Top 5 greatest NFL teams

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  1. R.Edwards profile image64
    R.Edwardsposted 15 years ago

    1.) '94 SanFrancisco 49ers: The way they manhandled the Chargers in the SuperBowl and limited Natron Means from doing any real damage was crazy. Hands down the scariest team (at the time I was a Cowboys[Aikman, Smith & Irvin] fan)I've ever seen play.

    2.) '99 Rams: I hated Kurt Warner during that time, it was ridiculous how they just never seemed to have any competition, week in and week out.

    3.) '87 Redskins: I feel so bad, 'cause I'm not sure if this was the year the Redskins became the original 'greatest show on turf.' They had the highest point total of any NFL team prior to that season, and they downright manhandled Elway and the Broncos 52-10 in the Super Bowl.

    4.) '70's Steelers: Simple, 4 superbowls with Bradshaw at the helm, could've been higher on my list, but I didn't see them play to really appreciate how great I'm sure they were. Besides, the skill level was/is a world apart.

    5.) '72-'73 Dolphins: They ran the table in '73 though only 16 games, plus I love Sammy Morris with his cocky attitude. I'm pretty sure he was thrilled when the Pats lost to the Giants in the '07 Super Bowl.

    I know there are different opinions that make more sense than my list but it's a start. BTW, don't throw too many jabs at me if I got that '87 Redskin team wrong!

    What's your top 5 NFL teams of all time?

  2. TN21 profile image61
    TN21posted 15 years ago

    The 1985 Bears was the greatest team of all-time.

    1. fishtiger58 profile image69
      fishtiger58posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Oh yes by far. DA BEARS

  3. ediggity profile image59
    ediggityposted 15 years ago
  4. wavegirl22 profile image40
    wavegirl22posted 15 years ago

    In one of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl history I think my all time favorite team was the NY Giants winner of Super Bowl XLII  big_smile . .

    I loved seeing the Patriots go down then just as much as I felt when the Colts did it to them this past weekend!

    And back in the day (1978)  when the Cowboys were known as "Americas Team" I can remember Tony Dorsett , Drew Pearson and Roger Staubach putting up the points while the "Doomsday Defense" with Ed Too Tall Jones, Harvey Martin and Randy White did what they did best.

    for my other 3 top teams. . of course it all adds up to the Giants the Giants and then again the Giants! Doesnt matter what year  . I am a die hard Giant fan .. and always will be.

    1. dohn121 profile image80
      dohn121posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

      1. yoshi97 profile image56
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I always liked the 49ers when Joe Montana was at the helm. He always seemed to find some magic somewhere. It was really difficult seeing his career tank when he moved on to other teams. sad

        1. R.Edwards profile image64
          R.Edwardsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          well he had that final 'push' with the Kansas City Chiefs when he beat Young and the 49ers and his matchup against Elway and the Broncos, bringing the Chiefs back from a deficit to when that game.

          1. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image59
            EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Absolutely, he made the pro bowl in his first year in KC and led them to the playoffs both years, including the AFC championship in 93. He wasn't in his prime anymore physically, but it was far from tanking.

    2. profile image0
      Denno66posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm reevaluating my fondness for you. big_smile

      1. wavegirl22 profile image40
        wavegirl22posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        cool cool >totally blushing over here> cool cool

  5. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image59
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years ago

    A lot depends on if you want to rank by dominance over an extended period or who was the best in one specific season.

    1. The Browns of the late 40's/early 50's, who played in 10 straight championship games and won 7 of them.

    2. The Packers from 1960 to 1967, who registered their first winning season in 12 years in 1959 and then played in the championship game 6 out of the next 8 years, winning 5 of them including the first two Super Bowls.

    3. 70's Steelers

    4. Current Patriots

    5. tie 80'Niners/90's Cowboys

    1. Da Bears as much for the characters as for the domination.

    2. '72 Dolphins - Only undefeated team ever even though their starting QB was out for part of the season. And they also won the championship again the next year

    3. The 1957 Lions - They should have never traded Bobby.

    4. The 1940 Bears - Biggest victory margin in a championship game ever.

    5. 1990 49ers

    1. R.Edwards profile image64
      R.Edwardsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ummm...what about the '30's/'40's Redskins? We won the first championship game against the Bears with Sammy Baugh at QB; two title games to be exact in our first few seasons as Redskins.

      1. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image59
        EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        We could call that an honorable mention.

  6. jperlini profile image57
    jperliniposted 15 years ago

    Cowboys of the 90's c'mon now...

    1. profile image0
      mtsi1098posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I was just about to post the same thought...

      1. acanderson24 profile image68
        acanderson24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You have to look at that Cowboys team of the 90's (They were great and dominant.). That 78 team was tough too....A lot of people forget about Roger Staubach and what he brought to the game.

  7. visitmaniac profile image58
    visitmaniacposted 15 years ago

    WOOO HOOO You fit the Dolphins in there glad to see that lol

  8. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 15 years ago

    Steelers -- all time

  9. RedElf profile image88
    RedElfposted 15 years ago

    Now, if you'd asked about the CFL, or the NHL...that would be something  big_smile big_smile big_smile

  10. JBeadle profile image80
    JBeadleposted 15 years ago

    1996-1997 Green Bay Packers or either of the Packer teams that won the first two superbowls.  Hail Lombardi!  Someday we'll forgive Brent for going over to Minnesota.  Someday.

  11. ShaunMasterton profile image60
    ShaunMastertonposted 15 years ago

    being that I'm a bears fan, I would obviously say the 85 bears was greatest team ever.

    The 99 rams team was amazing, I love the whole story of Kurt Warner. nothing > NFL Europe > Superbowl Ring , I also love how he plays. Hes like Brett Favre, he will sling it out there and throw interceptions but he sure is exciting to watch.

    Even though Patriots fell short against Giants, they still went 18-0 which does out do the dolphins 14-0 record. Yeah they didn't win superbowl and was a huge shock, however if tyrell doesn't get that lucky catch on his helmet. Suspect Patriots would have won, although Eli Manning's effort to get free on Tyrell's catch deserves the luck Tyrell had on catching the ball imo.


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