I have been wearing nail polish (both fingers & toes) for about five years now. Sometimes I have a salon do my nails, but most of the time I paint my nails. My heart flutters everytime I have a lady do my nails at a nail salon.
But, while wearing the polish, I mostly try to conceal that I have polish on. Less than a handful of women (that I know, aside from the ladies that do my nails) know that I wear nail polish. None of my male friends know that I wear nail polish...I don't think they even want to know.
I am interested in hearing from other men and crossdressers that paint their nails (fingers and/or toes)
I am all woman but my hat is off to you!!! If you are comfortable doing it then do it!! Whatever your heart feels I have male friends that are gay and crossdressers and it certainly is fine with me! So long as you are comfortable that is all that matters.
I admire your comment. I didn't mention it in my original post, but I do want to hear from women also. I really feel at ease hearing it from a woman.
I've been crossdressing for many years. I don't think that I'll ever be a transgender, but do love crossdressing (a closet Xdresser). I know that I am a man, but do feel feminine when I wear nail polish.
Thanks I occasionally paint mine trying to build up my nerve to be more open about it. Right now I just do my toes but would like to do my nails as well.
I appreciate all the postings. I am learning that a lot of women are okay with men wearing nail polish. But, overall the public is not accepting men wearing nail polish. I would like to hear from more women on their thoughts...crossdressers as well. Yesterday, I went to a nail salon and had my nails done (fingers/toes). I loved the pampering given by the lady.
I'm a guy and I wear women's clothing and shoes openly and in public. I don't even have any mens clothes. Concerning nails, I get regular fills and pedi's at my spa and get eyebrow waxing. I take it a step further due to the fact I have acrylic nails. I get the pink and whites, basically a french manicure. My nails are long and square in shape. I do not wear nail color on my acrylics but I do have my toenails painted with color sometimes. I have received plenty of compliments from nice women. My nails complete my overall look.
I have worn acrylics before and I love the looks & feel of the nails. I've only had a french manicure once. I also like going to my nail salon as well. I (like you) also wear women's clothing and shoes.
Rock On!! I'm wearing red french tips right now. : - )
Well, for the love of God, if you must know....Gel is WAY more effective than acrylic and much stronger. So, if you're goin' that route, go with the Gel.
Gotta go with my girl on this one....GEL is WAAAAAAY stronger and holds up to the oils that your nails produce on a daily basis. Acrylics fell of my nails in about 2 days. Not so with Gel and I've been wearin' the stuff for about 20 years. Questions?
Nail polish is a common part of getting a manicure, even for men. I once worked in an office where the dress code was "unbelievably formal" (men who showed up without ties were sent home to change). A lot of the guys had regular manicures, and getting a subtle polish was usually part of that.
I think it's fun, and I'm glad to hear so many guys who are comfortable with it!
Nothing wrong with it. I playfully paint it on a friend's nails when I'm doing mine, but it's just a transparent clear colour with some glitter. He can get away with it, unless people look close. I guess if it was red, it would raise a lot of eyebrows.
It's your call.
I have painted my nails as well, We met in a bar, we were drinking, courage came from an unknown girl who worked in a salon, she wanted to do my nails so i let her.
That was years ago i have been going back every month for a long time, it can be very erotic and she is HOT, but we are just good friends.
Read the forum "Men Wearing Nail Polish"
My thoughts on the matter is; It all depends on the reason why a man would wear nail polish. Is it to look better, or is it for other motives?
If you are ok with it, why ask others about their opinion? If someones toe nails are yellowed from a fungus, will that individual ask the community if nail polish, socks or shoes are ok to to hide it? Of course not.
Are you asking other peoples opinion, just to gain acceptance from others? If you are then you don't feel good about what you are doing, and stop doing it. Leave nail polish, women's clothes, and cosmetics for women to wear.
I respectfully disagree. Nail polish is just paint. There's nothing about it that makes it inherently "for women only". That is purely social custom.
And, the custom is oppression... of men, by dictating what we can't choose to do with our bodies, and then punishing (with ridicule, shame, intolerance and prejudice like yours) anyone who defies the mandate... AND oppression of women, by defining polish as "feminine", then basing its derision of polished men on the false premise that "polish is feminine - AND FEMININE IS BAD".
Congratulations - you've perpetrated bigotry, prejudice and gender-based discrimination. How does it feel to be an oppressor of humanity?
My friend manicures and she was doing a Guys hands yesterday, and I held mine in my pockets, his were so well looksed after, he did draw the line at nail polish though. They have to ask because it is part of the procedure and cost.
OWWW...Your Making my Brain Hurt...Who ever heard of such a thing? I miss the old planet I use to live on...anyone seen it? I must have gotten off at the wrong bus stop in space...Yeah...that's what happened!
manlypoetryman, you are so funny! I agree. No nail polish for guys. My son tried the black nail polish during his goth phase and I quickly put an end to that. By the way, manlypoetryman, did you know you got hubber of the week? Just thought you'd want to know.
Honestly, if you count the emo wannabes then guys wearing nail polish isn't especially rare these days but I don't.
I believe every guy should take care of their nails all 23 of them... There's nothing grosser than shaking someone's hand and seeing those ragged nail bitten grungy ickness on your hand.
Also, I've often wondered how much gender stereotyping in clothing has created a rather stagnant look for men. Pants, shirt, shoes, hat, or you're a fag. I am personally not a cross dresser, nor gay, nor whatever else, but I have met several men who look better in skirts than most women and due to two sisters, my mother, an aunt and a grandmother, I know how to paint nails better than the average teenage girl. Not hard to do but eh.
I've always thought that nail polish would be a unique way to offset your wardrobe but never really wanted to go through the hassle of painting them, blotting, keeping them from chipping, waiting for them to dry, redoing them, yadda yadda and that's not even including the hassle you get from people wanting to know if you're gay. Stupid mindless sheep people brainlessly categorizing people by uninformed selfperpetuating opinions.
I'm all woman, but my hat goes off to you! I must say it is hard not to admire someone who takes care of themselves!
On a side note, some of my best friends are crossdressers and they always have such good advice about beauty and make-up tips.
lots of young guys wear nail polish and eye makeup.
i have seen a few men with French manicures and clear nail polish.
i have never seen a man wearing colored nail polish but it wouldn't freak me out if i did see one. it's funny a guy can walk around with spikes in his nose and earrings the size of spools of thread and no one bats an eyelash but if a guy walked in wearing Frosted Pink nail polish people would go 'omg'.
meh. not that big a deal.
If you were a man who wants to wear nail polish you don't want to mess with the country boys because we'll just pick on you fasion or not.
i think if anything is done right, it can transcend gender and just look cool. some of those emo kids look cool with that black eyeliner. my son is not an emo kid, but one night these girls came over and put eyeliner on him just for fun and he looked like a rock star.
I fully support androgyny.
Nail polish has never done much for me, but I get a great deal of joy in deviating from my designated gender role. For example, I love wearing long flowing skirts, and I can't help but feel sexy in eyeliner (although applying it is such a hassle I rarely do so).
I also have a handful of heterosexual friends who really enjoy mirroring the opposite sex, and they do so while retaining every bit of their heterosexuality.
Anyone who has a problem with it should really just grow up.
I am going to have nail polish as part of my costume this year for Halloween. I am going to be a nurse. This will be my first time being in public dressed as a woman.
I am thinking red polish to match the red in the costume. And red lipstick. Oh, and a blonde wig.
Guys should not wear nail polish. That is for girls and girls only.
There is nothing wrong with men wearing nail polish Marilyn Manson has done it, Steven Tyler so many rock stars do it. If men are not supposed to wear nail polish why is it o.k. for them to wear make-up?
If that's true, then women should stop wearing men's clothing, mens watches, pants, jeans, y-front underwear and should stay out of their boyfreinds/husbands closet.
Make you a deal... when you stop wearing pants, have only long hair, long polished nails, wear jewelry, wear pantyhose, wear only heeled shoes and stop wearing anything with "mens" or "boys" in the title, then I'll stop wearing nail polish!
In other words, be sure you look like a girly-girl all the time and don't wear mens things!
Please explain! Give me a good argument here as to why men shouldn't wear polish!
I never said men shouldn't and are you trying to pick an argument over nail polish with me now given I once was a manicurist?
I respectfully disagree. Nail polish is just paint. There's nothing about it that makes it inherently "for women only". That is purely social custom.
And, the custom is oppression... of men, by dictating what we can't choose to do with our bodies, and then punishing (with ridicule, shame, intolerance and prejudice like yours) anyone who defies the mandate... AND oppression of women, by defining polish as "feminine", then basing its derision of polished men on the false premise that "polish is feminine - AND FEMININE IS BAD".
Congratulations - you've perpetrated bigotry, prejudice and gender-based discrimination. How does it feel to be an oppressor of humanity?
No man! No,No,No,No! Thats wrong on so many levels, just No Man!
Please indulge me for a moment... Why exactly is it wrong??? Please be specific on exactly how many levels it is wrong on.
Also, why do you monitor and respond to these posts?? Just curious...
If you're a guy that should be easy, thats what girls do. 10 levels. I really can't believe that real people would go off the deep end like that. Why in the hell would you want to look like a girl? Is it like Halloween everyday? Mostly I inject my conservative comments to have some fun and interact with different perspectives. But really, why do you want to look like a girl?
UGH! I was responding to the poster's quote above me... wake up!
so chris, its ok that women were mens cloths, men get both ears pierced,gothic men or boys paint there nails black, hmmm dont get were your comming from. i do my toes blue and my neibor lady told me i had preatier feet than my wife. hmmm
My masculinity is not defined by the color on my toes, and it's strong enough that it's not threatened by a dab of paint either. Is yours?
The paint doesn't make me look like a woman...I make the paint look masculine!
As AEvans said, lots of musicians wear nail polish and make up and some are quite popular I knew lots of homosexuals in Toronto that wore make up and never thought anything about what they do and yes, some guy crossdressers or transgenders (trannies?) are more beautiful than women.
No problem with that either.
I think it's great that they are confident to reveal that side of themselves. I say, go for it!
So what if a guy wants to wear nailpolish? It doesn't effect me so I don't care...
I was just wondering why I should be bothered.
I know my opinion means nothing and I can't change anything but it's like the freak show at the circus.
Careful not to offend the circus workers on these forums...
You go to church. Many atheists would believe you're a freak. You certainly have beliefs that categorise you as a bit of a crank.
The guy is a sexual deviant not a freak. Sexual deviancy is a recognised medical condition. But deviants don't see their 'condition' as a condition. They view their behaviour as normal, as you view going to church and believing in nothing as normal. There are many parallels at work here.
You expect others to be accommodating of your pie-in-the-sky belief systems yet view those whose sexual preferences fall outside the societal norm, as freaks.
It would be good to hold a mirror up in front of you right now. Maybe you could see the ignorance in the way you think. But you look too old to have any hope of changing.
Perhaps the deviants will airmail you a set of their finest silk panties for you to try on. Go on, you know you want to.
What is sexual about paint? It's JUST PAINT!
OTOH, "Maximus" - next time you watch "Gladiator"... next time you hear Russel Crowe say "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the north, general of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.".... look closely, and you'll see that Maximus wears a SKIRT!!
I have very long nails on my right hand which has lacquered fingernails.
My left hand has very short nails unlacquered.
Black nail polish looks pretty cool on guys, and not at all effeminate. But it does depend on the guy, I suppose ...
Wearing nail polish to me isn't about being feminine or a cross-dresser or anything. At this point, it's all about finding creative ways to keep my kids' fingers out of their mouths. Yes, I have polished my son's nails for that reason, and as he's a little aspiring rock guitarist who is not anywhere near the most flamboyant student at his music school, nobody bats an eye when he shows up with black, green, or blue painted nails. (Of course he didn't tell anyone it was to discourage thumb sucking- don't tell him I posted this!!!)
Other than that, I generally prefer natural fingernails, neatly trimmed or filed and buffed, on both genders. But then I've always preferred practicality and economy, and in the lines of work I've had, pedicures and manicures end up being a waste of time and money.
I use lacquer to strengthen my pickin fingers on my right hand only. I need the left hand nails short for the neck so I can drum down on the strings.
Typing is a bit different!
Hello, I just happened across this thread today so I thought I'd join Hubpages and chime in too.
I do not wear my fingernails polished because I don't care for the look on me - or the maintenance required to keep it up. I do admire women who have beautiful fingernails because I can appreciate how much work it takes.
I do wear my toenails polished however. I was 'introduced' to this by my wife about four years ago. I guess she thought it would be fun to paint my toenails dark blue for some reason and so when she offered, I just went along with it.
The surprising thing for both of us was that it looked pretty good on my feet! I left it on my toes and after a few days I decided that I liked it enough to keep wearing it. She even went so far as to suggest a few other colors I could try, and that is how this whole thing began for me.
Since then, I have had a few professional pedicures and when I opt for the polish, they are more than happy to see a male customer making the choice (better business for them I guess).
I have never looked back after that first experience because after knowing how good it looked and felt to have "better than average looking" feet, my inhibitions about it and the belief that 'it's not for men' pretty much went away.
I suggest that you try it before you make a value judgement about it, and don't base your opinions on tradition. You may be surprised!
I lost a bet, had to paint mine hot pink and display publicly. But, like you, I was surprised by how much better my feet looked - so much so that for the first time in my life, I was not ashamed to show my feet. I've been polishing my toes ever since!
And, I have been MORE successful with the ladies than when I was "Mr. Normal Boring Khaki Guy"...
Keep on rocking the polish, man!
I am a male nurse and work at a rather large facility and thereby interact with many males and females. Very few of the males have ever said anything about my nail polish. I use Sally Hansen "Ultimate Shield" as a base and a final cover, with Maybelline "Wet Shine" in between. As for the women, I have received many compliments and much advice on how to improve the looks. I thank them for all they have done for me. My patients have never made a comment good or bad. It is a lot of work to keep them looking nice, filed smooth and clean, but I thoroughly enjoy the feel and the looks so I am going to continue to wear nail polish. Oh yes, and by the way my toenails are also treated with the same care as my fingers. The only difference is they are colored and have had just about every color applied. I say, if you are comfortable with it, go for it.
i wear nail polish now and then if i dont have any work to do on my boat as it just kills the nails.
i never try to hide it when i have it on and have never had any bad reactions to wearing it.
if a man wants to wear nail polish or make up or even a dress he should be able to with no problem as long as he is happy wearing it then so should everone else he is not hurting anyone and it makes a change from just jeans and a T shirt or suit and tie.
it has got to a point than men can only wear the jeans or pants anything else is not accepted anymore it is time to change the system that allowes women to wear anything they like but restricts men to only one type of dress.
i have a fetish for clean nails, I cut my nails everyday, trim it, it is long and painted too. I tried it with my boys (three of them aged 17, 13, 12 they like the natural color, off white only!
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Am I actually in a forum about men and nail polish? No, theres no way, whew
Kim, you are not in this thread, close your eyes, you are not in this thread, nor entertaining the idea of posting a comment, Kim, you are not in this thread, OK, Whew
Kim, you did not just come back to this forum, close your eyes again, your not back here, KIM
Why? Why? Why? Would you want to look like a girl ,are you gay?
does your wife were shirts that the buttons are on the right, or pants like that. those are guy cloths is she gay
I don't know? "Honey are you gay?" OW!!! The answer is no! So, are you gay?
It's not unusual for professional men to have their nails professionally manicured.
It's not unusual for lots of rockers to wear black nail polish and eyeliner.
It doesn't mean they are gay, or have the fetish, it's just another part of fashion, and upkeep.
Myself I like the manly man.. the ones with hands that never come clean. You can USUALLY tell a manly man by their hands. They are worn from hard work.
well for all of you that think men with pedicures and polish on there toes like me. welcome to 2010 why dont you look at people like scott speed nascar driver does his blue like mine,or try dean mcdermott tori spellings hubby he does his. or kate beckinsales hubby len wiseman he does his, oh wait there celebritys so thats ok right.
I am a man that wears nail polish all the time. I go to manicure shops in the malls all the time. When I get my manicures, I wear clear nail polish on my fingernails. I also have pedicures done to. I wear colored nail polish, usually red on my toenails. I also like having cute flowers painted on my bigest toenails on both my feet. The people at the manicure shop don't care. They will do whatever I want.
I painted my ex husbands toenails with his approval when we were dating. He got a kick out of it; let me do on a few different occasions. Stopped after a cousin and uncle saw and still tease him over to this day.
Think he would still do to this day if no one could see. Pure heterosexual as far as I'm concerned. Interesting tendency though!
im new here....so i guess this will be my intro
im a guy who has long nails.......my wife has been doing them for me for a few years now....they have gradually gotten longer as weve gone on
she recently got me into nail art so ive been on a big nail art kick lately
the reason im asking for opinions is because ive never done much with glitter and never done anything at all with crystals........here we used both together and i absolutely love it
these were taken 2 days ago
its a light purple with white flashes with a diagonal gold glitter and swarovski crystals
i tried to get some from different angels because the glitter and crystals was tough with the light
alot of glare in some.......so i tried to do what i could to best show them off
so tonight is my sister in laws b-day
every year she themes her party with a color........the color she expects everybody to wear
tonight the theme is red
i have a red polo shirt im wearing but also for the night have gone tosally hansen insta-dri rapid red which is actually a brighter red than it shows here
by Stevennix2001 4 years ago
According to young turks, a new line of sexy lingerie is being mass produced specifically for men that want to wear them. It's also interesting to note that the company making the undergarments are saying that over 90 percent of their customers are actually STRAIGHT aka they're mostly...
by karin_cd 15 years ago
Any thoughts on wearing girdles?i find wearing girdles very soothing, and very arrousing. Any thoughts on men wearing girdles and what the attraction might be?
by Lady_E 6 years ago
What are the rules for men wearing Kilts?The kilt is a knee-length skirt with pleats. It originates from Scotland.
by richtwf 14 years ago
Ay what age would you permit your daughters to wear make-up and paint their nails?
by Komara 15 years ago
I'd like to know what you like to see men wearing, both outer & underwear.
by LailaK 12 years ago
What nail polish color do you love?
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