August HubChallenge: Does It Really Increase Traffic?

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  1. susi10 profile image96
    susi10posted 9 years ago

    Since I haven't written here for over four weeks I want to establish a writing routine again. I find it difficult to establish a routine unless I make it official. So to get going with writing hubs again, I am embarking on a new HubChallenge.

    I am asking everyone to join! Why? By the end, we should all be getting much more traffic! I want to do an experiment and see if doing the challenge really increases daily traffic by the end.
    This thread will also be packed with handy links and info on writing SEO and social media friendly content plus help if anyone needs it. I really hope people join.

    You can adjust the challenge however you want, but you must write minimum 10 hubs in 30 days. It is difficult, but think of the benefits at the end!
    The challenge I am doing is 30 stellar hubs in 30 days. This will be a packed, but rewarding month.

    Come on! Let's raise that traffic and cash those checks! smile

    1. Say Yes To Life profile image79
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'd love to join this challenge!  I don't know if I can produce 10 hubs, but I do have several ideas cooking.  I'm finally getting to go to High Cascade Snowboard Camp for the first time in 4 years, and I am ECSTATIC!!!  I'll see if I can write 10 chapters about my experiences there.

      1. susi10 profile image96
        susi10posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for joining. Great to see that you are in, Yoleen! smile Wow, congrats on taking part in the snowboard camp. That sounds like great fun! Sounds interesting too. I would love to read more about your experiences there.

        1. Say Yes To Life profile image79
          Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Most likely, I'll post all 10 hubs at once when I return from vacation, which will be August 14th.  That still counts, right?  I'll probably be too busy while on vacation to even visit here, which is why.  I'll spend all my free time writing my journal and sorting my pictures.  Anyway, you'll get to enjoy them all at once!

          1. susi10 profile image96
            susi10posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            That sounds great! Have an awesome time! big_smile

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Of course you'll get more traffic because you have more Hubs, but that doesn't mean it makes sense in terms of a cost/benefit analysis.

      The best Hub Challenge was actually a 90 day Challenge:   participants wrote 30 Hubs in 30 days, then spent 60 days on promoting those Hubs in as many ways as they could think of. Since the most successful Hubbers say online writing is 10% writing and 90% studying, researching and promoting, it made sense.

    3. Solaras profile image94
      Solarasposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Since I have posted two hubs already this month, I think I can come up with 8 more in the next 27 days, so I am in. I rather liked this hub … e-of-Smell

      1. RockyMountainMom profile image66
        RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, I particularly like it too!  I really like your writing style and my biologist brain loves the amount of substance you brought to the topic.  Very well done!

        1. Solaras profile image94
          Solarasposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks again for visiting RMM ;-)

          1. RockyMountainMom profile image66
            RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            You're certainly welcome.  Your hubs are a pleasure and a treat to read.

    4. RockyMountainMom profile image66
      RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Being new, I'm a bit unsure of where to push reply to get these posts to show up in the most logical order/place.  So my apologies for being a little all over the place.

      But I published my second hub of this challenge, which is a precursor to the travel hubs I'll be hoping to post as I travel.

      The reason for the travel is that I bought a hail damaged car, which I need to now drive from Virginia to Montana with two kids in tow (and a chronic illness).  We'll be spending time with family in Virginia next week, and if my health allows, driving home.

      So, my second hub of the month:

      Crazy Frugal Car Story: How to Save $8,000 with a Hail Damaged Car

      1. RockyMountainMom profile image66
        RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Is this hub accessible, or do I have to wait longer to share it?

        1. susi10 profile image96
          susi10posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Yep, its accessible. What an interesting hub on cars! It provides lots of good advice and I like the fact that you provided your own personal experience. 8 hubs left. Keep up the good work! smile

    5. Say Yes To Life profile image79
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed one of my hubs, "Guide to Overcoming Klutzdom Chapter Three", has been re-featured even though I haven't done anything to it.  It's about how to improve in snowboarding when you live in Hawaii and don't have a regular snow supply available.  Here's the link: … pter-Three

    6. RockyMountainMom profile image66
      RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I felt like it was helping.  Today, though, something's going wrong---mots of my hubs just tanked for score.  Ten or more points per hub overnight for more than one hub.  I've seen scores go up and down, but have only had such big jumps when I've improved them (with scores increasing afterward).

      Is it usual to have such a huge and sudden drop to almost all of your hubs in one day?

      I had 7 scores I considered pretty good/high and the rest were medium.  Now I have 2 good/high, one medium, the rest not so great (expecially compared to where they were yesterday).

      Even my hub of the day dropped ten points since yesterday?

      1. Solaras profile image94
        Solarasposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        There are 2 threads on this fiasco.  Many of us are watching our scores dive across the board.  Seems there was an algorithm change, perhaps to encourage us to update them, even though they may be recently published.  It's sick.

        1. RockyMountainMom profile image66
          RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, I'm trying to find those threads.  I got a link in response to a question, but the link doesn't work....

    7. Say Yes To Life profile image79
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Here's a link to my first hub about my experiences at High Cascade Snowboard Camp; a second one is attached to it: … troduction
      I've got 8 more to go!

  2. RockyMountainMom profile image66
    RockyMountainMomposted 9 years ago

    I'm in, this is a great idea!

    It's also great timing for me (mostly).  I'm new to hug pages and really enjoy it.  I started freelance writing around the time I joined, and am recovering from lyme disease.  I've hit a bit of burn out physically, so I'm jumping back to writing I enjoy.

    So, good timing in that regard.  Tricky because I'll be traveling, but....that's the nature of a challenge, right?

    Again, this is a great idea!

    Angela : )

    1. susi10 profile image96
      susi10posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for joining, I am so glad that you will be doing the challenge. Doing whilst travelling will be difficult but on the bright side, you may find more inspiration from new areas that you'll visit! Travelling is always a fresh source of info for online writers. How many hubs will you be writing in 30 days?

    2. RockyMountainMom profile image66
      RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I posted my first hub for the month late last night: Travel Mishaps Part 3: Less Mishaps, More (Sea Turtle) Serendipity

  3. RockyMountainMom profile image66
    RockyMountainMomposted 9 years ago

    I'll have to say ten, so they will be quality, and so that I am less tempted to write them during certain parts of my trip (when my kids should have all of my non-driving-time attention).

    I'll hopefully write a post soon about the reasons for the trip, which are a little bit on the crazy side.....

  4. susi10 profile image96
    susi10posted 9 years ago

    Well, my first hub is published right on cue.
    Anyone else want to join? There are three of us doing it right now.
    29 stellar hubs left!

  5. Millionaire Tips profile image90
    Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years ago

    I'll join in as well.  It's been a while since I have had time to write, and it is time to refresh the account with new content.  Ten hubs this month seems do-able for me.  More than that means they won't get the attention they deserve.

    1. susi10 profile image96
      susi10posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Great to see that you've joined, Millionaire Tips! I'll be looking forward to your hubs for the challenge. smile

  6. LagunaAlkaline profile image87
    LagunaAlkalineposted 9 years ago

    I'll join in the fun!  Here is my first stellar hub for the month of August!

  7. Elderberry Arts profile image92
    Elderberry Artsposted 9 years ago

    I'll join you as I need to get back into writing more as well too. Just about to write up my first hub of the month now so that can be my first. Will go with a minimum of ten hubs in the month as I also home educate and am studying myself so unlikely I can fit in 30 really good hubs.

  8. Elderberry Arts profile image92
    Elderberry Artsposted 9 years ago
    1. RockyMountainMom profile image66
      RockyMountainMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yum!!! I should not have read that hungry.  Dairy and gluten are not compatible with me anymore as I recover from a long illness, so I love seeing and reading about food that is exciting AND digestible.

  9. susi10 profile image96
    susi10posted 9 years ago

    Second Hub - How To Get Free Samples With No Strings Attached

    I'm trying to write an eBook too, and I must admit, writing a stellar hub and half a chapter a day certainly is difficult. Starting to think that I will have to reduce to 15 hubs for this month => 1 hub every 2 days. Anyway, I'll think about it.

  10. eltondunn profile image61
    eltondunnposted 9 years ago

    I am midway through a 30 days, 30 hubs HubChallenge. Just uploaded #15 today. So you can count me in smile

  11. LagunaAlkaline profile image87
    LagunaAlkalineposted 9 years ago
  12. SANJAY LAKHANPAL profile image82
    SANJAY LAKHANPALposted 9 years ago

    It is a very difficult challenge. Good Luck.

  13. LindaSarhan profile image90
    LindaSarhanposted 9 years ago

    I typically write a minimum of 7-10 articles a week. But as previously mentioned, writing is only 10% of being a successful freelance writer. I spend more time in promotion via social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.

    I use Hootsuite to put my articles (Hubs) in queue to post to Twitter and Facebook for me. You can add other social media sites for Hootsuite to publish to as well. I noticed that if I don't have regular rounds posted to Twitter then my earnings decrease. Also utilize those hashtags, folks.

    By posting to Google+ and when people share or +1 it, my articles seem to come up higher in a google search.

    At Facebook, join focused groups and post related articles (Hubs). But don't spam, either. Actually interact with the people in your group because they may be potential readers/fans.

    I do miss my old promotional group though. We posted "x" amount of article links of ours for everyone each week for people in the group to promote via Twitter. I loved how it boosted earnings and we were helping each other out. Participation was completely voluntary. I wonder if HubPages would be okay if I started threads each week for this purpose. I am still getting the hang of this place and don't want to violate any rules or anything.

    Just some ideas....

    1. profile image0
      mothersofnationsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good advice! God bless you.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That constitutes artificial traffic generation and is against Adsense rules.  In practice, lots of people do it and get away with it - but if you're going to set up a scheme of that sort, do it in private not in public.  These forums are public.

      1. LindaSarhan profile image90
        LindaSarhanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Can you be more specific to the antecedent to the pronoun "That"?

        Are you against, promoting or advertising articles (Hubs)? Because I just doubled checked (even though I have been using it for a few years now) and even called my brother who is certified through Google on a variety of Google things, such as Google Adsense, and promoting your Hubs via twitter, facebook, or other social media is not against policy. It is not a paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, nor click-exchange programs. "These programs offer incentives for users to view webpages or click on ads, resulting in activity that is harmful to our advertisers."

        What I was speaking about is promoting your own article. If the person is interested, then they will click on it. If not they pass it up. This is another reason why you need a strong, clear, and straight to the point title as to what the article is about.

        If you were referring to the promotion group, still can't find anything that would make it a violation but that topic of my post was merely an inquiry. Because if you are saying the promotion group violates Google Adsense policies then you better hope no one clicks on the share buttons to the right of your Hubs because it is the same basic concept. Just saying.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I realise that - I was just answering your inquiry.

          No it isn't.  A person clicking on the share button is a genuine vote for your Hub by someone who appreciates your Hub. 

          If you set up a group specifically so that you can promote each other's Hubs, you are conspiring to collect fake shares, likes etc from people.

  14. eltondunn profile image61
    eltondunnposted 9 years ago

    Just knocked off HUb 20 of a 30 day Hub challenge on Day 29. Tomorrow I'll finish my challenge with all 30 Hubs on time!!


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