I'm beginning to wonder if Christianity itself is a cult!

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  1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years ago

    You guys - I posted this in the Questions section, but because it turned into a full-blown discussion, HubPagers advised me to move it to Forums.  Here it is:

    "Cult" is defined as a system of beliefs that doesn't work, but people cling to it because they fear "eternal hell" if they admit it and quit. The Bible promised me if I accepted Christ, I would become a new creature, but I have not. Also, it makes no sense a benevolent God would allow so many atrocities. If I subjected my kids to this, I would be considered abusive, even unfit. Yes, Christianity has helped people with aggression and addiction problems. Still, it's not a cure-all. Yet, if I consider other religions, I'd be condemned to hell. This sounds like a cult to me!

    Below are the responses people have posted so far:

    1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ChristinS says
      As with anything, I think it's unfair to paint any group with a broad brush. I don't like it when people do so to agnostics/atheists like myself. I don't find it right to do it to Christians either. With every group, you have your bad apples, but most Christians I know are very down to earth, humble people who are simply living the best way they know how. Some do find their faith a comfort and I have no problem with that. There are some radical fundamentalist types - those are the ones I think you are actually referring to, we truly believe that everyone who doesn't think like them is going to hell. Is it annoying? yes, but more, it makes me feel sorry that they have such a fear-based belief about life.

      Many of the tenets of Christian spirituality (not dogma) are quite lovely. "Love thy neighbor" for example - nothing wrong with that. There is a lot of love and peace taught in Christianity and it benefits those who don't twist it or use it for their own selfish egoistic needs.
      It isn't what I personally choose to believe, but I can't and won't fault everyone who does embrace Christianity. I will extend them the same respect that I would like to have extended to me.
      I do the same for people of any group. If we judge people broadly, we don't solve the world's problems, we simply create more division and suffering.
      2 weeks ago

      Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
      Thanks for your open-minded answer. All religions have some good in them, and they're all after the same thing; peace on Earth, and how to best live in this world. Yet, none have ALL the answers. The conviction that they do is what makes a cult.

      jonnycomelately 13 days ago
      ++++ !!!!!
      gmwilliams 4 days ago
      Excellent synopsis of the question, ChristinS.

      1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        PlanksandNails says
        The term "Christianity" is something that is thrown around and could mean multiple things to different people, such as a "cult" through bad experiences they may have had. Cults use fear tactics to control their members.
        Someone who considers something "abusive" would have to describe what kind of "abuse" is happening as many people have differing opinions on what constitutes abuse. Usually, our governing laws specify what illegal abuses are.
        A true Christian will have the desire to apply appropriate doctrine in the proper context of God's Word. Unfortunately, the misapplication of Scripture out of context this has led to many cults.
        ("...it makes no sense a benevolent God would allow so many atrocities.")
        The free-will God has given us the potential to do both good and evil.
        2 weeks ago

        Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
        How much free will do the victims in Syria have???!!!

        PlanksandNails 2 weeks ago
        The victims in Syria, among many others, are the results and potential of man's free-will to do evil. The potential for both good and evil is evident in our reality and the impact it has on others.
        jonnycomelately 13 days ago
        I suggest "spiritual insight" might be perceived as "super human," and "dogma" as "simply human."

        1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
          Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          CalebSparks says
          Your "question" is almost laughable. I've checked three different dictionaries on the word "cult" and not one of them mentions "beliefs that don't work" or "eternal hell." Looks like someone's desperately cherry picking...
          2 weeks ago
          Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
          A popular definition is any system of belief you disagree with, especially if it has a small number of followers. Yet one thing all notorious cults have in common is a system of beliefs that don't work, yet members cling to it because they fear hell.

          gmwilliams 3 days ago
          Say Yes To Life, you are right. Religion is a cult to many people. Many people believe in religion because of fear of family/societal ostracization and fear of hell. Many people go thru the motions of their religion;they DON'T actually believe in it!
          Cordelia Bay says
          I guess anything can be made out to be a cult. In the matter of becoming a new creature "creation" if you accepted Christ....refers to your Spirit being and can only become present in the physical realm if your choices lead you to become a better you instead of remaining in your old habits and choices. Old things become new with a bit of renovation, restoration, fixing up, removing old stains, fixing gaps, holes, thoughts, ideas and making new choices. It is the motivation of most today to find fault in everything around them....rather than taking a look at one's self. The true concern is the thoughts that have you wondering about your faith and choices.
          2 weeks ago
          Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
          It's true that our choices is ultimately what makes us new creatures. In my case, no Voice booming out of the sky directed me to make better choices; I had to figure that out for myself, somehow. I'm still figuring!

          1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
            Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            JThomp42 says
            First of all, I can understand why you would think some Christian churches are an occult. The people get so wrapped up into the preacher that they start worshiping him instead of Christ, the reason for them being there in the first place. This is 'ORGANIZED" religion and I cannot understand this premise myself.
            This is why I considered myself a spiritual person saved by the grace of God through the blood of his son Jesus Christ. Do I follow what man tells me what I should and should not do? No. I read the Bible and figure it out for myself. This is where people get into trouble my friend. When they start believing that every word a man says is true instead of researching it for themselves.
            Take snake handlers for instance. Are they an occult? I do believe so. Brainwashed by one verse in the Bible. One verse that they say if they do not trust God while handling snakes that they will go to hell. One verse that has killed many. Yes, preachers of such ignorance can go too far.
            The Bible must be read with prayer for understanding and conceiving the truth as well as common sense.
            2 weeks ago
            Rayne123 2 weeks ago
            You know I have not read that scripture about snakes in the bible. can you please let me know what verse it is in, thanks

            Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
            Rayne123 - the verse is Mark 16:18. JThomp42 - I recently wrote a detailed letter to my former minister in Seattle about why I had to leave. I may have freaked him out. It's one of those "why" questions; apparently, the Bible doesn't have an answer.

            Rayne123 13 days ago
            really, wow I will check out that scripture thanks, but not sure I get that whole verse, you really have to read what is beside it and understand it.

            JThomp42 13 days ago
            Rayne.. In these verses Jesus is talking about what his disciples will be able to do. These are the verses that the "snake handlers" quote for their reasons to do this. Mark 16:15-18

            Rayne123 13 days ago
            Yes I read it now, thanks, so some are saying that if they handle snakes any way that even could be dangerous , and believe God will save them, they are fooling themselves and therefore use this for a reason to justify why they do not believe in God.

            1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
              Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              aliasis says
              Cults are basically new, relatively small and radical religions or beliefs. Because Christianity is such a huge religion and has been around for two thousand years, it in and of itself would not academically be called a cult - however, two thousand years ago when Christianity was just budding and its followers went against a long-accepted norm, and often were radical (throwing themselves to be martyred, preaching something that was ridiculous for the time) - it WOULD have been called a cult. (Academic essays on that time will actually refer to the Cult of Jesus)
              So, history, large number of followers in addition to radical beliefs are what traditionally divide cult from religion. Not that I don't think a lot of stuff in the Bible is radical and a lot of beliefs are dangerous (as you said, going to hell if you don't believe, etc) but most scholars would differentiate religion from cult in that way. Of course, sects of Christianity could still be cults today - Westboro Baptist Church, for example. Especially when the "religious group" denies members a way to escape, and has one central leader that is psychologically damaging.
              13 days ago

              Say Yes To Life 13 days ago
              Apparently people in different denominations are taught varying degrees of loyalty to the Bible and Christianity. I was raised NEVER to question either one. If things don't work out, it's my fault, no matter what. That's why I'm in trouble today
              WiccanSage says
              Actually, I don't know where you got that definition, but that's not the definition of a cult. Sociologically speaking a cult is a religion. That's where the word originated. And it doesn't imply whether it works or not or whether it's good or bad or anything.
              When you're talking about "destructive mind-control cults", there are certain criteria to meet-- which has nothing to do with a religion working or not (spiritually speaking). It has to do with things like charismatic leaders who manipulate you into giving up your possessions, money, friends/family, serving them by earning money or converts for them, etc.
              Christianity in itself (as an umbrella term) does not meet the criteria for a destructive cult, and most denominations or churches do not meet the criteria.
              Most cults, though (something like 70% last I looked), are Christian in nature.
              12 days ago

              Sri T 11 days ago
              You have just described every Christian mega-church in America. Everything you said is what they are doing.

              Say Yes To Life 9 days ago
              WiccanSage - I agree that Christianity is mostly a positive force. I'm currently having a problem with them demanding acceptance of the Bible as being Absolute Truth. I'm finding too many discrepancies in it, regarding my life.

              WiccanSage 8 days ago
              Sri T, I agree the fundamentalist mega churches are dangerously close to mind-control cults, but most Christian churches are still small but well meaning organizations.
              Say yes, I don't find truth in the Bible but not all Christians force it on us.

              gmwilliams 4 days ago
              Intelligently analytical response.

              1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
                Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Ann810 says
                Christianity is free-will, loving one another, unity, positive thinking, meditating on the Holy Bible, prayer, being thankful, forgiveness, Spiritual strengthening, growth, fellowship, commandments, and more. (again free-will)
                13 days ago

                Say Yes To Life 13 days ago
                Yes, Christianity teaches a lot of positive things. They also teach some negative things, too. I still believe it is mostly good; it just errs grossly when it teaches it is perfect, and the Only Way.

                1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
                  Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Rayne123 says
                  I am not sure what exactly you are trying to say, however a cult is quite different.
                  A cult is usually someone/people trying to be Jesus like or say they come preaching the word of God.
                  These people usually have "kept" people in their homes. Whether they are beautiful or run down, everyone stays at the same place and follows the same set of rules.
                  I have watched one in particular on utube (forget the name at the moment) and it seems like heaven, the place was beautiful, everyone seemed happy, they walked around a beautiful garden when they wanted. They actually had some reporter spend a few days there to check it out.
                  Most people interviewed loved it. They also believed that this guy comes with the word of God. When he spoke at the park they turned off the cameras.
                  He was interviewed though and seemed highly intelligent for the most part.
                  He dressed and looked or resembled Jesus in some ways.The thing is we really do not know what goes on when the cameras are off or behind closed doors.
                  As for the Christian life, you have free will and you can or can not follow the "word of God"/bible which merely states for us to be kind and love, thats it.
                  yes their are punishments and yes God will do what he likes, I do believe these natural disasters are in the hands of God. However to rebuild something back to good you must first take it down.
                  In no way does God make you do things you do not want or live with a bunch of people when you do not want to.
                  I am not sure how much more I can explain what I mean but this is my opinion, doesnt mean I am right.
                  God will give you riches and love if you allow him whereas a cult will not.
                  Look at Charles Manson, he was loved by many and actually was a guitarist and singer. He seemed to love and treat all the woman very well. However they were all brainwashed until one woman finally realized what really was going on.
                  So when cults believe that the person they are worshiping has come in the word of God, that is just nonsense as we all know that a few select of us are not going to be the only ones seeing and hearing the world of God.
                  If/and when he comes back every eye will see him and we will know its real.
                  2 weeks ago

                  Say Yes To Life 2 weeks ago
                  I saw the video. Yes, it looks like a wonderful community, but that's just the face they present to people; behind closed doors is another story. "Cult", however is a state of mind; most don't involve isolated compounds.

                  Rayne123 13 days ago
                  Yes you put in much better words than I do, thanks

                  1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
                    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    AK Chenoweth says
                    A cult forces you to believe in a creed or set of rules, Christianity 'recommends' a set of guidelines to benefit your life. Like everything in life, it depends on one's viewpoint and if one find the 'rules'either liberating or restrictive. How you live your life is ultimately between you and God and how we live our lives does affect others...in the Bible it says 'Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constuctive' 1Cor 10:23 I wish you well.
                    3 days ago

    2. Titen-Sxull profile image69
      Titen-Sxullposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Certainly when it began Christianity was a cult but cults that turn mainstream and catch on with wide groups of people are called religions. As someone above me already stated that's really the only difference between the two. I've seen a lot of people make fun of scientology when they learn some of the ridiculous things they believe at high levels of Scientology. They laugh and call it an obviously manmade cult... but then when you say the same things about Christianity you are usually fed a long list of excuses for why the comparison doesn't work.

      Often times people hide behind the comfort Christianity offers people or the good works that many churches and Christian charities do. But those things alone don't absolve something from being a cult. Or people claim that its antiquity and longevity mean there must be some kernel of truth buried at its center.

      Christianity is a death-cult built around a martyr, his death is celebrated despite his innocence and the device he was tortured with is a symbol of their religion. Many sects perform a ritual where they pretend to eat his flesh and drink his blood and sing songs about being washed in it. If you strip away all the force-fed social acceptability Christianity is pretty damn creepy to be honest.

      1. JMcFarland profile image68
        JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        Even though I have several close friends (arguably one of my BEST FRIENDS) who are Catholic, I find your point to be especially true about Catholicism, which believes that the wafer and wine to LITERALLY turn into the body and blood of Christ at the moment it is blessed by the priest and then they eat it.

        I think Christians would have a huge problem with a new cult/religion arsing that worshiped someone executed by electric chair, and the followers wore a little silver/gold electric chair or light switch around their necks.  A cross was a brutal, horrific torture tool.  I don't understand why they wear a cross - not an empty tomb.  I've asked many times, but I've never really gotten an answer.

        1. Titen-Sxull profile image69
          Titen-Sxullposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Let's not forget that the cross is a relatively simple symbol AND one that was used a great deal in the ancient world. It is possible that early Christians merely re-purposed the symbol for their own use though the fact that many crucifixes actually have a tiny Jesus on them has always perplexed me.

          It's also entirely possible that the empty tomb couldn't have been a symbol because the earliest Christians believed in a spiritual Jesus, not a bodily one. Some scholars who study the works of the Apostle Paul, which are the earliest known Christian writings, think the crucifixion was a symbolic one and that Christianity may not have been based on a real person at all. It would certainly explain why no one today knows where the empty tomb is, because if it had really existed and been known as the site of such a great miracle you'd expect the early Christians to remember and pass on its location.

          Many apologists still rave about the empty tomb, but if Jesus was a real historical person why is the place he was buried forgotten? Why is the site of the ultimate Christian miracle, the Resurrection, the event that gives Christians victory over sin and death through Jesus, something that they could not keep track of?

          1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
            Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Regarding the Cross as a symbol of Christianity - I understand to this day, crucifixion is a form of execution in some countries.  Amnesty International is constantly on their cases, for good reason; essentially the victims die of exposure after several days.  I personally prefer the Christian Fish as a symbol.  The concept of wearing an electric chair is an excellent one!
            Come to think of it, Communion is rather creepy...

    3. HattieMattieMae profile image60
      HattieMattieMaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I belive any group can be a cult with the right leader. People can be deceived just by following the beliefs, opinions, rules, regulations, and traditions of one leader. I remember one Evangelist telling me you should only follow one minister. I've heard a catholic priest say the same thing. Don't read anything outside of the catholic tradition. I've heard about Guru's and other spiritual teachers as well be damaging to groups of people. I always recommend don't follow a group, or one leader, but have many teachers and find out your own truth. If you just follow one person you can be lead down the wrong path. Learning the past few years, I did notice this that basically Christian's have taught me over the decades that everyone else is a cult. Only to find out they are one as well, just with different bliefs, traditions, rules, regulations, and do instill fear and cause just as much damage as the rest of religions and cults just in a different way. I don't hang out at one church anymore, or follow one minsiter. I never have and have always been told I was wrong for doing it and needed to repent. There at least 40,000 sects of christianity alone and they do not agree on the bible. You have Amish, Quakers, and herd of other branches. We never hear about all the things that happen behind the scenes in each group, but there are emotional, spiritual, physical, sexual, and mental damage from every single group around the planet whether they religous, atheist, agnostic, or what ever we can steer people in the wrong way.

      1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The Infamous Harold Camping is one of those evangelists who claimed he was the only one who had the Right Way.  His followers wound up losing their life savings over the false dates of May 21st and October 21st, 2011.  The Bible plainly states that no one can predict Jesus' Second Coming, including Jesus Himself.  Obviously, Harold Camping disagreed with the Bible on the wrong verses!

    4. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have not what?    You said the Bible promised you if you accepted Christ, you'd become a new creature,  but you have not.     What?   You didn't accept Christ, or you didn't become a "new creature"?     IF you did the first,  then the second happened at that time.  There was a heart change.   And from there, then your allegiance to Him and your walk with Him would've grown stronger as time went on,  unless you recanted your petition.
      So........did you accept Christ, or not?   I don't mean just joining a "Church".    And I don't mean just speaking the words like some magic formula.  I mean did you humbly and honestly recognize the fact that Jesus is the Savior,  repent of your sins, and ask Him into your heart and life, promise to follow Him?

      1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Brenda - yes, I genuinely accepted Christ.  In fact, I returned from rebellion back into the church 11 years before I inadvertently joined the cult.  Though the whole cult misadventure happened 17 years ago, I'm currently having flashbacks, which is why I'm asking this question in the first place.  Obviously accepting Christ and admitting my rebellion was wrong did not prevent me from inadvertently joining the cult, or save me from the ensuing consequences.  Neither did it make me a success in life.  You could say the Bible never promised it would, but that is weazling out of the situation.  If I did that to my kids, I'd be called a bunch of unsavory names as a parent - and justifiably so.  What good is a religion if it's not going to help me in this life?  Why should I believe it will help me in the next?

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          What cult?
          What denomination or what "Church" did you join?
          Sorry, I'm just trying to figure this out.   Christianity isn't about a specific "Church" really;  it's simply about Christ.   So I can only assume that you joined a specific church group or something........

          1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
            Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You can read about it in my hub, "My Experience in a Cult".  I tell all about what happened there.  That's what's currently causing my flashbacks, and which all the Christian dogma in the world can't erase.  I even recently wrote my Seattle area pastor about this, and apparently he's too freaked out to answer.

            1. profile image0
              Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Okay I'll read it.

    5. Say Yes To Life profile image77
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Today is the 17th anniversary of the day I joined the cult.  I have finally developed the courage to burn the baptismal certificate.
      I have not turned my back on Christianity.  I still have the Baptismal Certificate I got when I was baptized as a child.  I will always keep that.  I'm just admitting there is more than one way to think.
      Tomorrow I will make a point of surrounding myself with friends.
      Hopefully now I will stop getting flashbacks...

  2. Say Yes To Life profile image77
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years ago

    Borsia says
    There are certainly some cult aspects to every religion and they all want world domination. Some are more restrained than others but they all have an evil side.
    I don't think Christianity is worse but I don't see it as any better either.
    Most cults in America have been based on some form of distorted Christianity.
    9 days ago

    Say Yes To Life 6 days ago
    Good point, Borsia. My brother has often said the purpose of religion is to control the masses. While that may not be necessarily bad, I can see how easy it is to manipulate others this way.

  3. Say Yes To Life profile image77
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years ago

    Deborah Sexton says
    I'm not a Christian, I am just curious.
    According to the dictionary, there are 4 definitions of a cult. Which of these do you feel Christianity falls under?
    1. A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object
    2. A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister
    3. A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing
    4. A person or thing that is popular or fashionable, esp. among a particular section of society
    6 days ago

    RealityTalk 6 days ago
    1. Jesus. 2. it's all relative. Christianity is smaller than Islam. 3. Believing a dead man is an immortal w/absolute powers. 4. Jesus & Christianity.
    I agree, every religion is a cult.

    Say Yes To Life 5 days ago
    Christianity falls under all 4, but that's not my particular concern. I'm concerned with the mind trap they inflict on people for whom it doesn't work. Those who don't believe could "spend an eternity in hell".

    RealityTalk 5 days ago
    Yoleen, I agree & that is one of the traits of a cult; threats of harm if you don't comply. If a creator is as loving as claimed, the creator would not torture people or demand alliance under treats. Don't follow fear. Follow your heart & min

    Deborah Sexton 5 days ago
    In a religion any time you make any person more important than God, it's a cult. Jesus is the most important and then Paul's teachings to the Christians. Sounds like a cult to me.

    RealityTalk 5 days ago
    Deborah, interesting that you mention Paul. If not for Paul, Christianity most likely would have faded away like so many other cults. Paul demanded all, including gentiles, practice Christianity. Before that only Jews could. He grew the religion.

    edhan says
    Personally, cult is defined as a belief where bad things are being carried out and brainwash people to think it is goodness. Religion is supposed to guide us to the path of goodness and kindness.
    5 days ago

    Say Yes To Life 5 days ago
    I agree with your definition!

  4. Say Yes To Life profile image77
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 11 years ago

    savvydating says
    Hi Say Yes. I've read and commented on some of your hubs, and my understanding from them is that you actually have a fairly high regard for the Christian religion in which you were raised. Consequently, I expect that you already know the answer to your question. In addition, your definition of the word cult, is not one that I could find in the dictionary. But I did find this:
    Cult: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.
    Anyway, as we all know, offshoots of Christianity do exist and some have proven to be dangerous; however, those offshoots are not actually Christian. The same principle could apply to Islam or Judaism. Rather, the reason why our lives do not turn out so well is because we make poor choices, i.e.; negative relationships, drugs, etc., not because one has a true appreciation for the teachings of Christ, which are love and growth centered.
    At any rate, if you're really serious about this question you have posed, then I recommend some books for you to read. You can find some (if not all) of them at the library. They are as follows:
    The Canon of the New Testament, by Bruce Metzger
    Fabricating Jesus; How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels, by Craig A. Evans
    Reasonable Faith, by William Lane Craig
    I wouldn't focus on whether one church has all the answers, nor would I focus on hell. Rather, do your own research. You might want to read the works of these three peer respected scholars who have extensive knowledge of Bible history, who have a full understanding of the Greek and Hebrew languages, and in one case, Aramaic, as well. (Keep in mind that the original manuscripts of the apostles were not written in Aramaic) Perhaps these books will help to assuage your concern about cults.
    On another note, if you find that you are just plain restless, you might want to read, Care of The Soul, by Thomas Moore. It's a book on how to nourish your soul in simple, everyday ways - like painting your bedroom a different color or painting on canvas, for that matter. Warm wishes. -Savvy
    \11 days ago

    Say Yes To Life 9 days ago
    Thanks, SavvyDating. Even if I decide to leave Christianity for another belief system, I still support the fact that it does a lot of good. It's just that many churches say it's Absolute Truth; that's what I'm having a problem with.
    Delete Comment

    savvydating 9 days ago
    Hi Say Yes, I do understand. I'm sorry to say, but the #1 reason people are turned off by Christianity is because of Christians. Jesus himself rebuked the Pharisees. However, underground Christians are the real deal. They truly love their enemies.

    celafoe says
    From your question and your comments below I can clearly see two things.
    1. You do not know what a cult is Your definition is your own , not a commonly accepted one.
    TWO--You do not know what a CHristian is. If you you were truly born again and repented and baptized in water and the Holy Spirit you would not be able to make such statements.
    Sounds like you listened to one of those folks that falsely say just believe in Jesus is all you have to do. and probably said their silly little prayer with them.
    Becoming a Christian is not a one stop one shot deal, it takes time and action on your part and we are not promised a rose garden, in fact we are told we will suffer as He did. We are still living in this world full of evil and subject to most of it for now. I am not trying to be mean spirited to you , just want you to realize reality.
    If you truly have an interest in understanding Christianity I will gladly help you but if you are looking for fire insurance i dont peddle it.
    12 days ago

    Say Yes To Life 9 days ago
    1) Yes, that is MY definition. But most destructive cults share those characteristics, which is how they hold members.
    2) I'm aware of that. I wrote my Seattle pastor a month ago, and he still hasn't answered; I'm feeling a little freaked.

  5. Zelkiiro profile image60
    Zelkiiroposted 11 years ago

    When it's just a few people, it's a cult. When it's a lot of people, it's a religion.

    That's the only difference between the two.

  6. Jerami profile image58
    Jeramiposted 11 years ago

    Many apologists still rave about the empty tomb, but if Jesus was a real historical person why is the place he was buried forgotten? Why is the site of the ultimate Christian miracle, the Resurrection, the event that gives Christians victory over sin and death through Jesus, something that they could not keep track of?
    One reason might be contributed to the fact that when the last Jewish revolt was put down in 135 AD; the Roman Emperor Hadrian, began evacuating the entire population of Hebrews spreading them through out the rest of the Roman Empire. It is written that his intention was to erase all evidence of there ever being a Hebrew Nation.
        He held a formal ceremony at which he burned all of the religious documents  to be found in Jerusalem. He also set up two statues on the previous temple grounds, one dedicated  (I think)  to Jupiter the other to himself.I believe Hadrian to be the "Little Horn" as mentioned in Daniel.

    The point being that those documents that were to be found was either destroyed by Romans, and Ottomans,  OR were confiscated and hidden by the Holy Roman  Empire (church).

    1. Titen-Sxull profile image69
      Titen-Sxullposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Christians certainly had their enemies during their early centuries so it is possible that Jesus did exist in some form and that much of the evidence of that existence is lost. The fact that we've never found any original copies of the Gospels leaves us decades and decades removed, at the very least, from the supposed life of Jesus.

      And as you say many other documents are either lost to antiquity or locked up in a Vatican vault somewhere.

      Still many apologists posit the empty tomb as the ULTIMATE PROOF of Jesus' supernatural status and the fact that they cannot point to the tomb at all or to any other archeological evidence directly confirming Jesus' life makes the claim out to be as empty as his hypothetical tomb.

      1. bBerean profile image59
        bBereanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Consider the power of Rome at the time.  If Jesus was still in a tomb, would they not have paraded the body in response to the claims He was risen?  Would it really be possible for His body to be stolen from under Roman guard?  If stolen, knowing the story that would promote, making Him, as the Pharisees were concerned would happen, stronger in death than in life, would the power of Rome not have been highly motivated and able to solve that simple crime?  If it happened as reported in the bible, however, it does make sense that Rome would simply shut up and hope it blew over, perhaps silently doing all they could to destroy any evidence.

        His empty tomb still speaks volumes.

        1. JMcFarland profile image68
          JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Knowing Rome, if a convicted criminal has supposedly risen from the dead possibly because his body had been stolen,  they would have hauled in any or all of the apostles.  Yet they never question them about grave robbing, and seem to not know who Jesus was.  Even the Jews at Peters first trial have no idea who jesus is.   Don't you find that funny?

          1. bBerean profile image59
            bBereanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Funny that they would not admit their guards couldn't guard Him?  No, that would be highly embarrassing for Rome, plus the ramifications of what that meant.  Funny they would pretend it didn't happen and forbid it to be spoken of?  Not at all.  Funny they wouldn't have made a big deal of proving it didn't happen, if it didn't...yes that would be odd.

            1. JMcFarland profile image68
              JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Rome did not get embarrassed.   They got even.  Pilate would have executed the guards and gone on a regional manhunt for this escaped convict.  Have you studied Roman history?

              1. bBerean profile image59
                bBereanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Not if they knew He was not stolen, but risen.  Even Rome would know there was nothing to do with that but cover it up.

                1. JMcFarland profile image68
                  JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Rome would not believe he had risen.  They wouldn't care if his followers claimed he had.  They would Mount a full scale inquiry,  arrest the followers and hunt then down.  You are reaching because you know there is no historical proof that backs you up, and the lengths you've gone to in order to spin doctor history is amusing.

                  1. bBerean profile image59
                    bBereanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, as we, and the bible have established, this is all foolishness to you.  Of course you are amused.  Glad to lighten your day.

        2. A Troubled Man profile image58
          A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Are you actually going to claim that nothing was ever stolen under Roman guard, or any guard, for that matter? Seriously.

          As does any place in which something of value was kept, and then stolen.


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