So our president is Muslim, who cares?

Jump to Last Post 51-74 of 74 discussions (421 posts)
  1. Ron Montgomery profile image59
    Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years ago


  2. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    As long as any President fulfills his/her oath I am OK with whomever they may be or of what ever religion they embrace. I don't believe everything I read or hear. I am not particularly pleased with what has been going on in the Whitehouse for some time now anyway.

  3. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 14 years ago

    Yip me too, done for tonight.  Good conversation for the most part. Just happy that people are asking questions and questioning our government.

    1. Ron Montgomery profile image59
      Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Good conversation?  lol

  4. TN21 profile image60
    TN21posted 14 years ago

    People like the OP makes me hate Christians.

    Stop throwing your BS agendas into everyone's faces all the time and thinking you're better than everyone else.

    Because you're not! Christians have caused more wars and hatred than most religions.

    Thank God(or Gods), I'm a Buddhist. Can't see myself being a selfish Christian.

  5. Will Apse profile image89
    Will Apseposted 14 years ago

    How many people on Hubpages live entirely fact free lives? Way too many it seems.

    The whole premise of this thread is absurd. You seem to be saying he looks black, has a strange name therefore he must be evil, probably a Muslim and bent on the destruction of the country.

    Don't you realize how silly you sound to people who read newspapers?

    1. earnestshub profile image81
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. How silly it sounds to anyone who actually follows all these stories to the end too. It is always the same. Source it and you will have the answer to how crazy this idea is! smile

    2. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The premise is that he doesn't have to trash american education, trash the christian population, imply that Jefferson was a muslim, telling us (americans) they we are in debt to Islam while sending greeting and good will from America and peace from the muslim communities his country. 

      What country is that exactly? Is he referring to his country as America or another country?  I think any one who is attempting to call me a racist is doing so because that is what you see.

      I voted for Obama, he lied to get into office, he took a giant crap on America and the Christians.  He is always addressing the muslim world.  What about just people?  Can he just address people?

      Does he even care about American's?  I doubt that he does. But I must be racist because of his completely biased view of America and his attempt to accredit America as a Muslim Nation.

      But forget all that because to you I am just questioning a black man right?  Or is it because I am questioning his faith.  You must think that there are limits in what American's can ask regarding the person who is supposed to represent our country.

      He is not representing "our" country, America.  He is representing 'his' country, his ideals, his faith, his laws and he is disregarding the rest.

      What kind of president goes to another country, tell them, hey I love you guys because my dad is muslim and I am one of them and you are so much smarter than the Americans so let me just tell you how proud I am of you and give you money.  Because I certainly don't want money going to educate the stupid Americans.  That would be a waste of money.

      He has you so completely entrapped by some strange sorta faith.  I know that not all Muslim are horrible people who strap bombs to their chest and kill 3000 people in just a couple hours. 

      But I do not accept a president who accepts personal phone calls from AlQuada (the supposed terrorist responsible for 9/11) and say, "he's a cool guy".  No! 

      But I am just racist right?  Label her a rascist even though I have done nothing of the sort to merit the label except as a black man a question regarding whether or not he believes that Obama is losing support because he is black?

      Am I not allowed to ask a black man a question because it means I am racist. I am not allowed to ask questions about our presidents 'faith' because that assumes I must be racist when the 'premise' was regarding the way he addressed 'his' muslim country and took a shot at Americans while doing so.

      I have every reason in the world not like and distrust this man.  Every promise he has made he has done the opposite.  He has no clue what he is doing.

      He does not know what is in the Bible or the Koran to rip into Christianity and praise the Koran and site the Koran.

      I bet if you read the Koran you would know why I have a problem with him giving credence to it.  If you read your Bible then you would know why I find it extremely offensive that he tore apart the OT because of it suggest slavery and murder and unfair treatment to women but then the Koran is better.

      If you think the OT is bad, you really need to read the Koran.  The Koran makes the OT look like an angel compared to what is in that book.

      America is not a Muslim Nation, we are not a Christian Nation either!  But 3/4 America is Christian.  But Obama only wants to address the MUSLIM WORLD.

      Whatever, say what you want about me.  My basis for my reaction is completely justified unless you beleive that my religious views don't matter!

      If you think he will listen to you, then why don't you tell him to stop bringing up religion and I will shut up. 

      Tell him to not make references to Jefferson being Muslim and I will shut up. 

      Tell him to not say America is stupid, then I will shut up.

      1. TMMason profile image59
        TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn't agree more.

    3. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Discouraging isn't it, the abysmal, fact-devoid level of the discussion. We seem to descend to the lowest common denominator.

  6. pylos26 profile image69
    pylos26posted 14 years ago

    Sandra seems to be shouting fire fire!!!...while darting all about town looking for smoke.

  7. Jezzzz profile image43
    Jezzzzposted 14 years ago

    I am really tired of hearing people trying to bring Obama down.  Obama has taken the top seat in the worst economic disaster since the great depression and has managed to move our country from total collapse.  He has also moved a health care debate that has been tried by at least 5 other sitting presidents.  NON, have gotten this far.

    He has also brought back the great name of the United States in world politics.  And people still sit back and talk like he has not done anything and is hurting out country.  Not only that he did it in 1 year.  More than any President has done.

    We had 8 years of Bush politics that made us one of the most hated countries in the world. Wake up people, you are being led about like sheep.  See the facts and compare it to what we came from, 8 years of hell.

    1. Mitch Rapp profile image60
      Mitch Rappposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    2. Rod Marsden profile image68
      Rod Marsdenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. Bush favored Christian nut-jobs and preyed upon the fears of the American public in order to stay in power. He also lied to the American people in order to bolster fear and get a number of nations including the USA into two very uncomfortable wars.

      Bush left the USA in a financial mess. Obama can't remedy that situation in his first year in office. The best anyone in his position can do is make the proper inroads. As for the wars I believe he will eventually stabilize those countries and pull USA troops out. How good he is as a president can really only be measured in time.

  8. pylos26 profile image69
    pylos26posted 14 years ago

    Wow makmony...this is a superb  post...thanks...

  9. SparklingJewel profile image66
    SparklingJewelposted 14 years ago

    though an article in a conservative news site, it does give factual information on ongoing investigations of Islamic terrorist support/activities in the Muslim organization, CAIR.

    The federals are investigating... … eId=119926

  10. Misha profile image63
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    Every nation deserves its leader. Merry Xmas smile

    1. TMMason profile image59
      TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, we got what we deserved alright. Merry Christmas.

  11. SparklingJewel profile image66
    SparklingJewelposted 14 years ago

    well, I deserve better and I am doing something about it !!!

    I have joined on with the Continental Congress that has made a list of grievances to be presented to the government. This "redress of grievances" will soon be ready for reading and signatures by the citizens of the US.
    Find our about the Constitutional Congress and their actions being taken for all of us at

    Have a Blessed and
    Merry Christmas !


  12. TMMason profile image59
    TMMasonposted 14 years ago

    Man you need to figure it out.

    Turkey despises us, but they play the game to get what they can, like all the  other countries which hate us.

    As far as Turkey's violence.

    You stated that what was said about Turkey was somehow wrong.

    That is wrong

    What livelonger stated is right.

    Turkey, the Ottomman Empire, the seat of the usurped Islamic Calipahate, (USURPED/UNSEATED BY THE ALLIES, IN WWII), slaughtered millions of poeoples because they were not Muslim.

    THEY were the SILENT PARTNER of Gerrmany in both world wars.

    Read up on it before you give a lecture about past sins. … oy-America


    So go lecture them about redressing sins, and moving on.

    And don't forget. If your not a muslim in an Islamic Nation. You are a, "Dhimmi". Look it up.

    And being a, "liberal forward thinking New Yorker", is a far cry from being the explemplary individual.

    Get real.

    A liberal archetype for all man kind. HA!!

    -side ?- -(Liberal forward thinking? You believe in Christ? Thats what he was.)-

    I grew up in Boston. I have seen the liberal archetype. It ain't all that.

    And NOTHING we have done is torture. So stop your liberal bellyaching over an imaginary offense.

    Most Americans would rather we go and kill the enemy. That we should stop infantilizing the enemy, and klill him, as he does us.

    You liberals want them to have rights, and to arrest our soldiers for doing their jobs. Liberals are going to be the death of this country with their idiocy. And American is waking up to it.

    Liberalism when implimented, is a suicidal idiology.

    You can't pacify someone who hates you and your way of life. Except by changing what he hates. And I won't change my Country for them, or any liberal.

    And I am fully aware, and assurred that most Americans are figuring it out, and will soon reject out of hand This moronic attempt to change the fundamental principles and beliefs of our country, to some socailist hell hole.

    We are the greatest country on earth, to bad to rest of the world.

    I wish we would become Islationist in every aspect of our society.

    But I have seen how everything was givin away in back room deals, by gangster politicians. Who were only out to get theirs. And now we have no Industrial, scientific, agricultural, or any other bases.

    So we need to, as a country. Withdraw somewhat from the world and get our own house in order, without outside interference.

    And then shake off those leaching socailist and communnist and Islamic countries that we support with trillions of dollars in foriegn aide every year, and see who is funny then.

    I bet the whole world would whine like lil babies.

    And I would tell them,.... "too bad".

  13. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    I know I'll catch a lot of flack for this, but I'd choose Bush world over Obama world - judging by what I've seen so far. I did not like Bush in his second term, but things didn't seem as scary in the US then as they do now. I am seriously worried about revolutionary acts and violence.

  14. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    As most of you know, I'm not a Palin supporter. I do, however, find it strange that her gaffes are always such a big deal when the MSM gracefully glosses over the ones made by BO.

    1. William R. Wilson profile image60
      William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't really watch MSM, but I think a more fruitful comparison would be between the MSM treatment of Bush during his first year and Obama. 

      As I remember, Bush was taken pretty seriously up until around 2006, after Katrina. 

      Another personal observation.  I used to have a job that would take me into a certain client's office a couple times a week.  This was during the campaign, and the television in the lobby was always playing Fox News. 

      Almost without fail, Sarah Palin was on the screen while I waited in the lobby.  And the coverages wasn't negative. 

      So speaking of the "MSM" as one monolithic thing might not be totally accurate.  If Fox isn't mainstream then MSNBC isn't either.

  15. keira7 profile image60
    keira7posted 14 years ago

    I wonder if his background was different or if he had a different surname would this be an issue. I`m guessing not. If he is lying its not because he is muslim , its because he is a liar.

  16. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Mr.Obama is certainly not a muslim...
    Just because he studied in a muslim school, he need not be a muslim. But muslims feel elated to call him a muslim. That is all. He has gone to Hawai to celebrate Christmas.

    (For some time, I studied in a muslim institution, attending classes on sundays and wandering on fridays. But I am not a muslim.)

  17. William R. Wilson profile image60
    William R. Wilsonposted 14 years ago
  18. Portamenteff profile image67
    Portamenteffposted 14 years ago

    Obama is a Musilim. His school records in Indonesia indicate so. He also not an American citizen, by qualification of the constitution required to be president. The school he went to requires the students to be Indonesian citizens to attend, therefore he became an Indonesian citizen. He's a Manchurian candidate, he goes overseas and trashes the US. He sells us out to global interests in Copenhagen, he takes a week off when there's a terrorist attempt on a plane, his cabinet is made up of tax evaders and communists. Who cares if he's a Muslim. He's a globalist, and a commie!

    1. rhamson profile image71
      rhamsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know you did not mean this to be funny but it gave me a great big belly laugh when I read it.  Get a grip man, McCain lost the election and you need to get another candidate.

      1. AdsenseStrategies profile image63
        AdsenseStrategiesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'd say your system is creaky (though on this score better than the British parliamentary system); every election about half of those who vote lose, and about half win. Even when it's sixty-forty, that is still approximately half and half -- hardly representative of the masses of Americans, at any rate.

        McCain could've won... It's basically a crapshoot

        1. profile image0
          Denno66posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, crap is a word I would use to describe it. big_smile

        2. rhamson profile image71
          rhamsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I think that McCain was doomed for quite some time in the election. He could not understand the Indepedent vote and tried to sway democrats into his camp.  He just was too late to realize the miscalulation and brought Palin in to try to sway the disapointed Hillary supporters.

          Anyway you look at it he lost and the Republicans had better come up with something new if they want to win it back.  I think it is all conjecture anyway as when they get into office the electorate are always the last to see any change.

    2. Sgt Prepper profile image60
      Sgt Prepperposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      And that is why he attended Columbia as Indonesian Barry Soetoro on a Fulbright scholarship for Foreign Students.

  19. profile image0
    Denno66posted 14 years ago

    Oh, no!!!! William Shatner is a Jew! Crap! And here I thought Captain Kirk; my hero, was a Pure citizen. Gosh. Guess it's time to lock up the kids and beefsteaks, too. The President a Muslim? Oy vey! I mean, um, Jeebus! I figger if you put it that way, he IS the Third Anti-Christ! Ack! big_smile

    1. Misha profile image63
      Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      LOL Just search the hubpages, there are more than a handful hubs on this lol

  20. Ralph Deeds profile image65
    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years ago

    Detroit Muslims Rally Against Terrorism

    Posted: 10:37 a.m. Jan. 8, 2010 | Updated: 3:50 p.m. today
    Muslim, Nigerian leaders rally against terrorism


    Chanting “No more terrorism,” about 150 Muslim and Nigerian protesters waved U.S. flags as they rallied in the cold outside the federal courthouse during a hearing for the suspect accused of trying to bomb a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day.

    “Muslims here to tell you: Go to hell,” read a sign held by Majed Rizki, 48, of Dearborn. “It was a sin against humanity, against civilization,” Rizki said of the attempted attack.

    “Islam is not a terrorist religion,” Bilal Amen, 27, vice chair of the Islamic Institute of Knowledge in Dearborn, said while holding an American flag. “Islam is a peaceful religion.”

    Amen and others said they were concerned that the Muslim suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmatallab, was giving the wrong image of Islam.

    “I’m an American, born and raised,” Amen said. “Islam teaches us to abide by the laws of our land.”

    Many in the crowd were angry and upset over the actions of the 23-year-old man, who reportedly was radicalized by an al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen.

    Dave Alwatan, 36, an Iraqi-American Muslim, said that the bombing suspect and Al-Qaida have nothing to do with Islam. At one point, Alwatan shouted at a woman leaving the courthouse he thought was the mother of the suspect.

    “Shame on you!” he shouted as TV cameras rolled. “Shame on you for how you raise your kids.”

    It’s unclear if the woman was the suspect’s mother.

    “Nigerians are against terrorism,” read a sign held by Ogunyinka Ogunleye, 59, of Detroit, a native of Nigeria standing outside the federal courthouse in Detroit.

    “We all support America,” Ogunleye said. “God bless America. … We are ready to go against anyone who does” terrorism acts.

    The group consisted of Nigerians who were Muslim and Christian, reflecting the growing population of Nigerians and other west Africans in metro Detroit. The suspect is from Nigeria, but local Nigerians note he did not become a radical in Nigeria.

    The protest was led by Dearborn attorney Majed Moughni. Others held up signs that read, “Not in the Name of Islam,” “We are Americans,” and “Islam is Against Terrorism.”
    [Page 2 of 3]

    “We are here to send a message,” Moughni said. “We won’t let anyone hijack our religion.”

    Moughni said he organized the rally after becoming angry over the attempted attack on Christmas Day. It marks one of the first rallies in recent memory where local Muslims are rallying against Muslims who commit terrorism acts.

    Ibrahim Aljahim, 27, of Detroit waved a big U.S. flag at the rally.

    “I love the flag,” said Aljahim, who also had a flag pin on his jacket and suit.

    “We are Americans,” he said. “And we are against terrorism.”

    “Al-Qaida must be defeated not only militarily, but intellectually,” Imam Aly Lela of the Islamic Association of Greater Detroit said at a meeting earlier this morning organized by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan.

    On Thursday, President Barack Obama addressed the issue of radicalization, saying that he has directed officials to address the issue of “lone recruits” who turn to terrorism. Some Muslims and security experts say there is a problem with a small percentage of Muslims becoming extremists, as in the case of the Nigerian man who tried to detonate a bomb on Christmas Day over Detroit.

    At the same time, the imams asked that Muslim Americans not be singled out for profiling.
    Leaders hold news conference

    A group of about 10 imams spoke at the New Center One building in Detroit at a news conference organized by the council, chaired by Victor Ghalib Begg of Bloomfield Hills. In a statement from the council, the imams said they oppose Al-Qaida “and are committed to the security of the people of this great nation.”

    They spoke on the same day that a 23-year-old suspect was due in federal court on charges in connection with the attempted bombing of an airplane over Detroit on Christmas Day.

    “In the teachings of the Koran, security is very, very important,” said Imam Mohamed Musa, of the Muslim Unity Center in Bloomfield Hills.

    Imam Abdullah El-Amin of the Muslim Center in Detroit called the bomber a “nutcase” and called for more security at airports.
    [Page 3 of 3]

    “We do call for more stringent checks,” El-Amin said. “I don’t mind. … But don’t single out Muslims to do that. Do that for everybody.”

    Dawud Walid, assistant imam at the Masjid Wali Muhammad in Detroit and head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, noted that Muslims are rooted in the history and culture of metro Detroit, saying they have lived here for at least a century.

    “We have a long track record of speaking out against terrorism,” Walid said. Walid later participated in the rally at the courthouse, waving a U.S. flag.

    Regarding profiling, Walid said Obama -- whose middle name is Hussein -- might be profiled because of his Arabic name, and so he said it doesn’t make sense to target people based on their ethnicity or religion.

    “Based upon his name, he would be a victim of profiling,” Walid said.

    The leaders at the news conference came from mosques across metro Detroit and represented different schools of thought, including Sunni and Shia.

    Posted: 10:37 a.m. Jan. 8, 2010 | Updated: 3:50 p.m. today
    Muslim, Nigerian leaders rally against terrorism



    Previous Page

    Chanting “No more terrorism,” about 150 Muslim and Nigerian protesters waved U.S. flags as they rallied in the cold outside the federal courthouse during a hearing for the suspect accused of trying to bomb a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day.

    “Muslims here to tell you: Go to hell,” read a sign held by Majed Rizki, 48, of Dearborn. “It was a sin against humanity, against civilization,” Rizki said of the attempted attack.

    “Islam is not a terrorist religion,” Bilal Amen, 27, vice chair of the Islamic Institute of Knowledge in Dearborn, said while holding an American flag. “Islam is a peaceful religion.”

    Amen and others said they were concerned that the Muslim suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmatallab, was giving the wrong image of Islam.

    “I’m an American, born and raised,” Amen said. “Islam teaches us to abide by the laws of our land.”

    Many in the crowd were angry and upset over the actions of the 23-year-old man, who reportedly was radicalized by an al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen.

    Dave Alwatan, 36, an Iraqi-American Muslim, said that the bombing suspect and Al-Qaida have nothing to do with Islam. At one point, Alwatan shouted at a woman leaving the courthouse he thought was the mother of the suspect.

    “Shame on you!” he shouted as TV cameras rolled. “Shame on you for how you raise your kids.”

    It’s unclear if the woman was the suspect’s mother.

    “Nigerians are against terrorism,” read a sign held by Ogunyinka Ogunleye, 59, of Detroit, a native of Nigeria standing outside the federal courthouse in Detroit.

    “We all support America,” Ogunleye said. “God bless America. … We are ready to go against anyone who does” terrorism acts.

    The group consisted of Nigerians who were Muslim and Christian, reflecting the growing population of Nigerians and other west Africans in metro Detroit. The suspect is from Nigeria, but local Nigerians note he did not become a radical in Nigeria.

    The protest was led by Dearborn attorney Majed Moughni. Others held up signs that read, “Not in the Name of Islam,” “We are Americans,” and “Islam is Against Terrorism.”
    [Page 2 of 3]

    “We are here to send a message,” Moughni said. “We won’t let anyone hijack our religion.”

    Moughni said he organized the rally after becoming angry over the attempted attack on Christmas Day. It marks one of the first rallies in recent memory where local Muslims are rallying against Muslims who commit terrorism acts.

    Ibrahim Aljahim, 27, of Detroit waved a big U.S. flag at the rally.

    “I love the flag,” said Aljahim, who also had a flag pin on his jacket and suit.

    “We are Americans,” he said. “And we are against terrorism.”

    “Al-Qaida must be defeated not only militarily, but intellectually,” Imam Aly Lela of the Islamic Association of Greater Detroit said at a meeting earlier this morning organized by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan.

    On Thursday, President Barack Obama addressed the issue of radicalization, saying that he has directed officials to address the issue of “lone recruits” who turn to terrorism. Some Muslims and security experts say there is a problem with a small percentage of Muslims becoming extremists, as in the case of the Nigerian man who tried to detonate a bomb on Christmas Day over Detroit.

    At the same time, the imams asked that Muslim Americans not be singled out for profiling.
    Leaders hold news conference

    A group of about 10 imams spoke at the New Center One building in Detroit at a news conference organized by the council, chaired by Victor Ghalib Begg of Bloomfield Hills. In a statement from the council, the imams said they oppose Al-Qaida “and are committed to the security of the people of this great nation.”

    They spoke on the same day that a 23-year-old suspect was due in federal court on charges in connection with the attempted bombing of an airplane over Detroit on Christmas Day.

    “In the teachings of the Koran, security is very, very important,” said Imam Mohamed Musa, of the Muslim Unity Center in Bloomfield Hills.

    Imam Abdullah El-Amin of the Muslim Center in Detroit called the bomber a “nutcase” and called for more security at airports.
    [Page 3 of 3]

    “We do call for more stringent checks,” El-Amin said. “I don’t mind. … But don’t single out Muslims to do that. Do that for everybody.”

    Dawud Walid, assistant imam at the Masjid Wali Muhammad in Detroit and head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, noted that Muslims are rooted in the history and culture of metro Detroit, saying they have lived here for at least a century.

    “We have a long track record of speaking out against terrorism,” Walid said. Walid later participated in the rally at the courthouse, waving a U.S. flag.

    Regarding profiling, Walid said Obama -- whose middle name is Hussein -- might be profiled because of his Arabic name, and so he said it doesn’t make sense to target people based on their ethnicity or religion.

    “Based upon his name, he would be a victim of profiling,” Walid said.

    The leaders at the news conference came from mosques across metro Detroit and represented different schools of thought, including Sunni and Shia.

    “We do call for more stringent checks,” El-Amin said. “I don’t mind. … But don’t single out Muslims to do that. Do that for everybody.”

    Dawud Walid, assistant imam at the Masjid Wali Muhammad in Detroit and head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, noted that Muslims are rooted in the history and culture of metro Detroit, saying they have lived here for at least a century.

    “We have a long track record of speaking out against terrorism,” Walid said. Walid later participated in the rally at the courthouse, waving a U.S. flag.

    Regarding profiling, Walid said Obama -- whose middle name is Hussein -- might be profiled because of his Arabic name, and so he said it doesn’t make sense to target people based on their ethnicity or religion.

    “Based upon his name, he would be a victim of profiling,” Walid said.

    The leaders at the news conference came from mosques across metro Detroit and represented different schools of thought, including Sunni and Shia.

    Contact NIRAJ WARIKOO:

  21. phillippeengel profile image82
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    Terrorism has NO specific religion, ethnic origin, nationality and geographic location. Any attempt to associate terrorism with any faith would only serve the interests of the terrorists who aim to percolate discord between communities.

    Obama is not establishing a global Islamic caliphate based on extremist misinterpretations of Islamic concepts. He does not achieve his objectives through the unlawful use of force and indiscriminate violence.

    Therefore, Obama's religion is not significant.

  22. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 7 years ago

    Sometimes humor is the only response worth making.

  23. Sgt Prepper profile image60
    Sgt Prepperposted 7 years ago

    "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win." -Gandhi
    "Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against the American people" -Clint Eastwood

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Prepper, you're no Ghandi."

  24. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    "So our President is a Muslim , Who Cares "?

    No one really !  It's true .    Of course  one doesn't have to declare one's affiliation to the cause  .   No , One doesn't have to admit   the curse  to know the symptoms ,    All the better in fact .  Why  say " yes America  I hate you  , in order to attempt to silently tear  our country apart at the seams .  I am not worried that he is a Muslim , Buddhist,  Atheist  or  a clown for that matter . What difference would  it make  if Pres. Obama  were to swear allegiance to  the Soviet Union or to Adolph Hitler ?

    The quintessential  declaration of allegiance to any cause , religion  ,  activist group , military organization , matters little in fact  but what really matters is one's  actions .     What matters is Pres. Obama's  attitude in fact .    And ,   at the end of eight years of actions and performance , at the end of eight years of his  administrative  teams actions  and obvious activist performance  and political attitude ;   all of this makes one thing perfectly clear to those with clarity in political vision , Obama is NOT a lover of his nation , Obama is not a preserver of  the American vision , he is not a  believer in our founding fathers visions .  In fact , Pres. Obama  believes far  more  in the  "one world order "   dream of socialist  origins or , if not origins than at least  actions .

    Come on January !

    1. Sgt Prepper profile image60
      Sgt Prepperposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      October would be better.


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