Do you have a personal theme song?

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 11 years ago

    What is your song?
    Why did you pick it/special meaning for you?
    How long have you had it/how often do you refresh your personal song?
    Any candidates you considered but didn't make the top cut?

    Her'es mines.
    Used it to intro my radio show in college.
    Debbie Harry and I are long-lost sisters born of different mothers.

    1. tom hellert profile image60
      tom hellertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome question Mighty mom,
      It definitely changes....

      The new song is "Simple Man" by Lynard Skynard because-
      right now I am just getting over "Everyday is like Sunday" by Morrissey
      prior to that "hell" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers
      Before that it was "Blackened by Metallica" and "Free Will" by Rush
      Previously"Harvester of sorrows", by metallica
      Others previously held include "I Want Candy"
      by bow Wow Wow.
      As we go back the music turns to more Metallica and late 80's early 90's Rap...
      *shudder* ahhh youth....

      1. Mighty Mom profile image77
        Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Great list with a range of themes and styles. I can see you growing through these background tunes over time!
        Simple Man is my son's theme song as well. At least my themesong for/with him.
        LOVE THAT!

        "I Want Candy" defines my 20s.
        Now it reminds me of the movie on Marie Antionette starring Kirsten Dunst. I LOVE that movie!

        Anyway, thanks for sharing your musical evolution.

  2. michememe profile image62
    michememeposted 11 years ago

    My song is I feel good by Mary J. Blige. I picked this because of the words in the song, high self esteem. It's been my theme for 3 years now.

  3. Johnathan L Groom profile image35
    Johnathan L Groomposted 11 years ago

    I think that'd be terrific- the Pink Panther when I walk in...

  4. fiftyish profile image60
    fiftyishposted 11 years ago

    Hello MM

    I know that a lot of folks have what they refer to as 'their song' and I'm no different. However, 'my song' changes every so often meaning there isn't that one number which will follow me to the grave.

    I also like raw unplugged sounds because they just feel more genuine that something knocked up using electronics.

    One of my favourites right now is by a dear friend of mine, Mr Michael de Jong.
    Enjoy these dulcet tones as the man entertains with nothing more than his voice and an acoustic guitar smile

    Of course, music is a very personal thing, and it means different things to different people. I often think that if people sang more than they rant, then the world would be a far better place than it is right now ;-)

    Andy Aitch

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Haunting song.
      Hope you're not meaning it's time to say good-bye to Hub Pages! YOu just arrived and we're really glad you're here, Fiftyish/AA.

  5. MelissaBarrett profile image58
    MelissaBarrettposted 11 years ago

    I have two.

    At the risk of being melodramatic... hell at the certainty of being melodramatic... 

    My life as much as I love it is wonderful because of comparison to what it was at it's lowest.  My first theme song... which is trite as hell... is Jumper by Bedlight for Blue Eyes.

    When my son passed away my then husband and I were just starting to begin our divorce proceedings.  I came home from classes one day and everything was gone from the house and he had taken the kids.  Years of verbal and physical abuse had turned me into a real bitch and I had taken it out on everyone.  No one not even my family would speak to me.  Two weeks after that day my son died in my ex-husbands care.  I hadn't seen him since leaving for class the day the ex left and got called to the hospital.  I arrived before the ambulance and when they called us in they were still doing CPR.  They worked for an hour and I stopped them when it was clear that he wasn't coming back.  I was invited along only to make the funeral arrangements and then left completely on my own.  I was so hated that when I asked for someone to stay with me I was told that no one cared about my feelings.  My mother drove me from Kaine's funeral to a mental hospital.  I stayed there for a month with no visitors and no phone calls... in a room with delusional women.  At my first group meeting she spit in my face and told me that my son was better of dead than with me as a mother.

    If you listen to the lyrics you'll understand why I carry the song around with me to remember rock bottom... and to appreciate who I am and what I have now.

    The second one Here is Gone by Goo Goo Dolls has a much shorter backstory...  As much as I love my hubby and would never give him up for anything or anyone I am still very much in love with an ex. boyfriend who happens to be my best friend now.  It's a complicated silly mess that has been happening for 11 years or so now... we were disastrous as a couple but it was "movie moment" disastrous and I'm not sure if those kinda feelings can ever be killed.

    Wow... I must have felt like sharing tonight.  I'll likely be sane again tomorrow though.

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Those are both strong, defining songs and selecting the two of them beautifully tells of your despair and redemption.
      Now you've got me thinking of my "movie moment disastrous" boyfriend and the music associated with that multi-year rollercoaster ride.
      Hmmm. May have to pick a second themesong for myself now!

  6. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 11 years ago

    On some days, my hubby would prolly say mine is "The Bitch is Back," by Elton John. lol

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      HOw many hubby's DON'T reserve that classic for their wife's special moods?
      I also like "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks....

  7. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 11 years ago


    Miley's song...the climb..lifts my soul each time i hear it...and it has become a mantra of sorts for my daughter who struggles with terminal is truly about the climb!!!!

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's situation. Sounds like she is facing it with tremendous courage. Love the climb metaphor.

      Thanks for sharing.

      Disturbia -- very interesting insights into you that I would not have gleaned without these signs. Good to know!

  8. Disturbia profile image61
    Disturbiaposted 11 years ago

    It would have to be either Kanye West's Gold Digger or maybe Beyonce's To The Left, or probably both.

  9. Hollie Thomas profile image61
    Hollie Thomasposted 11 years ago

    I have a few songs that are dear to me because of the memories they evoke, but not necessarily a personal theme song. Omar- There's nothing like this- reminds me of being pregnant with my son, he used to start moving around whenever I played it.

    Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole reminds me of my dad because he used to sing it to me when I was little. (my real name is Lisa)

    Another song called bag lady (can't find it on Youtube) reminds me of my daughter because when she was little she was always trolling around the house in my old shoes and would carry around as many of my bags as she could. One was never enough!

    And recently, it's this old house by shaking Stevens because I'm decorating and when stripping my living room pulled a bloody great big piece of plaster of the wall by accident!

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting that this thread is bringing out a softer, personal side of some usually no-nonsense (tolerated) hubbers.
      Me likes!

      1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
        Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this


    2. fiftyish profile image60
      fiftyishposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole – Oh yeah, that's a great song Hollie. Oddly enough, I fell in love with it on the Greek Island of Crete way back in 1990.

      Andy Aitch

  10. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 11 years ago

    Don't have one. wink tongue

  11. ErinGorney profile image68
    ErinGorneyposted 11 years ago

    Mine has been Bittersweet Symphony by _ The Verve Pipe for about 10 years now. I don't think its going to change.

    This song is my soul written out in music. smile

    1. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great Choice.. I know that soul really well smile

      My is 'Equidor'

  12. wavegirl22 profile image47
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    From the moment I heard Stevie Nicks sing 'Gypsy" I took this song on as 'mine'

    "And it all comes down to you, Well, you know that it does, and lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice. Oh, and it lights up the night. You see your Gypsy."

    And when Im rip roaring ready for anything it has to be Springsteen's "Born To Run"  ..

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Stevie Nicks and The Boss.
      Two classics from my very formative years.
      Great choices!

  13. tjaxon profile image60
    tjaxonposted 11 years ago

    All about QUEEN. we are the champions and another one bites the dust

  14. profile image60
    logic,commonsenseposted 11 years ago

    We're Not Gonna Take It! by the Who!
    Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood!
    I've Got the Biggest Balls of All by AC/DC!

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      These suit you to a t, l,c.
      For a second I had the wrong version of "We're not gonna take it" (the Twisted Sister song) in my head. Having looked it up, I realize I much prefer the Who song of the same name.

      1. profile image60
        logic,commonsenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        yeah, The Who version has more character.
        and to be honest, I'm probably more On the Highway to Hell! smile

      2. tom hellert profile image60
        tom hellertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        AC DC shouldnt you be mighty dad as a monicer if you have big balls...?????

  15. liveandlaugh profile image61
    liveandlaughposted 11 years ago

    I'm going to have to be very honest and say people are strange by the doors. I just don't get people and I love that song. smile

    1. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's a bit of a Sad reason mate! sad

      Perhaps you NEED to start listening to an 'LA Woman' - and other Doors tracks! smile

      1. liveandlaugh profile image61
        liveandlaughposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I didn't mean it t be sad just a fact. Some people are pretty messed up lol.
        But I love the doors and I listen to a lot of their tracks including LA Woman and Riders on the Storm.

        1. Mighty Mom profile image77
          Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I totally get that selection, liveandlaugh. And it gives great insights into you.
          Hope you didn't come to HP to understand people because you will be disappointed. lol But welcome anyway!

          P.S. I quote People Are Strange all the time -- just did in a press release for a client, in fact. smile


  16. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 11 years ago

    "I will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. It applies even to other aspect of life, not only in terms of lovelife.

  17. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 11 years ago

    I've had three with a great deal of meaning over the years.

    Fix You - Coldplay
    Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
    Blue Monday - New Order

    And, a classic that I've always loved - This Time the Dream's on Me - Ella Fitzgerald.

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Blue Monday = THE seminal anthem of the 80s IMHO.
      Love it!!!!

      1. profile image0
        Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Agreed.  And a lot of meaning in those words that I think folks have missed over the years.

  18. Wayne K. WIlkins profile image64
    Wayne K. WIlkinsposted 11 years ago

    "I Got My Game On" by Trace Adkins tongue

  19. Jules Gonzalez profile image61
    Jules Gonzalezposted 11 years ago

    Mine is "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order. It's just a feel good song for me. Everytime I hear it it just brings back such great memories of a better time in my life. A time before children and marriage. A time when I felt so free and crazy (not mental), just crazy fun, happy, goofy, invincible. Don't get me wrong, I still feel happy with my children and husband but if any of you can relate it's a different kind of happy I am talking about. I hope this made sense...

    1. Mighty Mom profile image77
      Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Here, here!
      A toast to that happy crazy wild fun unencumbered era.
      I am lucky to have lived through it!

      New Order (not to confuse those who today believe a New WORLD Order is coming) rules!

      1. Jules Gonzalez profile image61
        Jules Gonzalezposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        AHAHA! Yes, thank you for clearing that up for me...

        1. Mighty Mom profile image77
          Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this



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