If someone told you they personally experienced a supernatural healing, would yo

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  1. breathe2travel profile image72
    breathe2travelposted 12 years ago

    If someone told you they personally experienced a supernatural healing, would you believe them?

  2. yougotme profile image88
    yougotmeposted 12 years ago

    This is a difficult question. Hmmmm, I'm also hearing a few stories about supernatural healing, and I think I somehow believe them.

    But, back in my mind, I still think that the healing they experienced aren't really out of nowhere. I believe that something not yet explored by science happened inside their body. Though this is just a hypothesis.

  3. that one girl profile image72
    that one girlposted 12 years ago

    No, I would not.

    I would not believe them because the human mind is fallible and has a tendency to manufacture supernatural explanations for otherwise (as yet) unexplained phenomena. Over the millenia, we have been able, time and time again, to produce replicable, verifiable scientific explanation for many former "supernatural" mysteries.

    Thereby, it stands to reason that a seemingly inexplicable "supernatural" healing has a perfectly logical explanation, but the patient has either a) refused to look at existing evidence that debunks said supernatural aspect or b) is claiming it is supernatural because current scientific understanding does not have a satisfactory explanation.

    There's always a better explanation than, "I do not understand this, therefore magic!"

  4. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I would believe them without question...

  5. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I would be very skeptical because I tend to need proof on something subjective like that.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But it doesn't necessarily need to be "subjective." Their prior malady and subsequent healed state could be well documented. Only the agency of that healing might be undocumented. Still, the healing itself can be quite objective. We could disbelieve

  6. phillippeengel profile image78
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    People tend to attribute miracles to supernatural powers. They might want to justify the acts of the supernatural usually to proselytize people into joining their religion. From my experience, I do not witness any supernatural healing. I see paralyzed people who still remain paralyzed, and people diagnosed with diabetes who are still going through dialysis. There are thousands of people who are sick, and treatments mainly come from medicines and herbs, from the technology mankind has.

  7. jirel profile image77
    jirelposted 12 years ago

    I would believe them if the people do not look like liars.I am sure that supernatural healing is possible.So,I would believe them.

  8. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    no i wouldn't. people make all kinds of strange claims from talking with god and angels to experiencing life after death and then coming back. it's just the human mind playing with them.

  9. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    I could believe it. Some people lie; some do not. Some people have a great capacity to understand logic and critical thinking; some do not.

    I would want to know more details about it. But I have seen plenty of miracles, myself. As a scientist, I understand the physical side of things. Reality is based on continuity and physical commensurability. Science is the expert on reality (its study from within).

    But creation (miracles, forgiveness, etc.) is superior to physical reality. From creation comes the foundation upon which logic and reason are built. Supernatural healing is one that merely taps into that original source of everything -- God the Father.

    Some people reject the supernatural without a second thought, and that betrays their illogical prejudice. They are basing their opinion (subjective) on a logical fallacy (an argument to ignorance type of fallacy).

    A lack of proof never disproves anything. It doesn't prove it, either, but many a skeptic acts as though it is disproven.

  10. taw2012 profile image62
    taw2012posted 12 years ago

    that depends upon the person saying, the situation, the incident and all. Any way I won't blindly believe.

  11. MilesArmbruster profile image60
    MilesArmbrusterposted 12 years ago

    The answer to your question comes down to two things - veracity and trust. I have talked to enough people who have seen or experienced miraculous healing that it would be unreasonable for me to start with the assumption that miracles don't happen. Some people might ask for proof. The problem with this position is that unless you are an eyewitness to the miracle, you really have no way to verify the veracity of the event. An eyewitness can say, "I saw it happen!" If you choose to not believe their testimony, then the issue is no longer about whether the miracle happened, it now comes down to trust.
    If you start from the position that miracles don't happen, you won't trust any eyewitness to a miracle by definition. The end of that dialog can only go one way: "Hey!! I saw a miracle." The skeptic answers, "No you didn't, you liar." And that is the end of dialog. As soon as you call someone a liar, there is nothing else to say. Of course, some people DO lie, but even then, you still have the question of how to verify.
    You can answer this question more broadly. What happens when a person "gets religion," or "gets saved," or "finds the Truth." A person who doesn't believe in that religion will respond, "Oh no you didn't." The problem with skeptics who reject everyone's religious experience is that they don't understand that denying a person's experience is not proof that it isn't true. A skeptic's lack of faith or denial of faith is a personal position that is not an argument for or against anything.
    Also, if someone came up to me and told me they just had a profound and deep experience of the miraculous, I would believe them because it would be nasty to throw cold water on their experience. If their experience was not true, that will show itself in time. In the meantime, why would I deny someone their deep religious experience.

  12. profile image0
    Dr Cilposted 12 years ago

    It's kind of hard to say,  I believe in Jesus Christ, He can do all things, People can be dishonest so they would have to prove it to me.

  13. d.william profile image71
    d.williamposted 12 years ago

    This is a good question.  I would not blindly believe or disbelieve anyone claiming to have experienced a supernatural healing.  Over the years of my nursing career, i have seen things that cannot be explained rationally by the medical professionals.  It could be that their diagnosis, and prognosis was wrong.  It could be that the mind does have the ability to alter the body. 
    I do know, with true certainty, that inexplicable things do happen.  I have written a hub on my own experience with pancreatic cancer.  I refused conventional treatment, moved to a secluded country setting to die in peace and dignity.  Without the pressure and stress of my job, other people, and being at peace with nature, along with the ability to only tolerate foods like mashed carrots, mashed broccoli, mashed potatoes for over a year, my cancer disappeared completely. 
    Was this a miracle?  A spiritual healing?  I do not know.  But what i do know is that we all have the capacity to change our lives for the better if we put our minds to it.   
    Spontaneous remission was real for me, therefore, it is real for others.  We can never call anyone a liar for sharing their experiences with spirituality. 
    Although organized religions as we know them today contribute to the majority of evil in the world, we cannot negate the power of spirituality and that unseen connection we all have with the universal oneness.

  14. Sold Out to Jesus profile image59
    Sold Out to Jesusposted 12 years ago

    Yes! I have witnessed amazing things in my walk with God. As a nurse I have seen things that leave the doctors scratching their heads. Having faith produces hope. It's a beautiful thing.

  15. bhargvi sharma profile image33
    bhargvi sharmaposted 12 years ago

    I Could believe it;  there are evil spirits who look like humans & posses supernatural powers.

  16. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    If someone told me that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has healed them, I would believe them of course, because He is God.

    If they told me they were supernatuarally healed, but attributed it to anything else, no I would most definitely not believe them, because God is the only One who can bring healing, and He does it frequently through His saints (those of us who believe in Jesus as our Lord & Savior and who follow Him).

  17. Darrell Roberts profile image70
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    I would believe a person if they told me that they had a supernatural healing.  There is so mnay different types of energy out there that it could be possible for a person to have a miracle happend to them.

    Best wishes.

  18. profile image52
    ken1975posted 11 years ago

    There's a good chance I would believe them. Partially because I know a spiritual healer who literally healed broken bones within a few minutes. I didn't have a broken bone but I did receive a treatment from him. It was pretty intense. He's now teaching with thetrueJesus.org. So yeah, I definitely believe it's possible.

    1. profile image53
      lincolnandersonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was going to comment on someone elses post when I saw the link you listed.So I went there...very interesting...hmmm...makes you think doesn't it? But seriously, healing a broken bone? How can that work?

    2. profile image52
      ken1975posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      bone tissue grows much more slowly and takes longer to heal usually, however, in other aspects it is very similar to other healing.  A more thorough explanation might be found here. www.thetruejesus.org/oneday.html#self


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