wise word:Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
I wonder why eschatologists and theologians in the united states like avoiding this topic?How can they allocate iraq to mystery babylon?just few preachers like jack van impe says the truth.There is a difference between the geographic babylon and the mystery babylon located in rev 17 and revelation 18,please to avoid serious resentments i plead with readers to read these passages and see which city it refers to.Even Rick Joiner the author of the final quest and the call of the morning starministeries stated on trinity broadcasting network that he had a dream where in a cabin he was shown parts of America and fire was coming out from different cabins he couldnt consume it,a voice said to him take your wife out you have no time.He added this"my dreams have been coming to pass" and he got that a year ago.He also prophesyed that osama bin laden will not be caught.
reference in bible to mystery babylon burnt with fire
Rev 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
Rev 18:18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
proof(statue of liberty=revelation 17:4)why are people so blind?
john 9:39 ...And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
..she said to herself i am a queen i need no help....
revelation 17:4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and covered with gold ornaments, precious stones, and pearls. In her hand she held a gold cup full of obscene and filthy things, the result of her immorality.
what city rules over the king of the earth?what city goes about to fight wars and liberate and makes the final say in making global strategic decisions?what city usually determine the economy of other nations as we know china will take over in six years to come according cnn news live two days ago.
revelation 17:18
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
what to do?
some of you will have to PLAN live some parts of America like dallas texas california and few other places including new york,some places like baltimore, philadelphia will be safe.I am very serious because destruction is coming soon time is running out and i didnt give the most accurate tribulation timeline ON MY HUB WHICH HAS BEEN REMOVED by the moderator DUE to its classified nature the basic beginning strarts this year but cant state the exact time because it is classified wouldnt want people to predict rapture because i now have understanding of 98% of the books of prophecies including my book daniel.Precious saints in all theses dont trust in chariots or horses and you will ask where cometh my help,for it comes from the lord.In daniel it says and many with understanding shall instruct many.Whoso readeth let him understand.
wise word:Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Economic collapse:who is the most indebted city?you know the answer revelation 18:16-17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,..
Lord Daniel. Think about it. This is crazy. Would we invest all that time and effort (and a small fortune. Demons don't come cheap) to put those chips in everyone's heads in order to ruin the dollar if we were simply going to burn the country down? Of course not.
YES I AM GETTING TO THIS STURBORN BUT GENTLE ATHEIST,MY HUB ON RFId chip(666)IS STILL DISTURBING YOUR MIND JUST ALLOW JESUS TO TAKE THE WHEELS FROM YOU, YOU WILL BE SAFE YOUR RUNNING OUT OF TIME.What u can do travel to south africa or nigeria those places will be safe ok,the new jerusalem is found there in Nigeria.i have been crucified spiritually there before,(a spiritual death) rev11:8 will help u to understand my identity better,as the lord of the earth,i am still lower in wisdom than jesus,but remember he is the only way.(get a bible,NLV WILL HELP.(NEW LIVING TRANSLATION),BYE
All I know is that this is a very interesting subject.The most powerful nation in the world shall be the Babylon of the end times. I think 2 or 3 is considered.One shall rise above the other,and one against the other until the victor is the Babylon.This represent the events and occurrences of the 4th of the 7Seals.
We don't know which....yet.But it is like a seed that is planted,...it shall grow by itself.
lord daniel, I also think this thread is interesting. CNN news are revealing some of the prophecies in the scriptures you have shared. I can't help but notice many true prophecies in the book of Revelations are happening in this world today.
Next time, try to put your posts in the correct category. Do not open another thread on this topic in another category. I've reported this thread to be moved to the correct category.
As for your post, you could probably find similarities in many aspects of today's day and age, with ancient times.
Thanks.Sometimes i take a wrong turn,i will learn as i go along.But first,i answered the question about Babylon.And you have to explain to me what is wrong with this title choice.
well just go and live in maryland,that is if living in california,sanfrancisco,dalla hollywood and parts of newyork,albani near newyork is safe,the bible,come out from babylon and be not partakers of her sins,remember i cant tell u to live america that could be prpostrious or ridiculous,just know this u have senn the tonadoes twistersand now the new ecoli virus,beware and be warned,everything i have said is coming to pass,and parts of america wouldnt be safe from 2012,according to rev it becomes habitation of devils and foul spirit read revelation from chapter17-19,bye
Rev.17:3 is the same description as the red dragon described in Rev. 12:3 who is identified as Satan or the devil.
The only difrence is that the dragon (Rev 12)has only seven crowns.
In Rev. 13:2 the Devil gives his power and his seat to this other beast
This other beast (C 13) has commonly been understood to be a False religion who persicutes and kills all that does not worship this religion.
The woman as described here in chapter 17 is said to be the "CITY" where the false religion resides.
How many cities in America was built upon a religion which persicutes the rightious Saints?
New York City does have the United Nations; but It does not persicute the rightious Saints.
So NO! I don't think that Mystery Babylon is located in America.
And this city will be settled upon seven hills or mountains (Depending upon interpretation)
Just saying what my bible is saying.
understand its sits upon many waters the 7heads are seven hills representing a new world order or the final world goverment.FORINSTANCE:A HORSE OR THE RIDER who controls its activities ofcourse its the rider,you can see that the woman sits upon the beast,therefore the woman controls the beast kapish!So newy york stock exchange controls monetary affairs and the wealth of nations if the dollar falls it affects all nations.Take for example the economic recession began with the plunge of the dollar.
Actually, the way it reads it's obvious the horse is a horse, of course. Of course. It's name was Mr. Ed. But Wilbur never rode him and, well, before the prophesy could be fulfilled the show got canceled. End times averted decades ago. At least, unless they do a remake. Keep an eye on ABC. I hear they're in touch with the dark forces.
Let's take a reality pill here:
I work in IT. Government IT systems never work properly. Requirements aren't properly defined, they hire expensive consultants and fritter away the budget, and what you get is a half baked system that is clunky and is a pain in the arse to the user. Governments are hopeless at implementing even small IT systems. They end up with hundreds of stove piped systems all doing similar things, none of which can talk to each other or be integrated. So a worldwide RFID system? Don't make me laugh.
World government. Impossible in the 21st century. America is no longer the great superpower, it is in decline. There is no military or economic superpower in existence capable of taking over the whole world. The Eurpoean Union experiment is falling badly because a mix of weak and strong economies just cannot operate under a single unified currency. The Euro is in big trouble with failing economies of Portugal, Ireland, and Greece needing billions in bail-out money from the EU, whilst Germany is booming. Germany needs interest rates to be raised, but the failing economies can't afford it. Now imagine a unified government across the world, trying to tie together the economies of America, China, Japan, Germany and the UK, with Somalia, Yemen, Bangladesh, Bolivia and North Korea.
A world government ruled by Satan. Mmm that contradicts the vision in Daniel of the rock cut from the mountain of God, that grows CONTINUALLY until the Kingdom of God covers the whole World and the World is full of the knowledge of God.
The term anti-Christ does not appear in Revelation at all and according to the Epistles of John it is a generic term for anyone who denies God has come in the flesh. There is NO WORLD ANTI-CHRIST ruler.
Whore of Babylon?? The description perfectly suits the Church, especially all the false prophets of Trinity Broadcasting that vomit into your living room.
Might I suggest Lord Daniel that you drop the unbiblical 'Left Behind Series' fantasies, drop the dispensationalist nonsense that was only invented in the 19th century, and study the Word of God for yourself.
well very interesting.My friend i daniel didnt u see the ten toes of the statue these represented the final world empire before the rock which is jesus came to crush it,what i am trying to tell youis that it willl not be a perfect world for the final man of sin b4 christ returns,there is a rapture so dont be deceived,or u will be left behind read thesallonians,bye.
The lower legs and feet of the statue represent the Roamn Empire of 2000years ago. The picture of iron and clay demonstrate a key difference in the Roman method of government compared to the former Empires. Those others would force migrate conquered peoples to get them to intermarry, resulting in a unified blended people. The Romans instead ruled by placing govenors to rule individual conquered peoples. They didn't mix them, hence part of their kingdom was strong, part was weak, and it wasn't mixed.
Significantly, Jesus is that rock, that came to smash the Roman empire by establishing God's Kingdom on Earth. It has been growing for the last 2000years.
Your ideas of secret rapture and tribulation were not invented until the 19th century. The tribulation happened between AD70 when Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and AD135 when Hadrian destroyed the state of Israel.
I have to tell you. I've always been fascinated with Jerami's posts about everything having already happened. Your post pulled it all together with Daniel. Great post. One of the problems I've always had with the church was the crazy, crazy prophecies of the end. If they could accept that sensible take on it and no great cataclysm is impending I can't imagine what a wonderful effect it might have.
The Church will not drop its End Times prophesies of doom because there is so much money to be made and too many egos to sustain.
Well, there needs to be loud voices sharing the message you and Jerami are. It's a good one.
The collective churches do not want the truth to come out about what humans really are!!! Which completely negates "The God Named Iesous" and reveals "The Collective Children of Creator".
What is being taught is some kind of surface icing truth, backed by the classic Greco-Roman pagan worship syndrome (less the slaughtering of bulls/goats, but certainly a lot of slaughtering of sheep --mentally, spiritually and at one time physicallly).
What still puzzles me is how they managed to unite Daniel's scripts with John's Letter of Revealing to form the Aleph-Tov "End Time" String Theory.
(ps, I really should get this workshop off the ground already.)
The collective churches all came out from the teachings of Paul, backed by Peter...read the gospels! Peter was clueless, and Paul murdered christians. Paul was directly responsible for usurping the church, and Peter was party to it, but, that is exactly what was supposed to happen. The conventional christians have been led down a side path. Separation, division. Jesus said "I come not to bring peace, but division and a sword!"
It's really not obvious to me what 'crimes' Paul is said to have committed against the truth by many posters on this forum. Some say his declarations on the Mosaic law contradicted Yeshua's. I don't think so.
Paul understood that the gentiles could never have the yoke of the law imposed upon them. Yeshua stated that not one jot would be removed from the law, and so He fulfilled it and carried the penalty on man's behalf for not fulfilling it. Once that job was done, Paul set about declaring the new freedom from the law. Easy pops.
Peter stood up and defended the Gentiles when some insisted they be circumcised and obey the law. He gave them just four rules to live by. Peter was therefore in agreement with Paul.
the Church did not go wrong with Peter or Paul, but by the institutionalised political church in Rome from the 2nd century.
I could reply in detail to everything you wrote DD, but there is no point in debating. The point is: there is no reason to have a group called Christianity, no reason to worship a Book nor a Man; no such End Time, 2nd Coming, Tribulation, Rapture, An Entity name Satan aka Lucifer, An Anti-Christ coming in the form of a single Human, nor the Micro-Chipping of 7.2 Billion Humans, just before a Battle to end All Battles : in a country the size of New Jersey, on a three mile long stretch of land --presently being used as a Palestinian Prison Camp & tourist attraction. etc etc etc.
The church only exists in those who ARE Faith, of Faith, live by and in Faith ---which is clearly and simply the manifestation of the Kingdom from within every human (the light; the seed of Creator; the glory as it is called). This is what Immanu El taught, showed, died for and proved upon Restoration. This is what humans are and were created to be. Everything else, is of ha-satan (the human mind-in-control trick).
hmm... like your views,its good to commune with u well daniel9:26 will explain better the messiah is to be cut off u need to read that and understand the 70th week of daniel also read rev17:10-18 u will understand that 5kings have fallen including rome but it is asiad one rules and one is still coming when he comes he will rule shortly remember it goes remember the one that was is no longer this is rome he is of the seventh and will come back as the eight use new living translation u will understand better.to understand prohecy u need to understand daniel ok,one more thing read daniel11,take care.
If the 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy began when the word went to rebuild the temple, and came to an end with the fulfillment of Jesus' ministry, how can you logically separate the 69th and 70th weeks by 2000 years?
The 62 weeks were fulfilled in 26, 30, or 33 AD.
The actual time of the crucifixion has been covered up over the past 2000 years. So we don't know which of these three are true.
The 69 weeks would mathmatically have been accomplished around 96 AD which coincides with Jesus giving John the Revelation.
The 70 weeks would have been accomplished around 104 AD.
Just because God said I am giving you 70 weeks to quit doing these things doesn't mean that he acts immediately upon the 70 weeks being accomplished. He waited until other time lines also are fulfilled.
Such as the "Little season" that the saints under the altr were told to wait.(Rev. 6:11)
A season is 13 weeks. A little season would be an amount of tims slightly less that 13 weeks.
A season would be approx 119 years.
119 years after 30 AD would bring us to approx 149 AD.
But it is writtn that this time period would be cut short.
Ok ... I'm done for a "Short Time"
Gotta go attack my Honey Do BOOK.
lord daniel WROTE ...understand the 70th week of daniel also read rev17:10-18 u will understand that 5kings have fallen including rome
= = =
Time frames of prophesy are most important ... without a definate timeline that the prophesy is to ocure within. the prophesy itself is meaningless. Ssooo why would God have a prophesy delivered IF no one can understand when they are to ocure?
This Chapter of the seventy weeks has all the answers contained within the message ... BUT ... the church never teaches it without misinterpreting it.
First verse ... in the first year of Darius (538 BC)
V23 ... At the beginning of thy supplication "THE COMMANDMENT CAME FORTH"
V25 Know thereore and understand, from the going forth of the commandment (to restore and to build Jerusamen) until Messiah the Prince shall be 69 weeks.
Babylon had destroyed the city and temple in 586BC.
In 538 BC; Cyrus says that the Lord has CHARGED him to build him an house in Jerusalem. Cyrus passes along this commandment to the Babylonians to free all the Hebrews that wanted to, to return to Jerusalen to rebuild it and the temple.
I don't how much clearier that it can be?
V26 basicaly says And 62 weeks shall pass before they kill the Messiah.
If Jesus is the Messiah, approx 568 of our years pass beore this prophesy is fulfilled.
Ssooo 62 weeks in prophesy has to be equal to approx 568 years! A week would be = to approx 9.13 of our years.
There are phrases such as a Time, Times and half a Time.
We loose the whole message when "Reader Friendly" versions of the bible change words such as " a short time" to read "for a little while" or any other such nonsence.
A "time" calculates as approx 480 years. A short time would be a little less than 480 years.
IF we read the prophesy with this concept in mind ....
We will come to a different place in our understanding of all of scripture than that which the church has brought us.
And that is a FACT! Whether it be true or false is up to the individual to decide. But this concept will definately bring us to a different place.
Is it worth your time to investigate?
What IF Gabriel delivered Gods Message exactly as intended?
What if Prophesy is not a mystery? Until we start Interpreting it to mean something else other than what is clearly written?
Is it worth investigating before we dismiss IT ?
Stands And Applauds!
Well Said, very well said on all points.
Billions still do not get "It".
But, that is changing, quickly.
Maybe this is why they are afraid (apprehensive?).
Recently watched a documentary on the Constantine Era, his scribes (which is the present compiled text) v. the Teachings of Immanu El and those recently found texts in Egypt of Thomas` writings. It was astounding, brilliantly presented.
Thanks James. Any idea if the documentary is on youtube?
This is part 1 of 6, I think regarding it.
The Lost 40 Days
This is a Fantastic BBC documentary:
The Lost Gospels
yes it gives more understanding some books where discarded form the main boooks of the bible keep learning.
The false religion could be money, which we all worship or we starve.
Never so much nonsense in one thread for a long time. Voices inside heads and a few dreams in the hands of a manipulative preacher or two and the world is your oyster I suppose.
My mother dreamed once about lot and some pottery so I was clearly going to win the lottery but somebody must have done gone and cheated cos my ticket didn't win.
Disappearinghead wrote ..
Your ideas of secret rapture and tribulation were not invented until the 19th century. The tribulation happened between AD70 when Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and AD135 when Hadrian destroyed the state of Israel.
= - = - = -
Exactly ... But I will add this ...
The four horsemen were sent down to the earth immediately after the crucifixion and has been rideing the earth ever sense. There is nothing in scripture that says they were called back, or that these things were going to happen for any specific period of time. They have been ongoing.
When the Angel proclamed "Who Is worthy..." AND ...
No one "ON" earth or "IN" heaven was worthy. Ask yourself; where was the Lamb of God?
He was in route from earth to Heaven. And as soon as He arived in heaven he immediately took the book and began opening the seals. This establishes a timeline for this series of prophesy to have begun.
From the time of the crucifixion the conditions continued to worsen until there was a great earthquake in divers places. In 62 AD a great earthquake erupted in the Meditarrian sea that destroyed Pompaii.
Smaller earthquakes became commonplace for the next 17 years. Pompaii was still under reconstruction when Mt. Vesuvius erupted.
This first earthquake in 62 AD signals the beginning of "Great tribulation".
So, you don't think it may have been the other way round, in which the paranoid delusionists were experiencing a lot of earthquakes and began writing about them as being the beginning of the end of the world?
Putting the cart before the horse, so to speak?
NO! Not at all. "The end of days" for "that" Hebrew Nation has been Misinterpreted .... It is not talking about the End of The World. for it is then written that there shall never be as great of a tribulation AGAIN , which implies that there will be other tribulations to come, but never so great.
There are 1000s and 1000s of false interpretations of one intended message.
Yes, I see that. Are you going to present all of them?
No ... But if you have any "Real" inquiries I will do my best to answer them as honestly as possible.
I will have to leave shortly and take care of todays business. But I have a little bit of time now.
What Jerami and others are saying is that the return of Jesus and all those so called end time prophesies that Lord Daniel and most of Christendom talk about these days, already happened nearly 2000 years ago. I have to say that I am increasingly sympathetic to this idea as I put aside all the stuff I was taught in church.
Thank you for clariying.
I believe that 99% of prophesy contained within the Old Testament was given to THAT Hebrew Nation that ceased to exist in 135-138 AD.
The book o Revelation is another matter.
The first seven seal judgments were fulfilled between the time of the crucifixion and the end of days for THAT Hebrew Nation that was scattered through out the Roman Empire.
The Trumpet and Vial judgments have been systomatically been coming into fulfillment ever sinse.
There are only two of them left to be fulfilled.
Seventh trumpet and
Seventh Vial
Just My opinion.
Disappearinghead wrote ..
Whore of Babylon?? The description perfectly suits the Church, especially all the false prophets of Trinity Broadcasting that vomit into your living room.
= - = - =
The church that Constantine built falsely interpreted the scriptures ... and perfectly fits the Hebrew definition of blasphemy.
No matter how hard we try to FIX false doctrine it remains tainted to some degree.
No one knows which part is tainted the worse until we clense our minds of all preconceived ideas as to what is written and begin all over again in our understanding.
I don't know if anyone, including my self, can compltely acheive this goal? But we should ALL try.
I have read the opening post many times trying to understand it.
I have surmised that the discussion on this thread pertains to this year's NHL playoffs, and the question is if any of the remaining teams are as good as the Toronto Maple Leafs (who did not qualify for post season play due to a unfortunate poor start to the season)
The only rational response is no... no they are not as good.
Yes, they are a better team for the sixth straight season in a row.
This season’s disappointing climax, falling short of the playoffs and ending up in the 10th spot in the East, was enough to crush the hopes of Leafs’ fans throughout Toronto. Meanwhile the team was optimistic and saw the light at the end of the tunnel for next season.
Toronto’s inability to reach the playoffs marks the franchise-record sixth straight season without making the trip to post-season.
http://www.torontoobserver.ca/2011/04/2 … son-recap/
This thread lost me on "heard another voice from heaven". It's not even 7:00 a.m where I am, and I don't even take well to this kind of stuff at 10:00 at night. (Think I'll go back and see if there's anything else funny, or any Biblical references, on that "marry-a-fat-woman" thread. )
Disappearinghead wrote ...
the Church did not go wrong with Peter or Paul, but by the institutionalised political church in Rome from the 2nd century.
= - = ---
People (Atheists) often raise he question as to the validity of the proofs of the existence of Jesus.
A similar question came to my mind.
Outside of the bible ... Is there any documentation talking about any of the disciples, Establishing their validity. especialy or Paul !
I'm too lazy to do all of that research.
And am honestly and open mindedly curious.
Is there any historical evidence of the existence of any of the disciples other than their own writtings.
How many disciples mentioned other disciples? Did any of the disciples mention Paul.
I simply do not recall.
"IF" ?? the Church Constantine built
Mystery Babylon is a city which sits where Satans seat has always been. At least that is what I understand scripture to be saying.
The beast as described in rev. 13 is a false religion, Satan gave it his seat of power then the beast builds a city there.
I a day in prophesy is as a Year then this beast was given power to blaspheme for 1200 years.
If 62 weeks is 568 years then 42 months is the same as approx 1650 years.
Either way 42 months is a really, really, really long time.
Or is a day just a day? And 42 months is just 42 months?
We can't have it both ways,
We need to make up our mind on this issue!
And where is the 'seat' of ha-satan? The mind of man.
I just think that "IF" anyone is to believe or attempt to believe that the prophesy of scripture has any truth what so ever; We SHOULD begin our understanding at the earliest possible place in scripture worthy of establishing a foundation.
Yes there is prophesy that goes back into Genesis.
But in order to make any sense of prophesy at all there has to be some kind of reference to a time that these prophesy is said to be fulfilled. Without some kind of reference to when these things are to be fulfilled, there is no purpose for them AT ALL.
I believe that Daniel chapter 9 gives us that information.
Verse one identifies the year that Gabriel gives this information to Daniel. The first year of Darius was 538 BC. Daniel then begins praying and making supplications.
When Gabriel is first seen coming near to Daniel, Gabriel proclaims, "I have come to give you skill and understanding".
"At the beginning of thy supplications, THE COMMANDMENT CAME FORTH"
From the going forth of the (THAT) commandment … unto Messiah the Prince shall be 69 weeks"
After 62 weeks they will kill the Messiah. Approx 568 years later they did!
I’m sorry folks I think that this message is too important for anyone to MIS interpret ; as if to change the entire message to mean something else other than thaw which is clearly written.
This is the first and only time that a timeline comparison is given between prophetic timelines and actual length of our time that prophesy is said to reach its fulfillment.
When we apply this equation to all of prophesy where a time frame is given before an event is to take place, all of the misinterpretations come crumbling down.
Why not at least try it?
You will find that there is no mystery; … the jig saw puzzle comes together quite nicely.
And makes a clear picture.
I gotta get up out o bed in 5 hrs. See Ya then
Here's a good place to start learning about the reinvention of Revelation. John Darby got the fever going in the 19th century, and we carry it on today.
Revelation is simply classic apocalyptic Hebrew literature, written to bring comfort to the suffering believers living under Roman persecution.
The End Is Near has been screamed for millenia.
Scream on.
Don't encourage them to scream on.
I'm really tired of the screaming. You'd think someone within the church might have put two and two together by now, but I guess it makes money; or, at the least, keeps the pews in the churches half full.
"The End" has been misinterpreted for millenia.
I am not disputing the truth or untruth of prophesy
All that I am saying is that what is actually written in scripture concerning prophesy is not what the churches has been teaching ever since today’s church was reinvented in 326 AD.
After so many centuries of these misinterpretations being imbedded into our brains, it is almost impossible to see past them and read what is actually written.
Our subconscious minds “Thinks it” already know what we are about to read before we even open the book.
Babylon signifies a lifestyle and mentality of the former sinful nature.
Please review the text carefully to understand it.
Many people are reading the book of Daniel and applying these prophesy to the modern world. It doesn't apply to the modern world.
These beasts described in Daniel are identified by the messenger. And three of them were identified by name; Babylon, Persia and Greece. The reason the Roman Empire wasn't also named is because at that time, Rome was little more than a small speck on the map. A tiny city that hardly anyone even knew existed.
All of the prophesy written in the book of Daniel are said to come to pass during the time of these four kingdoms that are to be given dominion over THAT Hebrew Nation that according to these prophesy will come to its END of Days.
"The Little Horn" is said to be a king belonging to the fourth kingdom. This king replaces three kings after the first ten. That would be the 14th king of the fourth kingdom.
The Roman Empire was that fourth kingdom. Hadrian was the 14th Emperor. Hadrian evacuated the entire Hebrew population, scattering the Hebrew Nation through out the rest of the Roman Empire. That Hebrew Nation came to their end of days exactly as these prophesy said that it would.
These prophesy WAS fulfilled 1873 years ago.
The Little Horn (Hadrian) came to his end (1873 years ago) and none shall help him (Daniel 11:45) And At That time, shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth or the children of thy people ..." (Daniel 12:1)
The great tribulation Jesus was describing began soon after his crucifixion.
The end of days as Jesus was describing in Matthew 24 was just over 100 years into the future when he described them.
To see this any other way is like saying WWI and WWII hasn't happened yet cause Nostradamus said these wars were future events and I believe him. The future hasn't happened yet ...Sooo these wars haven't happened yet.
Do you see the irony?
that sounds like a confession.
Imagine if that were written across your forehead.
A warning for all those that you meet.
"I Only See Fantasy and Contradiction".
Truer words have never been spoken
Lol, it would be better than having something like, " I'm too lazy to do all of that research" written across your forehead.
by Ruby Jean Richert 14 years ago
Can anyone explain the book of revelations? I am very confused when reading it.Thank You
by LewSethics 12 years ago
Would a world government put an end to national friction? A world government could help stabilize resources, so that religious concerns would no longer control the economies of non believers.
by lord elijah 13 years ago
hello readers these are for theologians so let this be noted.Obama is presenlty meeting with the G-8 leaders do this represent the seven kings includin the eight king which is of the seven read the bible clearly u dont have to crack your head itz right under your nose.Rev 17:10 And there are...
by Cindy Vine 7 years ago
How do you know you'll be one of those raptured and do you take your clothes with you?
by Brie Hoffman 10 years ago
What city is Babylon in the book of Revelation?
by David Steffy 4 months ago
I have started this thread specifically for CJ Sledgehammer, SwordofManticore, Lybrah, Disappearinghead, and anyone else who can respectfully examine the scriptures in the light of this day and have a Godly discussion with one another to help us understand the views of each other. God bless you and...
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