Pray according to the verses written in the bible. That is a powerfull prayer that open doors that no man can close.
I agree with Everyday_mom and kess, but want to add that we must pray with love, for love is the power of prayer. This is why we must love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us (Mat 5:44). God answers when we pray His will (1 John 5:14-15), which brings us back to the Word and faith in Him. God does not hear sinners (John 9:31), so we must be made righteous through faith in Christ (2 Cor 5:21), whereby we can come boldly before His throne (Heb 4:16). James 5:16 states, "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."
When you pray; every time you pray. Pray in the spirit and you will perceive in your spirit that your prayer is being heard and God will also give you confirmation; sometimes in the form of dreams or visions as to how and when he will accomplish the opening or closing of the door. You should end your prayer asking that Gods will be done regarding the matter. This is faith.
Pray earnestly and with humility and faith and God will reveal Himself and His plan for you. If He wants the doors open, they will open. Prayers don't have to be fancy, just heartfelt. The Bible tells us that when two or more people gather in God's name, that He is there and answers pray, so you might want to ask friends and family to pray for your situation as well. Scripture too always has good words for us to use if we can't find our own. You are in my prayers, nguerco.
In my life, I had countless prayers that were answered. I had some prayers which I sometimes think God is not going to answer but would get the results later. I found out that persistence is the greatest weapon to a prayer that opens doors. Depending on the situation, a prayer can take up to five years to be answered, but some need immediate reply in which case one needs to pray and fast and meditating on the word. Doing this normally brings positive results .
ngureco :
I'm not religious but, I think the christian bible kinda of says it well. Look at the lords prayer by Jesus Christ. It is said this prayer contains all the elements of then prefect prayer.
It begins with an acknowledgment of god and his relationship to us. It then precedes with praise to god. Followed by a show of respect, an act of faith, and a willingness to serve. This seems to be followed by a series of requests and a promise to comply with gods requests. Then comes more praise and an acknowledgment of his power . The final word seems to be the most important as it shows believing without knowing . The word amen means "it is done". Perhaps if you format your prayers around they will work. Good luck.
I would like to add something to those that have answered before me. Oftentimes when we are praying we should be fasting as well to be sensitive to what God might be saying or even to know what He wants us to do in a particular situation. Prayer and fasting over a matter will open up doors that are closed or even close doors of deception that the enemy has opened in order to take us down a path of destruction. It is our own reasoning that leads us into destruction but if we put our flesh under by fasting while praying it opens our spirit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and God's Will regarding our prayers.
When we really want something, we do not always know how to pray and The Word says in Romans 8: 26 "In the same way, the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, since we do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words" To answer the question, I think one should fast, Pray earnestly and diligently, the Holy spirit will then intercede for us where actual words in prayer fail us.
Faith is often the critical missing key to answered prayer. One must stand on the word of God. Don't pray for that which is not of God. Closed doors often indicate a disconnect in one's spiritual life.
Prayer is just a word/name for establishing communication to the divine intellegence. You cannot begin to establsih that communication unless you have faith and trust in the Supreme intelligence/energy/entity. No matter how you conceive god or what religion/faith you belong to, prayer is universal and common to all humanity. Prayer always and invariably opens the closed doors, when it doesn't, the prayer is make believe, joke, insincere or anything but prayer because you don't need a formal approach (hymns, religious texts) or place (church or temple or holy shrine) to pray. Prayer is like the sincere cry of a child. Prayer sends powerful vibrations into the universe and there is indeed a response to prayer. Prayer is the inherent gift given to all of us. It works in the realm of pure emotional energy. Prayer has no logic, no intelligence. Prayer is an inspiration. Prayer is an outflow of suppressed emotional energy channeled across to the Infinite Intelliegence. I am absolutely sure prayer works as nothing else. Remeber, the response to your prayer is definite and indisputable but rarely in a manner you anticipate. To give an example. If you are praying to get back your lost spouse, you may or may not get him/her back but you get back happiness and wisdom and what is in your best interest. If you are praying for some one's health recovery, the person survives but quite possibly may have lost something or survives completely hale and hearty. In other words, sincere cries of babies are heard but the kid may not get the candy he/she had been weeping for. The mother knows what is best for her baby.
Don't be selfish while praying and surrender yourself to the almighty.
It is amazing that everyone thinks that the answer to the question lies in Jesus. Not everyone believes this you know. What about Muslims? What about Jews?
The Torah, teaches that you should put blind faith in the Lord. Only then, will you be heard. Pray, but so many people pray without the proper respect in their hearts. They pray give me give me, give me. The Lord is not a vending machine, where you insert a prayer, turn a handle and get a gift.
Thou shall love the lord they god with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all they might. If you pray, liturgy is good, but so is personal prayer. Start out with praising the lord, then requesting what you want specifically. Saying "I want a job" won't cut it. Saying "I want a job making 40,000 where I can help people" is more specific. Then thank the lord for all he has given you.
In addition, perform acts of charity. If you can't give charity, do charity. Do acts of loving kindness for others. The old Ecclesiastics says to cast your bread upon the waters and it will come back to you more than you put out.
Read the book The Gentle Weapon by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. It shows you how to pray. It doesn't mention any religion specifically. It shows you how to approach the Lord in all religions!
You dont need a bible to pray. Simply ask that the doors open. Know that your prayer will be answered.
And understand that things are not always better the way WE think they SHOULD be. The superior powers might have another plan or path in store for YOU!
power of prayers is always there and when one prays with humbleness and full faith , prayers would always work provided it doesnot harm you or any one else...
To pray for a specific outcome would imply that the one praying is wiser than the one to whom the prayer is directed towards. If this is true it seems as though the cart may have moved in front of the horse as it were.
In my opinion - A poweful prayer is backed by ones faith and so it does not matter the number of times a person prays and the hours spent in prayer. All that matters is the level of ones faith which presupposes the power that will be able to open closed doors.
I had answered your question a bit more elaborately in a hub format! It's a nice question that needed a fine answer. The answer is the reflection of what I feel and practice as far as the prayers are concerned: … Doors?done
I think the first miracle Jesus performed on earth is the miracle at Canaan wedding Jesus made water turned to excellent wine by the intercession of Mary, his mom.
So, I think a powerful prayer that opens the closed door, is the prayer you ask Mary to pray together with you, surrender yourself completely to God, repent your sins, trust in the Divine Mercy's love, ask Mary, the mother of Jesus to pray with you, and say:
" Holy Almighty Father, by the Passion of Jesus your beloved Son, and together with Mary, I ask you for ( YOUR requesting for something...).
I prayed this way and got answered returns from God.Some were right away, some were later. Good luck
Please check out my hub on that. Be Blessed. … ve-in-life
Have faith the God will always answer without any doubts and thanking Him in advance is the most powerful form of prayer.
However, not many can do this.
If you are a true believer in 'God', you shouldn't pray at all,
because, if you pray means, you are asking for some help from God,
and that means you are admitting yourself that God is NOT omniscient.
Hence it is written:
Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
when prayer is selfless , it doesn't matter ,since the mind is open and ways are infinite!
God answers all prayers,some He says yes,others He says no and brings it to pass in a way we may not understand.
Very true. God always answers prayers in 3 ways. Yes, no, or later. Yes if it is His will, no if it is not, or later if He doesn't think you are ready for what you have prayed for.
Pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God for what he has done for you. Thank him for the times that he has opened doors for you in the past. Confess any sin that may be in your life or anything that may be a hinderance in God answering your prayers. Sometimes unconfessed sin is a hindrance and until we admit and confess all our sin, God will not answer our prayers. Read your Bible and study God's word, ask him to show you what he would have you learn and let him show you what he wants through the scriptures. After spending time in the scriptures pray a prayer of dedication of your life to \God';s will. God promises that if he closes a door he will open another one. Our lives have to be right with God for him to open some doors in our lives. pray God will show you his will in your life.
Stop seeing the close door and begin seeing reality, the blissful life that you are meant to live by living your greatest inspirations and you will find that where there were no doors an open door was made for you.
The prayer should be repeated repeatedly in your heart an d i am totally agreed with SpiritPhilosopher that If we are a true believer in 'God', we shouldn't pray at all,
Remember the old saying "Be careful what you wish for" God grant's a prayer, the devil grant's a wish. The prayer if granted always come out good for you. But the wish granted by the devil alway turn out bad in the end. If we pray and haven't recieved, then it is not our time yet or it is not meant to be.
Close the door to your room and cry your eyes out to God. Tell God how you feel. Ask God to help you and to come to your rescue with the help of His Son, Jesus Christ - The Savior of the World.
You can talk to God just like a chlid. There's no need for fancy words or for always trying to say the "right things", He's not impressed by that, He just wants to hear what's on your heart. People often talk about the power of prayer, but what they really mean is the power of God, after all He's the one who responds. Pray and believe that through God all things are possible.
first of all we need to have complete trust in GOD he knows exactly whats best for all of us,no matter how hard the trials..we just have to be strong and have believe in HIS ways,HE is always there for us,as what they said pray from the bottom of your heart..
Pray with positive expectation and gratitude (as if your need has already been met) that your need will be granted and yet with the understanding that "Your (God's) will be (is always) done on earth as it is in heaven."
Pray from your very heart, spirit, and soul. I truly believe that there is more than one door to open a path that has been closed for us. Ask for guidance through prayer, why was that door closed? Allow your heart to hear the answer and to give you the strength to truly accept that it is a closed door. We must accept that it is a closed door even though sometimes we will never know the why it was closed.
I have always found that acceptance, is the key to allow another door to open. Once or twice in my lifetime; after much prayer, I have been surprised to find a new door ends up actually leading me back to the same path that I was originally seeking. But that new door would have never shown itself if I had not been willing to accept the other as closed and had let it go. I have always felt; what is closed is closed. Accept, let it go, find another door.
Pray from the bottom of ur heart, be humble to God and believe, Have faith and he will listen.
Pray the Promises of the Word of God.
For the Sword of the Spirit is the Spoken Word of God, Ephesians 6
The Word of God is sharper than and double-edged Sword, Hebrews 4
David Prayed Prophetic Prayers of the Word of God and it Literally Changed Events and Destinies for God, Psalms
Etc. etc. etc.
First of all, God closes doors and opens the ones that lead you to His plan for you. God always answers your prayers, it just may not be the answer you are looking for. You need to remember, the Bible says, "Your will be done." That means, whatever God has planned is His will. We need to focus on that a lot in our lives. We want to know why all of the bad things are happening in our lives, but God has each one of our lives all planned out. If we focus on that saying, "Your will be done," we are telling ourselves that God closed that door for a reason and He must have something better in mind for me. So yes, you need to pray. Ask God for what you think you need if it is His will. If he answers no, than it was not His will for you.
In John 9. The blind man was reasoning with the Pharisee about his healer being of God or not and said:
…any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
If he worships God and does God’s will..Than God hears him
But just because God hears a human does not mean the person is going to get what he prayed for.
According to the book of James God doesn’t give things
If the reason you want it is wrong.
James 4:3
Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Another thing a person needs to do is to have faith without doubting
James 1
6.But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
So to get God to answer your prayer you will have to
1. Worship God
2. Do His will
3. Make sure you want it for the right reasons
4. Have faith and don’t doubt at all
God is able, whatever we ask we will receive through our prayer
JESUS HAS DONE IT ALL! Isaiah 53:5 says "...and with his stripes we ARE healed." It does not say "we WILL BE HEALED if you pray," but "...we ARE HEALED!"
Doesn't that indicate "Christ has done it all?"
The "Best Answer" from Kess "Stands!"
"Where there is "FAITH" there is the right prayer!"
First of all, respect that the Lord may have closed the door for a good reason.
However, I would fast, pray diligently, and meditate on God's word. I would spend quiet time just listening, and maybe the answer will come to you.
57 wrong answers and only one points to (hints at)the correct answer.
the answer is be baptized in the Holy Spirit of God and always follow the lading of the Spirit of God and not your flesh that wants to control you
by rexy 7 years ago
Has praying to God ever help you? Has your prayers every been answered?
by thirdmillenium 13 years ago
If you are a liara womanizergiven to coveting others' thingsa cheata gluttongiven to angersloth money-mindedjealousan ingrateneglecting to help where you can helphaving roving eyesIs there anyone who is not one of these? Honestly?Now you know why God does not answer your prayers, in fact ...
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