Why did Michael Jackson do plastic surgery on his nose?

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  1. Joviman profile image61
    Jovimanposted 15 years ago

    Why did Michael Jackson do plastic surgery on his nose?

    Information I gathered on the Internet says that his doctor and friend Deepak Chopra admitted that Michael Jackson had skin disease condition called Vitiligo which made his skin turn whitish in some areas. This he tried to hide with heavy makeup and he wasn't trying to look like a white man. That's mind soothing cos I had always believed that story of him hating his own race in favour of white. It will do me some more good to learn why he had plastic surgery on his nose.

  2. popintervention profile image61
    popinterventionposted 15 years ago

    Yeah, I have read those things. I actually have 10 hubs, all about Micheal, 2 addressing the Vitiligo with pictures, and one that has the Oprah interview video footage in it, where Michael says that he is a proud black man and he didn't bleach his skin. As far as his nose goes, I have not written a hub on this yet, but what I heard--was that he broke his nose in rehearsal sometime during the Off the Wall era and he had to have his first nose job. This STARTED the surgeries. Also, if you watch that Oprah interview, you will hear him talk about how he's never satisfied with himself or anything. He's lonely, and his father told him that he was ugly. Criticism from a parent during puberty can really hurt you mentally. In any event, you can look through the articles. they're done with Michael love...http://hubpages.com/profile/popintervention

  3. profile image0
    iamqweenbeeposted 15 years ago

    I just saw a special on msbnc, which was an interview with Michael Jackson before he died. He said his father always insulted him about his nose so he was self-conscious about it. That is why he had the surgery done on his nose.

    That is why I don't believe everything I hear. Some stories get distorted. I have heard that he wanted to be white, too. All along, it was a skin disease.

    I also do not believe those molestation charges against him and I will tell you why...

    1. Any parent who feel a person is a pedophile would not send their children to that person's home. When these people kept sending their children after all the speculation, I felt that they either were not good parents or looking for a cash cow. I have a feeling, some kid will step up and admit he lied on Michael Jackson.

    2. Anytime there is speculation that someone did something, some people will take it to the limit and use it to their advantage. He was never found guilty of this and in this country everyone is innocent until proven guilty. He settled out of court because he got tired of the sideshow act depicting him as a pedophile and just wanted to get pass the rhetoric and get on with his life (per his interview on msbnc). So, I cannot say that I blame him.

    3. Michael loved children and would do them no harm. Mentally, he was a child himself, which is probably why he didn't make the brightest of decisions.

    1. profile image47
      kingofpop4everposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      he claims it was to hit high notes but i think it could be becuase his father made fun of his nose, but i could be for both

  4. PAPA-BEAR profile image60
    PAPA-BEARposted 14 years ago

    Michael was a rich guy with a lot of empty pockets chasing after him. He was soothed into wrong advice, stupid to believe the advice, stupid to have such phoney 'friends'.

  5. H P Roychoudhury profile image38
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 14 years ago

    There were many questions in the air – plastic surgery might be the reasons for defective nose, or white spot or parent’s abuse or color bar or any other reasons. But the great desire was in his mind which was that the Michael Jackson will be the one, the supreme one in his work of display. That desire tempted him to go for plastic surgery and that made him the unique one in the world.

  6. adrianna vaughn profile image59
    adrianna vaughnposted 8 years ago

    I'm gonna be honest and real with this question. for all these people out there trying to answer this question and answer how he died, all yall need to take a min. and think. how are yall going to know if you are not him. all these reasons is just like going to middle school and you hear all these rumors.


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