Are you atheist or follower for a religion?

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  1. sophia jia profile image59
    sophia jiaposted 13 years ago

    In the world, there are many religions. And they all declare holy functions of them, such as relief sorrow, realise your dream and many other strange things.

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Are you atheist or follower for a religion? Neither. I hold no belief whatsoever. I have understanding gained from knowledge and experience, which grants me to be my own authority.

    2. marwan asmar profile image67
      marwan asmarposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank God I am not an etheist, but a believer and a practicing Muslim who believes there has to be a sense of purpose to life.

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Not a personal target but a purpose of human life

  2. profile image0
    just_curiousposted 13 years ago

    I'm neither. The whole subject confuses me. I honestly think there is something more, but all religions have proven they're built on unprovable assumptions and a lot of hype. The only religion I know much about is Christianity, but they all look about the same to me.

    1. Jerami profile image60
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Can a person believe in the God of Abraham and that Jesus was the Messiah spoken of in the Old testament;  and yet Not be a Christian?

      1. profile image0
        just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I wouldn't know the answer to that one Jerami.

        What is the God of Abraham?  I've never believed in the concept of any god as described by Christianity, at large. I just assumed the information in the Bible was a piece of the whole puzzle. 

        I never thought the Christians had a corner on the market, or really any knowledge at all. I don't think anyone does anymore. We're all just yakking about stuff we think. No one knows anything.

        What is your definition of the nature of the Messiah? I don't know what it is.  I think Jesus had an incredibly valuable message, but it talks of a salvation for everyone.  Not just those who label themselves Christian. If it doesn't include everyone, I'm not interested.  It wouldn't be fair.

        Everybody's got something terrible wrong within that religion, and any religion that doesn't recognize the good in everyone.  There couldn't be a god as most theists describe it.  It makes no sense.  Why would something be so powerful and allow so many people to search in confusion and fight each other in the process? Why would it hand you a book like the Bible or the Quran that lets so many use it for evil? There's just too many questions.

      2. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        God of Abraham is the same Creator-God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.

  3. Jerami profile image60
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    What is the God of Abraham?
    =  -  =  -  = - =

    When Abraham accepted God ;  Abraham was wondering that exact same thing.  He probably just accepted this God to be a power greater than himself.    To him this voice that seemed to come from a burning bush said it was God and he accepted this. It seems that Abraham also accepted the instructions that he was given by this voice.

      Religion didn't come till much later.  Abraham wasn't religious I don't think.

    I've never believed in the concept of any god as described by Christianity, at large. I just assumed the information in the Bible was a piece of the whole puzzle. 

    = - = - =

       It seems to me that Christianity as a whole, has many different concepts of their God.  That concept isn't quite clear.
    I never thought the Christians had a corner on the market, or really any knowledge at all. I don't think anyone does anymore. We're all just yakking about stuff we think. No one knows anything.

    = - = - =

      I don't think anyone does either.   Simply because personal interpretation has taken over the stage.  To find the origional intent of the origional message is like finding a needle in a haystack.

    What is your definition of the nature of the Messiah?

    = - = - = -

       The term Messiah cound mean any saveior sent by God (I think) The Hebrews of the day considered Cyrus the Great as a messiah.

    = - = - = -

      I don't know what it is.  I think Jesus had an incredibly valuable message, but it talks of a salvation for everyone.  Not just those who label themselves Christian. If it doesn't include everyone, I'm not interested.  It wouldn't be fair.

    = - = - =

    Jesus taught the disciples and often multitudes. 
    It seems to me, that which is represented in the bible could not be 1% of the message taught to the disciples over a 3 1/3 year course.  I'd like to hear the other 99%.   
      I kinda think that Constantine and the church that he built left out all of the really good stuff that would have done the most good.

       Why would they do that?
         Everybody's got something terrible wrong within that religion, and any religion that doesn't recognize the good in everyone.  There couldn't be a god as most theists describe it.  It makes no sense.  Why would something be so powerful and allow so many people to search in confusion and fight each other in the process? Why would it hand you a book like the Bible or the Quran that lets so many use it for evil? There's just too many questions.
    = - = - = - = -

       "IF"  organized religion as Constantine constructed is the beast that rose up out of the sea in chapter 13;  that would answer most of those questions, wouldn't it.

       A truth only has to be adulterated a little bit in order to lead everyone astray.

    1. profile image0
      just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's a good post jerami.  Except for the burning bush part. I think that was Moses.  But Abraham is a good example.  A stand up guy when he went to war to help his neighbor, sneaky when he said his wife was his sister and got the king in trouble, badgering God when he didn't want Lot killed. I always liked the story of Abraham. But, like you said, Abraham wasn't represented as being religious and now you've got three religions fighting over who's got dibs on being the favored child.

      And I think you're right.  Finding the original intent is the piece of the puzzle.  Christianity is off course. You detailed it perfectly in your post. 
      But nobody within the organization cares.  They've tossed out the only meaningful part of the message.

      I don't think it matters what you call yourself.  You just have to do what you think is right and whatever lies beyond will work itself out. Or not, but if it doesn't work fairly for all I wouldn't want a part of it anyway.

      But, I've always known I'd honestly rather be damned then agree with the church and be right. I've always thought the church was crazy and I just keep thinking that more strongly every time I sign on to this site. With the exception of you and a few others, of course. I think you've got the good heart I assumed a Christian was supposed to have.

    2. Rochelle Frank profile image90
      Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It was Moses who got the word from the burning bush... does it say that Abraham saw it too?

      1. Jerami profile image60
        Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ok  Moses  Got it ...   at least for a little while

        My sometimers disease been getting to me more and more as the days pass by.

          wonder how long before it become alltimers

        1. Rochelle Frank profile image90
          Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's OK. Now, how many animals of each type did Moses take on the ark? smile

      2. profile image0
        just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Nah. Abraham saw the singing bush. Or was that the Three Amigos? I forget.

  4. earnestshub profile image71
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    I agree with the last sentence Jeremy, smile " A truth only has to be adulterated a little bit in order to lead everyone astray."

    Unfortunately handing one's life over to an "ism" is the biggest adulteration, and sure to lead people astray. smile

    1. Jerami profile image60
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This thought comes to mind.

         For me to hear a voice coming from a burning bush is truth to me.

         For you to live your life according to what you imagine that the bush said to me  can become an ism ?????

         That wasn't thought out.

         The point I was making (before)is that just because a dead rat fell into the babys bathwater ;  we shouldn't throw the baby away.

  5. earnestshub profile image71
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    Sorry Jerami, but I can't follow any logical sequence in your post.

    I know that is not unusual, but I must be missing something here as well. smile

    1. Jerami profile image60
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No problem   was just  agreeing with Ya  "sortA"   to a point.

      1. earnestshub profile image71
        earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        OK. smile

  6. Jerami profile image60
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    It seems like I have so much to say and no words to express it correctly.
        Life is Ssooo complicated.
        Prophesy;  Why was it given?
        What good is it if no one nows when these prophesy is to come to pass?  It would be like God telling me to buy or sell a certin stock on wallstreet.  should I buy or sell it tomorrow or next year or in ten years?
        Without knowing a time frame to buy or sell, the information is useless.
        The same is true concerning those things that was prophesied to come true at some time in the future.

       If prophesy in the bible are from God ?   He would not have left out the most important information, such as WHEN.

       This is the key which is necessary in understanding all of scripture.  WHEN will these things be. 

       That is what the disciples asked Jesus; "when shall these things be?"
       And Jesus answered them; "THIS  generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled"  but no one knows what day or hour.

        Interpreting these words to mean something other than what Jesus said is where religion made a sharp left turn.
        And a mystery was created.

       The key to unlocking the mystery of prophesy is to understand the time line comparison between prophetic time and earthly time.

        In 538 BC Gabriel told Daniel that in 62 weeks the Messiah will be killed. 568 years later they killed him.
         This is not hard to understand.
         If we want this to be a mystery? we have to interpret this to mean something other than what it clearly says.

        These mysteries are what "The organization" was built upon.
        In 96 AD John wrote that this orginization will rise up out of the sea.

        The church teaches that this orginization that John spoke of hasn't come to power yet.
        When will it happen ?    It is a mystery.

  7. Jerami profile image60
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    we can change just a few facts in most any story and it will become a mystery.

  8. mtariqsattar profile image77
    mtariqsattarposted 13 years ago

    I will agree with you marwan this life has to be purposefully spent.


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