Who is God?

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  1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
    Kemet Musiqposted 12 years ago

    I believe that there is a lot of misconception about God. These misconceptions are a result of; traditional religion, science and narcissism. Let me know who your God is and conceptualize his existence with me.

    1. profile image56
      nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will not claim to have a God or to know what it is, all I have is the understanding I had before dropping religion. God is so undescribable, I can only open the bible or whatever religious texts I have at my disposal.

      In this sense, there are no misconceptions, only a rejection of what I deme as useless babble.

      1. kirstenblog profile image80
        kirstenblogposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I feel very much the same. Not sure I could articulate my feelings much better then you have. smile

        1. profile image56
          nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Well it's simple. One can only truly intelligently argue, if they have a reasonable understanding of both sides of the argument.

      2. fratt60 profile image60
        fratt60posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        there are too many things arround that you or i cannot explain therefore a higher power called god make  them all available to us all

        I am a engineer , i see things in my field of work which led me to believe that aa great power call god exists.. i am sure we did not evolve .. that is nonsense
        I work from home making a good salary at    http://ef4fa10-uek-4xarv3pzokchs1.hop.clickbank.net

    2. jacharless profile image72
      jacharlessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Correct. All three are forms of religion. One is morality-law based; one intellectual-observation based; the third is self-preservation based. Hence the concepts of G/god(s) -or anything that can be lorded over another: Damnation, Technology, Consciousness. As long as man accepts enslavement, he will remain a slave. Free Will, that is purity, supersedes the mind he is enslaved by {which is Duality, with a lovely roof called Quality of Life on top}. But, humanity is getting there, slowly but surely.

      1. Cagsil profile image69
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Slowly is an understatement James. lol

        1. jacharless profile image72
          jacharlessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          lol Is snail mail, better?

          1. Cagsil profile image69
            Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Are you sure that is even close to it? lol

            1. jacharless profile image72
              jacharlessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              lol any slower and they'll be going in reverse.

              1. Cagsil profile image69
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                lol lol lol

                I think that might be how it is going...slowly in reverse. lol

      2. Kemet Musiq profile image70
        Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Only we can speed it up my brother

  2. getitrite profile image72
    getitriteposted 12 years ago


    This word really conveys nothing to the un-indoctrinated.

    1. profile image56
      nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      For me, the word God instills a sense of dread. Because I know I'm about to debate with an idiot.

      1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
        Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        My opinion is that God is a easy way of getting the conversation started. God or whatever you would like to call it, is a real force. Identifying what the force is exactly is the fun part. It is the journey of life, or at least one of the journeys. When we talk about our conventional God, what we are really talking about is us, because God is a reflection of self. What we aspire to be, our hopes and are dreams, are belief in what is pious and good as a walk of life. What God really is as a entity is something completely different. I believe we have three real sets of Gods.
        1. The Gods who intervened in the evolution of the earth and helped create humans. 2. The spiritual force that moves and is worked by consciousness. 3 The entity responsible for this universe.
        Because we would be silly (Maybe even idiots) to believe that [while we created an actual three dimensional universe (The Internet), worked a force into this universe(electricity) that is manipulated by an intellectual force(Information via 0's and 1's) and altered evolution by creating a force of life that exhibits many of the qualities necessary to be considered alive(Robots)] we are not apart of the same type of program of life as are creations. Life imitates Life. Man saw his Gods many years ago and wanted to become God. The Holy Bible, Quran, etc are books of history. We have to rethink the way we look at God that transcends are western,empirical, wannabe skeptic thinking. I believe if we should be talking about anything right now it should be about God and are relationship to that concept, as God-like beings. What Say You?

        1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
          Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          And my opinion is that there is only one side to this conversation, because I believe that God is neither good or evil. That is why he created us, to understand the polarity of this universe. To see the line in the sand and speak of its nature. It is when we can understand the illusion, that we can begin to understand the world as God does.

          1. Cagsil profile image69
            Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            lol lol Interesting statement, but funny too. lol lol

            1. Felixedet2000 profile image59
              Felixedet2000posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              It's not funny at all, he is saying the truth about life. Why is it so difficult for some of us to get?

              1. Cagsil profile image69
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Lie. And, I know it's a lie.

                There's no requirement for anyone to have any knowledge of any G/god to understand their own life and/or to live it.

                You can completely understand your entire life and live, and NEVER have any knowledge of a G/god.

                Therefore, no G/god required or needed. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet.

          2. profile image56
            nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Read your bible. It says "That we fall short of the glory"... If he loved us that much, we'd be on the same level and would never have to worry about devine retrobution, hell wouldn't be part of the scripture and there'd be no golden carrot , ie; heaven.

            1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
              Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              My brother, the Romans have lied to us. There is truths in the Bible, but much of the Bible has been distorted and taken out. I wish it wouldn't take me 8 hours to explain everything to you. instead i will give you Viaticum, which means food (Provisions) for the journey! There are 600 known books of the Holy Bible, All of which are locked in the Vatican, Jesus of Nazareth and the Christ are believed by many to be two different people. You are not inherent with sin, you just pissed of a group of aliens that were jealous that you were made. If you were sinful then God would be imperfect. You don't blame the faulty computer, you blame the builder. God doesn't make mistakes. Most of the lies can be worked out in the Bible using good reasoning skills. But don't make the mistake of pointing your finger in the wrong direction. Man wrote the Bible as dictated by God. Then God left man to his own devices with the most powerful, most revered book in the history of our existence... Think about it. Oh and Lucifer is real, he lives IN Earth and i can't really say much more, But if you dig deep enough you'll will start to see the smoke screen. Please Follow me and keep in touch past this forum.

              1. Cagsil profile image69
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                And how exactly are you to differentiate what truths are not distorted?

                If you simply take Jesus' teachings of love, mercy and compassion and live it, then you're good. Just leave out the mystic BS that's causing the distortion.

                1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
                  Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Mystic part is just as important .this is how we define ourselves in the universe as a concious being. You differentiate through learning things for yourself. As you quiet the mind and build the spirit, You will be able to sift through the lies

                  1. Cagsil profile image69
                    Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Actually, that would be untrue. The mystic part is one being dishonest with themselves. They are attributing an effect to a cause, for which, doesn't exist to begin with. Apparently, the lack of knowledge of the cause, leaves them empty of answers and force them to attribute the cause to something else they cannot explain.
                    That's because I don't play around pathetically weak mystic junk.
                    Quiet your mind? You're joking right? I dare you to try it.

                    It is proven medically that you cannot empty your mind completely of every thought. Why? Because consciousness exists in you and your mind must be thinking about something or absorbing something through it's senses, at all times.

                    The mind? Do you even know what it is?

        2. profile image52
          jah1zposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          This is the definition of Man coming to God in his own way. To say God is neither good or evil ---- God so love the world that He  gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

          Now, it's one thing to live spiritually but to live accordingly to your will desires is where we stumble. Though God gives us free-will to live as we want to live, He also set down laws, covenants that which pleases Him. Again, our choice to live accordingly to His will or not.

          As Jesus prayed "......not my will be done but yours." We are to live to bring about God's kingdom  for we are living as sinners and though Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we are still off track, trying to come to God in our own way. I think we have to get back to the basics.

          That is, the Covenants. The Laws. And Instructions.

          1. profile image56
            nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Again. If God loved so loved the world, he'd have left it as is. If God loved us, he'd love us the way we are and not for how we could be.

            1. profile image52
              jah1zposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Exactly, which is why you continue to live another day. You can't say He didn't care about you. You can't say He didn't loved you, even in your non-believing stance. His hands continue to be stretch out to save Mankind. Are you stretching forth yours, to meet His?

              Consider that.

              1. Cagsil profile image69
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                lol lol lol Another funny statement. WOW! HubPages is amusing tonight. lol

                1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
                  Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  No need to be arrogant. Your views seem a certain way to me but I respect you and show u that respect. U preach a simple WWJD Lifestyle as the predominately intelligent one so be a good example.

                  1. Cagsil profile image69
                    Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Bad perception on your end. It must be your reflection you're talking about, because it certainly isn't me.
                    Yeah, it is a certain way. It's called understanding a universal truth by which peace can come to the world as we know it. If you're inability to see it, then it must be a reflection thing again tied to your own ego and inability to see beyond it.

                    Respect me? Hmmm... And, how did I come to received this respect? Do tell? roll
                    WWJD? What exactly is that?

          2. wilderness profile image88
            wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            "God so love the world that He  gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

            God kicked his own son out of heaven and forced him to spend 30 years in the veil of tears we call life on earth, culminating in indescribable torture and death.  And He's not evil?

            He also used that as a method of saving us (eternal life has always been ours) - is He not good?  Does the ends justify the means?  Even when other means are readily available to Him?

            Is not God both good and evil, then?  Certainly He has performed evil acts all throughout the old testament even while promising eternal happiness in Heaven for His slaves.

            1. profile image52
              jah1zposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              A sinless man come down to earth to save mankind from their own destruction. For without that man, we are already sinners with no hope to be saved. We die, that be the end of us...whether in a lake of fire or a ceaseless state of being in the second stage of life.

              I think Mankind gotten a damn good deal, buddy.

              1. Cagsil profile image69
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I did consider for a great many years and then realize it didn't matter. wink

                1. profile image52
                  jah1zposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  So....what are you fighting, dude? What are you trying to prove? That, once we get over the "shock and awe" of consciousness, humans will then live in an age of greatness?

                  What are you hiding from....why the crusade to kill the notion of a God? I'm just curious to see what you see....what is your fear if there is a God? Is it wrong? Must "it" be visible to meet your acceptance of God?

                  1. Cagsil profile image69
                    Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm not presently fighting about religion or what G/god someone wants to believe in. I know of the irrationality of believing and I address it when seen.

                    However, I am presently in a battle over rights and bringing clarity to them.
                    I've nothing to prove. I just point out the irrationality of said belief. I cannot help that people simply cannot get over the "shock and awe" affect of consciousness. Raise your awareness more and you might just get it.
                    Greatness? How? Greatness requires you to do something special. Are you doing something special? And how do you know it is special? Or are you just deceiving yourself because you have the inability(lack of awareness) to see beyond your own ego?
                    Hiding? Every single post I make in this forum becomes a link on the Internet, searchable by almost every person who has access to a computer. How in the world am I hiding? My personal name is on every piece I have written. It's on my blogs. It's own my Facebook account(personal and business).

                    So, please do tell me how I am hiding?
                    Kill religion. I don't care if someone wants to believe in a G/god of some sort, or if they want to believe in a Higher Power. What you will not do is include ME into your belief. It isn't your right. You are the one who believes it. I don't have to, need to, or require it.
                    Your statement is nothing but ambiguity. So generalized it is unanswerable.
                    I don't have a fear that there is a G/god. I would have to believe first. I don't fear the unknown, like most who believe do. They need absolute answers and willingly believe a lie, to suit themselves. I don't need to, require it and wouldn't want to.

                    Aside from that, if you're talking about any G/god attached to any religion on the planet, then you've already lost the battle of this conversation.

                    And, just in case, you want to ask then next question- If I wrong? Then, I will end up the way I expected to end up. Dead. Because from what I understand, you either bend to the G/god's of religions will or else you will not exist. Thus, extinguishing your spirit(if you believe you have a spirit).

                    There's no rhyme or reason for a G/god to exist and you cannot name one.

              2. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sounds like a matter of perception to me, with you ignoring the question of a good/evil God.

                A sinless man didn't "come" to earth - he was forced into that torture.  A matter of perception and terminology, you see.

                And no, mankind did not get a good deal - religion in all it's various forms has caused an enormous amount of death and suffering we could have well done without.  As far as an eternal life of happiness - well, we have only the worthless word of a lying God that wrote an inconsistent and lying book through His slaves and servants.  No evidence to back the claim at all.

                1. profile image56
                  nonto21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  The only good news I ever got from the bible, was that I was done reading it.

                2. Kemet Musiq profile image70
                  Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  The religion didn't kill people, people killed people. Stop blaming an idea for living action thats illogical.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. We always start with an idea then you work the Idea, is this God's work or is it the one group who assumes their Idea of God like Yahweh owns everything?

                  2. lone77star profile image74
                    lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Very good, Kemet.

                    All of the evil in the world comes from ego -- the false self of this world that blinds us to who we really are.

  3. Kemet Musiq profile image70
    Kemet Musiqposted 12 years ago

    Thank you

  4. HLKeeley profile image71
    HLKeeleyposted 12 years ago

    If you do what you do in Gog's name out of fear, you do not know God. God has given us life and trusted us to take care of His world, which I think we are doing a bad job at. To do 'good' works in His name to get the rewards still is not what we should be doing. Doing things in God's name is to pay Him back for all He has done for us. Growing up, my father hated me talking back to him and questioning his decisions, so who are we to truly question God? I understand the arguments because I was there too once in my life. It was a dark, sad, and lonely place. When I turned the light on and saw that God was there with me in the dark guiding me to the light, who was I to reject His existence? From then on, I have met wonderful people that love Him and have taken me under their wing because of their love for God. They knew that He loves me because I showed them why. God loves all his creatures. He weeps ten times more than you weep. When you hurt, He feels that ten times. When you doubt Him, He feels that doubt more, but He does not doubt you. Jesus died on the cross for you. Your sin becomes His. The only thing Jesus asked was to look to God. Reading the Bible does not show you believe. Acting on what you just read, learning from the text that shows you believe. I have still not finish the Bible, but I can proclaim my love for Jesus. Matthew 10:33 "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." That is what people fear. God denying them. He has proven He is here by sending His son. The Bible is the Word of God. How can something that does not exist have so many believers? How do miracles happen? I love my God and I am glad I found Him because I would still be lost, just like you.

    1. HLKeeley profile image71
      HLKeeleyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      God's* way too late to be writing, but I saw this and had to reply

      1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
        Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I say question everything, find your own answers, rely on the untouched, on nature.

  5. pisean282311 profile image61
    pisean282311posted 12 years ago

    chill whosoever gives concrete answer to this question would get nobel peace prize...it is waste of time and energy to debate on god...it is better if we focus our energy and time on human species rather than god which can neither be proven ,nor disproven

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ever since Obama won the Nobel Peace prize while increasing the American war budget to the highest level ever, The Nobel peace prize has lost much of it's credibility. Religious countries at  wars have lost much of theirs credibility and respect  too, we are ready for another change.

      1. lone77star profile image74
        lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Castle, you make a good point about the Nobel prize. It has become a joke -- a tool of the New World Order. The NWO has also tried to pervert religion, too.

        But as the great teacher said, you can tell a tree by its fruit.

        Study selfishness -- the product (fruit) of ego.

        Importance is a tool of ego. Anything is "important" only to ego (the false, mortal "self").

        The true (spiritual) self is invulnerable and nothing is important. There is no polarity -- no fear or lust. Only balance -- neutral affinity.

        Those who clamor for importance -- us versus them -- positive versus negative -- will be burned away as chaff during the harvest. That's the great change that will happen. We must prepare ourselves to become neutral, humble, loving, responsible and faithful. And faith is confidence, not in the continuity of physical reality, but in the power of spirit as source.

  6. Kemet Musiq profile image70
    Kemet Musiqposted 12 years ago

    Ill be on later to reply on everyones post

  7. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Kemet, good question!

    To me, God is the Father in whose image we were created. Since He is not Homo sapiens, we are inherently not Homo sapiens, either.

    God IS that He IS. He is the great I AM. He is pure cause (and no effect). He is Source of the Force.

    God is a non-physical, spiritual and immortal source of creation. And that is our image, too.

    To God, nothing is important. It merely IS. Importance is an ego manifestation.

    Only when we remove importance (gain utter humility, the antidote to ego) can we touch the spiritual. When one achieves zero ego, one can have full access to the infinite -- prayer is possible. At every other place on the scale of ego (+/- importance), one has zero access to the infinite.

    God is abundance. "Lack" is an impossibility in His realm. "Lack" is an artificial, physical universe construct -- an illusion.

    "Immortal" is perhaps only an approximation, because God is really more at "timeless." Time is a construct of physical continuity (persistence). The realm of creation is discontinuous in nature (timeless).

    God is the best friend we will ever have. But many don't understand this. They look at the "violence" and "destruction" in the Bible and think only of their Homo sapiens vehicles. But they need to consider what they would do if their child were trapped in a wrecked vehicle. Would they care about the car, or their child? When God brought about Noah's Flood, 27,970 BC, He did not care about these Homo sapiens vehicles; he cared about His children within those vehicles.

    1. profile image52
      jah1zposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lonestar77 is the best example how I reason and see God. Even with that approach, I try to not "cement" those thoughts and build concrete theologics around it, for this is "boxing" in God, and can lead Man to an ego-driven interpretretation of what was, what is and what is to come.

      As a saying, "let the spirit guide you." You shut up, hush your mouth and be still and quiet...... be moved by the spirit. That's what I tell myself. For Man's reasons are of a carnal mind and cannot please God.

      Good comments, Lonestar.

      1. Kemet Musiq profile image70
        Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good stuff jah, at the end of the day i feel like God has no preservation, no favorites, all is beauty, and this is why man has a hard time. He favors,

    2. Kemet Musiq profile image70
      Kemet Musiqposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful! haha, That's it in a nutshell in so many ways. You see past the veil man, that's great. I'm following you.

  8. Kemet Musiq profile image70
    Kemet Musiqposted 12 years ago

    Yo this is a fantastic forum, i can't even keep up with all the post, this is good stuff. Glad you all came out and told us all what you think. Life is beautiful and we should always look back on the pure stuff, contemplate it. We let alot of garbage get into the human element. This kind of conversation is purifying. Forget about politics, war and money. They will be gone soon. Focus on peace love and understanding. It's almost time for humans to make there most important move ever...

  9. Kemet Musiq profile image70
    Kemet Musiqposted 12 years ago

    I just think your came here to mock us. Not to share your wealth of knowledge and give our opinions a chance. Sorry if I came off as egotistical. That was not my aim. And maybe your right. Maybe my ego is  taking over. I will definitely take that into consideration. Like i said before i think your a smart dude. I just wish you would elaborate on your views. You don't need to tell me anything your absolutely right. I was just requesting the information because i was curious of two things. If that chip on your shoulder came from a place of knowing or a place of self righteous smug. I'm not assuming your a jerk or anything. You intrigue me and I'm genuinely curios about your views, and honestly this whole time i've been trying to get them out of you. You are my friend, you are my brother. My apologies if i was out of line.

    1. Cagsil profile image69
      Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And elaborating on "my" views isn't open to your interpretation. You have a question about this particular topic and I'll be glad to answer your question.

      Asking me "why" I laugh at something when I found it funny, and you didn't, speaks volumes. Did you not know that someone can laugh at something and it isn't mocking that person, but found it funny enough to make them laugh? You know it does happen.
      Yes, I'm sure you're curious about a lot of things.
      Self righteous? Now that's funny too. lol lol I would have to think a G/god existed first before I could ever be in that position. Isn't your G/god the most righteous?

      The chip on my shoulder, as you put it, isn't a chip on my shoulder. Yet another bad perception. This is becoming a habit with you.
      Okay, let me clue you in on something I tell every person I have ever met and believe it or not, I have yet to say this once in the forums, so I guess you won't be the only person to learn about me- Yes I am going to quote myself, so you understand. Quote- "Yes, if you think I am an A$$****, I am only until you are proven wrong."
      Really? roll

  10. sean23 profile image38
    sean23posted 11 years ago

    Yes there is God. But only those with good intentions can know his existence. Are you upright in your ways? Are your thoughts about your neighbor good? You should read an interesting article here that discuss the topic in great detail.



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