To hate Jews is to hate God.
If you believe in the sacrifice of Jesus, then you must believe that God planned for it and set the conditions even before the earth was formed. If as most believe, the Jews were the cause of the sacrifice, then one must believe that God put the notion and desire to kill Jesus in the Jewish hearts. Jews then were God’s tools in carrying out God’s plan. Jews then should be venerated just as Jesus is because Jesus and Jews were required and caused by God to participate in the sacrifice. They were all doing God’s will and not their own.
Jesus was a Jew and to hate Jews means that Jesus is also hated. The church has historically persecuted Jews and only repented for their actions in 2011 with the pope acknowledging that not all Jews should be hated. Just those directly involved in the sacrifice of Jesus. Ignoring of course that they were charged directly by God to be and do what God wanted. … ays-49267/
Why then have Christians historically hated Jews, and by inference, hate the Jew part of God/Jesus the Jew? … re=related … re=related
The weird twist to this history is that the Christian right who hates Jews the most, is now the ones pushing for funding of the Jewish homeland to fulfill prophesy.
Most Jews do not believe that Jesus was the messiah. Is the Christian right just funding Jews to help drive them to destruction at the hands of God?
Jews tend not to read the O. T. the way Christians do. Are Christian interpretations of Jewish text superior or inferior to the Jewish interpretation of their own myths?
God is love not hate. I was raised Christian and the church taught me to never use the word hate. There are people who wield God as a weapon. They're not really Christians and I don't want them lumped in with me. Focus on the best of us and not the worst. And for the record, I couldn't dislike any person because of their religion. That's just silly. I admire the traditions of the Jewish religion and their sense of community. You're right: Jesus was Jewish!
To call God love is to insult love.
Love, like faith, to be true must be shown by works and deeds.
God is not seen as doing any of both in a provable way.
If you admire Jewish traditions, do you read Eden as they do?
They read it as man's elevation as compared to what Christianity later read it as man's fall.
What do you think? A fall or an elevation?
Jews do not have an original sin concept.
They may think that we are all sinners and I agree with that from both camps but only the Christians believe that an original sin is passed on to all of us and that God must forgive it.
Well, golly. I guess I'd better do some research. I was under the impression that the Jewish faith was based on God. Peace be with you. I wish you the best.
It is based on God but not the God that Christianity invented.
I offer these for you to digest. … exodus.htm
I glanced at your stuff. It was boring. Nothing jumped out that said condemn all Christians. Making sweeping generalizations about a group of people is not kind or loving or superior in any way. So, really, consider me unsold. That's alright, though. You can't win them all.
Since quoting things seems the hip thing to do here I'll give it a whirl. "I've said my peace and counted to three." That's from a little gem of a comedy called "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" It means I won't change my mind so don't bother trying.
I'm happy that God is loving, forgiving and has given us free will to make our own mistakes or successes. And for the record, I still respect the Jewish religion. Oh and all the others, too. But not Devil worshippers. Yeah. I'm pretty sure those guys are up to no good.
I asked a well-informed Jewish friend to comment before I posted this and this is what he had to say.
Modern Jews and ancient Jews for one. I suppose you are concerned about modern Jewish opinion. Yes, some modern Jews are concerned that Christian Right support isn't for the best, that there is a hidden agenda to benefit Christian Right at the expense of Jews. Other modern Jews (particularly Israeli Right) don't care if there is a hidden agenda or not, they are happy to take anyone's support. These same cynical guys gave and took support from White S African racists (prior to Mandela liberation) and supported the White S African nuclear weapons program. Such people are typically atheist Israeli Jews BTW. Religious Jews generally distrust any Christians bearing gifts (they are Greeks of a sort anyway). Atheists Jews aren't particular, they will take support from anyone (see their behavior in the early Soviet Union). Modern Israel was founded by atheist socialist Jews (the Bund). Religious Jews prior to 1948 and some even prior to 1967 did not believe that Israel should be re-established, without the Messiah. Some religious Jews still believe this (Naturei Karta) and these Jews have cordial relations with Hamas. Such Jews of course would be anathema to the Christian Right. The Christian Right doesn't mind atheist Jews, because they believe all Jews atheist or not will be damned by G-d. Some of the Christian Right also believe that the Jews are not real Jews, only Gentiles are Jews (at least some are seen as such, such as the British Royal Family ... see Anglo-American Israelitism). Many Gentiles believe that modern Jews are of impure "race" anyway, or are even nephelim (angelic spawned demons). A good book on the death of Jesus (at least in literature if not in fact) is "Who Killed Jesus?" by John Dominic Crossan.
Actually I would say that to hate anyone, is to hate G-d ... so some of the verses of the Bible are clearly not inspired, because hate is talked about positively at times. It is possible that some verses are meant ironically. The other thing your scheme implies is that of Pauline predetermination. Paul clearly went beyond predestination to predetermination. He didn't believe in free will, and pointedly talked about his lack of free will, and resulting lack of responsibility, in the beginning of the Epistle to the Romans. In no way did Jesus ever talk in those terms, but then Paul wasn't a follower of the fictional synoptic Jesus (aka a historical Jesus), but of a gnostic angelic figure (vision on the road to Damascus) more like the Johannine Jesus. I don't believe the idea of a realistic Jesus even occurred to anyone until after the destruction of Jerusalem, which was after Paul's death. The realistic synoptic Jesus was turned into the historical Jesus by Christian argumentation. The actual Johannine gospel came last, but its ideas were first, having been written in reaction to the synoptic Jesus, who was written in reaction to the Gnostic Jesus aka Avalokiteshvara and the Gnostic Virgin Mary (Prajnaparamita).
There are lots of reasons for Christians to hate Jews and vice versa:
But I don't think it has ever been legitimate, that is ... it is an expression of sin not virtue. Christians and Muslims should especially value Jewish people, but they are violent, immoral, jealous, stupid (well that is the Jewish stereotype).
Heck, 'ol Jesus knew that. Don't be hatin'...too little time. Rodney King "Can't we all just get along???" I love you guys!!!! You too, Cag!!!!
I love you too Dube
But why do so many people even have to talk about hate, which surrounds your God (Yahweh)?
Jesus did say we should all love each other but scriptures have him condemning many to death on earth and eternal torture in hell after death.
Quite a strange way for Jesus to show his love, no?
I do not understand.
Should we not follow God's example and hate many.
From a secular view, should we not hate Hitlers and Stalins?
What is dishonest about hating a Hitler?
Germany at the time was like the USA now with a predominate Christian country and don't forget Hitler killed 20 million Russians too
I don't hate Hitler, maybe want to love him to death
I didn't think you would.
If that's your interpretation, then I would suggest you get over yourself. It might clear the way to a better understanding.
Do you hate the person themselves? No. Do you hate what they represented? Sure. However, both of these individuals are dead. We(humanity) should learn from what has transpired in the past, so as to NOT repeat it.
Hate is dishonesty with self to being with. Why? Hate stems from a skewed perception brought on by ignorance(a lack of understanding of their own life) and hidden by ego.
I would say that we hate both the individual as well as what they represent.
We can hate the actions more but it is the individual who is doing the action.
If Hitler or Stalin were in your sites, hypothetically speaking of course, while in the middle of their campaigns, would you let them just continue or would you take the shot?
contradictory of what Religion people think that in ancient times people had a higher conscientiousness level, than we do today. Per capita people today have had less wars and murders than any other time in history and live more than twice as long since the mid 1800
Blaming a whole race of people across the centuries for something that probably never even happened is madness. Hating any group of people for what when on in history is madness, and it is what is causing so much violence and unrest in the world today.
Let it go people and let us deal with the problems of today with love and tolerance, without bringing the issues of the past into it. Every day is a new beginning
Not a bad view but to get there, religions have to die as they are all exclusionary and love to have someone to hate.
Such is the way with old tribal ways.
Stopping religion all together is not possible in our lifetime. Yet, shrinking all religion down to where they are not thou predominate force, is possible
For people who don't believe in God, y'all sure try to blame him for all the hate. Hate is what man insists God accommodates us. Killing is all we God lends a hand. It is by man's own choice that man has come to this point in his path, but as all life is based on carbon, and carbon under pressure creates a precious, hardened gem, so too will we, nearer to the end of that path than we are now. It's all about carbon under pressure.
I only said hate toward someone a couple of times as a child, now that I'm an Adult, have not used the word even once toward anyone because hate is unnatural
I would rather shrink them by love if they were unbalance, then have them work things out themselves
God, biblically speaking, harbors all of the 'emotional shortcomings' of his best creation, so the question is this;Is God really a reflection of us, or are we a reflection of God. Maybe it's both. It is said that to know yourself is to know God. In that sense, God most surely does exist, because I look just like do you, but you and I, I assure you, look different from each other. A true God doesn't violate the sovereignty of another God. Mutual respect.
A true God doesn't violate the sovereignty of another God. Mutual respect.
Boy, that would solve most wars,if it were true. Still which one of the 10,000 Gods is the true one?
D D and Castle
Are these people and their Gods deserving of our respect?
It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil. … playnext=1
They also do much harm to their own.
African witches and Jesus … re=related
Jesus Camp 1of 9
Promoting death to Gays. … re=related
For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.
I agree that hate, or better said, evil is part of all within nature.
In that sense, it is good as without it we would go extinct.
Let me explain.
Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.
That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy."
But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.
If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin.
Having said the above for the God that I do not believe in, I am a Gnostic Christian naturalist, let me tell you that evil is all human generated. Evil is our responsibility.
Much has been written to explain what I see as a natural part of evolution.
First, let us eliminate what some see as evil. Natural disasters. These are unthinking occurrences and are neither good nor evil. There is no intent to do evil even as victims are created.
Evil then is only human to human.
As evolving creatures, all we ever do, and ever can do, is compete or cooperate.
Cooperation we would see as good as there are no victims created. Competition would be seen as evil as it creates a victim. We all are either cooperating, doing good, or competing, doing evil at all times.
Without us doing some of both, we would likely go extinct.
This, to me, explains why there is evil in the world quite well.
Be you a believer in nature, evolution or God, we should all see that what Christians see as something to blame, evil, we should see that what we have, competition, deserves a huge thanks for being available to us. Wherever it came from. God or nature.
There is no conflict between nature and God on this issue. This is how things are and should be. We all must do what some will think is evil as we compete and create losers to this competition.
So, you are back to blaming something that you also say doesn't exist, when the short truth of the matter is that man sucks. We are where we are because we strove to rise above what we were, and in that, we are more than the sum of our parts. The point is to become CIVILIZED. Something which can't be acheived with violence and bloodshed. Every journey begins with the first step, the acquisition of knowledge, and every subsequent step is a necessary one to complete our journey. We will move beyond our hate, but, it's still gonna take awhile. The question is; will we, as a by-product of our own logic, eliminate the very thing which really defines us. Our emotion, our capacity to love, forgive, have compassion, because ultimately, they are no more 'real' than that light at the end of the tunnel described in NDEs (Near Death Experiences)
It exists. It is just not blameworthy as without it, we wold go extinct.
As to the present. You say the sky is falling but if you read the literature, most of the markers for evil, notably violent crimes and slavery are both the lowest per capita that we have ever enjoyed.
Population curves also show that in about two generation, stability will be ours.
Things are good and getting better for those who see the forest and do not just see the trees.
Nowhere did I say or infer that the sky was falling. I think what I said was quite positive. Are you speaking on a worldwide scale or a single country? Population curves indicate that in two generations stability will be ours? Well, then I geuss there's no more discussion necessary. Personally, I think your stats are fulla crap.
Whatever you say. I did not see you show anything to refute them though. … zVk1ahRF78
"To hate Jews is to hate God."
I am tired of this title being shoved in my face everyday. Just saying...
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