Should martial art tactics be considered offensive or defensive? Why?

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  1. K9keystrokes profile image82
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    Should martial art tactics be considered offensive or defensive? Why?

  2. profile image0
    TechTrendyposted 13 years ago

    Depends on your situation, when I was overseas my jujitsu training become offensive as the threat was immediate to my well being. When I returned back to the states it once again became a defensive skill as the threats were no longer immediate. Just my 2 cents tho.

  3. Lawrence Da-vid profile image60
    Lawrence Da-vidposted 13 years ago

    Many years ago, after I had an altercation with 2 school bullies, my father introduced me to, what was then, a UDT Navy Chief.  Today he would be called a SEAL.  My father wanted me learn defense the proper way and when to use much force to be used....when to stop.  I spent almost 2 years learning from this man.  On 1 or 2 occasions, I almost had to use the defense training.  Knowing I could do much harm cause me to hold back.  When I was older, I enlisted in the USN and continued my defense/offensive training.  With it comes control.  If Martial Arts is taught with consideration in accordance with the true art, it is appropriate for defense.  Not to be used just to "show off."   By the way...I was brought into the "arts" when I was 13 years old.

  4. mothsong profile image66
    mothsongposted 13 years ago

    I consider martial art tactics to be defensive because they should only ever be used to prevent someone hurting you or another person if there is no other way to avoid it. We have always been taught that you shouldn't make the first strike unless you are certain the other person is going to strike or harm you, and you wouldn't be able to avoid this any other way. You would only have the law behind you in Britain if you used reasonable force for the situation. If you were in grave danger or the attacker tried to strike you again after you'd countered them, of course you could use more force. However, if they stopped attacking you after you'd countered them but you kept attacking, you'd potentially be in a lot of trouble. I'm sure you know most of this already though, just my thoughts.

  5. jamonco profile image60
    jamoncoposted 13 years ago

    Martial Arts is not a tactic, per say, it is a way of life. When it comes to offensive and defensive tactics, the topic shifts more specifically to fighting situations. The karate master would say martial arts is neither offensive nor defensive, but merely a highly adept and trained reaction. Of course, that is a much more spiritual view of it. But if ever a situation presented itself the best thing one can do is to let it unfold. And if required, do what is needed to sustain life--whether that be attacking or defending, or a combination of both.


  6. RealLee916 profile image60
    RealLee916posted 13 years ago

    How can this be a question when martial arts is considered offensive as well as defensive..for myself, i was taught WING-CHUN (GUNG-FU) style as a very young boy..My father uncles and cousins all were involved with the art of WING-CHUN (GUNG-FU).. And this style teaches you defensive tactics, and counter offensive tactics all in the same move, example..your opponent throws a right punch to your head/ would move to your right.. outside the punch line using your left a spear, countering the punch..thus blocking and grabbing your opponent and pulling him into you..for a better explanation go on the internet or you tube and type wing chun blocks and counters..or read the TAO OF JEET KUN DO by Bruce Lee one of the best martial arts books ever..and very user friendly..i promise you will understand that martial arts is both offensive and defensive...Please excuse me if i offend anyone..but i am a eurasian chinese/german..Father being Chinese and very strict about (gung-fu) and what it represents..ty

  7. Laura Matkin profile image77
    Laura Matkinposted 13 years ago

    Both offensive and defensive depending on the person.  Bully = offensive            Someone using their skills for self protection = defensive.

    Definition of OFFENSIVE
    a : making attack : aggressive
    b : of, relating to, or designed for attack
    c : of or relating to an attempt to score in a game or contest; also : of or relating to a team in possession of the ball or puck
    : giving painful or unpleasant sensations : nauseous, obnoxious
    : causing displeasure or resentment

    de·fen·sive  (d-fnsv)
    1. Intended or appropriate for defending; protective.
    a. Intended to withstand or deter aggression or attack: a defensive weapons system; defensive behavior.
    b. Of or relating to the effort to prevent an opponent from gaining points in a game or athletic contest.
    c. Performed so as to avoid risk, danger, or legal liability: defensive driving; defensive medicine,
    3. Of or relating to defense.
    4. Psychology Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego.
    1. A means of defense.
    2. An attitude or position of defense.
    on the defensive
    Prepared to withstand or counter aggression or attack.

  8. CraigRumery profile image60
    CraigRumeryposted 13 years ago

    Its all about who uses it and the extent that they use it. If you are attacked and defend yourself using, blocks, strikes, grabs, or submissions with the intent of protecting yourself and others then they are defensive.

    On the other hand if your intent is to attack or seriously hurt someone, then you are using them offensively.

  9. AnimeHime2011 profile image59
    AnimeHime2011posted 13 years ago

    This is a really GREAT question! But mostly it depends on your Situation and everything. Sometimes people may use their skills in Martial Arts for the hell of it and attack people who can't defend themselves (bully) but sometimes you need to defend yourself like if you're in contact with an Attacker or somebody holding a gun to you or somebody robbing you.

    But like I had said before it all depends on who uses it and what they use their Martial Art Skills for.

  10. Matt in Jax profile image60
    Matt in Jaxposted 13 years ago

    Martial arts tactics are defensive in nature primarily, but if the threat is pushed upon must use force which can be considered offensive.

  11. profile image50
    mplo28posted 7 years ago

    To Tony the writer:

    I have to disagree with the notion that there's no defensive aspect to the Martial Arts.   Offensive is if a person bullies other people, especially those tho cannot defend themselves.  Defensive is when a person uses what s/he knows in martial arts to defend him/herself in the event of a physical attack.  There are times when only a defensive move is needed in the event of a physical attack, and there are other times when a defensive move followed by a counter-attack, is necessary.


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