May this post find you well and your heat at peace.
Why is that they still don't know how to get along?
Because they fundamentally disagree on matters of religion.
I am one of three brothers in my familly, why should the fact that we share the same father mean that we should by default get along? As it is between siblings, so it is for children of Abraham.
Their religions teach them to not get along.
Jesus elaborates and explains part of this in the book of John.
Chapter 8, verses 31-59.
Most of us do! Some of the "tribalists" don't, but they don't want to so they invent reasons.
Well, we may all be children of Abraham, but other than that we don't agree on the nature of God, the role of Jesus, sin v. grace, you know, all the peripherals that keep people out of Heaven.
All are children of "Almighty God" our heavenly Father, church denominations and isms aside.
Because religion creates an inner conflict most don't recognize.
True, but those of us who do recognize it must allow God to work in us.
(true) Christians love the Jews and Moslems.
I doubt it works the other way around.
(Perhaps the Jews love Christians!)
Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Children of Abraham! ... the same way that native Africans, American Indians, and Vikings are all related.
And it don't matter which side of the fence you/we are standing on ?, ... that doesn't sound good!
Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Children of Abraham
Yes, for sure,anybody who follows character of Abraham is his spiritual child.
the jews are definitely children of abraham in a literal sense. The rest of the world are from his seed. This does not entitle them to anything special of God as now the number one pre-requisite is to be in christ.
So until all are in christ, that bond of christian will not take place.
All beliefs are like this. To believe in something, anything is to exclude others who don't.
Take for instance buddhism, the most peaceful religion on the earth, excludes all religions that embrace God deity.
People who think their team is gonna win the stanley cup exclude all others who don't think that way and watch the fights at a hockey game - which is a trivial thing.. yet its okay to disagree over that but not over eternal affairs.
May this email find you well and your heart at peace.
In Genesis 17 God discusses Ishmael and his blessing, and the covenant with Isaac. As I see it Ishmael was blessed as well as Isaac. As as a result, the means to find understanding and respect between them existed then as it does now.
Disagreeing over eternal affairs has lead us down a path of distortion and disinformation that has brought the business of making war to an incredibly useless waste of human potential. And, it is the business of war that feeds the void between nations, all nations.
Anybody who uses their spiritual beliefs to justify the destruction of anyone else, regardless of their belief systems, is a threat to all life. And, it is the willingness of people in general to feed on these distortions to justify any abuse that feeds the cycle of continuing that abuse.
Tolerance and co-existence is not just our duty, it is the fundamental means of our survival .
That is if you believe that the mohhammud was representative of Ishmael.
Genetics does not support this from what I know. The Arabs have claimed the blood of Ishael and Joktar, but from what I know tests show no such link exists and that the arabs are a hodge-podge of peoples.
May this email find you well and your heart at peace.
I have gone to the trouble to read and extensively discuss the Koran. I have no desire to argue or dispute what Arabs or Muslims choose to believe. If what they believe makes them accountable to themselves and equally accountable to how they treat all other people.
In this country, what you hear the most from Christians, especially those with fundamentalist leanings, is that you have to believe the way they believe to be saved. They spend a lot of time judging others, and not enough time focusing on how their so-called judgments establish some very unfortunate truths about themselves.
"They spend a lot of time judging others, and not enough time focusing on how their so-called judgments establish some very unfortunate truths about themselves"
judging and assessing are two different things. If what you call judging others is telling them jesus is the way the truth and the light then that would be an assessment of the true way established by God and not a judgment. We as Christians are in the fortunate/unfortunate position to speak the truth as presented by Jesus christ the annointed of the only true God - whether this leads to division or not. How people handle that division depends on them. We are told to speak the truth and then go our own way, God will give the increase if any is possible.
So when asked a question that has a hard answer do not judge the christian as being a bad christian remember as jesus told many they were not fit for the kingdom of God we also, who share his knowledge cannot say differently.
God spared Ishmael as a result of His general promise, but the blessings pronounced on Ishmael are certainly inferior to the covenant blessings pronounced on Isaac (compare Genesis 17:21; 21:12-13). We see that Ishmael was blessed, because he was the son of Abraham, but he was not the one through whom God's covenant blessings would be passed down. God kept His promise to make Ishmael a great nation of him (21:18), but that is the limit.
John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
Luke 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
You see, things are not so physically oriented now, there is a spiritual application. Blood line and location do not automatically make people special unto God but being in Jesus christ, the son, the vine is what makes people special to God.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
I hope this email finds you well
Okay, you have "assessed" Christianity is the truth. Interestingly, "judging" is a synonym of assessing according to the dictionary.
Christianity has, does and will continue to divide us.
If the Christians are spewing hatred and malice towards others, the way people will handle it is the way it's being handled.
To avoid conflict, just go your own way and say nothing. Perhaps then, the division will begin to weaken and people will start coming back together again.
Thats a nice opinion, but only your opinion.
the division you perceive is of course as you perceive it. Christian spewing hatred and malice.. do you think before you write? IF we say you sin to God that is not malice but truth. If we say you need to repent that is not hatred inspired it is truth.
Why don't you just go your way and say nothing would be more appropriate. As the saying goes, if you can't handle the heat stay away from the fire.
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Luke 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
You can't even be right on darwinism or evolution or any of the things that are mentioned about christianity or God.
Take you own medicine and bow out without ever little dignity you have left.
You're a complete disruption to everything to that is good in here, but i guess you are proud of that.
Always, but that has nothing to do with Christians spewing hatred and malice which can be seen in spades in your posts alone.
They are lies based on myths and only the indoctrinated, disrespectful and dishonest spew them.
That 'fire' needs to be extinguished as it does nothing but destroy everything it contacts.
You would be lying, again, if you claimed to know anything about evolution.
You actually believe you're good? <<<--- The unheard of triple laughie awarded only to those with extreme laughable content.
I judge no one.
But I do not accept perverted doctrine as kin to my own.
And I have all the right in the world to judge a doctrine... just as the atheists do and the muslims judge the Torat and Ingeel.
It does not matter how you are using the term of familiarity as regards Christianity, Judaism, and islam. The fact is the fact... deriving you religion from perverted misunderstandings and distortions of the true religion, Judao/Christianity, does not make it a family member or close relation.
It make it a perversion.
Plain and simple.
It is like call sikhism islam. We all know it is not... it is what the majority call a perversion of islam.
See... simple.
May this comment find you well and your heart at peace.
I am fascinated that I could generate such negative reactions, with this forum. I really don't see what makes some of you want to go on the attack to justify your opinions.
I think the single most profound wisdom in the Bible comes in the phrase "to love your neighbor as you love yourself". If you don't know how to love yourself, you cannot possibly suggest that you love your neighbor.
I welcome the thought that my perception is perversion, because that tells me that you only want to hear what you want to hear, and you are not open to the possibility that your attitude is out of line.
The single most powerful spiritual event in my life came in high school during a performance of "Inherent the Wind". Which is a reenactment of the Scopes Trial or Monkey trial in 1925 or so. The issue was teaching evolution in school. What I got from that is that people who choose to close their minds to the realm of possibility, stop learning, and will spend a great deal of energy justifying their position. To the point as has been seen hear to ridicule what other people think that does not sit well with them.
Gurubaba Nanak was a Muslim, but the Sikhs are not; this is just for you information.
Very often it is harder for people of similar beliefs to get on than it is for those who have completely different ones. The fact that the three religions from the Middle East share so many similarities may be the reason why they disagree so strongly.
I wish that were the case, but it is not the similarities but the differences that cause friction. Let's take just one example: Jesus.
Christians believe that Jesus not only is the Messiah but He claimed to be the Son of God, making Him on equal footing with God (in effect, God.) He came to earth, taught, healed the sick, performed miracles, died horribly then rose again on the third day. He ascended to Heaven where He sits at the right had of God to this day, until the times are fulfilled and He comes back to lead the last battle against Satan. He is the only way to the Father, and He Himself said that failing to follow Him will mean going to Hell.
Jews believe that Jesus was just a man, and only one of many who claimed to be the Messiah, but that he could not possibly have been because their interpretation of many of the same Scriptures Christians use as proof of His truth, Jews say point unequivocally to his not being the Messiah. They believe the Messiah is yet to come and establish the Kingdom of God.
Muslims believe that God cannot possibly have a son, that God would never lower Himself to having sex with a woman (the only way God could have a son, in their view) and that to claim that Jesus is anything other than just another prophet is blasphemy. Their word for it is "shirk" and it is truly horrendous. They believe that Jesus himself repudiated ever making any claims to be the Messiah, let alone God.
That's just one thing where the three religions differ, and quite radically. It's not the similarities that divide us.
What's more important is that those religions do indeed divide us rather than uniting us, a very good reason to get rid of them.
God does not recognize Ishmael as a son of Abraham. Gen_22:2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
Israel was chosen by God. He chose them not because they were a great nomadic people, but because they were weak and small in number. In all that God did for Israel, they still did not do right by Him. They chased after false gods and worshiped idols. Many times God called the Jews an abomination and a harlot. They were blinded so much by sin that they did not recognize their own King, Jesus.
Christians are gentiles who have accepted Christ as their Savior. They were not chosen by God to create a great nation, nor are they of the seed of Abraham. They are chosen by God Himself even thou8gh there are requirements.
I'll take Things Said During the Spanish Inquisition for $100, Alex.
These are not the words of the Creator God; these are the words of a unknown scribe.
This fact never ceases to amaze me, given the divisions between them an the hatred that they have for each other.
But on a smaller scale what parents haven't had to deal with children who fight with each other?
Yes... I forgot about all those crazed Christians around the world, suicide bombing and slaughtering civillians in a jihad... cutting the heads off of those who refuse to follow Christ, stoning to death women who are raped, teaching children to hate Jews and to cut their heads off, raising those kids to desire martyrdom for there Christian faith over the sanctity of life... and those crazed Chrostians who kill their own chldren because they act like people, or want to be with someone who is not of their faith... babarians! plain and simple!
Yes... I forgot all about those people.
May this email find you well and your heart at peace.
In October of this year, my uncle and I visited the Custer Battle at the Little Bighorn. We then went on to the Black Hills in South Dakota to visit several places. Most especially, as it turned out, the Crazy Horse Monument.
The simple fact of the matter is, that American Government Policy toward the Native Peoples of this land was genocide when it became evident that these people were not going to quietly allow themselves to be absorbed into the American Culture on that cultures own terms. All done in the name of Christ, because we were supposedly dealing with heathens.
The prejudices associated with any religious entity that allows for subjugation of anyone in the name of that said religion, is guilty of crimes against humanity. Bad behavior on the part of one group does not absolve any other group of the consequences of their actions. But, can open the door to some measure of reconciliation and recognition on the part of all. If we as a whole, do not take the necessary steps to make peace with all, we will all be doomed to a repeat of the Dark Ages.
My basic attitude toward Christian Fundamentalists, is their insistence that we are into the ending times. If one wishes hard enough, one is capable of making anything happen to meet their agenda. On December 22nd, 2012, the alleged day after the end of the world, there are going to be a lot of people going to jail for trying to force their views, through inappropriate actions.
if you knew anything about Christianity you'd know Jesus says in the bible that NO ONE will know the last days, only God knows, thats the christian belief, so if people are predicting a date its not Christian's, now as a christian I do believe we are nearing the end times, when Jesus was asked when would we know the end times were near He said ( along with other things ) when there is an increase in natural disasters & floods. don't know about you but I think theres been an increase.
May this email find you well and your heart at peace.
The only thing I know of, pursuant to the end of the world, is when will the sun decide to expand beyond us? Beyond that, when I saw one of the giant plumes on the surface of Jupiter from that comet, I was struck by the idea that the plume was about the size of our planet.
Another Christian attitude I don't respect is the need to tell me about how I should believe. The Bible is in my view, a handbook for individual accountability. Judge not...and so on.
Lastly, Christian manipulation of the belief process, has gone from the earth as the center of the universe to trying to put man with dinosaurs. What difference does it make whether we were here on earth first, or not?
What matters to me, is accounting for myself first and foremost. That makes the people who respect that effort and practice it in their own lives the people I admire most. I simply don't have time to think for everyone else. Because, I don't think my insights are all that original. What works for me, may not work for you. But, to apply condemnation on me, or anyone else because don't agree, in my book misses the point of Jesus's dialogue.
I'm not judging you or trying to make you believe anything, believe what you want, all i'm saying is don't make comments that are pure B.S. yes there are fanatic christians out there but there are fanatics in all walks of like, christians believe in love thy neighbor, thats not always an easy thing, but if you want to condem us for preaching love then thats on you. one day you will know the truth & you will know who's right & whose wrong until then peace to you.
May this comment find you well and your heart at peace.
"...don't make comments that are pure BS." I my book, that is a very subjective judgement. You are attacking what I choose to believe because it does not set well with what you would want me to believe.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Children of Abraham ...
Not all among the Jews, Christians and Muslims are from the lineage of Abraham.
They claim to be following him only.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims are Children of Abraham
Not all Muslims and Christians are literally children of Abraham by lineage.
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