Why Do Women’s Clothing Have Buttons on the Left, And on the Right for Men’s Clo

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  1. ngureco profile image77
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    Why Do Women’s Clothing Have Buttons on the Left, And on the Right for Men’s Clothing?

  2. dabeaner profile image59
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    When buttons were invented (or at least came into widespread use) in the middle ages, they were on the right for men to easily button their stuff.  They could do theirs, themselves.  Women, being delicate creatures, had to have someone to do it for them, so the buttons were on the other side to make it easier for the assistant (maid, whatever) to button them.  :-)

  3. Steve Nelson profile image60
    Steve Nelsonposted 14 years ago

    And the reason it was easier for someone else to do up the buttons is because most people are right handed hence the buttons needed to be on the opposite side to men’s garments.

    So girls make the most of it, get the man (or woman) in your life to dress you...

    Hey we may just get out on time that way...;-)

  4. chrisoakley profile image60
    chrisoakleyposted 14 years ago

    Exactly what everyone says here - for the maids to do up their mistresses clothes in the dark ages.

    I still can't figure out why women have dresses that have zips on the back totally out of reach of themselves.

  5. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    I have no earthly idea but I have had just enough experience with it to know that us men got the best end of the deal.  Maybe it was original done as some form of regulatory effort that would flag any man who was openly wearing a woman's blouse and trying to pass it off as a man's shirt.  For all the years that I have wondered about it, I have never seen any speculation on the subject.  I suppose it will go down in history as a mystery! WB

  6. dianalee profile image60
    dianaleeposted 14 years ago

    This is funny.  I always wondered, but somehow did not have enough sense to ask.

  7. JonesChicago profile image60
    JonesChicagoposted 14 years ago

    dabeaner is correct but to elaborate further I share this. Hundreds of years ago there were no left handed individuals, none that would openly admit it, as being left handed could land them hung, killed or jailed. In middle ages those that were left handed hid the fact for fear of being considered a witch, possessed by the devil or a hieratic, which would result in their being jailed or more often than not put to death. Therefore it was a given that everyone was right handed, and as dabeaner states the buttons on womens clothes were placed in such way that a right handed assistant or maid could easily button their wardrobe for them.

  8. jite profile image40
    jiteposted 14 years ago

    Nowadays the clothings for male n female are similar sometimes,so how we can differentiate.It helps.LOL

  9. N.R.Phillips profile image61
    N.R.Phillipsposted 14 years ago

    I heard that men's buttons were on right so that it was easier to unbutton garments with the left hand to allow the wearer to easily unsheath their sword with their right ... lest of course the man is left-handed,, then he would be wearing a women's coat.

  10. JoyLove4ever profile image60
    JoyLove4everposted 14 years ago

    As a right handed person, brain dominance is in their left brain the opposite is true of the left handed person, they have right brain dominance.

    Women have been know to be more emotional and verbal and this is the right brain dominance which would translate to physical left handed proficiency.

    Men are thought to be analytical and logical which is left brain dominance and this would translate to right handed dominance.

    So the button placement might be the placement for each sex in  physical dominance.


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