Moaning About Bubblews and Non Payment

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  1. earner profile image84
    earnerposted 11 years ago

    Hi smile

    I'm here to moan about Bubblews and non payment.  Bubblews have not paid me for legitimate payment requests spanning back 6 weeks or so.

    I am angry, I am bitter - and, as a writer, I am now writing smile

    First I wrote a fair article on Hubpages, but that's given me no joy ..... so I am here to open up a moaning discussion on Bubblews and when they don't pay people.

    Legitimate non payments.  And the endless silence from support.

    So ... moan, moan, moan, moan, moan ........ you know you want to.

    Overview: 24 payment requests (redemptions), $750 claimed, $440 paid ......

    So I am moaning; it's my Human Right to moan. 

    Have Bubblews shafted you?

    1. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 11 years ago

      Bubblews pays out to those who obey the rules. I have received multiple payouts from them.  Those who don't receive payout are far less than those who do - so this tells me, even inadvertently, you must have broken a rule somewhere.  I have never had an issue with non-payment - neither have many of the other hubbers that are on there frequently that I know.

      It is true, they could be better about telling people what rule they broke or why they are not receiving payouts though. It would help clarify misunderstandings.

      1. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You, like others, are assuming that I broke the rules.  If I did, then it'd be common courtesy to say which/where as it would have been a tiny, minor oversight and not a huge/blatant breaking of a rule.

        The trouble with the site is that they've got people "trained" to say "you must have broken the rules".  This attitude must stop....... it's not helpful.

        I have been paid many times; I have not been paid a few times.  As I am doing nothing different (nearly 500 posts), I think it's fair to say that I've probably not broken any of the secret rules.  I've not broken the public ones, I've not broken the hidden ones I've discovered .... but there are secret "we make it up on the spot" rules that anybody can break simply beacuse they arbitrarily decide that's the rules.

        It's not misunderstandings - it's chaotic theft.

    2. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 11 years ago

      I think they definitely are quite disorganized in many ways. I also think they need to make the rules a lot clearer - some things are not stated clearly and up front and this is problematic I agree with you.  They should offer an explanation also.  I do believe they need either a larger staff or a more organized review process. 

      I had one payment delayed and contacted them with what I thought the problem might be and they never did respond, but my payment showed up.  They definitely need to be better about responding to inquiries. I just don't believe they are intentionally stealing payments though.

    3. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      Well I've not posted there for 24 hours now.  No point adding to their coffers.  I was putting in the work, based on the expectation of long-term results.  While the short-term cash injection's handy it's not worth it on an hourly rate basis, especially if they're not paying out.

      I'm following the rule of: Don't throw good money after bad .... where money = my time.

      They always win - they'll get paid whether members are paid or not; it's only members that lose out.

      But what surprises me most is the attitude of those members; maybe they targetted the lowest denomination for a reason..... "you must have done something wrong".

      My response is: "First they came for ....."

      I have now seen dozens of good writers, good posters, say the same things/go the same way.  Not everybody can be breaking the rules (the rules the support seem to make up on a whim)........
      I've even been 'threatened' by a member saying if I post there to say I've not been paid they'll delete my account, so I shouldn't do it.

      "Speak your world" they say "Speak freely" they say - yet the members are oppressing people with a genuine grievance.

      This is how regimes are formed....

    4. ronny2005 profile image64
      ronny2005posted 11 years ago

      very interesting and surprising....

    5. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      One relevant and oft-overlooked fact about Bubblews is that if you say "bubblews didn't pay me" all sorts come out of the woodwork and say "you must have broken the rules".

      BUT .....

      If this is a legitimate response, then consider the following:

      IF a post broke the rules, the writer should be told it's broken the rules in order that they can fix it.
      IF a post broke the rules, all the others didn't, yet full payment is withheld
      IF a post broke the rules ..... and here's the biggie ....

      How come Bubblews can still be paid for that post, but the writer is denied any payment for all/any posts they've made?

      And that's the thing ...... if a post offends, remove it  ....

      It is my belief that most posts aren't breaking any rules and Bubblews are reaping the income from posts. Stealing. Thieving. Conning. Thieving toerags. 

      Theft and dishonesty are therefore the only assumptions that can be made.

      IF .... IF .... one post broke one tiny (unclear) rule, a decent site would advise .....

      If not ...... then why do they steal writers' money by keeping all the posts active.

      Thieves.  Shabby, dishonest thieving scum.

      Oh ... and I've now not received another payment that was due.

      1. Brett Winn profile image79
        Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        They have not paid me a payment that I legitimately earned. I have never broken any of their rules. I have a friend and relative who also are owed payments and neither of them broke any rules, either. You can report them for Internet fraud at the Internet Crime Complaint Center at, and also call the Virginia Better Business Bureau (there is a state organization, and Bubblews' owner, Arvind, lives in Fairfax) and also the Virginia Attorney General.

        1. weekend profile image60
          weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I have just reported them to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. I hope I'm not the only one.

      2. weekend profile image60
        weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Bubblews only pays the proportion of members they can afford to pay.

    6. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      In spite of the controversy surrounding Bubblews, I decided to give them a try recently.... and as I somehow morbidly expected, they have yet to cough up my first payment (or provide an explanation as to why it might have been denied) even though I put in for redemption more than six weeks ago. I have sent numerous e-mails to their Powers That Be which were ignored until I finally got a response that said, in essence, "your request is under review, now quit bugging us and let us do our job." That was more than a week ago and I haven't heard boo since then. Nice, huh?

      ...and before anyone chimes in with the now standard "Well, if you're not getting paid, you must have broken The Rules" -- bullsh*t. I crossed every "t," dotted every "i" and followed their Rules to the letter.

      Y'know what? If cutting me a check for 28 bucks and change is gonna break them, then they can have it. I hope they choke on it.

      Even if, by some miracle, they do eventually cough up the payment they owe me, I'm done with Bubblews. No site should make their users jump through hoops like this to get what they're owed.

      In other words... Buck Fubblews.

    7. Will Apse profile image90
      Will Apseposted 11 years ago

      Is this the 'I told you so' thread?

    8. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

      The thing is, any busy site with small staff does this.  Adsense, Bubblews, even Hubpages.  They fail you for breaking a rule and don't always tell you what it is.

      So most likely you did break a rule.  That may be a unhelpful reality of the situation.  If you give your Bubble username someone might have a look to see if they can tell which one.

    9. Will Apse profile image90
      Will Apseposted 11 years ago

      No, it is the 'I still live in fantasy land' thread.

      1. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The other explanation is that they choose to cheat some proportion of their users and not the rest because... they have the wrong star sign or something.

        IMHO, we see the same claims on Hubpages and I have yet to see them proved correct.

        1. Will Apse profile image90
          Will Apseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          On Blubbers, it seems, there are plenty of reasons not to pay.

          Earner's rant above is entirely reasonable. If you promise to pay, and don't, you need to  justify your actions or you are a thief.

          1. earner profile image84
            earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Nicely put smile

    10. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      These are the official Rules as posted on Bubblews. I have not violated any of these.  unless there's a separate set of Double Secret Probation Rules that they only refer to when they need an excuse not to pay somebody, I'm clean as a whistle.

      1. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I think they do ding people for things not explicitly on that list.  Use of potentially copyright pictures (source not listed) is a common one. It falls under #1 but not everyone sees that.

    11. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      At this point I don't even care what their excuse might be, I'm not jumping thru anymore hoops with them. If I don't hear anything from their mighty Powers that Be by the end of this month I'm just gonna pull all my stuff off of their site and pack it in. Screw'em.

    12. Brett Winn profile image79
      Brett Winnposted 11 years ago

      All y'all will get a charge out of the Bubble I just wrote called "How to Ruin Your Employees." <link snipped> It's tongue-in-cheek sarcasm that I doubt the Bubblews powers that be have the ability to appreciate.

      I have stopped posting photographs (I used Foter images, which are all legit, but who knows ... could this be why they did not pay?) and I no longer post on trending topics, because that's what started my non payment, was hitting something that was currently trending on Google.

      I am making money (on their "Bank" if not in my Paypal account) without posting anything. In other words, I'm making money for Arvind, and he's not paying. So if I don't start getting paid, I will just delete enough of my stuff to keep the balance hovering at zero until the account cancels itself out.

      What a SHAME for it was a fun site. Doesn't anyone who knows what they're doing know how to make a website like Bubblews?

      1. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Photographs, even if your own, should be given the credit.  You need the right to use them and say where from - even yours.

        Trending - that was where my problem started, when I hit lucky with a post that got 14,000 views.  I am now no longer interested in trying to bring in traffic to them beyond 1 view/day/post for residual effect.

        Don't delete - if you delete a post then your bank goes into negative even though you had legit views on that.

        Instead, cull it back to the 400 character minimum.

        1. Brett Winn profile image79
          Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I DID give proper credit. I broke no rules! My troubles began on a trending topic, too. I wasn't going to delete to make bank go into negative, just to keep it from going up to make money for him. Of course, changing the posts to a random four hundred characters of gibberish sounds attractive, too. I'm usually NEVER a vindictive person, so you can tell how very soured I am on Bubblews.

          1. earner profile image84
            earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, I thought they'd have wanted genuine trending topics.  Ads are paid on a CPM basis.  They're paid, writers should be.

            No rules broken - but silence and non-payment from them.

            But, yes, cull the article so it doesn't get that traffic any more .... but don't delete it or they get a treble-win.

        2. weekend profile image60
          weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I have now deleted all but one of my posts and have an account balance of minus $78.82. I won't be surprised if Bubblews sends me a bill.

    13. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      I like that idea. It would be hilarious to leave the headlines/titles as they were but then fill the article space with "Blah boo blabbidy blah de blah!" and see how long it takes for people to notice.

      ... the way that site works, the drones would probably continue to "like" it anyway.

      1. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I'd fill the space with some of that spun drivel that almost looks like English.

        So instead of a wonderful piece about, say, the Olympics, it'd be 400 characters of:

        Athletes many may by Olympian be there to sport with sports and never lose the lost and last come hereto not winning ever and compete the daily task of running and jumping in Olympic tradtitions with much merriment of the leg muscles and small feet and hands making light work of the competitive sportswear they wear of Lycra clad bottoms and small sweaty men.

        Utter nonsense....

        1. Will Apse profile image90
          Will Apseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Nothing non-nonsensical about Lycra clad bottoms and small sweaty men. I speak as an expert.

        2. Solaras profile image82
          Solarasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Stumbled upon this from another Bubblews thread and had to compliment you on your prose.  I am in tears - thank you!  Good idea too for moving some content lol.

    14. pinappu profile image78
      pinappuposted 11 years ago

      Bubblews is a scam and everybody knows it. But I have heard that some body even has been paid by them. But they have not given me a penny thrice. I know that I have not broken any "rules".

      It is impossible to pay somebody at that rate for writing trash articles. A CPM of $10! The rate is even same for each and every country!!

      1. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I am now at the stage where I have:
        • Asked for $1020
        • Actually banked/cleared $600
        • In the pipeline/active $50

        And completely not paid at all $370

        Paid to date 58.75% of payment requests.

        Sounds a lot, but there's a lot of effort that's gone into that, thinking of the "long term" .... time/effort that you have to invest up front for a few months on any site before you start to reap growing rewards or steady passive.

        The money has been much needed, but the unpaid money would have really made a difference (could have paid the rent instead of borrowing).

        If only they'd pay .... it'd be SWEET.

    15. LindaSmith1 profile image60
      LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

      I don't let earnings sit and accumulate. I have gotten paid.

      I don't put in for payment on days the site is acting up. I have gotten paid.

      The only method I use for payment is pay pal and again, I have been paid.

      I have received 15 payments out of 15 payment requests.

      1. ChristinS profile image36
        ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I have too, but many apparently aren't, so it is baffling as to why that is.  It seems to me if you suddenly bring in a lot of earnings, you get dropped and that isn't right.  So far though, I have received every payment I have requested, one with a significant delay, but I still received it. 

        I cash out between $40 and 60 usually.  The Support2 page now lists alleged rule violators. I noticed someone posted about that the other day and that page also says that they notify and/or respond to those who have broken rules etc. 

        If it isn't broken rules - and I am inclined to believe the folks posting here because if you are Hubber you know all about rules lol, then perhaps it is a glitch in the system, or mismanagement/difficulty keeping up.  I have no idea, but I am definitely not investing too much time there.  I post a few posts a week that take five minutes, maybe.  Some of them get good search and social media traffic and I am still (so far) redeeming without issues.

        I just don't know... hmmmm.

        1. Scottie Futch profile image67
          Scottie Futchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not going to name names because I can't honestly remember all of them, so why single one person out? However, a LARGE number of people who seemed to be legitimate and not breaking rules, several of whom I interacted with and was friendly with, have been deleted from the site for rules violations.

          The biggest one is the violation of rule 2. You know all those people doing those tagging games.. where you tag five people.. and those five people tag 5 people.. and so on.. till there are dozens of tagged member names on your virtually identical posts? Yeah.. many of those people cry foul about pay out issues even though it is a violation of rule 2.. creating like/comment/view rings. I ran the numbers and at minimum the site was having to pay out tens of thousands of dollars a month just because people were abusing tags.

          I need to check to see if it's bubblewssupport or bubblewswatcher, but one of them is posting the member names of rules violaters along with the violations they performed. They are also sending out emails to these individuals. Some can repair their issues and can hopefully be paid in the future for what they earn in the future. The rest will have too much to do and will have to delete and start again if they aren't outright banned.

          1. weekend profile image60
            weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Could you please shut up about 'violation of rule 2' etc. Common sense tells me the people complaining here have nothing to do with that sort of thing!

            You've also put a very long, drawn out and condescending comment on somebody's hub this evening suggesting that unpaid Bubblews contributors have probably broken rule 2.

            1. Thomas Swan profile image93
              Thomas Swanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Exactly. As if it wasn't bad enough being victims of non-payment from Bubblews. We also have to listen to condescending moralizers who go around multiple pages on this site accusing us of being imbeciles, spammers, and criminals who are either too stupid or too malevolent to follow the rules. They spout their accusatory nonsense without any evidence to back up their claims beyond the fact that we haven't been paid. Then, when one of us suggests they might have ulterior motives for plaguing hubpages with their promotional garbage (which you can find by going to their profiles and clicking `my activity'), they throw their toys out of the pram and resort to even more insults. Utter expletives...

    16. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      I'm at the point where Ive earned $28 and change, asked for $28 and change, and have been ignored for $28 and change.
      That money was supposed to buy me the new Megadeth and Black Sabbath CDs. They are now interfering with my ability to be Metal. I MUST HAVE MY REVENGE.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If that's what the funds were earmarked for, perhaps you should be thanking them instead of taking revenge... lol

        1. FatFreddysCat profile image60
          FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          (adds Wilderness to "revenge" list) 

          ....I keed, I keed. wink

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this


    17. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      I seriously think this may be the rub in my situation. I don't have a PayPal account so when I redeemed I chose the "send me a check" option.

      The next day, I got an e-mail asking me if that was correct (I could just picture them saying "This guy wants us to SEND him a CHECK? Seriously? Does anybody still do that?") and I said "Yes."

      I was then ignored for about a month till my barrage of follow up e-mails was finally answered with a "Yeah yeah, okay, we heard you, we're looking into it, leave us alone" response.

      ...I suppose the lesson here is that I should probably just get a damn PayPal account cuz then everything would probably have been hunky dory, but y'know what? After all this time, I don't even really give a sh*t about the money, it's become the principle of the thing.

      Bubblews offers a "send me a check" option, so I chose the "send me a check" option,. If they don't plan on ever sending me a damn check then why do they even offer it?? Am I right? I said, AM I RIGHT? Is this thing on??

      But seriously, are they in such trouble that they can't even cut me a check for 28 bucks and change just to make me go away?? That's effing pathetic.

      (Pant...pant...pant...) Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a rant. Won't happen again.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        LOL  Love it!

        1. JG11Bravo profile image69
          JG11Bravoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I've read quite a bit of bad about the site in general, but I'm taking a stab at it anyway without putting any real effort into it to see what happens, taking a comedic approach.  If it pays out, great.  If not, oh well.

          1. Brett Winn profile image79
            Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Think of it as posting on Facebook, only occasionally you get paid, lol. I actually got notification of a redemption today ... I about died, I was so shocked. I think the some of the keys are: don't post on trending topics (they're too suspicious of the sudden increase), don't request payout on the weekends ... Tuesday seems to be a good day ... don't post photos unless you take them yourself (I know, I know, I KNOW how and where to get photos correctly, but that's still reason for suspicion in their eyes) and finally, jump in place on one foot while you kiss the inside of your left elbow as you press REDEMPTION ... lol!

    18. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      Does anybody have a small child we can borrow, to send to Arvind's house, to kick him in the kneecaps and call him a rotter for spoiling Christmas?

    19. FatFreddysCat profile image60
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

      Sooooo...if Arvind buys an extra tall grande latte at Starbucks on his way to work instead of the regular size, it means that a whole bunch of Bubblers get screwed that day.

    20. Brett Winn profile image79
      Brett Winnposted 11 years ago

      He probably doesn't celebrate Christmas. I think his alter ego is Scrooge.

    21. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      Well, this month's haul to date's a bit shabby.  Submitted a bunch of redemptions, payout has been about 50%

      Overall, from day one to now, payout's been 63%, so it's worsening.

      Multiply that by 1000 moaners!!

      I'm owed over $300
      $300 x 1000 = big bucks

      1. Brett Winn profile image79
        Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        earner ... this is a cut and paste of part of a letter I sent to Arvind Dixit: I suggest you write your own version with the particulars of your redemptions, etc. I assume/hope you email yourself a screen shot of each redemption. I would attach those to your email. Arvind's email is Avi Dixit <> Hopefully this will help. If not, I WOULD report to the below people!

        Remember ... the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

        >>However I must advise you that if I am not paid for this work which I have legitimately earned that I fully intend to contact the Virginia State Attorney General, the Virginia Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission,  the Department of Justice and anybody else that I can call and get to listen to what I have to say.<<

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I don't know if the squeaky wheel thing is accurate with Bbws. Many ppl have said when they complained their acct was closed. End of story.

        2. earner profile image84
          earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I have kept a screenie of every redemption - and can even state the date/time of each one, verified by the file time/date and by my spreadsheet entry.  I keep extensive stats/details.

          I kind of "don't want to rock the boat" as they say ..... scared that if I complain to my drugs dealer they'll not supply me my next fix.... and there are always so many payments "in the pipeline" I keep hoping "it'll all sort itself out, maybe tomorrow ... maybe ..."

          I am in the UK, I'd not complain to a US organisation as I doubt it'd be interested.

          1. Brett Winn profile image79
            Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            earner, bless your heart ... you are in a hard place. I'm sure they take extra advantage of those who are not from the States. I feel particularly badly for the people in the Phillipines. Yet Arvind is Indian, (even if he's American ... he's first generation if not an immigrant himself) so I think it's particularly reprehensible of him to take advantage of those from other places.

            Karma's a b___h though ... and what goes around, comes around! Woo-hoo! Hope I get to see it.

          2. weekend profile image60
            weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Earner, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center takes international complaints, and even those on behalf of a third person. You've nothing to lose by lodging a complaint, and may be instrumental in bringing this scam to an end. Here is a link to the form:

    22. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      Well, another payment failed to materialise.

      November's stats show: 8 redemptions, Value $223.  Paid 4 redemptions, value $105.  So they didn't even pay half!

      The 4rsewipes....

      Overall, since the start, they've paid 65% and not paid 35%.

      1. earner profile image84
        earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        This payment did eventually turn up, almost a day late.  Still none of the historical ones have paid out though.


    23. weekend profile image60
      weekendposted 11 years ago

      Posted my last ever post on Bubblews tonight--I don't suppose it'll stay up very long. … n-bubblews

      1. FatFreddysCat profile image60
        FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Nicely done. I gave it a "like" for whatever that's worth big_smile

        1. weekend profile image60
          weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you--I'm amazed it's still there.

          1. earner profile image84
            earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            It's still there.  What does your bank read now you've deleted everything except that one?

            1. weekend profile image60
              weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this


              -78.82 $. The image appears too small to read here for some reason.

              1. earner profile image84
                earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                That's another aspect that's wrong of them.  If you have an article on a page and are paid for views, then when you delete that article the bank shouldn't go into negative.  Those views would have happened, Bubblews would have been paid.  So that's another right royal robbing.....

                That's like an employer taking back all the salary they ever paid you for work done, once you hand your notice in and leave.

                Nuts..... crazy nutter thinking.

                Wrong on every level.

    24. earner profile image84
      earnerposted 11 years ago

      Today, in the last few hours, Liam's account was deleted.  He posted a lot, he had 2900 connections.  He was a high earner there.

      On ONE post they emailed him to say he'd used a referral link.  He hadn't.  He queried it with them.  They deleted his account.

      ONE post..... not a referral .... whole account gone.

      Account still currently available on google cache at

      Over 140,000 views he'd got.  Had been making over $25/day.

      Liam is a hubber too.

      1. weekend profile image60
        weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I left a comment on his last post. He wants to start a new account if Bubblews agrees.

        1. earner profile image84
          earnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          When people have asked "can I repost my old articles?" They are always told no. 

          What a mess it all is .... one bleedin' mess.


          If only I ran the world......

          Mathematically, with a few minor tweaks, the business model could work fabulously ... but there's some hidden and shadowy figurehead making medieval sweeping decisions. 

          Maybe they let some people do well for awhile just so they can delete the accounts, pocket all the money, to keep the ponzi rolling.....

          1. weekend profile image60
            weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            But it can't possibly work by rewarding $0.01 per interaction. It's just not sustainable. That's why they can't afford to pay everyone all the time.

            From what I'm seeing, a lot of people seem quite satisfied if they've received most of their 'redemptions', as though one or two missing payments don't really matter. But just imagine if HubPages occasionally omitted to pay people--wouldn't that seem quite outrageous?

            1. Brett Winn profile image79
              Brett Winnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I have a friend writing on Bubblews ... they withheld a redemption from her and she complained until they wrote her back and showed her where she'd not followed the rules (one post asked people to leave a note on her profile page so she'd know they'd connected and another only had 397 characters) and the email had a note that said her account was marked for deletion. But they did not delete. So she posted a goodbye post and told everyone what had happened ... after a few days they deleted that post and then they made up a post as if she had written it and posted it on her account. Crazy! She has written and asked them to delete her account.

              1. weekend profile image60
                weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Really crazy. I'd love to see what they posted.

                Some people seem to have difficulty getting their accounts closed. I think it's because Bubblews speculates on continuing to earn from the content. That's why it's best to delete all posts.

          2. weekend profile image60
            weekendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Earner, have you recently taken a look at either of the following hubs? … t-The-Scam and … lly-a-scam

            There's a template in Thomas Swan's hub of how to approach Bubblews in order to get paid.


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