Claw Tattoo Designs
Claw Tattoos
Claw tattoo designs are a niche category that has many adherents and fans, especially among males, who like to express the power associated with the claw in a way that shows them breaking free of and through resistance.
This is usually expressed in a way that has the claw ripping through the flesh in the image, implying a breaking free from self-induced limitations.
Most of the claws used in this art form are from a wild beast or a bird of some sort; usually thought of as eagle talons, although the bird is rarely shown or hinted of, so it's largely a guess and assumption, even though based on a high probability it's true.
As with all the tattoo designs I write about, with claw tattoos we'll look at those of high quality and low, so those considering having a tattoo, especially their first one, will learn to take a variety of factors into account so it doesn't end up in being a disaster.
After all, who wants a bad work of art permanently embedded in their body?
- Razor Tattoo Designs
Straight edge razors have been around since the 17th century, eventually becoming a piece of art with the decorative handles that are still sought after by collectors to this day. In some parts of the world the straight edge razor was used up... - Lobster Tattoos
For those of us that love the water and seas, a lobster tattoo is a compelling choice to show what it means to us. There is no doubt that we who are born near the water have a unique affinity to the sea, lakes and the life forms associated with...
Lobster Claw Tattoo
We'll start off our claw tattoo gallery with a look at this unusual lobster claw tattoo. As a standalone image, it's one of very few I found, and the only one that was portrayed as ripping through the skin.
This isn't an attractive personal option for me, but the fact it's rare and uncommon makes it worthwhile seeing, as you never know what may inspire something concerning a tattoo design.
- Fire and Flame Tattoos
Tattoos incorporating fire or flame into the design look fantastic, and with the occasional exception, are part of a combination of tattoo themes, rather than a standalone image of fire. But even on those occasions, the tattoo is designed in such... - Skull Wearing Hat Tattoo Designs
Tattoos of skulls wearing hats are awesome, and include a little bit of everything in the way of hats, including cowboy hats, top hats, jester and baseball hats. But it doesn't end there. While wearing a variety of hats, the skulls, for the most...
Lion Claw Tattoo
Because I like to write about tattoo designs partially to instruct, I included this ripping flesh lion tattoo to show how things can go horribly wrong.
First of all, if you want a tattoo of a lion showing its strength by ripping through the flesh, the face needs to be one that is fierce and majestic. While the eyes of this lion aren't too bad, the rest of the face looks like it has been botoxed, as there is no emotion or determination shown, just this mouth that doesn't line up with the eyes.
And what about those cheekbones? What is this, a Hollywood lion having just emerged from the makeup trailer? Fail!
When deciding on a claw tattoo, those claws need to be the center of the piece in the sense of being awesome. This set of claws is about as pathetic as you can get, being worse than the face, if that can be believed.
Detail is everything with a quality tattoo, and this one fails miserably because the subject matter demands a higher quality than a tattoo which was meant to give a message or be more of a caricature.
- Dark Jester Tattoos
A Jester, or Court Jester, was largely a product of European culture, and was employed to provide a variety of entertainment, and also in some cases, to provide advise to political leaders, especially the king or queen. Another role was that of... - Werewolf Tattoos You Can't Ignore
While werewolf tattoos obviously aren't for everyone, if you like fantasy art, it's definitely a compelling theme, even if you aren't the type to have it inked on you. For those that do enjoy horror, werewolves are among the best in my opinion, as...
Hawk Claw Gripping Baseball Tattoo
Just to show there is more than one way to design a claw, this tattoo of a hawk gripping a baseball, apparently in the midst of throwing it is pretty cool.
The claws look convincing and the texture of the leg of the hawk is very realistic and praiseworthy. Also well done and almost lost in the image is the baseball itself, specifically the stitching on the ball which conforms with how they really look.
If you like birds, claws and baseball, this is really a good tattoo design to get some ideas from.
- Paw Print Tattoo Designs
When doing some research on paw print tattoos, I was really surprised at the quality and creativity surrounding the theme, as I wasn't really expecting much. Not only are there awesome paw print designs that stand on their own, but interesting use... - Halloween Tattoo Designs and Ideas
Halloween is one of the most popular days of the year, generating close to the amount of interest that Christmas brings. That has resulted in a growing interest in tattoo designs associated with the special day. Tattoos celebrating Halloween...
Talons Ripping Flesh Tattoo
With this design we have the first look at the most popular type of claw or talon tattoo design people choose to have inked on them.
I think it's the mystery of what's trying to break out and why that makes this such a popular choice.
This one is actually somewhat benign, as some tattoos of this type can be extraordinarily disturbing, as we'll see in the next one. But for someone wanting something not too shocking, but can still grab the attention of those who see it, this is an example that could work nicely for them.
- Magnificent Owl Tattoos
Owls are a mysterious and interesting creature, and the fact they are, for the most part, nocturnal (and carnivores), adds to the attraction of this bird of prey. For those who like owls and desire them for a tattoo theme, there are numerous,... - Gargoyle Tattoo Designs and Meanings
Gargoyle history is interesting in that it is far less flamboyant and mystical than modern-day interpretation has given it. As to the practical side, gargoyles were nothing more than a type of a gutter, with some of the more elongated ones being...
Ripped Flesh Claw Tattoo
Here we have a more fierce and extreme tattoo design, with the talons dripping blood and the disturbing eye located on the middle claw.
This obviously isn't a tattoo design for everyone, but it is actually a good job for what it is and represents, with detail that is fine, and an interesting interpretation of the talons of this creature, including the great claws and the thick and hairy talons.
- Majestic Lion Tattoos
If there's one thing you think of when you see a lion tattoo, it's majestic, as the king of beasts retains his crown in the artistic realm as well. With the magnificent mane of the male lion, that is by far the favorite choice of those wanting a... - Fascinating Bear Tattoos
I was really surprised when I started looking around for interesting bear tattoos how many there were. My thought was there would probably be a few out there, as not that many people would be interested in the theme. Was I wrong. There were so...
Patriotic Claw Tattoo
Just like with tribal tattoos, patriotism seems to be able to be incorporated into any tattoo theme, including this interesting one with the claw ripping the flesh to reveal the American flag underneath.
We have no problem identifying the talons of this creature, as it's obviously the bald eagle, based upon the subject matter and relationship to American symbolism, which the bald eagle is such an important part of.
The claws shining and extending from those wonderful talons look very convincing, and project the majesty of the bird and its apparent job of continuing to need to break out for the purpose of pursuing freedom.
- Sharp Dagger and Knife Tattoos
Knife and dagger tattoos are among the best themes to work with other props, or even as standalone when they look great by themselves. There is a recurring narrative of hearts with daggers, apparently with idea that someone had been stabbed their... - Cool Goth Tattoos
The Gothic lifestyle is a fascinating one to me, and overall it's really undefinable, although much of the purpose is to startle and grab attention through clothes and themes the participants wear and engage in. With tattoos the purpose is the...
Tribal Claw Tattoo
We finish this tattoo gallery off with the other ubiquitous tattoo theme: tribal. Tribal, as mentioned above, is probably used in every type of subject matter chosen by tattoo enthusiasts. It is very adaptable and versatile, with few rules other than the easily recognizable lines and shapes, which can be seen in this claw tattoo.
The way the three protruding, pointed lines represent and declare the claws of the theme look fantastic, as does the background and ancillary details which make tribal tattoos look so great.
Claw and Talon Tattoos
Claw tattoos aren't for everyone, but neither are any of the themes and subject matter of other tattoos.
They represent a powerful message that we all are trying to break free from the inner things that bind us, and many times we must aggressively combat them to succeed in life individually, and by that release, help others who are struggling in similar ways and walking a difficult path.
Ripping flesh or ripping skin tattoo designs aren't all about being disturbing or gratuitous, but are about individual freedom and liberty expressed through a claw struggling to break through our inner demons to be finally released to have a positive impact on those around us.
In that regard, even though the appearance of some claw or talon tattoos can be extreme, they do send a positive message of not giving up the struggle to be set free.