Misbah teaches us to create websites with Google Sites.

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  1. ravirajan01 profile image96
    ravirajan01posted 2 years ago

    Misbah writes an interesting article about creating websites using google sites. The whole process of publishing with google sites barely takes 20 minutes. After publishing the site, you can also connect it with a google analytics account. Please read.

    https://discover.hubpages.com/technolog … -Analytics

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Ravi,
      Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you found it interesting.
      Take care and have a blessed Sunday.
      Blessings to you!!

    2. MariaMontgomery profile image89
      MariaMontgomeryposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! This is great. Thanks for sharing it, and thank you, Misbah for writing it.

      1. Misbah786 profile image81
        Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for reading, Maria. I am glad you liked it. Much appreciated!! smile

        Stay safe and happy

        Sending many Blessings and Love to you.

  2. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 2 years ago

    Misbah, you offer terrific information and an easy to follow tutorial on creating a website through Google Sites. I have one on WIX but find it quite tricky to edit and maintain. I may give this a try.
    Thanks for sharing, Ravi.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hi John

      Thank you so much for reading, I am glad that you found it informative! It's great that you're interested in creating a website with Google Sites. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It is worth trying. Best wishes! smile

      Take care and have a fabulous Sunday

      Blessings always!!!

  3. AliciaC profile image93
    AliciaCposted 2 years ago

    Thank you for creating such an informative article, Misbah. It was very educational for me. Google Sites sounds like a great place to create a website, as long as someone doesn't want to insert ads from AdSense. From what I understand, they can't be used. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    Thank you for sharing Misbah's article, Ravi.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your kind and interesting comment, Linda. Yes, you cannot insert ads from gooogle AdSense to your Google sites but there are still some alternative ways to make money using Google sites like you can run an online store, through affiliate marketing, making your portfolio for free, it can also help you to promote your YouTube channel like you can write upto 600 words blog for your YouTube video and embed it.

      I read on Google sites help forums that Google removed AdSense from Google Sites because not many people were using it and it was not a "total game changer."

      However, I believe it would be beneficial for many if Google sites allow users to insert AdSense ads. Another limitation is that you only have 15 GB of free storage space.

      Maybe you'll find this interesting:

      What are Google Sites? And How You Can Use It To Make Money Writing

      Why Consider Google Sites for Building My Website?

      Take care and have a great day!!
      Many Blessings and Love!!

  4. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 2 years ago

    Your article has easy to understand, great information for creating a website, Misbah. I had one for a while but it was not that easy. Your method sounds very easy. Thank you for sharing this information. Love and blessings on this Sunday.

    Thanks for sharing Misbah's article, Ravi.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your very kind and generous comment, Pamela. I am glad you found it easy to understand and informative. smile

      Take care and enjoy your day.
      Many Blessings and Love as always!!

      1. ChitrangadaSharan profile image94
        ChitrangadaSharanposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Misbah!
        Thanks for sharing this step by step method of creating Google websites. This sounds easy to follow, and I am interested.
        Thank you for sharing the helpful information.
        Thank you Raviji, for sharing this in the forum.
        My best wishes to both of you.

        1. Misbah786 profile image81
          Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Di, thank you so much for reading and leaving such a wonderful comment. I'm glad you liked it, and I'm even happier that you want to give it a whirl. smile

          Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.

          Many Blessings and Love!!

  5. Peggy W profile image100
    Peggy Wposted 2 years ago

    Hi Misbah, Like Pamela, I once had my own website.  All the expenses seemed to outweigh any profits, so I finally abandoned it.  If I was younger, I think I would have stuck with it to see how far it might have gone.  You are one busy person!  Thanks for sharing what you have discovered about Google Sites.  Thanks Ravi for sharing this in the forums.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your kind and generous comment, Peggy. I shared about Google sites because I thought it would be new to many people, and when I discovered it, I also found it very nice and helpful. I thought it would be good to share this information with everyone. So that others can benefit from it as well. Also thank you for sharing about your experience with me. I appreciate your kindness. smile

      Take care and keep smiling.

      Sending you lots of Blessings and love!

  6. FlourishAnyway profile image91
    FlourishAnywayposted 2 years ago

    This was very informative and seemed pretty easy to set up. It's too bad they don't permit AdSense.

    1. Misbah786 profile image81
      Misbah786posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for reading and your kind comment, dear Flourish.  I also believe it would be more beneficial for many if Google sites allowed the users to insert ads from AdSense. smile
      Take care and stay safe. Have a wonderful day.
      Sending you heaps of Love and Blessings!


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