Prayer or Just Buttering Up?

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  1. Rishy Rich profile image71
    Rishy Richposted 13 years ago

    Whats the difference? You butter up your boss to get promoted, you butter up your God to get promoted in heaven. Buttering up someone in order to get something in return is not widely accepted as a moral conduct, however when you butter up God it is seen as a virtuous action. You pray to God in every important moment of your life. Before facing an exam you pray for a good performance, before watching a football match you pray for your team, before your performance appraisal you pray for a promotion & before your adversaries you pray for an easy win. You pray day & night, to get saved from your wrong doings, And its all ethical & virtuous to you although you may not be the deserving candidate for any favor.

    Human mind is biased, needy & unjust. it is an accepted fact that we favor them who butter us whether they deserve something or not. But if there is a perfect God who is above all flaws & biasness, what makes you think that he will care for your buttering? What makes prayer a virtuous conduct?

    1. Writingissharing profile image59
      Writingissharingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      People say it is, although I had a very sick child once and prayed as he slept, and the next day the improvement was so dramatic I felt for sure it was an answer to my prayers. I don't think God is as interested in our everyday thoughts and worries as some would have you believe. Opinions, of course are like a**holes, everybody has theirs!!
      Not to sound overly dramatic or anything but I look forward to the day I close my eyes for the last time, just to see what really does happen after death. I do think it will be a joyous time!
      Sorry, I didn't set out to go on and

      1. Rishy Rich profile image71
        Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        There had been many research on prayers specially based on healing the sick. The great prayer experiment, statistics of the British royal family's life span & many other experiments proved prayer had nothing to do with healing.

        I am happy to learn about your children but what seems an answer to you for prayer can be just a mere coincidence.

        1. pisean282311 profile image62
          pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          i disagree with you only i read about how love works and how it can assist in pain same way prayers work to generate faith , positive outlook and confidence amidst crisis...prayers are good way for people to carry on amidst problems.. i am not talking about god or religion out here..i am talking at simply brain helps in convincing brain which can prompt actions...

          1. Rishy Rich profile image71
            Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I understand what you are saying but what I said earlier is not my personal response. Its the statistics of the experiments that shows prayer has nothing to do with healing. I dont know what you are reading these days but try searching on 'The great prayer experiment' & the efficacy of prayers. You will see by urself.

        2. Writingissharing profile image59
          Writingissharingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I would have to agree Rishy Rich, it could have been merely a coincidence. When it comes to God I think you have to go with your feelings, or gut, and my gut tells me there is a God, but as I said I look forward to finding out for sure!!smile

    2. M. A. Hook profile image59
      M. A. Hookposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Having done a bit of experimenting in this field, I can answer confidently. Prayer is a certified, instant way to enter the Beta brain wave pattern. The resulting brain waves extend as far as the human electro-magnetic field created by the blood rubbing against the walls of the heart. When prayer is intense, the heart contracts, increasing the generating capacity and reach of the electro-magnetic field to as much as 500 feet in Americans and a documented mile in some of the advanced practitioners from Tibet.

      The strength of that field causes entrainment in the brain waves of anyone within the field, provided they are not intensely involved in producing one of the other frequencies, in which case their frequency prevails inside the boundaries of their aura. Beta brain waves are prevalent in both relaxation and healing states.

      The original "anointing with oil" involved massaging the entire body with just enough olive oil to lubricate the friction, which stimulated the heart to increase its strength of the aura and promoted the conditions that stimulate Beta brain activity.

      Prayer doesn't have to be talking to God, it can be reading your mail, but it does have to exclude verbal activity and place the heart in the center of the body, which means the lower legs have to be folded back while the rest of the body is aligned vertically. 

      We're not talking religion here. We're talking rocket science and biology. It works whether you are a believer or an atheist. You provide specific conditions, the body responds in a specific manner, period. Those conditions include a quiet mind. A person with negativity, that means anger or hatred, will not be able to quieten the mind to obtain the same results. Your own anger is so deeply buried you can't even find it any more, but the people around you can hear it, smell it, and feel it. It's just a pity that it is so painful that it is beyond your ability to tolerate facing it, and that's from the *science* of psychology, not any religious mumbo-jumbo.

      Speaking of butter, have you ever tried frying chicken in it? That's a much better use for it, in my opinion.

      1. Rishy Rich profile image71
        Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        1.You have stated many things pointing at me from what you called the 'Science of Psychology'. Can you please show the reference which psychologists or scientists have stated that people filled with anger & hatred cannot smell or hear certain things what others can?? (Please dont rubbish me by providing some Pseudo scientific web links)

        2. You have claimed that "Prayer is a **Certified* instant way to enter Beta brain wave pattern"  - Can you please show us which widely accepted scientific scholar or source has **Certified this?

        If you can prove/show what you have said is Truly certified & accepted widely among the scientists & not any Pseudo-Scientific hypothesis, then I will appraise your wisdom & will thank you for teaching me a lesson.

        However, if you fail, you will only prove that what kind of moronic idiot you are with no amount of scientific knowledge & zero amount of rationality & logic.

        1. M. A. Hook profile image59
          M. A. Hookposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Here is the layman's view:

          Here is a simple explanation: … &ID=70

          Here is an application by Google and Microsoft: … utube/1162

          Here is an application of transferrance through air:

          Here is a medical application:

          Here is what a state university is teaching: … image.html

          Here is the site of the foremost researcher in brain function in the USA: … e-gallery/

          Here is a web site of a manufacturer of some of this equipment: (notice near the end of the page their statement concerning the control of mineral balance in the body)

          Here is a military application of these machines: … _scan.html

          Here is where civilian security companies are going with this:

          Then there are the military applications that are at least 10 years ahead of the civilian apps that nobody talks about...

          1. Rishy Rich profile image71
            Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I requested you not to provide any pseudo-scientific weblinks, but what else can you do when there is no true scientific source. Let me clarify the links u provided & what they talk about step by step:

            1. Link 1, wikipedia is considered a neutral source but since anyone can add & edit contexts there, the validity of the information on there, especially for research works is very low. The wiki link you provided, explains what EEG is & how it records the electrical activity of the brain. No where it mentions your claim for prayer.

            2. The luxevivant link is not anyway a scientific source. The articles are written there by Jeff Labno who doesnt even have a degree on medicine or mind but pretends to be an expert. However, still I couldnt find in his article where he mentioned the things you have claimed about Prayers.

            3. The third link zdnet is a blog, not even a science related site. When I went to the site I see the title: Google reads brain waves to measure ads on YouTube. No where in the article mentioned anything about prayer that you did. Point to be noted: a blog should not be considered a reliable scientific source.

            4.  Webus: a marketing site which advertises about its mind & brain related CD's & other products. No where I see which scientist has approved those materials, no where I see your claims about prayer mentioned but they didnt forget to mention the Paypal method: Visa or

            5. Medpage is better than the earlier links since it is a news site for physicians but the link u have provided talks about:  "Brain Waves May Measure Autism Severity"...Again no where I see anything about prayer nor I see what you claimed about anger, hatred & prayer.

            6. The state university website only talks about how MRI & other brain imaging tachnologies work. No mention of Prayer!!!

            7. First of all, Amen clinics, is about a single doctor named Amen who cannot be the representative for the whole scientific community. Nonetheless, the link u provided only shows different images of brains with different activities. No where in the page it mentions or Certifies what YOU HAVE CERTIFIED about prayer or its relation with anger & hatred.

            8, 9 & 10 are equally irrelevant & useless like the aboves. If you go through my question again you will see none of the links answered my questions...not even close. The first question was:  Can you please show the reference which psychologists or scientists have stated that people filled with anger & hatred cannot smell or hear certain things what others can (in this case Prayers)??

            The second one was: You have claimed that "Prayer is a **Certified* instant way to enter Beta brain wave pattern"  - Can you please show us which widely accepted scientific scholar or source has **Certified this?

            None of the above listed link can be considered an authentic scientific source. Not only that!!! None of the above links mentioned anything about Prayer, or the psychiatrists or the scientists who have certified the information that "prayer is an instant way to enter the beta brain waves"...none of the sites mentioned that anger or hatred disables persons from certain feelings, hearings or sight seeing. IT SEEMS YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EEG & PRAYER. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS. ARTICLES ABOUT EEG IS NOT THE EVIDENCE FOR PRAYER.


    3. dutchman1951 profile image59
      dutchman1951posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Prayer is from the heart, not the head, if you truly believe than suposidly it changes things.

      many pray or claim to and get the same reaction, so not proven. but
      if the story is true it is proven in the end, you can only wait and see

      but...weither a person is sincer or not is Gods alone to decide, not the rest of us.

      1. Rishy Rich profile image71
        Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry I really get confused when I hear things like prayer is from the heart, not head...What does that really mean??...Because as far as I am concerned, there are people who have lived with artificial man made hearts.

        1. M. A. Hook profile image59
          M. A. Hookposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Mechanical hearts have failed in so many ways that they are now being used only until a donor heart can be found.  Researchers are even trying to find animal hearts that are biologically compatible.

          The human heart produces a strong electro-magnetic field as a result of the blood rubbing against the interior wall of the heart. This field, called the "aura" in common language, can be photographed by the Kirilian method developed in Russia but not common in the U.S.A. Mechanical hearts cannot produce this effect, with the result that the electro-magnetic reserve of the body decreases rapidly and death sets in shortly after the mechanical heart is implanted. There has been no success in artificially developing this magnetic field as yet.

          The brain, both those cells within the cranium and the far greater number surrounding the spine, generate and run on purely electrical current without the magnetic component. This "bare-bones" electricity cannot perform the same functions as that generated in the heart, nor does it extend a force field outside the nerve sheath.

          The confusion occurs when one language construct of one person uses a picture-based frame of reference and the other uses a metaphorical-similitude frame of reference. The one is like a photograph, the other is an apples-to-apples comparative construct such that things which cannot be seen are described by things that can be seen, felt, and understood in their functional capacity. It would be rather hard to see the force field produced by an electro-magnetic generator with a camera or the eyes. It can only be seen by the work it does, like the wind in the trees is seen by  the motion of their leaves.

          But these conversations do nothing to reduce the pain that has prompted your inquiries. The answer to your question cannot be found in the "why," not the "how." You will find the answer to your real question in, "Who has the authority to exercise the power?"

          May your pain be turned into peace.

          1. Rishy Rich profile image71
            Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah...right!! I really got a painful headache reading your nonsense.

            What u r calling aura are typically caused by a high voltage corona effect, similar to those seen from other high voltage sources such as the Van de Graaff generator or Tesla coil. In a darkened room, this is visible as a faint glow but, because of the high voltages, the film is affected in a slightly different way from the usual. Color photographic film is calibrated to faithfully produce colors when exposed to normal light. The corona discharge has a somewhat different effect on the different layers of dye used to accomplish this result, resulting in various colors depending on the local intensity of the discharge.

            Whether temporary or permanent, the artificial heart proves that our heart is only a pump, not a communicator to God & like most other parts of the body, it too can be replaced with success. Those who were replaced with artificial hearts did not lack any feeling for God, neither lacked His blessing. Because its the creation of their brain not heart. Choose your words wisely.

            May your God bless you a brain next time.

    4. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Hon

      never once buttered up my boss or anyone.  I suppose It is because I made a pact with myself starting my career that no one was above me or better than me, as a person.  Rank in title, the owner I respected very much,

      I suppose people butter up from fear, this is sad.  Unnecessary,  If I had gotten fired for not buttering I simply would have sued the pants off them.  A boss will treat you according to the image and personality that is presented to him. Like anyone.

      May people treat me today as I treated them yesterday.

      I have no fear in that statement, but it's a good morning reminder to treat people well.

      God?  Not sure about that one, regardless of what you do, our paths were laid out long before we were born, I believe, but know too little to really comment

      Good to see you however


      1. Rishy Rich profile image71
        Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good to see u too kim & good to knw that you are the boss of urself. I hate buttering up too & had been a victim once, since some of my colleagues were good at it.


        I dont think u knw too little to really comment on God...but I think u know too much to skip the answer. wink

        1. profile image0
          kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this



          too smart and too kind, but we agree and share many things

          Have a great day big_smile

  2. profile image57
    exorterposted 13 years ago

    If you ever feel the power or the Love of God,you would praise Him, the healing love of our Lord, I have seen it, I have felt it, people can scoff all they want, I KNOW THE LOVE AND MERCY OF OUR LORD

    1. stilljustwonderin profile image59
      stilljustwonderinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes brother, we know.  We have felt and seen his love, his healing.  We know it is real.  We are thankful for that.

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol

  3. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Both are irrelevant.

    1. profile image57
      exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Gagsil [Both are irrelevant.]
      it is irrelevant if you do not know the Love of God

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        And your response shows you lack quite a bit. But, thank you yet again for a meaningless response.

        1. profile image57
          exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          All I can say is
          your response shows you lack quite a bit. But, thank you yet again for a meaningless response.

          1. Jerami profile image60
            Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Where do you come up with all that wise ars comments?
              That isn't like you.
            You have more respect for people more than that.

              OH   never mind;  now I see. LOL

  4. Beelzedad profile image60
    Beelzedadposted 13 years ago

    Kinda like the genie in a bottle. Prayers are just wishes. Believers are steeped in myth and superstition, believing in magical kingdoms and things that go bump in the night. Their prayers are just a form of wishing, and when things happen the way they wish, they believe their prayers have been answered. smile

    1. profile image57
      exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I pray that some day God will show you His power and love, I have seen them, God is there, people can deny that, the Bible even says people will deny Him

      1. Beelzedad profile image60
        Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's nice. roll

    2. Jerami profile image60
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have never noticed it before but tonight I did. 
      I can tell by your post that you are jealous of those that have seen and heard;  and you haven't. 

         I don't know what to tell ya.   I wish I did.


      As Ha hook said above  ... May your pain be turned into peace.

      1. Beelzedad profile image60
        Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Funny stuff, Jerami. I'm jealous of the delusional. LMAO! big_smile

  5. profile image0
    china manposted 13 years ago

    Prayers are brain farts,  they should be said silently and on your own so that you do not offend others around you.

  6. Zenofsong profile image60
    Zenofsongposted 13 years ago

    Prayer is bowing down before a higher power. The higher power isn't in the sky, it's in yourself. It's beyond your ego and all the things you think are possible. Prayer is saying. "I know I can do anything." It is an expression of faith.

  7. profile image57
    exorterposted 13 years ago

    university of columbia ran a tests, they had people praying for a number a patients, comparing they with other patients, the patients did not know about this, the ones getting prayed for did better than the ones that did not

    1. Rishy Rich profile image71
      Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There are more tests that goes against Prayer.

      1. profile image57
        exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I have seen prayer revive a weak heart, what have you see, people can spout a lot of things that other people write. but real personal experience is the best teacher,
        Some will say but I prayed for  ygy7tfy and did not get it.
        at one time I was praying for a daughter, she died.
        You never got every thing from your earthly Father that you asked for

        1. Rishy Rich profile image71
          Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          What you are calling personal experience is just pure delusion.

          Muslims get the same personal experience by praying to Allah

          Hindus get the same personal experience by calling Brahma

          African pygmies get the same personal experience by praying to their Tree God & Monkey Spirit.

          All of them have seen & experienced miracles through praying, none could perform it inside an experimental lab to prove. I see no difference between your faith & the faith of the pygmies.

          1. profile image57
            exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            seems awful funny, the doctors working with the patient had the same delusion.
            you are so ready to judge

            1. Rishy Rich profile image71
              Rishy Richposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Yes. So did the Arab doctors concluded & the same was concluded by African Mgangas. Some felt the power of Allah & some felt the power of Tree God.

              I see many personal opinions about prayers, including those personal opinions of the doctors, mgangas & shamans but I dont see any certification from any scientific authority that states Prayer can heal or cure a patient. Thats where you loose it!

              There had been numerous experiments on prayer. Among whom majority provided negative results & only a handful were inconclusive or positive. However, most of the positive results were subject to questioning as the researchers tried to manipulate their data in many instances due to their biasness.

              I judge only when I am ready.

    2. Beelzedad profile image60
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No, they did not, in some cases they did worse. In other words, there was nothing conclusive about prayers. Nice try, though. smile

      1. profile image57
        exorterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        go and argue with Time mag. they did an article about it,
        I know I know I can read you mind  "what do they know"

        1. Beelzedad profile image60
          Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Time in the business of selling magazines and had nothing to do with any experiments. smile


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