NFL Week 12

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  1. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    And Week 12 starts on Thanksgiving day where we have the Texans in Detroit, followed by the Redskins in Dallas and concluding with the Patriots at the Jets.
    There are a host of crucial games in the NFC as far as the playoff picture is concerned

    The Houston Texans, who can clinch a playoff spot, remain in great position for the No. 1 seed in the AFC because they hold the tiebreaker over the Baltimore Ravens and a two game lead over the New England Patriots. So they need to lose multiple games to let the other teams back in it. That's very possible.

    The Washington Redskins don't have a realistic hope for the Wild Card, but they can still hang around the NFC East race if they win in Dallas. The Cowgirls will only be a half game out in the NFC East if they win. Huge swing game

    The New York Jets' schedule is so easy down the stretch and the potential for collapse by the Indianapolis Colts or Pittsburgh Steelers is relatively high. A win against the Patriots and suddenly Jets Nation would be back in with this team.(from my typing to the football gods ears)

    As for The New York Giants they are going for their seventh victory on the season when they host the Green Bay Packers. A rematch of last season's epic postseason showdown. Go Blue!!!!

    All in all there are 20 teams on the playoff picture page. Ten of them face each other in Week 12: Jets-Patriots, Bears-Vikings, 49ers-Saints, Bucs-Falcons, Packers-Giants, and Ravens-Chargers.

    We'll learn a lot by the end of Sunday.

    And on a Jets note. ..Lenny Kravitz is the SNF halftime attraction. Way to go NBC bringing in a big Jets fan to hopefully help bring Gang Green a win over the evil ones. Its time they lost anyway. My motto of course for the day will be SACK Brady!

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hey now, what was that crack about the potential collapse of the Pittsburgh Steelers about? That's not in my crystal ball. Steelers defense will likely keep them in most every game. Now the Colts, Jets already beat them while they lost to the Steelers, and the Colts still have to play the Texans twice. Yeah, the Jets schedule is very favorable. Bengals with 5 losses look like a wildcard possibility, and you never know if one of those other teams with 6 losses will get real hot, but I doubt it. A 9-7 team will probably make the playoffs and maybe even 8-8.

      Now, as for today (I'm taking the underdogs in every game in Pick Em):

      Texans @ Lions: I have fond memories of Detroit. Especially the Steelers Super bowl victory in the Motor City. I hope this one is a total shootout and ends Lions 42 Texans 41. I have Matthew Stafford and Mikel Leshoure on my Yahoo team while on my team I have Graham Garrett and my opponent has the Lions defense.

      Redskins @ Cowboys: Watching the Cowboys suck is good. I have Alfred Morris and Santana Moss on my Yahoo team and Alfred Morris on my team while my opponent has Miles Austin. So RG3, complete a a couple TD passes to Santana and pound the rock with Alfred please.

      Patriots @ Jets: I hate the Patriots. They cheat, among other things. So Sexy Rexy, just win, baby. Tebow the Patsies if you have to. I don't have any fantasy players in this game, but my opponent at Yahoo has Wes Welker and Shonne Greene. So Jets, take it easy with Shonne and let those other two guys you got pile up the yards.

  2. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    re Steelers.. .just my way of being a bit upset Plax has left NY.

  3. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    If the Steelers receivers can stay healthy, Brown, Wallace and the addition of Plax looks pretty tough on paper. If Mendenhall comes back strong, the Steelers offense could get scary

  4. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    I forgive you, wavegirl. I just hope Plax has something left.

    Right, Alphadogg, as long as the Steelers can find somebody to get them the ball.

    And the Texans are very thankful today for a gift win, courtesy of some bad calls by the refs. Now there is a rule that is going to get changed, the one where Schwartz illegally threw the challenge flag. Okay, give the Lions a penalty, but to give the Texans a touchdown when it obviously wasn't is all wrong. I'd be real ticked right now if I was a Lions fan.

  5. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    Senor Sanchez shouldn't have waited until game time to take a siesta.

    I don't want Tebow now since he has two fractured ribs. The Steelers have enough quarterbacks with rib issues.

  6. manlypoetryman profile image80
    manlypoetrymanposted 11 years ago

    Texans @ Detroit on Thanksgiving day...Hard fought game. I know we are "Thankful" to win in OT. Hello, wavegirl...good thread on week 12!

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You should be thankful, manlypoetryman. Your Texans got some Christmas presents early. You should be writing thank you notes to the zebras.

      What's up with your guy Graham Garrett or Garrett Graham or whatever his name is. projected him for a bunch of points so I put him in on one of my fantasy teams instead of Heath Miller. I guess he's not related to that other tight end Jimmy Graham after all.

      1. manlypoetryman profile image80
        manlypoetrymanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hey, Blackand Gold Jack...thanks for the reply...good to talk with ya' ! We are thankful...that the coach lost his cool...and didn't follow the ruling...with no whistle blown on the play...on the field! It's the old saying: You shouldn't play that that a ref's call makes a decision on the game. (Which goes for both that game). BTW...that rule blows...and won't make it to next to season...I'm sure.

        I can recall some bad calls that went for your Steelers...back in the long ago "Luv ya' Blue" Oiler that got us Houston fans upset. Hey...bad calls happen...and will continue to happen. We are also thankful that the Thanksgiving re-emergance performance of the "Nutcracker" played by N. Suh...didn't do permanent damage to our QB. We have alot to be thankful for...

        I checked the stats on your fantasy football TE Garrett Graham (#88) and found that he had scored three TD's for the year...thus far...not too bad...but that his recieving avg. is down from last year (though...of course we have a ways to go still) ...which is odd because he was inactive for 9 games last year...and inactive for the play-off games last year. Seems like a long shot prediction to begin with for whoever made the prediction...but the seasons not over...and I know I'm still pulling for him...ha! What about that TE O. Daniels (#81)...BTW?

        1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
          BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hey manlypoetryman, do me a big favor and beat the Patriots in a couple weeks. That could be the game for the number one seed in the playoffs.

          Oh yeah, I remember the Oilers great rivalry with the Steelers. Bum Phillips, Dan Pastorini, Earl Campbell. Some great battles.

          And Owen Daniels, I had him on my Yahoo fantasy team and played him a couple weeks when Jimmy Graham was on bye and hurt. But I dropped him to get some other player to start. I wish I had him on my team.

  7. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    I have no words to say. I think I am still in shock not sure why thats why I am certain it is shock. Maybe my dysfunction has finally been cured, at least for another 20 years.

    At this point all I can say. .. is bring on the salsa!

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, wavegirl, it's gonna be Discount Double Check a whole lot more than the salsa on Sunday Night Football. Not that I'm prejudiced because I have Aaron Rodgers on my fantasy team or anything.

      1. wavegirl22 profile image48
        wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        well I do love the salsa but I have to admit I really admire the "belt" as well. I hope the front four stay on their mark (no pun intended) as I really do not want to see Clay coming after my boy Eli Elite.

        1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
          BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Your wish is my command, wavegirl. Clay Matthews has been ruled out for the game due to his hamstring injury.

          Actually, I took the Giants in Pick Em. Packers are a 2 1/2 point underdog. Victor doing the salsa about 3 times is fine with me, as long as Rodgers throws like 4 TD passes. I just don't want Hakeem Nicks and James Jones doing much since my opponent at Yahoo has them.

          Should be a great game on Sunday Night Football. Your buddy and company sure get the best games. Monday Night Football is Carolina at Philadelphia. Barf.

  8. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 11 years ago

    The Jets were awful on TG, although I keep watching in hopes of seeing Tebow...Didn't know he had broken ribs.  It doesn't look like he'll play this season.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      hate to say this  . ..BITYS

      sorry its cause of his ribs .. but anyway you cut it, Tebow was not playing anything but the headlines in NY this year.

  9. Unkado profile image59
    Unkadoposted 11 years ago

    Here, here Wavegirl. I'll be cheering for the the Blue on Sunday along with you, although likely for different reasons. The Packers need to come back to earth and hover around that .500 mark, where they belong. A Green Bay loss and a Minnesota victory over the suddenly struggling Bears will bring a 3-way tie in the NFC Norris division.

  10. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    Ummm Wavegirl, please disregard Unkado's comment, the Packers and the Vikings need to lose and my Bears need to get it together! lol

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, the Bears are at home and have Cutler back. That's got to help them bounce back from a terrible game.

      It doesn't look good for the Vikings to make the playoffs to me. Remaining games are Bears twice, Packers twice, Texans, and Rams. That's one tough schedule.

      1. wavegirl22 profile image48
        wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        sorry bout your Steelers today. Turnovers killed them. And poor Batch had 3 interceptions. Cant win games that way.
        Right now Im watching the Raven / Chargers, hoping Flacco and co get it together and take them Chargers and their chant down. Rivers in the turf is almost as good as seeing Brady with a mouth ful of turf (may the coming weeks bring much of it to Brady.)

        Good Giants game coming up, and of course its on my favorite channel. I submitted a salsa playlist. . hehehehe

    2. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your Bears did just fine. . Cutler was better then your average bear this week (that was said of course in a Yogi Bear voice;)

      I hope the Pack goes down hard today. I want to see some salsa dancing. Its been way too long since Victor had a good dance. Word from MetLife a few minutes ago is Eli is looking sharp and raring to go!

  11. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    We definitely agree on that, The Giants front four need to punch Aaron Rodgers in the mouth!! Pack need to go down

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah . . no Claymaker today!!! My ELi will be fine. But you are right. .JPP, Tuck, Osi and Kiwanuka are who I will be watching . . add Canty, Blackburn, Boley and Webster and lets not forget the Prince smile

      There will be no "belts" for Aaron today.

  12. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    Yeah, you might be right about the collapse of the Steelers, wavegirl. Charlie Batch has an old tired arm and I don't think we are going to win many games with him. But then, not often a team wins a game when they turn the ball over 8 times. Plax made the best offensive play of the day getting a pass interference call in the end zone.

    I couldn't believe that 4th & 29 the Ravens just barely made there late in the 4th quarter. If they hadn't made it game over Chargers.

    Oh yeah, here we go. Giants score on first drive, Packers score their first drive and . . .

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So far the Giants are looking mighty fine. For Corey to redeem himself so fast is always an auspicious omen.

      And Im still loving the Chargers loss.

      1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
        BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Now that was a beat down last night. At least the Steelers have an excuse for sucking. I'm not sure what excuse Discount Double Check has, other than a bad hair day. I'm sure glad he didn't hook up with James Jones, which gave me a win in one fantasy game. My other one is up in the air pending who does what tonight.

        Ah yes, Monday Night Football, Panthers at Eagles. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to last it out until the end.

  13. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 11 years ago

    Can we borrow one of the Frans QB for one or two games, Coppernicus will be ok or Smith will do. :-)

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, the Steelers could have beat the Browns with Tim Tebow at quarterback, as long as he just kneeled down. You know, no hand-offs to any of the four Steeler running backs who all fumbled or passes like Charlie Batch threw that the Browns caught.

  14. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    BGJ, If Big Ben doesn't come back quick, your Steelers are gonna be in trouble brotha!! They may be able to sneak a wild card

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      speaking of come backs  .. I did so bad on all my fantasy teams there aint a shot for me anywhere!

      At least I got Big Blue to carry me through the rest of this season!

      1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
        BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Don't give up, don't ever give up! Fantasy is good, but the real thing is better.

        I'm sweating out the Steelers making the playoff a whole lot more than I'm sweating out making the playoffs in fantasy.

        And if you make the playoffs, you can do what Big Blue did last season, win 3 playoff games on the road and then dance with Tiffany (I love those words). And like the Steelers won 3 road playoff games back when they beat the Seahawks and danced with Tiffany.

        1. wavegirl22 profile image48
          wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          something tells me that your Steelers will be playing the Bengals for one hot wild card spot knocking out the Jets/Chargers for the SNF game of the week come week 16, I think that would be Dec 23. Early Christmas present for you my NFL bff with a Steeler win!

          1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
            BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            If I get a Steelers win in that game and it means a playoff spot, that's all I want for Christmas!

            Yeah, that game is scheduled for 1:00 pm. I hope it goes to Sunday Night Football. I can't stand some of those CBS announcers, especially Phil Simms. No wonder Bill Parcells hated him.

    2. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Tell me about it, Alphadogg. It may come down to the Steelers December 23 game with the Bengals as to which team gets a wild card. But then, the Colts still have to play the Texans twice so it's not like they are not going to have some more losses. They are at Detroit this week and also have the Titans, a team with still a shot for a wild card. And after the Colts, Steelers, and Bengals contending for two wild card spots, you have the Dolphins that have 2 games with the Patriots and at 49ers left on their schedule.

      Like I said before, I think a 9-7 team will make the playoffs in the AFC and maybe an 8-8 team. Why even the Jets still have a chance (I just said that so wavegirl will like me.)

  15. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    Hey wavegirl, talking about Big Blue, I made a mistake and you didn't call me on it. Shame on you.

    Giants didn't win 3 road playoff games last season like I said. I remember now. They beat the Falcons at home in the wild card game.

    Looking at the Giants schedule the rest of the way jarred my memory. Wow, at the Redskins, home against the Saints, at the Falcons, at the Ravens, home against the Eagles. That's no walk in the park.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      BGJack- yes I missed that. What can I say its been a hard few weeks for me, not easy for me to come out of Jets mourning. I really need to stop taking my Giants for granted.

      Sure they dont have an easy road ahead of them.

      At the Skins - if Big Blue shows up in the Nations capitol nothing is going to stop them, not even RG3

      Saints at Metlife - this should be a redemption game after what Breezy and co did to my boys last season.

      At Atlanta - oy the 10-1 Falcons (as of this posting) two great QB's battling for some good position. The question will of course as always with Big Blue is what team is going to show up. I love the Giants on the road. We know how well the GMen can pick a defense apart but the question will be can the Falcons force Eli into one of those deer in the headlights moments. This one could be one of those cardiac attack games with 4th quarter heroics.

      At the Ravens. As much as I love the Giants on the road thats how much I hate the Ravens at home. Will Ray Ray be back? Too many players that start with "Ra" on the Ravens. . that alone makes me want to be a Baltimore fan. This is the game that could lock the NFC East up for Big Blue of course depending on how the Cowgirls and the Skins are making out.

      And lastly the Iggles. How I hate this game. You would think this game will be a walk in the park for the Gints. Im sure they will be the favorite. But this is the game that for some reason the Giants just lose their identity their swag and everything else needed to win a game! Mental toughness 101 is needed for practice all week leading up to it.

      OK now that I wrote a Hub on the Giants final stretch I think I can saftely say I am back in the game (so to speak) This is good for my 12 step get over the Jets program that I have initiated for the well being of my heart and mental health! Thanks BGJ for showing me the way wink

  16. ocbill profile image54
    ocbillposted 11 years ago

    The Texans just seem to win  same goes for Atlanta. The giants are where they want to be. underdogs and probably play on the road in the playoffs. The Broncos look great too. I'll with the Manning bros. in the Super Bowl since the both won it all.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Texans and Falcons keep winning cause they are really good teams. Interesting to note that both teams are led by a Matt.

      But like you I am hoping for a Super Bowl where the QB's both share the Manning name!!

  17. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 11 years ago

    I am one of the Football God so I want Steelers to be in, playoff first then another one of those DWT - Dancing with the Tiffany!

    I want Eli to be in too, not so much with the elder Manning cos he beats the Steelers, LOL!

    Although it is interesting to see them defensive teams like Tx, Niners, Seahawks, Bears play each other! If not Steelers then one of those!

    Giants is almost complete!

    1. wavegirl22 profile image48
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ah PDH - you are a football goddess. Goddesses have very special powers unlike the football gods wink

      The Steelers are going to have to really team it up as they go up against the very hot Ravens again this week. Not looking all the optimistic that Big Ben will be back for the dual. Frustration city I think has taken over the Steeler Curtain. But with Tomlin at the helm anything is possible. Hes the cream of the crop and if anyone can get it done I think he is tops on that list.

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
        prettydarkhorseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        But my friend, Tomlin can't play, and Football Fairies, Goddesses like us can't do anything if them players don't keep their hair on or like BGJack said - "having a bad hair day". After more games and they still have bad hair, it is time to cut their hair, LOL

        There are better times, better years my friend :-)

  18. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    Hey wavegirl, just when you have given up the ghost on Gang Green, I am predicting a comeback. Especially this week. I just picked up the Jets defense for my best fantasy team. They are going against that rookie Cardinals quarterback Ryan Lindley who tossed two pick 6s last week.

    You starting the Week 13 thread? More people respond if you start the thread. Why, I have no idea. What, are you giving away Tim Tebow jerseys? If you don't start it some time tonight, I'll start it in the morning.

  19. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    Don't know if that was a good idea BGJ, Beanie Wells looked good last week, Im sure the Cardinals will get on his back to relieve some stress off of Lindley.

    1. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
      BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jets are projected for 13.95 points at Yahoo. My other team is the Steelers who are projected for 7.26. They are the number one defense in the NFL in yards allowed, but they don't get many turnovers and sacks, and hence aren't that great for fantasy. So I usually look for a good defensive matchup I can pick up and play for just that week.

      So Alphadogg, what do you think about playing the Seahawks defense at your team, the Bears? I have Seahawks defense at and they are projected for 12 points. I definitely wouldn't play them if those 2 cornerbacks weren't playing due to the PED thing. The Jets are projected for the same number of points, 12. But is Cutler due for one of his bad hair days?

  20. Alphadogg16 profile image88
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    Trying to keep my opinion biased, because I love my Bears, If the CB's of the Seahawks don't play, Brandon Marshall will have huge numbers. Marshall will also stretch out the defense, and Forte & Bush should have good days as well. I definitely wouldn't play the Seahawk defensive without the starting CB's

  21. wavegirl22 profile image48
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    I definitely would not quote me on this . .but dem Jets got nothing but pride to play for now. And if it is the defense I would say they probably wont let you or Rex down.

    See no matter how much I try to stay away from Gang Green there is just always something to pull me back in. Oh whoa is me.


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