What is your favorite brand of comfortable shoes?

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  1. Puglucy profile image60
    Puglucyposted 14 years ago

    I lost my job about 6 months ago, and I'm thinking about opening a local shoe store and featuring comfort footwear.  Anyone willing to share your favorite brands or trends you've noticed in footwear?

    1. profile image0
      Maddy C.posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well they're usually not casual, but I have great luck with Nine West shoes. Their sizes fit my feet perfectly, they are moderately priced with good quality, comfortable, and usually look great too. American Eagle flats are along the same lines for me

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      1. My favorite shoes are Nine West. They are comfortable, beautiful, and feminine.
      They are also unique. I can spot a pair of Nine West a mile away.

      2. Benjamin Walk-The brands are, Touch ups, and Colorful Creations

      Men's Shoes
      My husband wears Bally Of Switzerland-Though very expensive $300.00 and up, they are made from sheep skin and are very soft. But very beautiful

  2. Origin profile image61
    Originposted 14 years ago

    Well, I wouldn't say they are "comfort" shoes, but I like wearing black Sketchers. They fit the role of casual wear, match my suit and tie for the business look, and they have the traction for hiking. They rock! big_smile

  3. jeremyframer profile image61
    jeremyframerposted 14 years ago

    For sneakers, I prefer Asics, I find them very nice. Perfect for running.

    1. camlo profile image82
      camloposted 14 years ago

      As a child, I had to wear Clarks shoes and Hush Puppies ... very comfortable, but I wouldn't be seen dead in them nowadays smile
      As far as sneakers go, I find Reeboks to be the most comfortable (wear them only for work), even if they're not the most stylish.

      1. adrienne2 profile image64
        adrienne2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with camlo I love my Reeboks.

    2. profile image0
      Precious Williamsposted 14 years ago

      Not sure what you mean by comfort footwear - but I like Nike for Trainers - sketchers are good - but I don't like any sort of flats.  I'm sorry that you lost your job - I hope that you find exactly what you want.

      1. harleymeighan profile image61
        harleymeighanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am also a Nike fan, so I prefer this brand.

    3. donotfear profile image82
      donotfearposted 14 years ago

      I would have to vote for the S.A.S. brand of shoe. Some may classify these as "old lady shoes" but I can tell you they are the closest things to comfort & durability I know. 

      They have different styles, too, that are trendy. I wear them, don't care what people say, it's necessary.  They are good!

      Also, the Drew manufacturer makes orthopedic-type shoes that ar built for looks & comfort.

    4. richtwf profile image60
      richtwfposted 14 years ago

      I like Timberland deck shoes as they're both comfortable and casual.

    5. gracenotes profile image89
      gracenotesposted 14 years ago

      I'm afraid I'll show my age here.  I like Clark's and Crocs.  There are far more styles of Crocs on their web site than you'll ever see in a store.

      I have foot problems, and I must be comfortable.  Sometimes I can wear Nine West and Naturalizer.  No high heels for me.

      I like the idea of opening a store with comfort shoes.  There are a lot of us Baby Boomers with aching feet.

    6. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago

      ...have a few....most comfortable are my Finn 'flip flops'

    7. adrienne2 profile image64
      adrienne2posted 14 years ago

      As of late I wear my Crocs just about everywhere, and love, love, love them.

    8. Pro Design Source profile image60
      Pro Design Sourceposted 14 years ago

      Birkenstocks & Tevas are the most comfortable shoes I wear!

    9. Dorothee-Gy profile image66
      Dorothee-Gyposted 14 years ago

      My most comfortable summer shoes this year were from Valleverde (Italian), not only very beautiful and flashy, but also wonderfully comfy. For fall and winter it would be Högl (Austrian), very good shoes, very high quality. Ara comes to my mind (German), have made a tremendous jump from old-ladies-shoes to chic and stylish.

      Actually, what I look most for in shoes (and a reason why I can hardly buy American shoes anymore) is a LEATHER INNER, which is more important than the outside of the shoe. Manmade inner is a no-go if you want a comfortable shoe (here I don't mean the sneakers with the textile inner). Anything that looks like leather, but isn't, is almost guaranteed to make your foot hot and sweaty and uncomfortable.

      Unfortunately, in the last 5 years or so, I have noticed that the shoes in the US more and more have their focus on being as stylish as possible, but not on the materials, and I would say that this fires back. By now, I'd say, European shoes are higher quality (especially Italian, they have always had the most wonderful shoes, but also Germans have caught up and make great shoes these days, like K&S or Tamaris).

      Oh, and Soefft, they're great too, good quality. And not to forget, Paul Green, always wonderful shoes with great leather finish on the inside and good arch support. Oh, and I forgot, Ecco are always good, too.

      If I (as an absolute shoe-affecionado) would be asked, I'd always look for the most comfortable, high quality shoes that are still chic and flashy. They don't have to look like comfy shoes normally do, they can be really beautiful and still be a joy to wear. And there aren't too many shops that seem to be specialized in that, I would drive quite a way to find one.

    10. calpol25 profile image60
      calpol25posted 14 years ago

      I was the manager of a shoe store for 2 yrs in England and will tell you the trends in shoes are difficult to keep up with so good luck with it remember retail is detail.

      my brands are hush puppies because the are always so comfortable, and timberland boots because they always support your foot properly without causing any blisters etc.

    11. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago


    12. profile image0
      miolunaposted 14 years ago

      I prefer ECCO

    13. psycheskinner profile image79
      psycheskinnerposted 14 years ago

      Aerosoles.  Even the heels are super comfortable.

    14. breakingnews profile image38
      breakingnewsposted 13 years ago

      here we love BATA

    15. prideswalk profile image59
      prideswalkposted 8 years ago

      We made comfortable and designer shoes by own. We love our brand *haha*

    16. profile image52
      CharlieLouisposted 8 years ago

      Specifically love wedges more than heels and I got tons of them back in my wadrobe. There are two one is a gift from a friend which is brandless and the other one is Anna Nucci. They are entitiled for their killer wedding heels, but firstly, their wedges design are simple yet nice for casual wears. What I like about them is they'll go back to their orgin theme thus there's a shimmery metallic texture to my wedges. *I'll post a pic in case no one understands. Secondly, it is really comfortable and for a few good months my feet has no pains or discomfort at all. Thirdly, it is durable and is still in perfect condition till today. 



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