Mankind has a naturally inquisitive natural (like some animals). Curiosity about science does not come solely through religious lessons.
Unfortunately there is no way you can convince an atheist about God. You just need to keep praying for them and hope that God will reveal Himself to them in some way.
That's what faith is all about. Whether it is in God or in something else. The hope that fuels our actions can be a powerful force.
God says he created all men to know he exists in Romans 1. I recently wrote an article on this http://asa2141.hubpages.com/hub/Atheist … -the-World
It's very difficult because the atheist wants to see factual evidence, and if we say look around you, they won't believe that either. I would say to them, if I am wrong in believing that God exists, I would have lost nothing, but if you are wrong in believing He does not exist ...
quildon--The words you used are Pascals. It is called Pascals Wager. It is only a fear tactic used to nullify human reason, but that is the essence of thesim.
Interesting point. Facts supporting the existence of God may be difficult for some to find.
I'm not sure our environment can be said to be "fact" for the existence of God. A Christian can look at a flower and see god's design, while an atheist sees evolution at work. I think you need to redefine what a fact is.
You're right quildon: It doesn't cost them anything and they will reap "benefits" that they've never experienced before even in this life! Education and the belief that they are "I AM" seems to be their basic belief! However, science has not proven
If I knew the answer, I wouldn't be an atheist. It is similar to if I asked you what is the best way to explain the non-existence of god to theists. Your answer would probably be 'you can't'. I think the best way to interact with a person of opposing beliefs is to be as polite as possible and lead by example. Extremists on both sides tend to dominate the conversation, which leads to feelings of resentment and victimization. If we can find some sort of peaceful co-existence then there won't be a need for one side to prove something to the other.
Simply? Don't try.
Many atheists are ex-theists - that being that they have grown up in the religion you are trying to convince them of - and have often studied in depth when questioning their faith. They have done the research for answers within the religion, and have come up empty handed. Many atheists I know have even been to theological college, and studied the Bible and God in much more depth than many of those who are trying to make them convert back to Christianity.
So, frankly, attempting to re-convert them is futile.
It's also rude to try and do so - particularly if they have not asked for the information. Just as you would like them not to push their atheism on you, do not do it to them (fairs fair though - if one is pushing a religion/lack of religion on another, then the other has every right to stand up for themselves etc).
Quoting from a Holy Book, Bible, Quran, Torah etc is not going to help matters - for reasons I outlined above.
As a slight aside - please do not try to convince an agnostic of God either. If we wish to know more, we will ask. If we state we are agnostic, it is NOT to say we are on the fence, and please convince us - it is actually saying "Hhmm, I'm not sure if there is a God or Gods, and if I'm interested I'll go researching and asking around, but right now I'm not too bothered by the existence or lack thereof of a God or Gods" (or at least if they are a Humanist Agnostic, like myself - "Don't know how we got here, don't really care.") = I have to add this as people often see/hear the word Agnostic and assume all we need is convincing - what trying to convince me does is actually push me further away...if I want to know, I'll ask...otherwise...leave it
Thank you for the reply. The question is all about existence of god without any holy book or some scripture or ancient text. I was just wondering why many believers keep on quoting books. Don't they have anything else?
Not really JP. the only other evidence I have seen people present is "I feel/met god", which obviously means nothing to anyone but them self and other believers since they can't prove it actually is god
Other than their personal experiences, which aren't necessarily proof to another who has not had the experience, I don't think they do. But I also think thats the inherent issue in any religion - it's personal, therefore convincing another is difficu
I think it is freeing to define yourself by what you do believe. Humanism is one of my favorite non-theist religions!. I am partial to Jainism too.
It's something that I stumbled across this question, because I just watched the movie "God's Not Dead" last night. I know it's just a movie, but it makes you think and explores this very topic.
I think there is a lot of evidence around, including science. Some people just don't accept it. I personally have had a tangible experience that I just can't shake off. Other life situations come together in a way that support His presence, because it couldn't have happened without divine intervention. The best evidence are personal experiences. However, it is a matter of the heart, and it's better to just have faith. If someone is angry with God or can't understand why evil exists in the world, it can be difficult. All I can say is watch the movie if you're up to it.
"The best evidence are personal experiences." --- This makes Christianity unaccountable. Everything supposedly happens after death. If you are wrong, who will know? A god who loves people would not base his truth on "personal experiences" alone.
Not everything. His spirit can be felt, miracles happen & prayers answered. Just saying, if science isn't convincing you; Perhaps one has to have faith before experiencing. It's based on faith. Seek (w/ faith) & find. A loving God gave us Hi
I have, Crissy. I held the same beliefs as you a few years ago. Science does not prove God. You think it does because you are ALREADY convinced of him. Christians see science through there own colored lenses.
Yes, you say...though I was talking about science. Science is based on facts and evidence.
When it comes to religion, one must realize eventually in their life that religion is not spirituality. I believe that most atheist are spiritually connected to the world in their own way, but religion has put a damper on their believing in a creator. Think about it, some religions paint God as a loving Father and then you see the same people that worship that particular God killing in his name. Some religions make you feel so guilty about so many things that you don't really live a full life, always afraid to move to the left or right. You see, if you live a spiritual life instead of a religious one, you won't have to convince an atheist of anything, the way you live your life will be evident to them that there is something greater than yourself that is moving inside of you, because the spirit is real, and the fruit that it yields is joy, kindness, peace, love, etc.
I think I agree with the overall message of your comment, but can you prove that a spirit/soul exists either? I do not find your claim much different from believers claiming god obviously exists bearing love and peace etc..
Well, to me its like a car. If you take out the battery, it stops working, if you cut the circuitry to your house, no electric will flow, so when I think of spirit, I think of how when I go to a funeral and there is this body there but dead.
Except that a car battery is something you can take out of the car and circuits are something physical you can cut. I do get your meaning, but to then say its the same when talking about the spirit does not make much sense in this regard.
I'm sorry that it does not make sense to you, but that's the beauty of our world, some things we don't understand, and some things we do. I myself choose to understand it this way, and you can disagree, isn't that a wonderful feeling?
As long as you do not claim your belief/understanding is an absolute truth to everyone with no evidence to support such a claim, then yes it is a wonderful feeling to be able to disagree. Otherwise, it is incredibly frustrating.
Did you watch the video on the link I posted above. After learning this some scientist who did not believe in God pryor to learning that scriptures from the bible were decoded in our junk dna.
The spiritual life is a life of action; of service; of dedication to Something Higher in humanity and to God. One need not speak of Religion or even God. I have worked and lived among many people without knowing their faith. Nevertheless, their eyes shone and they were as kind and empathetic as the saints themselves. Be like this, and you will inspire the atheists.
The consensus here seems to be: you can't or don't. Bible quotes is definitely not the way to go. It's like trying to prove the existence of hobbits by quoting Tolkien.
But if your question is: how do you conceptually explain the existence of god to someone who doesn't see any evidence of such existence in real life, that I think is possible. Maybe they still won't fully conceive it, but they can at least entertain a possibility.
I would say: go into quantum physics territory. It's scientific and respectable, but it deals with a lot of bizarre meta-physical concepts and ideas that have to do with invisible forces that animate visible reality. And remove the word "god" from the conversation - it has too many negative connotations for any atheist.
You can't convince anyone of anything no matter what you say or do, a person has to convince their self & realise their self as that's how we learn..We're all our own teachers & that's why we're here, & no matter what anyone thinks they've taught themselves everything they know so far..So first off with atheists they have to be willing to want to learn, & if they have fixed beliefs don't bother with them as that's not a willingness to learn..I can't for the life of me understand how anyone religious or any atheist, can say they know for a fact unless they've walked their own path in life..Billions of paths all leading us to the same destination as the Buddhists would say, & there's only billions of paths because there's billions of us..There's only one path to walk & that's the one in our egoic mind, to shed our false identification of ourself built by our past life's story so far that most people cling on to..Once the path is known & realised that persons life becomes full time training & meditation, & that's when they will start doing all the things they love doing & moving constantly forwards in life..Once the false ego minds identity is shed, that's when a person starts to build a real person an eternal soul..During training they will probably enter a neutral emotional zone, but that's only because they will have lost all identification of themselves so far..That's only because it was a false self identification with their minds ego, & they will hopefully realise their now building a new person built out of love..Once they start to feel the real love of doing & helping caring & sharing, they will start to "feel" a presence of some kind an energy..It will still all have to be done on faith & just a certain knowing/feeling, & that's why no one will ever convince another person of a creator..You can't explain a certain knowing feeling in words it has to be experienced personally, & so everyone can do it but they can't cheat each person has to do the work. :-)
Walk away! Don't.
That is the best way. That's the way recommended by Christ. If you spread the good news and someone is not interested or doesn't believe in such things, then they are condemning themselves. Love them and walk away.
When Christ performed miracles, those who did not want to believe suspected the worst or chose to close off their minds. This is always the reaction of hardened ego. To try to "convince" them is to feed your own ego. Don't.
The only unforgivable sin is to deny your own spiritual nature. Why? Because then you can never fix that which is broken. In order to fix the spirit, you need to acknowledge its existence, first.
At some future lifetime, they may find that point in the heart that finally helps them wake up. Until then, don't bother them. They have a lot more learning to do.
If a Muslim comes to me to "spread the good news" of his religion and I don't receive it, am I condemned?
Possibly. The objective is Truth, not a mortal religion. Ego perverts these physical organizations. "Condemned" means cut off from the spiritual, but this is not punishment from outside. It's only the natural result of their internal decision.
One really can't the way they want -if God could be proved by any means humanly possible than that can't be God so how can u conscience someone who thinks he can subdue God byhis logical mind-there aare signs everywhere but if mind and eyes can perceive His Self he is not God therefore mind can only perceive signs and soul has to believe I'm unseen
As stated in the Book of Romans in the Bible, the nature proves the existence of God. If one is blind to notice this then all is left is to pray for the person for his/her eyes to be opened.
Believing in the existence of God is by faith. Some of us hear the message from the Bible and believe while others they have to see the miraculous acts in order to believe. Remember Jesus said if you do not believe in me then believe in my works.
However, the best evidence of the existence of God is seen in nature. However, some have turned it to evolution and big gang theory. Despite this, there is no denial of facts about nature including the outer space to show God does exist.
The question is how to explain it to atheists. You and I can believe God's existence and his wonderful world to be his creation. But when somebody not believes it to be God's creation nor accepts His existence, how to convince him? I think we can't
You are right. At that point it is hard to convince. It is like trying to force somebody change which is not possible as one changes his behavior on his own will. Well, we pray for them and leave it God after trying to explain.
I can understand what you are trying to explain here. However, i don't really think atheists will be convinced.
Evolution and the Big Bang do not disprove God. Christians can accept the findings of science and believe in God and Jesus as their Lord and savior. It shouldn't be a question of either/or.
I don't think you can unless God agreed to show Himself to them. I'm a believer and no expert on Atheism, but I fairly certain they only operate on proof or physical evidence. If I know someone who has a strong belief different from my own, I don't talk about my religion to them unless they want to hear about it. If they insult me for my faith, which some people will, I stop talking to them. No use fighting pointlessly with someone who will never agree with you. It just stirs up more bad feelings, and we have enough of that in this world. If someone verbally attacks you for believing in God, don't cycle the hatred.
"Internet" Atheism is a bit aggressive and tends to actively target people who believe in a god, but I personally know some Atheists who are nice and keep their ideas to themselves because they know what I believe, and I don't try to corner them with my beliefs. It works. We can talk about our beliefs amicably in a conversation, though, when the topic may arise. If someone wants to convert, I will tell them what I believe and what I think faith does for me. Beware of internet trolls, however. They take on the persona of any particular belief and will trash another belief in order to cause an argument between multiple people. And then they probably laugh and laugh as several people fall for it.
Wynter--Witch burnings were not lead by Atheists, so too, the Inquisitions, Crusades, the KKK, the blatant and savage zealotry of Christianity, and Islam.
I never implied any of those things, CJ. I'm well aware of history and the violence within religion, and I do not agree with or condone those things, so I don't see the point in your comment. Hate is a cycle, but the world has made progress.
Wynter--"Internet" Atheism is a bit aggressive and tends to actively target people who believe in a god." Theism tends to be a bit aggressive with many targets, that was the point.
I call it internet Atheism because I doubt it's veracity. I'm not talking about actual Atheists who happen to use the internet, but rather a large group of people who go around insulting religion under the guise of Atheism simply because they can.
First you should ask yourself why you want to persuade someone to your beliefs. How would you feel if they tried to persuade you to their beliefs? Do you think you are so much smarter than they are, and if so, do you think you should go around telling them so?
I wish I could delete this. I was angry when I rote it because I felt insulted by the question. The question presupposes that atheists have not heard all the arguments before and come to their own conclusion..
If I believed that when you died you were going to Hell because you did not accept Christ as your Savior, how much would I have to hate you NOT to try to convince you to accept Christ?
Asa - and if I believed that yr belief would send you to a place I would not wish to go, how much would I need to hate you not to tell u? Yet you would not appreciate me telling u as it would be seen as an insult by u. Same goes 4 the vice versa
I understand the frustration. I think we all grow weary of having the same arguments from time to time. I do think it helps when people talk, just to know decent people can disagree and be friendly anyway.
IMHO subject to correction and discussion. An atheist is a materialist. The meaning being non-acceptance of the non-material or immaterial, lack or no trust in the non-material or immaterial, and lack or no faith in the non-material or immaterial. They simply have a lack of belief or no belief in the immaterial. However, an atheist does accept the abstract as a material experience. If the immaterial is labeled God or god or gods, then simply for an atheist that does not exist.
It is then a leap must be made leading from a lean of science and empirical proofs to philosophical with rational proofs and of course those being accepted. The atheist does have faith. They have faith the unexplained such as explaining 'a before' will be explained with science given enough time - astronomy for the universe, micro-biology for evolution, physics for existence, and mathematics supports all of those. They place trust that science supported by mathematics (the empirical supported by the rational) will explain the unexplained such as 'a before'.
The question is how to convince an atheist the 'a before' is immaterial and not material. That cannot occur with argumentative discussions of 'faith' or 'trust' since atheists do abide by those. It comes down to acceptance.
Acceptance is always an individual endeavor even when by means of force guided by power including emotions a result of feelings (The senses) and cognition (thoughts and memory). It is a choice and the result of 'free will'. And, that is immaterial or a result of something to be explained by science since 'a before'.
Thus, the question becomes can a person . . . any person be convinced to accept 'a before' cannot be explained . . . yet?
Don't explain it. If he is an atheist, let him be an atheist. Let him believe in what he believes in, even if that is nothing. For you to try to explain to him what god is, is just throwing your faith at him. That's not fair. If he wants to know who or what god is, he has to find out himself.
No help, If god wants to be seen by him, then he will make it so.
There isn't a best way because most atheist spend a lot of time thinking about religion and(at least for me) logically progress away from any type of god.
I'm open to evidence, but that's the only thing I'm open to. If you don't have evidence then it goes to the same level as Bigfoot and unicorns, and I don't believe in either of those things.
Unfortunately.. Atheists are as firm about their beliefs as Christians are about theirs. All we can do is pray for them and for God to reach them like only he can.
Jthomp42 your question sure got plenty answers and what i love with questions like these it brings ALL zandolees out of their holes. You see and hear their true colours. Atheist just wants us to believe their garbage and shut up. BUT NEVER EVER!!
Actually if you all want to get technical, Christianity itself is not all that is cracked up to be either considering they condemn Pagans and yet celebrate their holidays and use their symbols along with using their gods and etc., so yeah Bite me!!
Pastor wolfe........... what's the matter? I've sat and watch you spew your lies about Christianity. What I have come to a conclusion about is you have no idea what you are talking about! You seem to be so caught up in hate you can't see the "truth!"
Tell you what JThomp42 provide proof that I am lying! Your god does not exist seeing that your bible is made up of more than one belief! Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays, the cross pagan, the fish pagan, your so called Christ is fake!!
wolfe........... You have no idea what you are talking about! Pagan, pagan that, the only pagan is you.
JT, are you denying that Christmas and Easter were originally pagan holidays?
Jthomp42 Proof says that your faith is nothing more than stolen beliefs twisted to fit your sexist needs! Christmas and Easter, all our symbols and even our gods are within your teachings!
Christian holidays were not originally pagan holidays, in the sense that they are copies of pagan holidays. The Church designated a pagan holiday as Christmas, for example, to deter people from celebrating the pagan day.
Lybrah Easter and Christmas were originally Pagan Holidays, for They were the first to celebrate the birthday of Osiris, thus the Death and Resurrection was first celebrated on Easter thus being Osiris before Jesus Christ, case being, Christ = Osiris
Christmas is not a rip off of another religious holiday--the pope wanted to eradicate the pagan day (what ever it celebrated) by announcing that Christmas had to be celebrated on Dec. 25.
Lybrah I researched this many times over and discovered that Christmas was first Celebrated by Pagans in celebration of the birth of Osiris, thus in which Christian Christ is copied from that very same god, so I am right thus I have proof that I am!
No, you are wrong and I making a new question about it.
Lybrah http://www.facebook.com/theholydivinityministry and two of my Hubs have all the proof plus the fact that you say a Pagan is wrong of knowing his own Holidays is quite amusing seeing that I have all the proof to back up my claim!
I do hope you have proof that proves Pastor is wrong, Lybrah.
Just go to this site that has all religions and beliefs and find out for yourselves: http://www.religioustolerance.org/
Can Pastor prove he is right? That his information is legit? How do you know?
Lybrah Considering that I am not the only one that did his homework, lol Oh I bet my life on it child!
Lybrah, there is this magical thing that can give you any and all information you could ever possibly want at any given time of the day.
Its called Google. Hell, its called history but I figured I should start simple.
Considering nearly every ancient civilization had one festival or another at the time of the winter solstice and the spring equinox, we're wasting our time straining for nats here. True religion is about a spiritual conversion, not a vague argument.
It is the Arguments TL that bring light within the spiritual fight, this undoing the wrong and finally making it right! While Christianity points fingers to the fake existence of a Satan, others are seeing their true colors. Truth wins over lies!
No my friend, only true spiritual experiences can bring spiritual light. I do not believe light can come from darkness, and contention and hatred is darkness.
Expanding our horizons a bit here. Light and darkness cannot exist without each other, so how can one not emerge from the other? A very bleak outlook on things, especially from what I assume to be a spiritual person.
darkness can give way to light, just as the night gives way to the dawn.
TL Flanigan do you think that it was just for the earlier Christians to kill our earlier Pagans, destroy their texts and all their temples and take possession over their land, their traditions and their symbols along with the stories and use them?
Pastor Wolfe, purity received from God has often, in history, been twisted to justify the evil and dark side of humanity. EVERY RELIGION has had militants who shout "Glory to God" before doing just the opposite.
That doesn't answer my question TL! Do you think that it was just for the Earlier Christians to Kill the earlier Pagans and use their symbols, land and their gods as their own?
God says that He created all men to know He exists in Romans 1. "Atheists" prove this every day by how hard they fight against Him. You don't fight against an idea you know is false.
I actually just published an article on this very question: http://asa2141.hubpages.com/hub/Atheist … -the-World
Atheists don't fight against god, anymore than they fight against the Toothfairy or Paul Bunyan. They fight against what people do in the name of their make-believe friends.
Oh, yes, Christians do so much evil in the name of their make-believe friends. You see it everywhere!
So-called atheists DO fight against God. Let's see….Evolution vs. God…"The God Delusion"…"God, No!"
Well, when religious people slaughter (semi-past) and discriminate (present) against people who do not think the same things...kind of understandable for them to fight back. Your statement that man "knows" god exists is a lie by the way.
Advocating for evolution isn't fighting against god, it is a fight against people who want our children to be scientifically illiterate. Just like they fight against inequality (same-sex marriage) and other stupifications (e.g. abstinence).
"Atheists" discriminate just as much if not more so than religious people. Atheists also have a higher death toll than any religious people I've read. Hitler and Robespierre were atheists.
Your title of atheist: a person who denies existence of God
A lot of Christians suck as well. Point? The majority of atheists really don't care about your God. Sorry, but that's the way it is. They care about how people treat others.
You can always find someone in a group is a jerk, but to then denounce the whole group as bad is ignorant and narrow-minded. You reject God because you enjoy your sinning; you fight against Christianity because you know it's the truth.
"denounce the whole group as bad is ignorant and narrow-minded" Says the person doing the exact thing!!!
Where and when did I denounce a whole group? Or fight against Christianity? You're just making stuff up. For that matter, who said I rejected God? I'll happily stack my sins up against anyone.
Saying Christians are scientifically illiterate, stupid (stupifiications), discriminate etc, is fighting Christianity. /And do you not see in your first comment you say you FIGHT Christians??
Slick comment though.
Why fight for something that you do not "believe" in?? I do not believe in Santa Claus.. but I'm certainly not going to fight with anyone or debate about it. So, why even bother?
Whether you believe or not believe in something, it is your right. Why should anybody fight for or against it?
Venkatachari M....... That is my question... why fight or debate if there is no God if you do not believe? It is rather pointless don't you think?
Exactly JTHomp! Christians "fight" for their BELIEF. Why should atheists fight for an Unbelief? There are millions of things each of us don't believe in!
But if I believed you were going to Hell how much would I have to hate you NOT to tell you that?
My position is plain. I fight against what people do, not what they are. That doesn't change because you mischaracterize it. Believe creationism if you want, don't try and teach it to my kid. It isn't complicated (except for you apparently).
junk.. now do not get childish and start labeling people and try to make fun of someone else's beliefs. What really gets me is you would argue until you are blue in the face and waste so much time and energy about a topic you do not believe in... GOD
Where did I label someone? Or make fun of someone? Or argue about God? You too are just making stuff up. What I believe, and I believe it very strongly, and what I argue about is keeping people's gods out of my life.
And how would you want people to that? I mean really?
Very easy to do JT. Anyone with the smallest amount of common decency would simply not talk about their god around people who are not of the same believe.
How are people going to know this link? What if you are doing the same talking to your atheists friends and a Christian walks up.. are you going to stop your conversation? Or will you continue your conversation?
I dont know why you assume that one needs to know another's religious background in order to talk to them. If religion comes up, you let them know. If it doesnt then it doesnt, you act as if atheists talk about atheistic things all the time.
It amazes me at the extent you go to say so and so does this and they do that. What you are really saying is what you are saying, how you are acting is exactly the same behavior you are blaming everyone else on.
Don't limit options, or force options onto people, if those options trace back to a god, a church, or a holy book.
junk... and you are saying that you have the right to do exactly what you are telling everyone else not to do? Amazing!
I am not limiting or forcing options which trace back to religion. So again, you're just making stuff up. Amazing!
You are saying what you expect from people around you and how society better act around you or you have been wronged. Im afraid this is not the way it works. Normally you get what you give.
If you can point us in the direction of statistics that prove atheists proclaim their non belief more than christians proclaim their belief when completely unwarranted, I think your comments would make more sense JT.
And again Link... can you or junk do the same?
So rather than provide a source and then ask me that question, you ignore me completely but still reverse ask the question.
junkseller Not all Christians reject evolution or are against ALL people having all the same rights. There are Christians who care very much how non-Christians are treated. Being a Christian doesn't make a good person or a bad one.
By pushing your beliefs on others is like trying to take freed slaves and placing them back into slavery! Atheists are more about reality than fantasy, they live their life their way and in all honesty, I see more down fall with Christians than I do with Atheists. So the best way is not to explain, because you will only be hated ten times more if you try! Learn to respect others and keep you opinions to yourself! I left Christianity because I myself have seen your true colors! Judaism, Israeli even Islam are just as bad when passing personal judgment! Instead of condemning others for they way they choose to live, start condemning yourselves instead! If there is a Hell you all will be the first to go!
Pastor Wolfe, I can see you are very passionate about your feelings. But you may want to compare what you tell people to do and what you do yourself. In one post you say not to condemn people, and then in others you condemn a whole religion.
TL DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT THEM TO DO UNTO YOU! Christianity for years condemned us Pagans along with Atheist and Gays, thus Justice must be made! Confess and Judgment will end with a guilty plea! I am simply doing what I was chosen to do!!
Thank you for proving my point. God bless
You had no point as I have said before TL judgment stops when ye confesses to the truth that Christianity is using Pagan based beliefs, symbols and gods, even the Holidays! Don't give me that God bless Bull spit for I know you have no real god!!
Once again, you have condemned me by your opinion right underneath where you say not to condemn others and to keep opinions to yourself. That my friend is my point.
When Christians stop condemning others then I shall do the same. See my point moron?
Have I condemned you? Some of the best soldiers that have had my back were pagans, and they represented their faith much better than you have.
TL I am doing what Osiris has chosen me to do. The record must be set straight about how Christianity came to be!
Romans took from Greeks and Greeks took from Egyptians and then we have enter the dark ages with the burning of the library in Alexandria. Muslims took from Christians and Christians took from Jews. So what? This is how the history of ideas works.
Thus being Randal, spiritual war far and the victims of Christianity and Judaism are fighting back! Only way peace is even possible is for all to stop pushing their beliefs because if Atheist wish not to believe then that is their choice and freedom!
I agree that nobody should be convincing another to believe what they believe. It is best kept private. Otherwise it become filled with anger and exclusion. I respect a person't right to their beliefs but prefer not to engage in judgement of anyone.
Pastor.... you hit the nail on the head. It is our right and our freedom that allows us to worship God in this country. Your beliefs would get you killed in some countries; as would mine.
Just wanted to point out, Christian beliefs are getting people killed in other countries, right now Christians are the most persecuted religion. But, can we please stop drawing lines hear, I believe we should all be in this together.
Thus agreeing to disagree and coexisting would be a world wide truce within all beliefs, in which no one is put to death for their own beliefs! Which means no judging anyone, I just want Christians to stop condemning Pagans seeing that they 2 r pagan
Pastor Wolfe, I hope one day Osiris, or whomever you choose to believe in, tells you to clasp hands with your fellow man and help end the cycle of violence and hatred. That should be all that matters. Goodbye and God bless.
TL like I said before, when Christians stop judging and admit to being apart of Paganism then I will agree, but I will not stand by and watch Christians judge, thus I by the power of my Gods will judge them and will only stop when they do!
Let's start with this. If I'm preparing for a big test and I take my 'lucky feather' with me, I've just put my trust in that thing. Maybe I take 20 tests during the year and ace all 20 with the lucky feather in my pocket. The same thing is when a person rubs the belly of a buddha for good luck etc. It's idolatry, putting my trust in something or someone created.
You say the Bible or some other Holy Book. Holy means without flaw, so something with flaw, such as the Qur'an, book of Mormon, etc. is not a holy book.
To prove that God exists without quoting scripture is simple, but atheists can't accept the simple answer of God creating the beauty in the universe. There's no language that the wonders of God's creation is not known in. Apart from that, one reason people have difficulty accepting the existence of God is because they can't confine God and say nonsense like if God exist then... By making such statements, they formulate a false notion of God and since there is no god to fit that notion, they believe God doesn't exist and attribute His work to an act of random chance. That is the definition of insanity, but I'm not innocent of that insanity. I remember being jobless and trying to get a job on my own merit, not trusting in God, but in myself. He has given me everything and nothing happens apart from His will.
There are many people who don't know God, but believe He exists. Amazingly, there are many Christians in the world without a Bible in their language who follow the Bible more closely than I would admit to doing. That's the power of God, He illuminates His Word to His children, even when they don't have a copy of His Word. That's because the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of those who repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh, was crucified, raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on behalf of broken sinners such as I.
To say that holy simply means without flaw seems to be an oversimplification. I would say holy more clearly means "of God" in some form or another. Obviously imperfect mortals will muddle that which is "of God" but it can still be holy and of worth
ask them if there is car move without driver or country can still exist without government or if the company can continue it's work without leader? if his answer is no then tell him how we can believe that this universe without God ..
Actually sir a car can in deed move without a driver, a country can in fact survive without a government, matter of fact, the government is what's destroying their country. So with that being said, the Universe can indeed survive without Your God!!!
A car can move but astray and into pits. Country can survive with some leaders and guiders in groups or jointly and it means they are the governors. Same thing with universe. And it means some power (God) guides and leads them. All science is Power.
Venkatachari M - I agree with science being power but in all honesty, people do not need your God to survive. IA makes it possible for cars to move without drivers, perfectly too I may add, not into pits. We don't need governors either. We are Gods!
sorry sir if you think that the car can move without driver that is wrong because the computer is also driver and the human developed this program .. so it is impossible to move .
Ahmed delli- just like the car, AI is also a creation of mankind, AI is not just a computer it is the brain of the machine, making it possible for the machine to think, thus making the car more alive than when it has a human driver.
Padre Wolfe, if You are a God, then a very sorry one, because you're destined to die. the only way you can live after death is through an eternal God. otherwise it will be eternal death. God says "in me you live and breathe and have your being".
I will tell you this... on the forum "religious" threads, it always seems to come down to debate. I highly doubt anyone is ever going to be won over by a debate. In my real life, I try (though not always successfully) to show others love. I fall woefully short, of course... on the threads and in real life, but I am convinced it is as the Bible says, "It's your kindness that leads us to repentance oh Lord."
The atheists "coincidence" is as hard to believe as (they say) "Miracle" is non-believable. I am forever a believer due to undeniable events in my own existence proclaiming He is alive.
Good question, but who's God are we talking about ? I presume you might mean the Christian God. No religion can really explain the existence of a God. The one God concept is still relatively new. Before the one God there were many different Gods, and perhaps it is better to explain how the Christian religion evolved into the one God culture
The one God seems a bit overwhelming but an explanation of history can explain where the one God came from. It does not explain or prove God exists but it explains a lot of history, and makes the concept of the one God easier to take on board.
"You have heard me called by many names but there is only one true name that stands out from the rest, the name of Christ and that Christ is you! Believe in yourselves and walk the path as did Osiris/Jesus/Yeshua had walked and you too will be seen a
We are our own Christ and Savior for with our teachings alone helps people look up to us thus giving them examples of righteous living! Jesus is based on myth but yet is a very inspirational fantasy story that teaches good morals!
You are welcome Lady Guinevere, and to finish the cut off, I said you too can be seen as a Savior, as a Christ/Messiah!
Exactly Pastor Wolfe and Jesus stated the same thing in that Bible.
I'm new to Hubpages and just happened to stumble upon your question while browsing the site for the very first time. While I'm no expert in religion or Bible studies I figured I'd take a "wack" at your difficult yet extremely valid question. Let me begin by saying I am in no way religious and have even considered myself to be an atheist at various points in my life (I'm constantly changing my mind about this stuff. It's all so confusing!). However, I still believe in God and can't really put my finger on why.
Have you ever prayed in a room by yourself or maybe you don't call it praying but spoke to yourself or wished that some miracle would occur? If so, was there ever a time when you "spoke to yourself" in a room alone but some piece of you felt like something, somewhere, was listening. Maybe you didn't consciously acknowledge this feeling at the time but now I'm asking you to think back. This is what or who I think God is.
Maybe this never happened to you, though, and you don't speak to yourself or pray because you simply never felt this would work and that's ok too. So here's my second attempt at an explanation of God...
I don't think that God has to be a strictly religious thing even though he/she/It appears in the Bible as the creator of all life. As a non-religious person, I think of God more as a piece of myself. Almost like my intuition or an energy force that comes to me from time to time. Sometimes we don't know which decisions are the right ones to make, and we all know life is full of decisions, but there's that something inside of you, pushing you in a certain direction. This is where I feel God, in a sense.
If your an atheist, I'm assuming you prefer science over religion/spiritualism and that's great because I can explain this, (at least attempt to) this being spiritualism, in very scientific terms (and there are books out there if you're interested). But in simplest terms, the world is made up of matter and matter is made up of energy. Energy can never be destroyed. I think we're all just simply energy and I think God is energy. But then again, I'm no expert. I hope my response was at least thought provoking.
I was struggling to put my own feelings into words but now after reading this, all I need to say is ditto.
When I am asked to explain my belief in God I generally answer in a manner similar to this:
To believe that such a complex and perfectly balanced existence such as our galaxy, the solar system, our planet, and life within all of these spheres could have developed randomly or by accident is to believe that a computer disassembled and thrown in the garbage could accidentally reassemble itself while bumping down the road in the back of a garbage truck, or to believe that a watch taken apart and shaken in a hat will eventually become a watch again if you shake long enough. To put it plainly, I think it takes more blind faith to believe this all happened by chance because to me, the system seems to intricate, and to perfect, to have developed randomly. The world is full of things that would not exist if it did not have a creator or designer, and to me they serve as evidence that there must be a Creator or Designer who created such a complex thing as ourselves and the world we live in.
If sciences accepts that intelligent life must exist elsewhere in the universe solely on the premise that we ourselves exist, why can it not accept as plausible that divine life may exist somewhere in the galaxy on the same premise?
The almost infinate nature of the universe will potentially throw up conditions fit for life to exist,and evolve. A computer or a watch will only work if assembled in perfect order. Whereas life can evolve in a billion different ways.
The universe is the watch my friend, life is merely the ticking hands
Ask them if they believe in oxygen or the existence of molecules or perhaps atoms. Ask them to name something they believe exists but can not know with sight or sound or touch. And ask them if they believe the earth is round. Then explain that in the way you have faith in these truths even though you can not see or touch them, or observe them on your own - that is the same way, faith. It may fail but it is worth a try. My other one is to say - you did not choose your family, to be born, to arrive where you were born or for that matter choose, create or have any influence on this world around you in its natural state - how can there be no higher power, how can there be nothing that is more than us when we are mortal on this earth? Good Luck.
You know, none of that is even an valid argument seeing that God and Jesus of the faith of Judaism and Christianity are nothing more than a man made myth by using other religious beliefs to create one god and one so called savior. Best is not trying!
Pastor Wolfe, to seek to debate solely by attempting to invalidate someone else not only is the lowest form of debate but generally reveals nothing more than your own inability to debate your side logically.
TL you are clearly ignorant! I am a Pagan Minister who is on a quest to take back that in which Christianity has stolen from us! You have no damn right to use our symbols and celebrate our holidays and change the name of our gods and then condemn us!
Pastor Wolfe, If you believe in a higher being, and I believe in a higher being, than we should not be fighting each other. Instead of setting sights on each other, we should be defending each other, hand in hand, against secularism.
TL the only way I would find peace with you is if you admit that Christianity has stolen our beliefs, symbols and Holidays by claiming them as their own, then falsely condemning us! Thus it is Osiris that demands Justice for what Christianity did!
Pastor Wolfe, may you find peace and love in any way your spirit guides you.
What argument have I made? Not one. Where does it state that I am a part of any religion. Nowhere. Moreover, this OP is not about the bible, but any holy book. A religion is not a person and as such incapable of stealing anything. Peace.
Oh but the people Who created Christianity did in fact stole from other beliefs thus creating a fake god and savior! Although you may claim no religion. The correct answer is that you shouldn't even dare try to explain for their will is free!
Pastor Wolfe, how do your comments here in anyway paint what you are trying to share in a good light? True religion isn't about some obscure argument over where religious ideas came from, its about lifting people up in a dark world.
Unfortunately I am incapable of understanding your statements. I do see that you have self proclaimed yourself as a guru and a living Christ on your page - good luck with that.
The best way to explain to them is your way of life. If you are a God fearing individual testify to them that you know there is a God who created the universe otherwise there is no order. Look at the universe how orderly are the orbits of different planets. Hence, just live a blissful life so that you can explain by your good deeds and example. If you have a family then live a happy family. Show also that you are a good citizen by obeying the state laws. In your job, see to it that you are performing beyond reproach. To sum it up always be a good person in all walks of life. Hope I answered your worries. Thanks and good question.
Best Answer Tusitala Tom says
I recall many years ago a friend of mine saying that if a couple of very young children, isolated on a remote island with no adults to influence their thinking for years, these children would probably come to the conclusion that there is a 'God' or something which created all that surrounds them. Then, from that deducation, they'd say "and us, too." We didn't make it!
We know that we - at least in our conscious comprehension of things - didn't create the world on which we live- let alone the countless trillions of stars that surround our minor planet. It all seems to vast to grasp. Yet we have within us this propensity to want to know.
Science does not give us the answer. Science does answer a helluva a lot of questions but shy's away from anything esoteric. This is because it cannot get a 'handle on it.' It is not because there isn't more - more to be understood OUTSIDE of the realm of scientific thought and deduction. There is plenty.
Check out the webside Noetic.com. There are now a great many scientists who DO believe in God - or something... But I'll leave further enquiries up to you.
Tusitala--Your story is interesting and I believe it true. Essentially, what you are saying is that a god originates from minds that do not reason, that are fearful and have no knowledge of what they see. Is that correct?
Use science to explain His existence ...like how amazing the universe is and things humans cant understand telling them thats the work of God......
Your question assumes a God is real. Proof? Not counting the tales of desert peasants that didn't know the Earth goes around the Sun, that owning people might be bad, woman can be educated and the list goes on.
I agree with Peeples on this one. There is no best way to convince atheists there is a god. Most atheists are fairly well versed in theology and have chosen atheism because they reject "holy books". Pushing your beliefs on others is rarely appreciated, not that I am saying that is what you are suggesting, but that is how it will be perceived.
I hope this article helps.
Of course throughout history the preferred way to get people to believe in God was to threaten them with the devil and eternal damnation. Petrified, people signed up in droves. Religion became a way to control the masses. Thus it spawned many variations.
I suggest that instead of quoting the bible, the simplest way is to explain some of the bible stories that many find difficult to swallow.
For example Noah's Ark and the great flood: Explain how 2 of each kind of creature on Earth - from every continent - was housed on a large boat. How big cats, including lions and tigers lived alongside all their favourite foods, like wildebeest, zebra etc. Add frogs snakes pigs rats elephants wolves hippo's etc etc....and over 4000 different types of spider, and the thousands of other variant species. (times 2) Explain how all these creatures were fed. Then after the flood, when the animals were released, explain how all the prey animals avoided quickly being devoured by big cats wolves jackals etc.
Also, how could just 2 of each species avoid going extinct? - as would be expected when numbers are far higher than just 2 individuals. Each offspring would need to mate with brother or sister. (As with Adam and Eve....ooops another one) Again an unviable situation in the real world that results in deformity.
Of course when this story was first invented, the amount of known species was very small, so the story had some credibility, especially to children and the uneducated. Knowledge about biology didn't exist. Yet many still believe it today. If you manage to explain this (essentially impossible) story, then perhaps you can share it with the rest of us. I look forward to it!
Sorry if this is unhelpful, but this is the type of information atheists want to know. Surely that's not unreasonable.
There is no reason to try and explain anything to you people. You are as set in your beliefs as I am mine. You people are actually terrified that the Bible is true that you feel the need to be very condescending and just rude. Read instead of listeni
Sumerian/Egyptian/Shamanism/Buddhism need I go on? The bible is nothing more than made up stories and stolen beliefs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKNF_Rvw_18 This is what I think about that book!!
wolfe...... Then stop obsessing about it and leave it alone. What do you think you are going to do? Convert everyone to atheism? Just watch your videos and enjoy yourself. Why do you call yourself Pastor anyway? Pastor of hate and manipulation?
I am a high priest that declares war upon Christianity! For Christianity attacked me, I now return the favor, thus exposing the lies you all preach! I am not obsessing I am doing what I was called to do, defend my ancestors and destroy Christianity!
Called by who? The devil/evil/Bugs Bunny? Just another excuse to spread lies. Do you answer to this entity. What if you fail your mission wolfe? What then? You had better know and be prepared for the circumstances.
I was called by Marduk, Ra, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Ishtar, Nut, Nu, Nunet, Ma'ati and numerous other gods and goddesses of my ancestors! I will not fail, I will prosper! My words are my power, my strength thus all in which are truth! I speak no lies!
I am no more terrified that the bible is true than I am that Harry Potter is true. Why is it rude to question bible stories? You find it rude because it is impossible to explain and could not have happened.
Gen 7:2! Not 2 but 7 "clean" animals! God was in the midst! Watch the signs in the sky come to pass as told in the Bible! How could they have know 2000 yrs ago if not GOD?
Hello. I also struggled with this question until I got the guidance from our minister:
"If there is a creation (the universe), there must be a creator;
If there are natural laws (law of gravity, law of inertia, etc), there must be a law giver;
If there is a design (galaxies, planets), there must be a designer."
There is no other who can claim to be the creator, law giver and designer with precision, except the powerful, awesome God.
LOL JThomp42 give it up, I am wiser than you! We all know you worship evil just like the rest so go play with your dick ok?
You have crossed the line Pastor.. you have been reported and will soon be banned from Hubpages. Good day!
LOL really, I have seen worse on here even the F bomb was slung! I doubt one little report is going to do anything. You trash talk me all the time and I don't report you lol! Just like a cowardly Christian, bet you want your mommy now huh?
Paster Wolfe - what you wrote was inappropriate. You really don't play fair. You owe JT an apology.
Oh and saying that I give demonic explanation is fair? That to me was a personal judgment! So how is what I said not fair and his is?
No comment....... you have totally violated Hubpages agreement against personal attacks.
You are full of lies. You will not be victorious, for Satan and his minions are already defeated. There is no way you can win, and make no mistake, you are on Satan's side. He is headed toward the lake of fire, where do you think you're going?
Well seeing that I have yet any violations on my account, the most will happen is I get a warning. It was my first violation, if they consider it as a violation. I just simply watch what I say next time around!
I used the d word, I said go play with it, lol! Oh and Lybrah Satan is not real, he never was even mentioned till the formation of the book! That is why my first comment was Sad, JThomp42 then personally attacked me! I shall prevail! DAY AND NIGHT!
This is no place for such vulgar language! Enjoy your days off PASTOR!!
Personal attack? Lol, what rock are you glued under?
Link..... Read through this thread..... PASTOR crossed the line!
I'd rather have someone tell me to play with my dick than call me an abomination. Food for thought and all.
Better watch that language Link. And nowhere did I call anyone an abomination in this thread.
Yeah link lol watch your language because it is bad to say the DE eye see Kay word! And you may not use the Ef you see Kay as well so please refrain from playing with the DE EYE SEE KAY AND find another way to enjoy thy day! T-I-A-I-H to say!
@THDMMCoven is really Pastor Wolfe. I looked at the new site and it is obvious.
Deleted - cause I really can't be bothered with all this today
Lybrah Um news flash maim, I never said I wasn't further more who cares anyways! I am using this account to express my feelings about you and the rest of the madness within this world thus I deny not of being Pastor Wolfe lol I clearly could care les
If the science once can prove that there is an almighty creator should we wait for that time? If I die before that proving what will be my after death fate? So, we shouldn't wait for that time. That is risky.
i can ask them a question . whom creat you or who made u , i think they can answer wil be this we came by a chance ,but i will tell them night will come by chance everything have a maker . i can tell them who creat the sky, the earth ,the oceans, animals , that means there a powerfu mighty control all of these.if u cant believe to god existence , god bring the sun on sunshine , you can bring it on sunset .
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