If God is the only one who is supposed to judge, why are there so many judgmental Christians/Catholics/Etc around here?
Hi Garrett, I would like to answer your question. But I also want to direct you to a website that is a pretty good resource for questions like yours. The website is http://www.gotquestions.org
I just want you to understand that God is the ultimate judge. When he comes back, He will pass judgement on us all. However, to answer your question, we must look to God's Word, bible.
Matt. 7:1-3 1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Now let me say this, a lot of people take this out of context. When preachers and individuals read this part of Scripture, they automatically say that Jesus was saying don't judge. That's not the case. When read and meditate on this, you'll understand the Christ was saying be careful how you judge, because people will judge you in the same manner.
As Christians, we are to judge(v. 1-2) In verse 3, it's talking about before you place judgement on others, check yourself. which brings me back to my first point. Christians are to judge everything in righteousness the way Christ have done.
Don't you think there it would be helpful if there was a god who actually judge people and not just the irrationality of religious scripture?
Just a thought.
Cagsil, people actually think that way. They think God will judge us based off the good deeds they've done. but let me put this in a story. there was a gut named Jim. Jim was the biggest drug dealer in his city. (it could be any city, your choose) Even though Jim was well known as a drug dealer, every Christmas, he would donate toys and clothes for the neighborhood families who were struggling. He would also host a soup kitchen program, using his stash of drug money. The neighbor knew what he was into but they thought overall, Jim was a good guy.
One day, He was in a middle of a drug deal gone bad and killed two men. Jim went into hiding for 3 years before being caught by the police sand sent to jail. He was final had a trial to face the judge. Jim had a chance to speak on his own defense. and the he did. He told the judge of all the charities he started. How he bought toys and clothes for families in his neighborhood. He even told the judge about the soup kitchen he organized.
Now, if the judge was a corrupt judge, he would probably consider the "good deeds" Jim had done and probably let him go. But a righteous judge would still punish Jim for the murder he committed., no matter how many "good deeds" Jim had done. Same thing with God. God cannot judge without first setting R.O.L. (Rule Of Law).
WOC, Thanks! I'm passionate about God's Word and making sure it is presented properly and in order. The way Jesus did.
You are welcome. God's word is great, and it will never come back void.
That us so true. As a Christian, I realize you can only state the facts of God's Word and not force it down people's throats. My strategy is share the Gospel, help people understand what the Gospel is, answer any objections, and leave it be. Just plant a seed. People will choose whether or not to believe. And in all things, I do it with love and compassion.
I agree 100 percent with all your message. No need to force the word of God down a person throat. After we plant a seed, someone else will come along and do the same.
Very true.. I will just say they are not listening, only searching for something to protest.
Seems that if we were to be true to our selves; this can be said for all of us. Maybe ??
We need to avoid that if we can.
Judging others is judging others, plain and simple.
Terry, we judge people all the time whether we know it or not. We do this all the time because it is a defensive and protective mechanism built in all of us. It is call survival. This why there are wars and disagreements in the world. We can not help ourself because it is human nature to judge others. It have absolutely nothing to do with religion or belief.
I think the difference is, judging out loud and judging to your self.
I understand it has nothing to do with religion, per se, but in my question, it does.
Garrett, whether your judging out loud or keeping your thoughts to yourself, it is still the matter of how you judge things. Do you judge things in your own self-righteousness or under God's? It's that simple.
Melpor, your right everybody judges others all the time. What I was trying to convey is how you judge people is what makes the difference. We are finite beings and we all fall short of God's infinite righteousness. So, when we judge others, we tend to based it off our own righteousness.
Not true for religious. They judge based on their belief of a god's word or will(what is written) and not only their belief.
I personally don't judge people, I judge their actions. The person themselves, either through chosen ignorance or a lack of knowledge, act in a specific manner.
All I can do is judge the action taken, because it does no good to judge the person themselves, because they are no different than I am.
Maybe? But do you know how many times YOU have heard Christians using those same exact words.
It is kinda funny.
Actually, none. They claim to be doing things on behalf of what they learned from some god, so they cannot possible be doing the same thing, just appear to.
A grape is a grape whether it comes in a sack or a can.
whatever is written on the billboard changes not ..
whoever made the paint.
Jerami, I sorry if you feel what I've written was funny. I am sure that I thought my answer was serious. Please, enlighten me on anything I said that was funny or "Christian" of me. Seriously, I mean it. By the way, if you think I'm funny, you should listen to Todd Friel on wretchedradio.com
My comment was directed to Cagsil for his comment ...
"All I can do is judge the action taken, because it does no good to judge the person themselves, because they are no different than I am".
This sounded very christian of him.
I meant no ill will at you or cagsil.
That's okay. I was the one that misread you comment, jemami
When was the last time you saw a professed Christian write something with a smile at the end of it? You know they never joke about their beliefs. Apparently it is not allowed to smile when talking about the "God" thing.
Oh, don't be cross. It is something I noticed in the forums that I found interesting. If you look at the post, the ones fighting for religion do not usually smile.
Whitkat, It doesn't mean a christian is not smiling when they don't post a smiley face. I love smiling. When I think about how great God is, I can't help but smile. Actually, I been thinking about posting smileys every once in a while.
Hey WOC, How come they don't post the smiley for the world to see. I enjoy conversing more with people who have a smile. On the forums
we do not get to see people's facial expressions to see if they are mad, sad, happy, friendly, etc. At the moment, I feel like I am talking to your sandals.
Hey Whikat, don't worry about that....she is most likely looking down upon you for the pedestal/perch given to her by her god.
Whitka, I don't know the reason why everyone doesn't post smileys. I don't want you to feel like you are talking to my sandals.
Hi Cagsil, You have me all wrong. I don't look down on anyone.
Whitkat. Christians are allowed to smile. I'm not sure what type of Christians you deal with or been around. I just haven't put a smiley face at the end of my sentences. However, that doesn't mean that I wasn't smiling when I made my statement. I'm not always serious.
Hey Terryd,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, I know Christians are allowed to smile, I just wonder why they never do on the forums? I am very glad to hear that you smile.
Whikat, you got jokes Most Christians I bump into on here are serious. I'll give you that. And when reading their wok at times, it seems as if that are beating Christ down your throat. But, that's not what Christ did. Anytime Jesus spoke to people, whether it be the disciples, or the people who followed , Christ spoke to them with love and compassion, which I hate to say,but some Christians have lost those attributes when spreading the Gospel
Hey Terryd,
I appreciate the smiles and also appreciate not having Christ beaten down my throat. I was raised a "Christian" and went to a "Christian" college. That is when I made my personal choice not to be a "Christian" I am not religious about anything except loving my kids, family, and friends. I still believe that I have that in common with believers as well as non-believers.
It is nice to meet you TerryD, and the smile looks good on you.
Hey it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can continue to talk. But I was serious about checking out wretchedradio.com. This dude, Todd Freil.... You talk about sounding sarcastic?! But he is on point. Just know I'm here for you in case you want to spark a topic. I'm sorry to hear you fell way from te faith. I was at that same point one time in my life. As a Matter of Fact, it wasn't to long ago. But it wasn't the Church I go to or anything like that, that brought me back to Christ. It was reading God's Word and listening to sermons from great preachers like Paul Washer, John Piper, John McArthur, and Tony Evens. Check them out sometime.
It was a pleasure for me also. You have a good heart. I will check out wretchedradio.com if it is funny. I enjoy funny. Anyway, looking forward to seeing you in the forums. Although, I am not sorry that I am not a believer. I respect people based on how they treat others, not based on what their beliefs are. I see a sincere and kind heart in you. Goodnight new friend.
Cagsil, There is a difference in being "religious" and be a Christian. I am religious in the fact that I get up every morning to go to work for a paycheck every two weeks. I'm religious in the fact that I take a shower every morning and evening because I don't like being dirty. I could keep going. I'm a Christian because I'm a follower of Christ and his teachings. I am a Christian because Christ gave His life and rose again so that we can be reunited with Him. If you read the bible, Jesus spoke against religion and the religious........... i would finish my statement but my son is pieing for my attention.
Cagsil, here's my finishing statement.
A true Christian is a person who has put faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, including His death on the cross as payment for sins and His resurrection on the third day. John 1:12 tells us, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” The mark of a true Christian is love for others and obedience to God’s Word (1 John 2:4, 10). A true Christian is indeed a child of God, a part of God’s true family, and one who has been given new life in Jesus Christ.
In this statement, and I'll say this with humility and lowliness, This is what a true Christian is. It took me 11 years to figure this out. I'm here to give info and make friends. If you don't agree with me, I understand. However, I stand firm on my Faith in Christ and will share God's Word wherever I go. I do invite you guys to read a book called "Tortured For Christ"
This is the link:
http://etools.781net.com/a/tfc/bg_vomtf … 309_r.html
The book is free and I hope that you read the book with an open-mind.
More junk. Thank you for nothing.
My mind doesn't close, like the average religious folk. Sorry, bark up another tree...one with reachable branches.
Wow cagsil, I didn't know that people who were raped and murdered because they were Christians was nothing but "more junk". Ouch! I recommended the book because I felt it was away to understand the Christian faith. But wow. All I can say is wow! And by the way, If I didn't mention this before i will now. I'm not religious. As I explained earlier, there is a difference in being religious and being a Christian. Many people claim Christianity but are more religious than anything else.
as I mention earlier, A true Christian is a person who has put faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, including His death on the cross as payment for sins and His resurrection on the third day. John 1:12 tells us, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” The mark of a true Christian is love for others and obedience to God’s Word (1 John 2:4, 10). A true Christian is indeed a child of God, a part of God’s true family, and one who has been given new life in Jesus Christ.
"A true Christian is a person who has put faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ"
- Muslims do believe in Christ & in his actions too, but does that make them Christians? I dont think so. Because they also believe there were a series of saviors like Christ & Muhammad was the greatest among them.
Its not only Muslims, there are different segments of world religion who believe in Christ but possess a different point of view about his teachings i.e. If I am not mistaking - Cagsil himself has a different view of Christ & of Christ's teachings in a positive way. Does that make him a True Christian?
So you see your definition of 'A True Christian' is vague, to some extent flawed & obsolete in the present context. One needs to come up with a better definition first.
Actually, my definition of a true Christian is not vague at all. Your right. Muslims do believe in a Jesus. The Jesus of the Muslims and the Jesus of the Christians are not the same. Jesus of the Bible, was different from any other man. Not once during His earthly life did He sin against God or man. Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, every other human has been born a sinner. Although Jesus was fully human, He didn’t inherit Adam’s sin nature and guilt because Jesus was born of a virgin by the power of God.
Not even the devil’s direct temptation could cause Jesus to sin. Jesus Himself said, “Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me?” (John 8:46). Read the Word of God and believe that Jesus is the only perfect Man.
I was counting on it. Everyone starts with a definition where a true Christian only needs to believe in Christ but it always ends up with a definition where a Christian needs to believe in a Christ defined by Bible!
You see, a missing component of your definition is 'Bible'. Because you are not ready to accept other sources & What you accept as the word of God, is not even considered a reliable source by others. Your claim of Jesus being 'the only perfect man' is a judgmental bias just like Muslims do with Muhammad being 'the Greatest man ever'. All religion has its greatest just like Jesus & all religions has its word of God, making you just one of them & no different. What you failed to understand is your definition was truly vague, cause without the component 'Bible', it would accept Muslims or persons like Cagsil as Christians too.
From your point of view: " A true Christian needs to believe in the person Christ & in his works, defined by & according to Bible" - would have been an appropriate definition. But from a neutral perspective, it still would have been biased & flawed.
Thank you for your reply. This is more help than I expected to get.
Those who are least qualified always jump in. Sorry. The head office knows, and we are taking care of that. You see, God sees from every eye. Hears from every ear, speaks from every mouth. Why do you think they call him GOD?
I guess your referring to me as least qualified? just want to know.
god judges, yes. Christians access. When god judges he lays down a sentence via a verdict as in a court of law. When christians judge we assess situations and expose them or rebuke them but we have no power to pass a verdict or sentence.
we are told to know a person by their actions. Does this not speak of assessing a situation?
there is a difference. I hope i conveyed it clearly as my cat has impeded the use of my right arm by sleeping on me again.
Hypocrisy. Dis-ingenuousness of faith. Stupidity. Sh*t stirring. Slightly veiled hatred. Your pick
Well how do ya do Cagsy?
Always glad to give ya a laugh
I'm doing well Kirsten. Always a pleasure to see you, because you make me laugh all the time. I hope you're doing well too.
I am well today, been a foggy day tho! It was totally weird but fun to go for a walk in. I don't think the fog lifted all day. Glad I was able to stay in save for my daily walk (I cannot stay in all day, I would go more mad then I already am )
I don't have fog here, but I do go for daily walks, just to get out of the house.
I love my walks. Today I found a pair of trousers that are just my size, high quality (I know the store and they ain't cheep) in pristine condition and out for recycling! I nabbed 'em! They even smelt freshly washed but where in a recycling box (it's recycling day today) like they were there just for me.
The perks of walking outside- Free Clothes? Who knew..
It is not the first time! I have even found money before on my walks. This is a posh area tho so it doesn't seem surprising.
Hey Kirsten, I find money all the time. I walked over to my local coffee place and in the parking lot found a $50 bill. It's the most I found in one shot. Yesterday, I walked over to my local store and found $1.10 on the ground in parking lot.
Here is the assumptive rude and yes some may consider arrogant part of what you said.
"I am a Christian because Christ gave His life and rose again so that (WE) can be reunited with Him."
There is no "we" in your belief and I object to it being inclusive.
Earnestshub. I'm truly sorry if I wasn't clear with that part of the sentence. When I said WE, I was referring to human beings. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, the whoever believes in Him (Jesus Christ) will not perish but have everlasting life. In other words, God became man in the form of Jesus Christ and was willing to die the worse possible death, to pay for the sins we committed against him. He (Jesus Christ) died so we can united with Him! By willingly dying on the cross, he provided a way for us (human beings) to have a relationship with God. God has provided a way to escape death from sin through Christ. I know you don't agree or much less care about what Jesus did. But at some point you will and understand.
I will apologize if I come off as rude or arrogant. IF you get to know me and who I am, you would know being rude and arrogant is not my style.
CLUES EVERYWHERE! Only those who perceive beyond this half-truth we call reality have the eyes to see, which gives them ears to hear. God sees from every eye, God hears from every ear, God speaks from every mouth. God knows your thoughts, because that is the Temple. Hint. Not stupid. Just blind and deaf. Too bad there wasn't a mute button. I'll have to bring that up at Judgement Day.
Dave, That mute button would have to be multi-functional. And yes, God know everything about everyone who have ever lived, still living, or dead. He knows every thought, every move you make, everything! So imagine God was able to gather your family and friends and place your thoughts on a dvd or blu-ray (everybody like HD quality movies) and played it for your family and friends to see. I don't think that would be comfortable for you or them. Get to see your every thought, whether good or bad. They get to see all the desires of your heart. they get to see everything. I mean everything. How would that make you feel. For me, I would be upset and embarrassed. This sounds more like a horror film to me than any scary flick.
You only need one person's forgiveness. You. If you think that you have never wronged anyone, then, obviously, you know nothing.
If God made it the easy, then we wouldn't need His forgiveness and Christ died and rose for nothing. Because of our own righteousness, we determine who we have wronged and based on our own righteousness, we chose what is forgivable. But it's not that easy Dave. Christ say that no one is good but the God. Our righteousness isn't good enough.
Thank of it this way. Have you ever lied? ever stolen something, even if it didn't have any value? This one got me good. Jesus Said that it was said of old, Do not commit adultery. But, I say to you if you look at someone with lust, you have already committed adultery in your heart. Have you look at someone with lust? Have you use God's name in vein? Have you told someone you hate them? The Bible teaches if you hate your neighbor, you committed murder in your heart. I only mention as least 4 of the 10 commandments. if you said yes to any of these, then by your own admission, you're a lying, thieving, adulterer, and murderer at heart
Did you know the Bible teaches that if you break one commandment, you break them all?
The bible also teaches that all liers, murderers, adulterers, thieves, will have their place in the lake of fire?
If God judge you base off the 10 commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? You would be guilty of braking God's Law and based on that you would end up in hell.
I don't want you to end up in hell. Hell was not built for us but for Lucifer now called Satan and the angels that followed him.
But God made a way of escape through the shedding of the blood of Christ. All the good deeds in the world will not save you from hell. God doesn't judge you by your good works. A Murderer can tell a judge of all the good deeds he had done while on the run but that judge still have to convict him of his crime and place a sentence on him for his consequence. The same with God. Our sentence is death.
The Bible says the wages of sin is death but the Gift of God is eternal life. The gift of eternal life the through Christ. plain and simple. And you can achieve that by placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and read your bible everyday.
You just did exactly the same thing again! So you did not include me as a human being?????
Assumptions. Leave me out of it OK?
Not assumptions you egotistical hind quarter. A Koala has more on the ball than you. Aborigine have thousands of DIALECTS. Not languages. How could you live there and not know the first thing about them. To you, they are probably dirty little buggers.
Now that is an assumption. See the diff?
Well, for one, I didn't make any assumptions. And, you are human, right? I mean you were born from your mother's womb? so yes, you are included. I could have made personal and say Christ die for you, which he did. But, I thought I would reply by including everybody in the conversation. I was trying to be thoughtful of everyone else, including you.
"But at some point you will and understand."
You mean believe the same myth you do? If you read your post you will see the exclusion. Freudian slip perhaps?
As I said assumptive!
earn I wish it was a myth. Seeing the things I've seem as a kid on up to the current age I'm at now, The God of the Bible is anything but a myth. A personal Creator exists. Moreover, this Being who created everything mirrors the God described in the Bible quite well as evidenced by what one can infer just from the fact of creation alone:
• He must be supernatural in nature (as He created time and space).
• He must be powerful (incredibly).
• He must be eternal (self-existent, because there is no infinite regress of causes).
• He must be omnipresent (He created space and is not limited by it).
• He must be timeless and changeless (He created time).
• He must be immaterial because He transcends space/physical.
• He must be personal (the impersonal can’t create personality).
• He must be necessary as everything else depends on Him.
• He must be infinite and singular as you cannot have two infinites.
• He must be diverse yet have unity as unity and diversity exist in nature.
• He must be intelligent (supremely). Only cognitive being can produce cognitive being.
• He must be purposeful as He deliberately created everything.
• He must be moral (no moral law can be had without a giver).
• He must be caring (or no moral laws would have been given).
The Judeo-Christian God perfectly fits this profile. The Bible is just as firm in its assertions about God and man. Psalm 14:1-3, for example, says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Fools who deny the existence of God are corrupt and vile, and so are their deeds. Because their understanding is also corrupt, “they do not seek after God.”
I'll leave it at that for tonight.I gotta work in the later today! I enjoyed chatting with you fellows and ladies.
And yet he remains a psychopathic murderer.
The only way "god" apparently knows how to deal with "unbelievers" and such is with primitive violence. Sure!
That makes sense! .
By the way, "creation" ideology is a long way from fact.
Proverbs 15:14 The dicerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds folly.
Actually, Evolution is far from fact. But that's for another subject in which you can take that issue up with Ken Ham and his website, http://www.answersingenesis.org.
Let me guess! Ham is a religionist right?
Yep. I checked out the link. A religious site, written by religionists that attempt to support religion. Geeze! What a surprise I didn't get!
Evolution is a scientific theory with all that entails, such as peer reviewed crossover scientific verification, millions of words, thousands of little pieces that make up a scientific theory. In other words, as close to the truth as we can get.
@Garrett Mickley
it has not to do with religion but with human nature..any human being which prescribes to certain belief set tries to defend,promote and judge on basis of that..
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